5 research outputs found

    Identifying a Role of Red and White Wine Extracts in Counteracting Skin Aging: Effects of Antioxidants on Fibroblast Behavior

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    Dermal fibroblasts are the main actor in many proteins' secretion, including collagen, preserving skin function. Free radicals are involved in skin aging and damages involving different cellular components. The imbalance between reactive oxygen species (ROS) amount and natural antioxidant enzymes negatively affects skin homeostasis. Natural compounds have recently emerged as a potential anti-aging tool in tissue regeneration. In the present paper we evaluated the antioxidant activity of white and red wines, considering their probable use, as raw materials, for the formulation of cosmetic products with anti-aging properties. We studied a method that would allow the removal of the alcoholic fraction of wines and determined their composition by LC-MS analysis. We then tested the possible cytotoxic effects of red and white wines on fibroblasts by 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium (MTT) assay, and their antioxidant activity by the catalase activity test in stressing conditions. Finally, we evaluated their anti-aging potential through the beta-galactosidase colorimetric assay. Our results showed that wine extracts exhibit a remarkable antioxidant and anti-aging activity, especially on cells exposed to a marked stressful event. These properties could suggest their possible application as cosmetical products for skin regeneration

    Dichiarazione ICRP sulle reazioni tissutali ed effetti immediati e tardivi delle radiazioni nei tessuti e negli organi normali - Dosi soglia per le reazioni tissutali nell’ambito della radioprotezione

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    La pubblicazione ICRP 118 riesamina gli effetti precoci e tardivi delle radiazioni ionizzanti nei diversi organi ed apparati e fornisce stime aggiornate sulle dosi soglia per l'induzione delle numerose reazioni tissutali analizzate. In particolare, a seguito dei progressi nelle conoscenze radiobiologiche e cliniche, pubblicati in numerosi testi specialistici, vengono dettagliatamente presentate le evidenze che hanno condotto alle modificazioni, rispetto alle Raccomandazioni ICRP 103/2007, nella individuazione delle dosi soglia per la induzione della cataratta e delle patologie del sistema circolatorio da parte delle radiazioni ionizzanti. A queste rilevanti considerazioni si affiancano gli approfonditi aggiornamenti sulle conoscenze radiobiologiche e cliniche e le integrazioni delle dosi soglia, individuate in modo più articolato rispetto alle precedenti pubblicazioni, per tutte le altre reazioni tissutali, che rendono questo documento un indispensabile strumento di lavoro e di analisi per tutti coloro che si occupano di radioprotezione, con particolare riferimento agli specialisti di radioprotezione medica. La traduzione in italiano dell’intero testo vuole facilitare la diffusione delle peculiari informazioni contenute nella pubblicazione e motivare una sempre più approfondita ricerca in questo settore che indubbiamente contribuisce a ridurre i rischi derivanti dall’esposizione alle radiazioni ionizzanti. La realizzazione della versione italiana di questa pubblicazione ha richiesto un notevole impegno qualitativo e quantitativo ed è stata possibile per il considerevole e qualificante contributo dei medici dell’AIRM e dei membri del Comitato Internazionale dell'AIRP. A tutti coloro che hanno collaborato alla sua traduzione, revisione e pubblicazione con notevole spirito di sacrificio, è rivolto l'apprezzamento e la riconoscenza delle nostre Associazioni, che riuniscono gli operatori attivi nei vari settori di interesse della radioprotezione

    Intra- and inter-laboratory variation in the scoring of micronuclei and nucleoplasmic bridges in binucleated human lymphocytes. Results of an international slide-scoring exercise by the HUMN project.

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    One of the objectives of the HUman MicroNucleus (HUMN) project is to identify the methodological variables that have an important impact on micronucleus (MN) or micronucleated (MNed) cell frequencies measured in human lymphocytes using the cytokinesis-block micronucleus assay, In a previous study we had shown that the scoring criteria used were likely to be an important variable. To determine the extent of residual variation when laboratories scored cells from the same cultures using the same set of standard scoring criteria, an inter-laboratory slide-scoring exercise was performed among 34 laboratories from 21 countries with a total of 51 slide scorers involved. The results of this StUdy show that even under these optimized conditions there is a great variation in the MN frequency or MNed cell frequency obtained by individual laboratories and scorers. All laboratories ranked correctly the MNed cell frequency in cells from cultures that were unirradiated, or exposed to 1 or 2 Gy of gamma rays. The study also estimated that the intra-scorer median coefficient of variation for duplicate MNed cell frequency scores is 29% for unexposed cultures and 14 and 11% for cells exposed to I and 2 Gy, respectively, These values can be used as a standard for quality or acceptability of data in future studies. Using a Poisson regression model it was estimated that radiation dose explained 67% of the variance, while staining method. cell sample, laboratory, and covariance explained 0.6, 0.3, 6.5. and 25.6% of the variance, respectively, leaving only 3.1% of the variance unexplained. As part of this exercise. nucleoplasmic bridges were also estimated by the laboratories however, inexperience in the use of this biomarker of chromosome rearrangement was reflected in the much greater heterogeneity in the data and the unexplained variation estimated by the Poisson model. The results of these studies indicate clearly that even after standardizing culture and scoring conditions it will be necessary to calibrate scorers and laboratories if MN, MNed cell and nucleoplasmic bridge frequencies are to be reliably compared among laboratories and among populations. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

    Intra- and inter-laboratory variation in the scoring of micronuclei and nucleoplasmic bridges in binucleated human lymphocytes. Results of an international slide-scoring exercise by the HUMN project.

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    One of the objectives of the HUman MicroNucleus (HUMN) project is to identify the methodological variables that have an important impact on micronucleus (MN) or micronucleated (MNed) cell frequencies measured in human lymphocytes using the cytokinesis-block micronucleus assay, In a previous study we had shown that the scoring criteria used were likely to be an important variable. To determine the extent of residual variation when laboratories scored cells from the same cultures using the same set of standard scoring criteria, an inter-laboratory slide-scoring exercise was performed among 34 laboratories from 21 countries with a total of 51 slide scorers involved. The results of this StUdy show that even under these optimized conditions there is a great variation in the MN frequency or MNed cell frequency obtained by individual laboratories and scorers. All laboratories ranked correctly the MNed cell frequency in cells from cultures that were unirradiated, or exposed to 1 or 2 Gy of gamma rays. The study also estimated that the intra-scorer median coefficient of variation for duplicate MNed cell frequency scores is 29% for unexposed cultures and 14 and 11% for cells exposed to I and 2 Gy, respectively, These values can be used as a standard for quality or acceptability of data in future studies. Using a Poisson regression model it was estimated that radiation dose explained 67% of the variance, while staining method. cell sample, laboratory, and covariance explained 0.6, 0.3, 6.5. and 25.6% of the variance, respectively, leaving only 3.1% of the variance unexplained. As part of this exercise. nucleoplasmic bridges were also estimated by the laboratories however, inexperience in the use of this biomarker of chromosome rearrangement was reflected in the much greater heterogeneity in the data and the unexplained variation estimated by the Poisson model. The results of these studies indicate clearly that even after standardizing culture and scoring conditions it will be necessary to calibrate scorers and laboratories if MN, MNed cell and nucleoplasmic bridge frequencies are to be reliably compared among laboratories and among populations. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved