40 research outputs found

    Optokinetic stimulation rehabilitation in preventing seasickness

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    SummaryObjectivesSeasickness occurs when traveling on a boat: symptoms such as vomiting are very disturbing and may be responsible for discontinuing travel or occupation and can become life-threatening. The failure of classical treatment to prevent seasickness has motivated this retrospective study exploring optokinetic stimulation in reducing these symptoms.Patients and methodsExperimental training of 75 sailors with optokinetic stimulation attempted to reduce seasickness manifestations and determine the factors that could predict accommodation problems.ResultsEighty percent of the trained subjects were able to return on board. No predictive factors such as sex, occupation, degree of illness, number of treatment sessions, time to follow-up, and age were found to influence training efficacy.ConclusionOptokinetic stimulation appears to be promising in the treatment of seasickness. Nevertheless, statistically significant results have yet to demonstrate its efficacy

    CRISPR-assisted detection of RNA-protein interactions in living cells.

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    We have developed CRISPR-assisted RNA-protein interaction detection method (CARPID), which leverages CRISPR-CasRx-based RNA targeting and proximity labeling to identify binding proteins of specific long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) in the native cellular context. We applied CARPID to the nuclear lncRNA XIST, and it captured a list of known interacting proteins and multiple previously uncharacterized binding proteins. We generalized CARPID to explore binders of the lncRNAs DANCR and MALAT1, revealing the method's wide applicability in identifying RNA-binding proteins

    Exceptional preservation of palaeozoic steroids in a diagenetic continuum

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    The occurrence of intact sterols has been restricted to immature Cretaceous (~125 Ma) sediments with one report from the Late Jurassic (~165 Ma). Here we report the oldest occurrence of intact sterols in a Crustacean fossil preserved for ca. 380 Ma within a Devonian concretion. The exceptional preservation of the biomass is attributed to microbially induced carbonate encapsulation, preventing full decomposition and transformation thus extending sterol occurrences in the geosphere by 250 Ma. A suite of diagenetic transformation products of sterols was also identified in the concretion, demonstrating the remarkable coexistence of biomolecules and geomolecules in the same sample. Most importantly the original biolipids were found to be the most abundant steroids in the sample. We attribute the coexistence of steroids in a diagenetic continuum-ranging from stenols to triaromatic steroids-to microbially mediated eogenetic processes

    Dental Health and Mortality in People With End-Stage Kidney Disease Treated With Hemodialysis: A Multinational Cohort Study

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    Background Dental disease is more extensive in adults with chronic kidney disease, but whether dental health and behaviors are associated with survival in the setting of hemodialysis is unknown. Study Design Prospective multinational cohort. Setting & Participants 4,205 adults treated with long-term hemodialysis, 2010 to 2012 (Oral Diseases in Hemodialysis [ORAL-D] Study). Predictors Dental health as assessed by a standardized dental examination using World Health Organization guidelines and personal oral care, including edentulousness; decayed, missing, and filled teeth index; teeth brushing and flossing; and dental health consultation. Outcomes All-cause and cardiovascular mortality at 12 months after dental assessment. Measurements Multivariable-adjusted Cox proportional hazards regression models fitted with shared frailty to account for clustering of mortality risk within countries. Results During a mean follow-up of 22.1 months, 942 deaths occurred, including 477 cardiovascular deaths. Edentulousness (adjusted HR, 1.29; 95% CI, 1.10-1.51) and decayed, missing, or filled teeth score ≥ 14 (adjusted HR, 1.70; 95% CI, 1.33-2.17) were associated with early all-cause mortality, while dental flossing, using mouthwash, brushing teeth daily, spending at least 2 minutes on oral hygiene daily, changing a toothbrush at least every 3 months, and visiting a dentist within the past 6 months (adjusted HRs of 0.52 [95% CI, 0.32-0.85], 0.79 [95% CI, 0.64-0.97], 0.76 [95% CI, 0.58-0.99], 0.84 [95% CI, 0.71-0.99], 0.79 [95% CI, 0.65-0.95], and 0.79 [95% CI, 0.65-0.96], respectively) were associated with better survival. Results for cardiovascular mortality were similar. Limitations Convenience sample of clinics. Conclusions In adults treated with hemodialysis, poorer dental health was associated with early death, whereas preventive dental health practices were associated with longer survival

    Purification of cross-linked RNA-protein complexes by phenol-toluol extraction

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    Recent methodological advances allowed the identification of an increasing number of RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) and their RNA-binding sites. Most of those methods rely, however, on capturing proteins associated to polyadenylated RNAs which neglects RBPs bound to non-adenylate RNA classes (tRNA, rRNA, pre-mRNA) as well as the vast majority of species that lack poly-A tails in their mRNAs (including all archea and bacteria). We have developed the Phenol Toluol extraction (PTex) protocol that does not rely on a specific RNA sequence or motif for isolation of cross-linked ribonucleoproteins (RNPs), but rather purifies them based entirely on their physicochemical properties. PTex captures RBPs that bind to RNA as short as 30 nt, RNPs directly from animal tissue and can be used to simplify complex workflows such as PAR-CLIP. Finally, we provide a global RNA-bound proteome of human HEK293 cells and the bacterium Salmonella Typhimurium

    Ramification des racines nodales primaires du maïs (Zea mays L). Données de structure et de cinétique

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    Ce travail a pour but de caractériser les paramètres descriptifs de la structure et de la cinétique de ramification des racines nodales primaires du maïs. Chaque fois que cela a été possible, les déterminations ont eu lieu au champ, sinon en rhizotrons. Nous avons montré que chaque racine primaire est formée d'une partie ramifiée qui se prolonge en deçà de l'apex, par une «zone nue» a dont la longueur varie de 10 à 19 cm. À la base de la racine, à proximité du point de raccordement à la tige, existe une seconde partie non ramifiée b. La longueur de b, comprise entre 0,4 et 5,3 cm, se déduit du numéro de l'entre-nœud d'insertion de la primaire (noté E), à l'aide d'une régression sur les variables transformées en données logarithmiques. Les nombres de secondaires (appelées également racines d'ordre 2) par unité de longueur augmentent avec le rang E de la racine primaire porteuse. Ils passent de 6,5 ramifications/cm pour E 2 à 16,0 pour E7. La variabilité sur les mesures, pour un nombre de répétitions important (compris entre 74 et 177) est d'environ 30%. Les taux de ramifications ont tendance à baisser légèrement avec la profondeur et sont significativement différents les 2 années d'étude. Par ailleurs, la proportion de racines d'ordre 2 qui s'allongent au-delà de 3 cm est relativement faible et significativement plus élevée en 1984 qu'en 1985. Pour ces 2 années, les pourcentages moyens de secondaires longues observés sur les différents entre-nœuds sont respectivement compris entre 20 et 31 % et entre 10 et 25%. Une primaire se ramifie dès que sa longueur est supérieure à «a + b». L'émission racinaire est localisée dans la zone de rhizogenèse située au-dessous de l'apex et de la zone pillifère. Elle est soumise à un double déterminisme : c'est le nombre de feuilles visibles qui détermine le début de l'émergence secondaire sur les primaires d'un entre-nœud donné. On observe un décalage de 2,2 phyllochrones entre l'émission foliaire et l'apparition des premières secondaires à un entre-nœud donné. Le front d'émission progresse ensuite le long de la primaire en fonction de la vitesse d'élongation de cette dernière.Secondary ramification of corn (Zea mays L) nodal roots. Kinetics and structural data. The aim of this work is to give an evaluation, during the whole cultural cycle, of the parameters describing corn root secondary ramification. If possible, experimentation has been done in the field, otherwise in root-boxes. Each primary root is formed (as described in figure 1) on a branching zone surrounded by 2 bare parts: "a" located just above the apex and "b", at the top of the root. The length of "a", given in figure 2 according to the method used, fluctuates between 10 and 19 cm and seems to be independent of the insertion number of the primary root (called Ei). The length of "b" increases with Ei and varies from 0.4 to 5.3 cm as shown by the relation: Numbers of secondary roots are given per unit length, ie cm of primary mother root, in figure 3 for the needle boards and in 4 for the rhizotrons. They increase with Ei, vary from 6.5 ramification/cm for E2 to 16.0 RII/cm for E7 and have a tendency to decrease with depth. They also vary significantly between the 2 years (see variance analysis in table II). The variation coefficient between the countings, for an important number of replications which are given in table / varies from 74 to 177, with an average of 30%. The proportion of secondary roots with an elongation of more than 3 cm (given in figure 4, according to the depth) is relatively low and significantly higher in 1984 than in 1985. For these 2 years it respectively varies between 20 and 31% in 1984 and 10 and 25% in 1985. For the numbers of elongated roots, the years also have an influence on the standard deviations (or SD), as is shown in figure 5 which gives the SD versus means for both years. Ramifications appear on the primary root as soon as its length is greater than (a + b). Their emission occurs above the apex and follows a double determinism. Emission beginning at a given internode is a function of the visible leaves (called NF), as follows: Then the ramification front progresses along the primary root with root elongation. The distance from the primary root basis where secondary ramification occurs is plotted for each internode in figure 6a and 6b versus number of days after sowing and number of visible leaves. However, the emission duration of the first 90 cm of a primary root (length which can be followed through the rhizotron glass wall) varies widely (table III) with its internode rank

    Making warnings about misleading advertising and product recalls more effective: An implicit attitude perspective

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    © 2018, American Marketing Association. The authors tested whether image-based information is more effective than text in changing implicit attitudes from positive to negative, even when both forms similarly change explicit attitudes. They studied corrective information (i.e., warnings about misleading advertising and product recall notices) because it is a common, important effort to change consumer attitudes. Corrective information in the form of pictures or imagery-evoking text, as well as direct instructions to imagine the scene, changed implicit attitudes more than plain, descriptive text, which is currently the most common warning method. Image-based stimuli can change implicit attitudes because they evoke vivid visual mental imagery of counterattitudinal valence (Experiments 1-2). Conditions that hindered the formation of visual mental imagery blocked implicit attitude change, whereas cognitive busyness did not (Experiment 3). In short, imagerybased information changed both explicit and implicit attitudes, whereas materials not based on imagery changed only explicit attitudes. Managers and regulators who aim to protect consumers from claims and products that could do harm should use image-based campaigns to best convey the message effectively

    Qualitative near infrared spectroscopy, a new tool to recognize past vegetation signature in soil organic matter

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    Previous studies (Ertlen et al., 2010) have shown that near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy of soil organic matter (SOM) can be used successfully to discriminate between SOM from topsoils under forest vs. grassland following establishment of a referential. We have now extended this referential of topsoils, and the derived model was used to characterize SUM within three soil profiles in order to test if vegetation changes throughout these profiles can be detected using NIR spectra from buried soil organic matter. Comparison between the results from this new proxy based on NIR measurements and other historical and pedoanthracological data documenting soil occupation shows no major contradiction in terms of vegetation cover and its evolution with time. These promising results will need further development in order to provide a new palaeoenvironmental tool that is far less time consuming and easier to handle than other methods like pedoanthracology or soil lipid analysis

    Rythme d'apparition des racines primaires du maïs (Zea mays L.). III. Variations observees au champ

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    La variabilité du nombre de racines primaires par entre-noeud ou groupe d’entre-noeuds induite par les facteurs du milieu a été caractérisée à partir d’un dispositif expérimental multilocal et d’une étude à partir de semis échelonnés. Des différences significatives ont été mises en évidence, tant au niveau des nombres moyens de racines qu’au niveau de la forme des distributions racinaires. La variabilité augmente avec le rang de l’entre-noeud considéré. Le nombre de racines à niveau donné dépend peu de l’émission aux entre-noeuds inférieurs. De plus, il n’y a pas de relation chez les plantes matures entre le nombre total de feuilles et le nombre total de racines. L’échelonnement de la date de semis ne modifie pas la cinétique de l’émission racinaire mais a une influence sur le nombre de racines portées par les derniers entre-noeuds.The influence of climatic or cultural factors on the variability of primary root number was investigated. This variability was measured at several locations and in a particular experiment with staggered sowing dates. Treatments significantly affected the mean number of roots and the distribution of the roots on the internodes. The total variability increased with internode level. Root number depended slightly on the number of roots of the lower internodes. In mature plants, there was no relationship between total leaf and total root number. The staggering of sowing dates did not influence the kinetics of primary root emission, but influenced the number of roots of the last internodes

    Efficacité des bandes enherbées de bas de pente dans les contreforts du Sundgau pour la culture du maïs

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    *INRA documentation, 28 rue de Herrlisheim 68021 Colmar cedex Diffusion du document : INRA documentation, 28 rue de Herrlisheim 68021 Colmar cedexNational audienc