79 research outputs found

    Energy-resolved neutron imaging for reconstruction of strain introduced by cold working

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    Energy-resolved neutron transmission imaging is used to reconstruct maps of residual strains in drilled and cold-expanded holes in 5-mm and 6.4-mm-thick aluminum plates. The possibility of measuring the positions of Bragg edges in the transmission spectrum in each 55 × 55 µm2 pixel is utilized in the reconstruction of the strain distribution within the entire imaged area of the sample, all from a single measurement. Although the reconstructed strain is averaged through the sample thickness, this technique reveals strain asymmetries within the sample and thus provides information complementary to other well-established non-destructive testing methods

    Three Dimensional Polarimetric Neutron Tomography of Magnetic Fields

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    Through the use of Time-of-Flight Three Dimensional Polarimetric Neutron Tomography (ToF 3DPNT) we have for the first time successfully demonstrated a technique capable of measuring and reconstructing three dimensional magnetic field strengths and directions unobtrusively and non-destructively with the potential to probe the interior of bulk samples which is not amenable otherwise. Using a pioneering polarimetric set-up for ToF neutron instrumentation in combination with a newly developed tailored reconstruction algorithm, the magnetic field generated by a current carrying solenoid has been measured and reconstructed, thereby providing the proof-of-principle of a technique able to reveal hitherto unobtainable information on the magnetic fields in the bulk of materials and devices, due to a high degree of penetration into many materials, including metals, and the sensitivity of neutron polarisation to magnetic fields. The technique puts the potential of the ToF time structure of pulsed neutron sources to full use in order to optimise the recorded information quality and reduce measurement time.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Quantitative Neutron Dark-field Imaging through Spin-Echo Interferometry

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    Neutron dark field imaging constitutes a seminal progress in the field of neutron imaging as it combines real space resolution capability with information provided by one of the most significant neutron scattering techniques, namely small angle scattering. The success of structural characterizations bridging the gap between macroscopic and microscopic features has been enabled by the introduction of grating interferometers so far. The induced interference pattern, a spatial beam modulation, allows for mapping of small angle scattering signals and hence addressing microstructures beyond direct spatial resolution of the imaging system with high efficiency. However, to date the quantification in the small angle scattering regime is severely limited by the monochromatic approach. To overcome such drawback we here introduce an alternative and more flexible method of interferometric beam modulation utilizing a spin echo technique. This novel method facilitates straightforward quantitative dark field neutron imaging, i.e. the required quantitative microstructural characterization combined with real space image resolution. For the first time quantitative microstructural reciprocal space information from small angle neutron scattering becomes available together with macroscopic image information creating the potential to quantify several orders of magnitude in structure sizes simultaneousl

    Characterization and application of Bragg-edge transmission imaging for strain measurement and crystallographic analysis on the IMAT beamline

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    This paper presents a series of experiments to characterize the performance of the new IMAT beamline at the ISIS pulsed neutron source and provides examples to showcase the potential applications of Bragg-edge transmission imaging on the instrument. The characterization includes determination of the IMAT spectral and spatial resolutions through calibration measurements, and also determination of the precision and the accuracy of Bragg-edge analysis for lattice parameters of ceramics, metals and textured engineering alloys through high-temperature measurements. A novel Bragg-edge analysis method based on the cross-correlation of different Bragg edges has been developed to provide an estimate of the change in lattice parameter, which is especially useful for measurements of textured samples. Three different applications of the Bragg-edge transmission imaging technique are presented, including strain mapping, texture mapping and obtaining crystallographic information, i.e. the dependence on temperature of the Debye–Waller factor. The experimental results demonstrate the ability of the IMAT beamline to provide accurate strain measurements with uncertainties as low as 90 µ[epsilon] with reasonable measurement time, while characteristic materials parameters can be mapped across the sample with a spatial resolution of 300–600 µm for a strain map and down to ∼90 µm for a texture map

    Effect of stress on NiO reduction in solid oxide fuel cells: A new application of energy-resolved neutron imaging

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    Recently, two new phenomena linking stress field and reduction rates in anode supported solid oxide fuel cells SOFCs have been demonstrated, so called accelerated creep during reduction and reduction rate enhancement and nucleation due to stress Frandsen et al., 2014 . These complex phenomena are difficult to study and it is demonstrated here that energy resolved neutron imaging is a feasible technique for combined mechanics chemical composition studies of SOFC components, including commercially produced ones. Cermet anode supports, which prior to the measurements were reduced under varying conditions such as different temperatures, various times and different values of applied stress, have been measured. Thus, samples with different contents and gradients of Ni and NiO phases were investigated. The first Bragg edge transmission neutron measurements applied for the studies of the reduction progress in these samples were performed at two neutron beamline facilities ISIS in the UK, Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin in Germany . The obtained results demonstrate the possibility to image and distinguish NiO and Ni phases within SOFC anode supports by energy resolved neutron imaging and the potential of the neutron imaging method for in situ studies of reduction processe
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