190 research outputs found

    Entropic Comparison of Atomic-Resolution Electron Tomography of Crystals and Amorphous Materials

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    Electron tomography bears promise for widespread determination of the three-dimensional arrangement of atoms in solids. However, it remains unclear whether methods successful for crystals are optimal for amorphous solids. Here, we explore the relative difficulty encountered in atomic-resolution tomography of crystalline and amorphous nanoparticles. We define an informational entropy to reveal the inherent importance of low-entropy zone-axis projections in the reconstruction of crystals. In turn, we propose considerations for optimal sampling for tomography of ordered and disordered materials.M. M. J. T is grateful for the support from the Leverhulme Trust and from the U.S. Department of Energy, Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357. R. K. L. acknowledges support from a Clare College Junior Research Fellowship. S. M. C. and P. A. M. acknowledge funding from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Program (FP7/2007–2013)/ERC Grant Agreement No. 291522-3DIMAGE. C.-B. S. acknowledges support from the Leverhulme Trust project “Breaking the non-convexity barrier,” EPSRC Grant No. EP/M00483X/1, EPSRC Centre Grant No. EP/N014588/1, and CHiPS (the Horizon 2020 RISE project grant). R. T. acknowledges funding from EPSRC Grant No. EP/L016516/1 for the Cambridge Centre for Analysis. R. T. and C.-B. S. also acknowledge the Cantab Capital Institute for the Mathematics of Information. M. B. acknowledges the Isaac Newton Trust and the Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowship “Learning from mistakes: A supervised feedback-loop for imaging applications.

    Pressure-Induced Amorphization of Small Pore Zeolites-the Role of Cation-H2O Topology and Anti-glass Formation

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    Systematic studies of pressure-induced amorphization of natrolites (PIA) containing monovalent extra-framework cations (EFC) Li+, Na+, K+, Rb+, Cs+ allow us to assess the role of two different EFC-H2O configurations within the pores of a zeolite: one arrangement has H2O molecules (NATI) and the other the EFC (NAT(II)) in closer proximity to the aluminosilicate framework. We show that NAT(I) materials have a lower onset pressure of PIA than the NAT(II) materials containing Rb and Cs as EFC. The onset pressure of amorphization (P-A) of NAT(II) materials increases linearly with the size of the EFC, whereas their initial bulk moduli (P-1 phase) decrease linearly. Only Cs- and Rb-NAT reveal a phase separation into a dense form (P-2 phase) under pressure. High-Angle Annular Dark Field Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (HAADF-STEM) imaging shows that after recovery from pressures near 25 and 20 GPa long-range ordered Rb-Rb and Cs-Cs correlations continue to be present over length scales up to 100 nm while short-range ordering of the aluminosilicate framework is significantly reduced-this opens a new way to form anti-glass structuresopen

    Femtosecond Dynamics in Single Wall Carbon Nanotube/Poly(3-Hexylthiophene) Composites

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    Femtosecond transient absorption measurements on single wall carbon nanotube/poly(3-hexylthiophene) composites are used to investigate the relaxation dynamics of this blended material. The influence of the addition of nanotubes in polymer matrix on the ultrashort relaxation dynamics is examined in detail. The introduction of nanotube/polymer heterojunctions enhances the exciton dissociation and quenches the radiative recombination of composites. The relaxation dynamics of these composites are compared with the fullerene derivative-polymer composites with the same matrix. These results provide explanation to the observed photovoltaic performance of two types of composites

    Spatially Resolved Distribution Function and the Medium-Range Order in Metallic Liquid and Glass

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    The structural description of disordered systems has been a longstanding challenge in physical science. We propose an atomic cluster alignment method to reveal the development of three-dimensional topological ordering in a metallic liquid as it undercools to form a glass. By analyzing molecular dynamic (MD) simulation trajectories of a Cu64.5Zr35.5 alloy, we show that medium-range order (MRO) develops in the liquid as it approaches the glass transition. Specifically, around Cu sites, we observe “Bergman triacontahedron” packing (icosahedron, dodecahedron and icosahedron) that extends out to the fourth shell, forming an interpenetrating backbone network in the glass. The discovery of Bergman-type MRO from our order-mining technique provides unique insights into the topological ordering near the glass transition and the relationship between metallic glasses and quasicrystals

    Scanned Probe Oxidation onp-GaAs(100) Surface with an Atomic Force Microscopy

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    Locally anodic oxidation has been performed to fabricate the nanoscale oxide structures onp-GaAs(100) surface, by using an atomic force microscopy (AFM) with the conventional and carbon nanotube (CNT)-attached probes. The results can be utilized to fabricate the oxide nanodots under ambient conditions in noncontact mode. To investigate the conversion of GaAs to oxides, micro-Auger analysis was employed to analyze the chemical compositions. The growth kinetics and the associated mechanism of the oxide nanodots were studied under DC voltages. With the CNT-attached probe the initial growth rate of oxide nanodots is in the order of ~300 nm/s, which is ~15 times larger than that obtained by using the conventional one. The oxide nanodots cease to grow practically as the electric field strength is reduced to the threshold value of ~2 × 107 V cm−1. In addition, results indicate that the height of oxide nanodots is significantly enhanced with an AC voltage for both types of probes. The influence of the AC voltages on controlling the dynamics of the AFM-induced nanooxidation is discussed

    An Atomic-resolution nanomechanical mass sensor

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    Mechanical resonators are widely used as inertial balances to detect small quantities of adsorbed mass through shifts in oscillation frequency[1]. Advances in lithography and materials synthesis have enabled the fabrication of nanoscale mechanical resonators[2, 3, 4, 5, 6], which have been operated as precision force[7], position[8, 9] and mass sensors[10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]. Here we demonstrate a room-temperature, carbon-nanotube-based nanomechanical resonator with atomic mass resolution. This device is essentially a mass spectrometer with a mass sensitivity of 1.3 times 10^-25 kg Hz^-1/2 or, equivalently, 0.40 gold atoms Hz^-1/2. Using this extreme mass sensitivity, we observe atomic mass shot noise, which is analogous to the electronic shot noise[16, 17] measured in many semiconductor experiments. Unlike traditional mass spectrometers, nanomechanical mass spectrometers do not require the potentially destructive ionization of the test sample, are more sensitive to large molecules, and could eventually be incorporated on a chip

    Fluid dynamic lateral slicing of high tensile strength carbon nanotubes

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    Lateral slicing of micron length carbon nanotubes (CNTs) is effective on laser irradiation of the materials suspended within dynamic liquid thin films in a microfluidic vortex fluidic device (VFD). The method produces sliced CNTs with minimal defects in the absence of any chemical stabilizers, having broad length distributions centred at ca 190, 160 nm and 171 nm for single, double and multi walled CNTs respectively, as established using atomic force microscopy and supported by small angle neutron scattering solution data. Molecular dynamics simulations on a bent single walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) with a radius of curvature of order 10 nm results in tearing across the tube upon heating, highlighting the role of shear forces which bend the tube forming strained bonds which are ruptured by the laser irradiation. CNT slicing occurs with the VFD operating in both the confined mode for a finite volume of liquid and continuous flow for scalability purposes

    High-Resolution Electron Microscopy of Semiconductor Heterostructures and Nanostructures

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    This chapter briefly describes the fundamentals of high-resolution electron microscopy techniques. In particular, the Peak Pairs approach for strain mapping with atomic column resolution, and a quantitative procedure to extract atomic column compositional information from Z-contrast high-resolution images are presented. It also reviews the structural, compositional, and strain results obtained by conventional and advanced transmission electron microscopy methods on a number of III–V semiconductor nanostructures and heterostructures