17 research outputs found

    Assessing the Early Holocene Environment of Northwestern Guyana: An Isotopic Analysis of Human and Faunal Remains

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    This study used stable carbon δ13C and oxygen δ18O isotope compositions data to assess the extent to which diet breadths of northwestern Guyana changed during the Holocene. We analyzed human bone and enamel remains from seven shell mound sites dating between 7500 and 2600 BP. Our analyses demonstrate some degree of constancy in the availability of C3 plants during the past several thousand years—though we note an increasing reliance on such plants beginning in the Early Holocene. We also document warming intervals during the Early Holocene (Early Archaic), which appear to correlate with dry periods known elsewhere in the central Amazon during this period

    A new approach for developing continuous age-depth models from dispersed chronologic data: applications to the Miocene Santa Cruz formation, Argentina

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    Traditional methods (linear regression, spline fitting) of age-depth modeling generate overly optimistic confidence intervals. Originally developed for C, Bayesian models (use of observations independent of chronology) allow the incorporation of prior information about superposition of dated horizons, stratigraphic position of undated points, and variations in sedimentology and sedimentation rate into model fitting. We modified the methodology of two Bayesian age depth models, Bchron (Haslett and Parnell, 2008) and OxCal (Ramsey, 2008) for use with U-Pb dates. Some practical implications of this approach include: a) model age uncertainties increase in intervals that lack closely spaced age constraints; b) models do not assume normal distributions, allowing for the non-symmetric uncertainties of sometimes complex crystal age probability functions in volcanic tuffs; c) superpositional constraints can objectively reject some cases of zircon inheritance and mitigate apparent age complexities. We use this model to produce an age-depth model with continuous and realistic uncertainties, for the early Miocene Santa Cruz Formation (SCF), Argentina.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    A new approach for developing continuous age-depth models from dispersed chronologic data: applications to the Miocene Santa Cruz formation, Argentina

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    Traditional methods (linear regression, spline fitting) of age-depth modeling generate overly optimistic confidence intervals. Originally developed for C, Bayesian models (use of observations independent of chronology) allow the incorporation of prior information about superposition of dated horizons, stratigraphic position of undated points, and variations in sedimentology and sedimentation rate into model fitting. We modified the methodology of two Bayesian age depth models, Bchron (Haslett and Parnell, 2008) and OxCal (Ramsey, 2008) for use with U-Pb dates. Some practical implications of this approach include: a) model age uncertainties increase in intervals that lack closely spaced age constraints; b) models do not assume normal distributions, allowing for the non-symmetric uncertainties of sometimes complex crystal age probability functions in volcanic tuffs; c) superpositional constraints can objectively reject some cases of zircon inheritance and mitigate apparent age complexities. We use this model to produce an age-depth model with continuous and realistic uncertainties, for the early Miocene Santa Cruz Formation (SCF), Argentina.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    A new approach for developing continuous age-depth models from dispersed chronologic data: applications to the Miocene Santa Cruz formation, Argentina

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    Traditional methods (linear regression, spline fitting) of age-depth modeling generate overly optimistic confidence intervals. Originally developed for C, Bayesian models (use of observations independent of chronology) allow the incorporation of prior information about superposition of dated horizons, stratigraphic position of undated points, and variations in sedimentology and sedimentation rate into model fitting. We modified the methodology of two Bayesian age depth models, Bchron (Haslett and Parnell, 2008) and OxCal (Ramsey, 2008) for use with U-Pb dates. Some practical implications of this approach include: a) model age uncertainties increase in intervals that lack closely spaced age constraints; b) models do not assume normal distributions, allowing for the non-symmetric uncertainties of sometimes complex crystal age probability functions in volcanic tuffs; c) superpositional constraints can objectively reject some cases of zircon inheritance and mitigate apparent age complexities. We use this model to produce an age-depth model with continuous and realistic uncertainties, for the early Miocene Santa Cruz Formation (SCF), Argentina.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Evaluating Stable Isotope and Geochronologic Techniques for Paleoclimate Reconstruction: Case Study of the Santa Cruz Formation, Argentina

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    Stable isotope analysis has become the method of choice for many studies investigating the paleoecology and paleoclimate of fossil mammal faunas. While organic tissues (collagen, keratins, proteins) persist for \u3c 105 years highly mineralized tooth enamel is resistant to alteration and degradation and faithfully preserves its isotopic composition for millions (\u3e 106) years. Reconstructing past climates from these records relies on both understanding both micro-scale mechanisms of isotope incorporation into individual teeth, and macro-scale changes in isotope compositions over hundreds of thousands or millions of years. In this dissertation I address three questions. First, how does the geometry and timing of tooth enamel mineralization affect isotope compositions? Tooth enamel mineralization occurs in two stages with different geometries and proportions of chemical components. In chapter one I present oxygen isotope data and high-resolution major element compositional maps of forming tooth enamel to clarify the process of enamel mineralization. Oxygen isotope results show that enamel records the isotopic composition of only second stage mineralization. Given this, ideal enamel sampling strategies should follow the geometry of second stage mineralization. High resolution maps of calcium density for several teeth reveal that enamel mineralizes at a high angle relative to the underlying dentine, suggesting that existing techniques are appropriate. Second, how can geochronology and stratigraphic information be convolved to strengthen interpretations of paleoclimate proxy records? Many reconstructions of past climates rely on proxy records (e.g. pollen, isotope samples) distributed through a stratigraphic section. Interpreting these data in a global context relies on both the ability to determine the absolute age of some stratigraphic positions, and a model that describes the relationship between stratigraphic position and age, allowing the age of unknown positions to be determined. In chapter two I report new U-Pb ages for several volcanic tuffs from the Santa Cruz Formation of southern Argentina. U-Pb data commonly exhibit complexities which make existing age-depth models unsuitable. I modified an existing age-depth model to better account for variations in absolute age, relative age, and the complex age uncertainties that often arise from magmatic crystal populations. Finally, I present a case study from the Santa Cruz Formation, Argentina. Fossil rich sediments span the initiation of the mid-Miocene climatic optimum, the most recent period of greenhouse conditions in the Cenozoic. carbon isotope-based estimates of mean annual precipitation reveal a progressive aridification of Patagonia with precipitation decreasing prior to the mid-Miocene climatic optimum. This trend is interrupted by the onset of greenhouse conditions which drove a rebound in precipitation and increase in global temperatures

    Tooth Enamel Maturation Reequilibrates Oxygen Isotope Compositions and Supports Simple Sampling Methods

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    Oxygen isotope and major element zoning patterns of several disparate ungulate teeth were collected to evaluate the timing and geometry of enamel formation, records of isotope zoning, and tooth enamel sampling strategies. Isotopic zoning in mammalian tooth enamel encodes a sub-annual time series of isotopic variation of an animal’s body water composition, with a damping factor that depends on the specifics of how enamel mineralizes. Enamel formation comprises two stages: precipitation of appositional enamel with a high CO3:PO4 ratio, followed by precipitation of maturational enamel with a lower CO3:PO4. If appositional and maturational enamel both contribute to isotope compositions (but with different CO3:PO4), and if isotope compositions vary seasonally, paired δ18O values from CO3 and PO4 profiles should show a spatial separation. CO3 isotope patterns should be shifted earlier seasonally than PO4 isotope patterns. Such paired profiles for new and published data show no resolvable shifts, i.e. CO3 and PO4 δ18O profiles show coincident maxima and minima. This coincidence suggests that enamel maturation reequilibrates appositional isotope compositions. If enamel maturation establishes enamel isotope compositions, the geometry of maturation, not apposition, should be considered when devising sampling protocols. X-ray maps of Ca zoning show that the majority of enamel (inner and middle layers) mineralizes heavily at a high angle to the external tooth surface and the enamel-dentine junction over length scales of 2–4 mm, while the outer enamel surface mineralizes more slowly. These data suggest that isotopic sampling strategies should parallel maturational geometry and focus on interior enamel to improve data fidelity. The magnitude of isotopic damping is also smaller than implied in previous studies, so tooth enamel zoning more closely reflects original body water isotopic variations than previously assumed

    An Improved Approach to Age-Modeling in Deep Time: Implications for the Santa Cruz Formation, Argentina

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    Accurate age-depth models for proxy records are crucial for inferring changes to the environment through space and time, yet traditional methods of constructing these models assume unrealistically small age uncertainties and do not account for many geologic complexities. Here we modify an existing Bayesian age-depth model to foster its application for deep time U-Pb and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology. More flexible input likelihood functions and use of an adaptive proposal algorithm in the Markov Chain Monte Carlo engine better account for the age variability often observed in magmatic crystal populations, whose dispersion can reflect inheritance, crystal residence times and daughter isotope loss. We illustrate this approach by calculating an age-depth model with a contiguous and realistic uncertainty envelope for the Miocene Santa Cruz Formation (early Miocene; Burdigalian), Argentina. The model is calibrated using new, high-precision isotope dilution U-Pb zircon ages for stratigraphically located interbedded tuffs, whose weighted mean ages range from ca. 16.78 ± 0.03 Ma to 17.62 ± 0.03 Ma. We document how the Bayesian age-depth model objectively reallocates probability across the posterior ages of dated horizons, and thus produces better estimates of relative ages among strata and variations in sedimentation rate. We also present a simple method to propagate age-depth model uncertainties onto stratigraphic proxy data using a Monte Carlo technique. This approach allows us to estimate robust uncertainties on isotope composition through time, important for comparisons of terrestrial systems to other proxy records

    Precise Early Cambrian U–Pb Zircon Dates Bracket the Oldest Trilobites and Archaeocyaths in Moroccan West Gondwana

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    New U–Pb radioisotopic ages on early Cambrian volcanic zircons condition a high-resolution Bayesian age model that constrains the first occurrences and zonations of West Gondwanan archaeocyaths and trilobites in southern Morocco. The oldest archaeocyaths in the Tiout Member of the Igoudine Formation (519.71 + 0.26/− 0.35 Ma) are c. 6 Ma younger than the oldest Siberian archaeocyaths. The oldest Moroccan trilobite fragments, from the lower member of the Igoudine, are constrained to 519.95 + 0.43/− 0.40 Ma. The succeeding Issendalenian Stage (i.e. Hupetina antique – Eofallotaspis tioutensis – Fallotaspis plana – Choubertella – Daguinaspis trilobite zones) spans c. 1.5 Ma (519.78 + 0.26/− 0.37 Ma to 518.43 + 0.25/− 0.69 Ma). Identifiable Moroccan fallotaspidids and bigotinids, among Earth’s oldest trilobites, occur above a positive δ13C excursion dated with our age model at 520.27 + 0.59/− 0.57 Ma, and correlated with the IV excursion peak within the lower range of Siberian Atdabanian Stage trilobites (Repinaella Zone). This excursion is the best standard for a Cambrian Series 2 base. The oldest West Gondwana trilobite fragments are c. 1 Ma younger than those in Siberia and c. 0.5 Ma older than the oldest Avalonian trilobites (Callavia Zone). This diachrony means a trilobite first appearance datum is an inappropriate chronostratigraphic base for Cambrian Series 2. Taxonomic differences in the oldest trilobites between Cambrian palaeocontinents are in accordance with trace fossil evidence for the group’s appearance possibly as late as c. 530 Ma in the Cambrian Evolutionary Radiation. Coeval 519–517 Ma dates from Avalonia (cool-water siliciclastic shelf) and West Gondwana (tropical carbonate platform) sections with distinct macrofaunas emphasize these successions were latitudinally separate by the late Ediacaran Period