1,806 research outputs found

    Glavonošci kao plijen glavate želve, Caretta caretta (Reptilia: Cheloniidae), iz istočnog Tirenskog mora

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    This study presents the results of the examination of cephalopod remains extracted from the digestive tract of 40 loggerhead turtles, Caretta caretta, stranded along the Campanian coasts (Southern Italy, eastern Tyrrhenian Sea). We retrieved the remains of 23 cephalopods from 16 turtles (frequency of occurrence = 40%). They belonged to Sepia officinalis (19 specimens) and Octopus vulgaris (2 specimens), both of them benthic neritic species, and Histioteuthis reversa (2 specimens), an oceanic species. Accordingly, loggerheads appear to feed both on the bottom, seemingly in shallow waters, and in the open seawater column; both on muscular items (S. officinalis and O. vulgaris) and ammoniacal ones (H. reversa). This is the first record of H. reversa as a prey of the loggerhead turtle.Ova studija prikazuje rezultate istraživanja ostataka plijena izvađenih iz probavila 40 glavatih želvi, Caretta caretta, nasukanih duž obala Kampanije (južna Italija, istočno Tirensko more). Iz 16 kornjača izvadili smo ostatke 23 glavonošca (učestalost pojavljivanja = 40%). Pripadali su vrstama Sepia officinalis (19 primjeraka) i Octopus vulgaris (2 primjerka), koje su obje bentoske neritičke vrste, kao i oceanskoj vrsti Histioteuthis reversa (2 primjerka). Prema tome, čini se da se glavate želve hrane na dnu, vjerovatno u plitkim vodama, kao i u stupcu otvorenih morskih voda; i to mišićavim plijenom (S. officinalis i O. vulgaris) kao i plijenom bogatim amonijakom (H. reversa). Ovo je prvi zapis vrste H. reversa kao plijena glavate želve

    Il settore costruzioni in Italia: crisi e opportunità nell’ultimo decennio.

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    In questo lavoro si presenta una mappa delle grandi trasformazioni del settore costruzioni italiano avvenute nell’ultimo decennio. Il lavoro è articolato in due parti. La prima ricostruisce il quadro macroeconomico delle costruzioni attraverso i dati Istat. La seconda, ha un impianto microeconomico e analizza i dati di bilancio AIDA delle imprese del settore costruzioni. Dai dati emerge una dinamica settoriale complessivamente recessiva fino al 2013, con alcuni recenti segnali di ripresa che vanno consolidati. Interventi di politica attiva nel mercato del lavoro, e per gli investimenti in nuove costruzioni e riqualificazione abitativa, sembrano essere le misure più auspicabili. Classificazione JEL: J08, E22, G3. Parole chiave: Settore Costruzioni; Investimento; Finance. The construction industry in Italy: crisis and opportunities over the last decade This paper presents a map of the great transformations of the Italian construction sector that took place in the last decade. The paper is divided into two parts. The first one reconstructs the macroeconomic transformations of this sector by means of data provided by Istat. The second one has a microeconomic content and analyzes the AIDA balance sheet data of companies acting in the construction sector. Data shows an overall recessional dynamics up to 2013, with some recent signs of rebound but still to consolidate. Active policies in the labor market and subsidies for investments in environmental sustainable construction, and building improvement schemes seem to be the most desirable measures to relaunch the sector. JEL classification:. JEL: J08, E22, G3. Keywords: Constructuin industry; Employment; Finance

    Sviluppo di una procedura innovativa per la cubatura del volume della massa legnosa di fustaie di latifoglie mediante LiDAR

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    La tecnica di scansione aerea con strumentazione LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) è sempre più presa in considerazione ai fini di analisi e monitoraggio degli attributi dendrometrici dei popolamenti forestali, ma anche per stimare attributi complessi quali il volume della massa legnosa e la biomassa legnosa. Il presente contributo propone una procedura innovativa per la stima del volume di massa legnosa di soprassuoli forestali mediante elaborazione di dati LiDAR in ambiente GIS, in particolare per i popolamenti a prevalenza di latifoglie dove i convenzionali metodi di stima basati sulle misurazioni LiDAR dell’altezza dei singoli fusti arborei conducono in genere a risultati relativamente insoddisfacenti.L'articolo è disponibile sul sito dell'editore http://www.asita.i

    Valorizzazione della produzione legnosa dei boschi di castagno

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    In Italy chestnut stands evolution has been historically and strictly linked to both ecological and socioeconomic factors and the changes over the centuries have nowadays led to three main stands types: cultivated orchards, abandoned orchards and stands managed for wood production, mainly coppices. This last type is spread on 593,242 hectares and the importance of these forests consists of the high production potential in quantitative and qualitative terms and of the variety of timber assortments they can provide. Suitable silvicultural systems, based on diversified rotation length, can be adopted to improve wood production both from a quantitative and qualitative point of view

    Childhood-onset dystonia-causing KMT2B variants result in a distinctive genomic hypermethylation profile

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    Background: Dystonia is a clinically and genetically heterogeneous movement disorder characterized by sustained or intermittent muscle contractions causing abnormal, often repetitive, movements and/or postures. Heterozygous variants in lysine methyltransferase 2B (KMT2B), encoding a histone H3 methyltransferase, have been associated with a childhood-onset, progressive and complex form of dystonia (dystonia 28, DYT28). Since 2016, more than one hundred rare KMT2B variants have been reported, including frameshift, nonsense, splice site, missense and other in-frame changes, many having an uncertain clinical impact. Results: We characterize the genome-wide peripheral blood DNA methylation profiles of a cohort of 18 patients with pathogenic and unclassified KMT2B variants. We resolve the “episignature” associated with KMT2B haploinsufficiency, proving that this approach is robust in diagnosing clinically unsolved cases, properly classifying them with respect to other partially overlapping dystonic phenotypes, other rare neurodevelopmental disorders and healthy controls. Notably, defective KMT2B function in DYT28 causes a non-random DNA hypermethylation across the genome, selectively involving promoters and other regulatory regions positively controlling gene expression. Conclusions: We demonstrate a distinctive DNA hypermethylation pattern associated with DYT28, provide an epigenetic signature for this disorder enabling accurate diagnosis and reclassification of ambiguous genetic findings and suggest potential therapeutic approaches