78 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKSalah satu strategi untuk penanggulangan kejadian luar biasa (KLB) leptospirosis di Kabupaten Bantul tahun 2011 adalahdengan pendidikan masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengukur efektifitas pendidikan kesehatan dengan ceramahterhadap tingkat pengetahuan dan sikap responden dalam pencegahan leptospirosis. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitianintervensi dengan rancangan one group pre-post design. Lokasi penelitian di Desa Sedayu dan Desa Wukirsari, KabupatenBantul. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan instrumen angket pada Bulan Maret 2011. Angket diisi oleh respondensebanyak 2 kali yaitu sebelum dan sesudah penyuluhan. Sampel diambil secara purposif yaitu penduduk tinggal di wilayahRukun Warga yang terdapat kasus leptospirosis pada tahun 2011, usia minimal 18 tahun dan bersedia mengikuti kegiatanpenyuluhan. Jumlah responden sebanyak 61 orang.Analisis data menggunakan uji Wilcoxon. Hasil penelitian menunjukkanada perbedaan yang signifikan (p<0,05) pada rerata pengetahuan responden sebelum dan sesudah intervensi, berarti adapeningkatan pengetahuan sesudah diberikan penyuluhan. Penerapan penyuluhan kesehatan efektif meningkatkanpengetahuan responden untuk pencegahan leptospirosis


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    The number of dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF)cases tend to increase and potentially dengue outbreak encourage the Semarang City Government to issue local policy was Local Regulation number 5 by 2010 on DHF control, which aims to realize coordinating DHF and integrated cooperation with various parties, including the community. The aim of this study to evaluate the implementation of local regulation number 5 of 2010 concerning Control of DHF. The evaluation method this study was qualitative method using policy analysis triangle framework covering context, content, actors and process. Context of the Local Regulation on the DHF control was a health field with the policy actors are government, community and stakeholders. The content of this regulation covers the roles, rights and obligations of each policy actor, DHF control including prevention cases and outbreak and sanctions for community and officials. Regulation implementation till 2015 reached 22.6% from 177 villages. The free number of larvae tends to decrease, but incidence rate (IR) decreases too, case fatality rate (CFR) fluctuates. Sanctions mechanisms have not yet been implemented and cross-sector and community cooperation isn’t  optimal. More intensive socialization both cross-sector and community should be utilizing health surveillance officers (Gasurkes) in accordance with their respective working areas

    Evaluasi Implementasi Kebijakan Penanggulangan Demam Berdarah Dengue di Kabupaten Pati (Evaluation Study Of Policy Implementation Of Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever Prevention In Pati Regency)

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    Background: Increase in cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) in 2007 was an outbreak (KLB) in Pati. Before theoutbreak occurred, in 2006, it had been published a policy of mosquito nest eradication movement (PSN) because ofthe increase in cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) during the year, and was followed by circulars and instructionsabout early warning against dengue to sub district level. This study aimed to evaluate the policy in 2006 before theoutbreak. Method: Data was collected through in-depth interviews with program holders, community leaders and inhabitant. Supporting data were the data obtained through tomological survey from house to house to check for the presence of dengue vector mosquito larvae. Results: The results showed that, after the mosquito nest eradication movement (PSN) and followed by the issuance of instructions and circulars regent in 2006, in 2007 the DHF cases were still increasing. The policy has not been followed by activities that support both the program level and the community level. Knowledge of the policy implementer in the village was not support yet to the policy goals. Monitoring results indicate that larvae-free number (ABJ) is still below the target set. Recommendation: To support the issuance of a policy that aims to raise awareness on dengue need a comprehensive effort on the implementation, form of activity, as well as the budget, so that the policy can be well done and merely an instruction

    Kajian Kinerja Dinas Kesehatan Kota Semarang Tahun 2005 dalam Pengendalian Demam Berdarah Dengue (Dbd) dari Perspektif Proses Internal dan Perspektif Pembelajaran

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    Demam berdarah dengue merupakan penyakit yang berpotensi terjadinya kejadian luar biasa (KLB). Trend kasus DBD mengalami peningkatan baik nasional. Provinsi Jawa Tengah, maupun Kota Semarang dalam lima tahun terakhir. Pengukuran kinerja instansi pemerintah, khususnya dalam pengendalian DBD saat ini menggunakan LAKIP dengan indikator inputs, outputs. outcomes, benefits, dan impacts. LAKIP tersebut belum melihat adanya indikator proses. Pada pemerintahan yang berfokus masyarakat, indikator proses dapat diukur dengan menggunakan Balanced Scorecard (BSC), khususnya perspektif proses internal dan perspektif pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prosedur pelayanan dan penanganan keluhan dalam perspektif proses internal, serta mengetahui pelatihan, pembimbingan, serta pemberdayaan karyawan dari perspektif pembelajaran dalam pengendalian DBD. Jenis penelitian ini adalah observasional dengan rancangan studi kasus. Data primer diperoleh melalui Focus Group Discussion (FGD) dan divalidasi dengan teknik triangulasi metode, yaitu wawancara mendalam. Subyek penelitian ini adalah organisasi Dinas Kesehatan Kota Semarang. Cara penentuan subyek tersebut menggunakan purposive sampling. Data dianalisa secara kualitatif dengan cara koding. Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa dari perspektif proses internal pengendalian DBD dilakukan dengan mengacu pada SPM, proses pelayanan dituangkan dalam bentuk flow chart, dan untuk memberikan pelayanan yang bermutu telah dibentak tim penanganan keluhan masyarakat. Dari perspektif pembelajaran diketahui bahwa peningkatan profesionalisme dan kemampuan karyawan dilakukan dengan pembimbingan secara berjenjang dan memberikan kesempatan kepada karyawan untuk studi lanjut. Pemberian lugas dan pendelegasian wewenang dalam pemberdayaan karyawan sudah dilakukan dengan melihat permasalahan dan kemampuan karyawan, umpan Balik dan penghargaan diberikan sebagai upaya peningkatan motivasi karyawan

    Studi Kualitatif Pengetahuan dan Peran Tokoh Masyarakat dalam Pengendalian Demam Berdarah Dengue di Kota Salatiga

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    Prioritas program pemberantasan Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD), yaitu pemberantasan sarang nyamuk (PSN) yang pelaksanaannya melibatkan peran serta masyarakat. Salah satu perilaku masyarakat dipengaruhi oleh faktor pendorong, yaitu faktor yang terwujud dalam sikap dan perilaku petugas kesehatan atau petugas lain yang merupakan kelompok referensi masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengetahuan tokoh masyarakat tentang DBD dan perannya di masyarakat. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Pengumpulan data melalui Diskusi Kelompok Terarah (DKT) dengan peserta 8-10 orang dalam satu kelompok. Informan penelitian ini adalah tokoh masyarakat yang berada pada tiga wilayah endemis DBD di Kota Salatiga. Data yang diperoleh diolah berdasar analisis isi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa informan telah mengetahui tentang gejala, penular dan pencegahan serta pemberantasan DBD. Mereka menyampaikan berbagai informasi tentang DBD yang diperoleh dari media massa baik cetak maupun elektronik kepada masyarakat di wilayahnya, informasi tersebut disampaikan pada saat pertemuan rutin yang diadakan setiap bidan. Pembinaan dan perhatian dari sektor kesehatan terhadap kegiatan yang dilakukan informan masih kurang, sedangkan dari sektor lain belum dilakukan, pengetahuan tokoh masyarakat sudah cukup baik dan peran mereka cukup besar di masyarakat sekitarnya

    Evaluasi Implementasi Kebijakan Penanggulangan Demam Berdarah Dengue di Kabupaten Pati (Evaluation Study of Policy Implementation of Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever Prevention in Pati Regency)

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    Background: Increase in cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) in 2007 was an outbreak (KLB) in Pati. Before theoutbreak occurred, in 2006, it had been published a policy of mosquito nest eradication movement (PSN) because ofthe increase in cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) during the year, and was followed by circulars and instructionsabout early warning against dengue to sub district level. This study aimed to evaluate the policy in 2006 before theoutbreak. Method: Data was collected through in-depth interviews with program holders, community leaders and inhabitant. Supporting data were the data obtained through tomological survey from house to house to check for the presence of dengue vector mosquito larvae. Results: The results showed that, after the mosquito nest eradication movement (PSN) and followed by the issuance of instructions and circulars regent in 2006, in 2007 the DHF cases were still increasing. The policy has not been followed by activities that support both the program level and the community level. Knowledge of the policy implementer in the village was not support yet to the policy goals. Monitoring results indicate that larvae-free number (ABJ) is still below the target set. Recommendation: To support the issuance of a policy that aims to raise awareness on dengue need a comprehensive effort on the implementation, form of activity, as well as the budget, so that the policy can be well done and merely an instruction

    Faktor Risiko Perilaku dan Lingkungan dalam Penularan Malaria di Pulau Sebatik, Kabupaten Nunukan, Kalimantan Timur

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    Malaria transmission is influenced by several factors, including parasites, human, mosquito and environment. In 2009, slide positive rate (SPR) in Puskesmas Aji Kuning, Sungai Nyamuk and Setabu in Sebatik Island were identified as amount 63,61%, 28,04% and 30,12% respectively, while the target malaria pre-elimination SPR < 5%. The aim of this study was to determine the behavioral and environmental risk factors of malaria transmission. This is a cross sectional study and the number of sample were 101 respondents. The results showed that there was significant association between the habit of using mosquito nets, the habit of using mosquito coils, repellent and others, the respondent's house near breeding mosquitoes habitats and the respondent’s house near the cocoa/coffee plantation with the occurrence of malaria cases. Relative risk (RR) value were 2,0, 2,3, 2,9 and 1,7, respectively. Behavioral risk factors of malaria transmission were the habit of using a mosquito nets and habit of using mosquito coils, repellent and others. Environmental risk of malaria transmission were the house near mosquito breeding habitats, and the house near the cocoa and coffee plantation

    Gambaran Pengetahuan, Sikap, dan Praktik Masyarakat tentang Malaria di Kabupaten Purworejo Tahun 2015

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    Peningkatan kasus malaria telah terjadi di wilayah Kabupaten Purworejo dalam tiga tahun terakhir (2013 – 2015), termasuk di Desa Sendangsari, Kecamatan Bener. Salah satu faktor yang berpengaruh dalam penularan malaria adalah perilaku manusia yang meliputi pengetahuan, sikap, dan praktik (PSP). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengukur pengetahuan, sikap, dan praktik masyarakat tentang malaria. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah cross sectional. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Desa Sendangsari, Kecamatan Bener, Kabupaten Purworejo pada bulan Mei 2015. Pengambilan data melalui wawancara terstruktur pada 90 responden sebagai sampel yang terpilih dari populasi seluruh penduduk di lokasi penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 54,4% responden memiliki pengetahuan yang baik tentang malaria, sebesar 93,2% memiliki sikap mendukung terhadap upaya pencegahan malaria, serta hanya 16,7% yang praktiknya kurang dalam pencegahan malaria. Variabel pendidikan dengan pengetahuan tentang malaria, serta pengetahuan dan sikap terhadap pencegahan malaria menunjukkan hubungan yang signifikan. Hubungan antara pengetahuan tentang malaria dengan praktik dalam mencegah malaria, serta sikap dengan praktik menunjukkan hubungan yang tidak signifikan


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    Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (DHF) cases were increasing and have became an outbreak event. Ministry of Health offered solutions which were based on the minimum services standard (SPM) in the health section as a logic concequence of the region autonomy law that stressed on the decentralization including the health section. The aim of this research is to discover the implementation of SPM, especially in the prevention and DHF controlling program in the Semarang City Health Office as a mean to policy maker further proper activity. This research was a case study which used descriptive analysis in a Semarang City Health Office as the subject. The method application for the research subject used a purposive sampling.The data collecting was done by using Focus Group Discussion. The participants were health office staffs who were involved in the P2DBD program. Furthermore, a depth interview was done toward the structural functionary staffs that stand as the head of the discussion participants. The SPM which was raised by Health Department could not be applied in the district orcity level. Semarang City Health Office had composed SPM which contained various health programs (including P2DBD).The composition of P2DBD SPM was referring to the technical instruction of P2DBD that came from Health Department or Central Java Province Health Office. SPM socialization put more concern on the health office staffs or the commumty as a main principal for the stakeholders and also for the consumers. In order to increase the service quality for community, a handling team was established under the publishment of SPM in the health section of Semarang City region. Key words: Minimum Services Standard, DHF, Semarang City of Health Offic
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