389 research outputs found


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    The current sanitary emergency is not an unexpected event. At the beginning of 2020, COVID took the world by surprise; now, at the end of 2021, it is a problem we have to live with. The pandemic changed the notion of vulnerability, and it is necessary to equip support structures for the weakest subjects. The thesis is also confirmed in the relationship between criminal authority and people who, for various reasons, come into contact with it and who, due to the health measures, are in a situation of particular isolation and potential danger in terms of their own psycho-physical integrity. The concept of vulnerability takes on a new meaning: public authority has to take charge of the claims derived (albeit indirectly) from the health emergency. The inert conduct of states is reprehensible: it causes irreparable damage to individual rights, protected by supranational sources.Trenutačno zdravstveno izvanredno stanje nije neočekivani događaj. Početkom 2020. svijet je zadesila bolest COVID-19, no danas, na kraju 2021., to je problem s kojim moramo živjeti. Pandemija je promijenila poimanje ranjivosti i postalo je očito da treba ojačati sustave zaštite za najranjivije. Ovaj je zahtjev postavljen i u odnosu na kaznenopravni sustav te posebice u situacijama u kojima u doticaj s tim sustavom, iz različitih razloga, dolaze osobe koje se zbog epidemioloških mjera nalaze u posebnoj izolaciji i u potencijalnoj opasnosti po vlastiti psihofizički integritet. Koncept ranjivosti tako dobiva novo značenje: javna vlast mora preuzeti odgovornost i odgovoriti na zahtjeve koji su proizašli (pa makar i neizravno) iz hitnoga zdravstvenog stanja. Interno postupanje državnih tijela je nedopustivo: njime se, naime, nanosi nepopravljiva šteta pravima pojedinaca koja su proklamirana i zaštićena u naddržavnim izvorima prava

    Acute and subchronic antinociceptive effects of nociceptin/orphanin FQ receptor agonists infused by intrathecal route in rats

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    Severe pain occurs in the context of many diseases and conditions and is a leading cause of disability. Nociceptin/orphanin FQ (N/OFQ) is the endogenous ligand of the N/OFQ peptide (NOP) receptor. This peptidergic system controls pain transmission and in particular spinally administered N/OFQ has robust antinociceptive properties. The aim of this study was to investigate the spinal antinociceptive properties of NOP peptide agonists after acute and subchronic treatment in rats. Doses unable to alter motor coordination were selected. UFP-112 (full NOP agonist) and UFP-113 (partial NOP agonist) were administered intrathecally (i.t.) by spinal catheterization. Acute injection of UFP-112 induced antinociceptive response at lower dosages (0.03-1nmol i.t.) compared to morphine and similar to N/OFQ. UFP-113 was effective in a 0.001-1nmol i.t. dose range. The antinociceptive effects of NOP ligands were no longer evident in rats knockout for the NOP gene, while those of morphine were maintained. The continuous spinal infusion (by osmotic pumps) of 0.1nmol/h UFP-112 and UFP-113 showed antinociceptive action comparable to 1-3nmol/h morphine or N/OFQ. The antinociceptive effect of morphine progressively decreased and was no longer significant after 6 days of treatment. Similar results were obtained with N/OFQ, UFP-112, and UFP-113. The acute i.t. injection of morphine in animals tolerant to N/OFQ and UFP-112 evoked analgesic effects. Neither morphine nor N/OFQ induced antinociceptive effects in morphine- and UFP-113-tolerant rats. In conclusion this study highlights the analgesic efficacy and potency of UFP-112 and UFP-113 underlining the relevance of NOP system in analgesia

    HelixComplex snail mucus as a potential technology against O3 induced skin damage

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    Mucus form H. aspersa muller has been reported to have several therapeutic proprieties, such as antimicrobial activity, skin protection and wound repair. In this study, we have analyzed H. aspersa mucus (Helixcomplex) bio-adhesive efficacy and its defensive properties against the ozone (O3) (0.5 ppm for 2 hours) exposure in human keratinocytes and reconstructed human epidermis models. Cytotoxicity, tissue morphology and cytokine levels were determined. We confirmed HelixComplex regenerative and bio-adhesive properties, the latter possibly via the characteristic mucopolysaccharide composition. In addition, HelixComplex was able to protect from O3 exposure by preventing oxidative damage and the consequent pro-inflammatory response in both 2D and 3D models. Based on this study, it is possible to suggest HelixComplex as a potentially new protective technology against pollution induced skin damage

    Design and synthesis of99mTcN-labeled dextran-mannose derivatives for sentinel lymph node detection

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    Background: New approaches based on the receptor-targeted molecular interaction have been recently developed with the aim to investigate specific probes for sentinel lymph nodes. In particular, the mannose receptors expressed by lymph node macrophages became an attractive target and different multifunctional mannose derivate ligands for the labeling with99mTc have been developed. In this study, we report the synthesis of a specific class of dextran-based, macromolecular, multifunctional ligands specially designed for labeling with the highly stable [99mTc≡N]2+core. Methods: The ligands have been obtained by appending to a macromolecular dextran scaffold pendant arms bearing a chelating moiety for the metallic group and a mannosyl residue for allowing the interaction of the resulting macromolecular99mTc conjugate with specific receptors on the external membrane of macrophages. Two different chelating systems have been selected, S-methyl dithiocarbazate [H2N-NH-C(=S)SCH3=HDTCZ] and a sequence of two cysteine residues, that in combination with a monophosphine coligand, are able to bind the [99mTc≡N]2+core. Conclusions: High-specific-activity labeling has been obtained by simple mixing and heating of the [99mTc≡N]2+group with the new mannose-dextran derivatives

    Plasticity of the Anemonia viridis microbiota in response to different levels of combined anthropogenic and environmental stresses

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    Despite their recognized primary importance, marine coastal ecosystems around the globe are currently under threat, being subject to continuous local and global anthropogenic stressors. In this frame, understanding the response of coastal habitat-forming species to multiple stressors and their resilience is fundamental for the sustainable management of coastal ecosystems. In the present study, to provide some glimpses in this direction, we explored the response of the Anemonia viridis-associated microbiota to the combined anthropogenic stressors, which typically affect touristic hotspots at Mediterranean coastal sites. To this aim, two case studies have been carried out, the first in the Riccione coastal site (Italy, Center Mediterranean) and the second at Cap de Creus (Spain, North-western Mediterranean), where the A. viridis microbiota was assessed under the conditions of both high and low anthropogenic pressure. According to our findings, the A. viridis microbiota showed a relevant degree of plasticity in response to combined anthropogenic and environmental stressors, with changes that also mirrored variations in the surrounding seawater, thus indicating a close connection with the environment, from which potential symbiotic partners are selected. However, this potentially adaptive process also has a limitation, as observed in the highly anthropogenic impact site of Cap de Creus, where A. viridis-associated microbiota appeared completely unstructured, as demonstrated by an increased dispersion according to the Anna Karenina principle. This raises the question about the resilience of the A. viridis-associated microbiota under combined climate and anthropogenic threats, as well as of the anthropogenic factors driving the observed dysbiosis changes

    Composition and biodiversity of soil and root-associated microbiome in Vitis vinifera cultivar Lambrusco distinguish the microbial terroir of the Lambrusco DOC protected designation of origin area on a local scale

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    Introduction Wines produced from the same grape cultivars but in different locations possess distinctive qualities leading to different consumer's appreciation, preferences, and thus purchase choices. Here, we explore the possible importance of microbiomes at the soil-plant interface as a determinant of the terroir properties in grapevine production, which confer specific growth performances and wine chemo-sensory properties at the local scale. MethodsIn particular, we investigated the variation in microbial communities associated with the roots of Vitis vinifera cultivar Lambrusco, as well as with surrounding bulk soils, in different vineyards across the "Consorzio Tutela Lambrusco DOC" protected designation of origin area (PDO, Emilia Romagna, Italy), considering viticultural sites located both inside and outside the consortium in two different seasons (June and November 2021). ResultsAccording to our findings, rhizospheric and soil microbiomes show significant structural differences in relation to the sampling site, regardless of seasonality, while endophytic microbiomes seem to be completely unaffected by such variables. Furthermore, a deeper insight into the microbial terroir of PDO areas highlighted the presence of some rhizospheric microorganisms enriched inside the consortium and characterizing the PDO regardless of both sampling season and farming strategy. These include Bacillus, Paenibacillus, and Azospirillum, which are all well-known plant growth-promoting bacteria. DiscussionTaken together, our results suggest a connection between soil and root microbiomes of V. vinifera cultivar Lambrusco and the local designation of origin, emphasizing the potential role of PDO-enriched plant growth-promoting bacteria in vine growing and final quality of the Lambrusco DOC wine

    A Cationic Contrast Agent in X-ray Imaging of Articular Cartilage: Pre-Clinical Evaluation of Diffusion and Attenuation Properties

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    The aim of this study was the preliminary assessment of a new cationic contrast agent, the CA4+, via the analysis of spatial distribution in cartilage of ex vivo bovine samples, at micrometer and millimeter scale. Osteochondral plugs (n = 18) extracted from bovine stifle joints (n = 2) were immersed in CA4+ solution up to 26 h. Planar images were acquired at different time points, using a microCT apparatus. The CA4+ distribution in cartilage and saturation time were evaluated. Tibial plates from bovine stifle joints (n = 3) were imaged with CT, before and after 24 h-CA4+ bath immersion, at different concentrations. Afterward, potential CA4+ washout from cartilage was investigated. From microCT acquisitions, the CA4+ distribution differentiated into three distinct layers inside the cartilage, reflecting the spatial distribution of proteoglycans. After 24 h of diffusion, the iodine concentration reached in cartilage was approximately seven times that of the CA4+ bath. The resulting saturation time was 1.9 ± 0.9 h and 2.6 ± 2.9 h for femoral and tibial samples, respectively. Analysis of clinical CT acquisitions confirmed overall contrast enhancement of cartilage after 24 h immersion, observed for each CA4+ concentration. Distinct contrast enhancement was reached in different cartilage regions, depending on tissue's local features. Incomplete but remarkable washout of cartilage was observed. CA4+ significantly improved cartilage visualization and its qualitative analysis

    Synthesis and NLRP3-Inflammasome Inhibitory Activity of the Naturally Occurring Velutone F and of Its Non-Natural Regioisomeric Chalconoids

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    Plant-derived remedies rich in chalcone-based compounds have been known for centuries in the treatment of specific diseases, and nowadays, the fascinating chalcone framework is considered a useful and, above all, abundant natural chemotype. Velutone F, a new chalconoid from Millettia velutina, exhibits a potent effect as an NLRP3-inflammasome inhibitor; the search for new natural/non-natural lead compounds as NLRP3 inhibitors is a current topical subject in medicinal chemistry. The details of our work toward the synthesis of velutone F and the unknown non-natural regioisomers are herein reported. We used different synthetic strategies both for the construction of the distinctive benzofuran nucleus (BF) and for the key phenylpropenone system (PhP). Importantly, we have disclosed a facile entry to the velutone F via synthetic routes that can also be useful for preparing non-natural analogs, a prerequisite for extensive SAR studies on the new flavonoid class of NLRP3-inhibitors

    Worsening of the Toxic Effects of (±) Cis -4,4′-DMAR Following Its Co-Administration with (±) Trans -4,4′-DMAR: Neuro-Behavioural, Physiological, Immunohistochemical and Metabolic Studies in Mice

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    © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).4,4’-Dimethylaminorex (4,4’-DMAR) is a new synthetic stimulant, and only a little information has been made available so far regarding its pharmaco-toxicological effects. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of the systemic administration of both the single (±)cis (0.1–60 mg/kg) and (±)trans (30 and 60 mg/kg) stereoisomers and their co-administration (e.g., (±)cis at 1, 10 or 60 mg/kg + (±)trans at 30 mg/kg) in mice. Moreover, we investigated the effect of 4,4′-DMAR on the expression of markers of oxidative/nitrosative stress (8-OHdG, iNOS, NT and NOX2), apoptosis (Smac/DIABLO and NF-κB), and heat shock proteins (HSP27, HSP70, HSP90) in the cerebral cortex. Our study demonstrated that the (±)cis stereoisomer dose-dependently induced psychomotor agitation, sweating, salivation, hyperthermia, stimulated aggression, convulsions and death. Conversely, the (±)trans stereoisomer was ineffective whilst the stereoisomers’ co-administration resulted in a worsening of the toxic (±)cis stereoisomer effects. This trend of responses was confirmed by immunohistochemical analysis on the cortex. Finally, we investigated the potentially toxic effects of stereoisomer co-administration by studying urinary excretion. The excretion study showed that the (±)trans stereoisomer reduced the metabolism of the (±)cis form and increased its amount in the urine, possibly reflecting its increased plasma levels and, therefore, the worsening of its toxicity.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Pharmacological modulation of mitochondrial calcium uniporter controls lung inflammation in cystic fibrosis

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    Mitochondria physically associate with the endoplasmic reticulum to coordinate interorganelle calcium transfer and regulate fundamental cellular processes, including inflammation. Deregulated endoplasmic reticulum–mitochondria cross-talk can occur in cystic fibrosis, contributing to hyperinflammation and disease progression. We demonstrate that Pseudomonasaeruginosainfection increases endoplasmic reticulum–mitochondria associations in cystic fibrosis bronchial cells by stabilizing VAPB-PTPIP51 (vesicle-associated membrane protein–associated protein B–protein tyrosine phosphatase interacting protein 51) tethers, affecting autophagy. Impaired autophagy induced mitochondrial unfolding protein response and NLRP3 inflammasome activation, contributing to hyperinflammation. The mechanism by which VAPB-PTPIP51 tethers regulate autophagy in cystic fibrosis involves calcium transfer via mitochondrial calcium uniporter. Mitochondrial calcium uniporter inhibition rectified autophagy and alleviated the inflammatory response in vitro and in vivo, resulting in a valid therapeutic strategy for cystic fibrosis pulmonary disease