24 research outputs found

    Mosquito control by abatement programmes in the United States: perspectives and lessons for countries in sub-Saharan Africa.

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    Africa and the United States are both large, heterogeneous geographies with a diverse range of ecologies, climates and mosquito species diversity which contribute to disease transmission and nuisance biting. In the United States, mosquito control is nationally, and regionally coordinated and in so much as the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) provides guidance, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) provides pesticide registration, and the states provide legal authority and oversight, the implementation is usually decentralized to the state, county, or city level. Mosquito control operations are organized, in most instances, into fully independent mosquito abatement districts, public works departments, local health departments. In some cases, municipalities engage independent private contractors to undertake mosquito control within their jurisdictions. In sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), where most vector-borne disease endemic countries lie, mosquito control is organized centrally at the national level. In this model, the disease control programmes (national malaria control programmes or national malaria elimination programmes (NMCP/NMEP)) are embedded within the central governments' ministries of health (MoHs) and drive vector control policy development and implementation. Because of the high disease burden and limited resources, the primary endpoint of mosquito control in these settings is reduction of mosquito borne diseases, primarily, malaria. In the United States, however, the endpoint is mosquito control, therefore, significant (or even greater) emphasis is laid on nuisance mosquitoes as much as disease vectors. The authors detail experiences and learnings gathered by the delegation of African vector control professionals that participated in a formal exchange programme initiated by the Pan-African Mosquito Control Association (PAMCA), the University of Notre Dame, and members of the American Mosquito Control Association (AMCA), in the United States between the year 2021 and 2022. The authors highlight the key components of mosquito control operations in the United States and compare them to mosquito control programmes in SSA countries endemic for vector-borne diseases, deriving important lessons that could be useful for vector control in SSA

    Chapitre 20. Les défis de l’organisation des producteurs de bas-fonds aménagés et de l’insertion dans une filière riz

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    Introduction Les bas-fonds et petites plaines inondables bordant des cours d’eau saisonniers constituent, dans les régions soudano-sahéliennes soumises à une grande variabilité climatique, un milieu de plus en plus attractif pour l’agriculture car il concentre les ressources en eau et les sols y sont plus fertiles (Windmeijer et al., 2002). Dans les années 1970 et 1980, l’apparition des grandes sécheresses a conduit à une attention particulière pour la mise en valeur de ces zones plus humides..

    Is it valid to assess an individual’s performance in team training simulation when the supporting team are confederates?: A controlled and randomized clinical trial

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    International audienceBackground: During simulation training, the confederate is a member of the pedagogical team. Its role is to facilitate the interaction between participants and the environment, and is thought to increase realism and immersion. Its influence on participants' performance in full-scale simulation remains however unknown. The purpose of this study was to observe the effect of the presence of confederates on the participants' performance during full-scale simulation of crisis medical situations. Methods: This was a prospective, randomized study comparing 2 parallel groups. Participants were emergency medicine residents engaging in a simulation session, with or without confederates. Participants were then evaluated on their Crisis Resource Management performance (CRM). The overall performance score on the Ottawa Global Rating Scale was assessed as primary outcome and the 5 non-technical CRM skills as secondary outcomes. Results: A total of 63 simulation sessions, including 63 residents, were included for statistical analysis (n = 32 for Control group and 31 for Confederate group). The mean Overall Performance score was 3.9 ± 0.8 in the Control group and 4.0 ± 1.1 in the Confederate group, 95% confidence interval of the difference [-0.6; 0.4], p = 0.60. No significant differences between the two groups were observed on each CRM items (leadership, situational awareness, communication, problem solving, resource utilization) Conclusion: In this randomized and controlled study, the presence of confederates during full-scale simulated practice of crisis medical situations does not seem to influence the CRM skills performance of Emergency medicine residents. Trial registration: This study does not need to be registered on Clintrial as it does not report a health care intervention on human participants

    Collecter des données sur des expériences et attitudes sensibles : le cas du Mali

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    International audienceIn standard household surveys, the data collected are exposed to response bias, particularly for questions considered sensitive. The List Experiment method is an alternative survey technique for limiting these biases. This article presents the results of an experimental survey conducted using this method with 1,509 individuals throughout Mali. Individuals were surveyed by telephone during the summer of 2021 about their experiences and political attitudes related to insecurity. From a methodological point of view, we have drawn a number of lessons from the survey: among others, a very good understanding and acceptability of the method by the respondents, due in particular to the quality of the interviewers and supervisors; the need for a more complex sample design than for a standard questionnaire; and the importance of a short questionnaire when surveying by telephone. From an analytical point of view, the survey reveals the existence of significant social desirability biases - particularly for questions concerning political attitudes in relation to insecurity.Dans les enquêtes standards auprès des ménages, les données collectées sont exposées à des biais de réponses, particulièrement pour les questions considérées comme sensibles. La méthode par comptage de réponses est une technique d’enquête alternative permettant de limiter ces biais. Cet article présente les résultats d’une enquête expérimentale menée selon cette méthode auprès de 1 509 individus sur l’ensemble du territoire malien. Les personnes ont été sondées par téléphone durant l’été 2021 à propos d’expériences et d’attitudes politiques liées à l’insécurité. D’un point de vue méthodologique, nous en tirons plusieurs enseignements : entre autres, une très bonne compréhension et acceptabilité de la méthode par les enquêté·e·s, qui tient notamment à la qualité des enquêteur·trice·s et des superviseur·se·s ; la nécessité d’un plan de sondage plus complexe que pour un questionnaire standard ; et l’importance d’un questionnaire court lorsqu’on enquête par téléphone. Du point de vue analytique, l’enquête fait ressortir l’existence de biais déclaratifs significatifs – notamment pour les questions portant sur les préférences politiques en lien avec l’insécurité

    Collecter des données sur des expériences et attitudes sensibles : le cas du Mali

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    In standard household surveys, the data collected are exposed to response bias, particularly for questions considered sensitive. The List Experiment method is an alternative survey technique for limiting these biases. This article presents the results of an experimental survey conducted using this method with 1,509 individuals throughout Mali. Individuals were surveyed by telephone during the summer of 2021 about their experiences and political attitudes related to insecurity. From a methodological point of view, we have drawn a number of lessons from the survey: among others, a very good understanding and acceptability of the method by the respondents, due in particular to the quality of the interviewers and supervisors; the need for a more complex sample design than for a standard questionnaire; and the importance of a short questionnaire when surveying by telephone. From an analytical point of view, the survey reveals the existence of significant social desirability biases - particularly for questions concerning political attitudes in relation to insecurity.Dans les enquêtes standards auprès des ménages, les données collectées sont exposées à des biais de réponses, particulièrement pour les questions considérées comme sensibles. La méthode par comptage de réponses est une technique d’enquête alternative permettant de limiter ces biais. Cet article présente les résultats d’une enquête expérimentale menée selon cette méthode auprès de 1 509 individus sur l’ensemble du territoire malien. Les personnes ont été sondées par téléphone durant l’été 2021 à propos d’expériences et d’attitudes politiques liées à l’insécurité. D’un point de vue méthodologique, nous en tirons plusieurs enseignements : entre autres, une très bonne compréhension et acceptabilité de la méthode par les enquêté·e·s, qui tient notamment à la qualité des enquêteur·trice·s et des superviseur·se·s ; la nécessité d’un plan de sondage plus complexe que pour un questionnaire standard ; et l’importance d’un questionnaire court lorsqu’on enquête par téléphone. Du point de vue analytique, l’enquête fait ressortir l’existence de biais déclaratifs significatifs – notamment pour les questions portant sur les préférences politiques en lien avec l’insécurité