170 research outputs found

    A survey of natural parasitism of mirid bugs by parasitoids on apples and pears in Norway

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    Mirid bugs are important pests in both integrated and organic fruit production. In a survey in 2006 the proportion of mirids parasitized by parasitoids was investigated in 18 Norwegian orchards. More than 50 beating samples were collected from apple and pear orchards under integrated and organic management in different areas of Norway. About 30% of nymphs of the most abundant mirid bug species, Lygocoris pabulinus, Ortholylus marginalis and Psallus ambiguus, were parasitized. Important factors for enhancing biological control in organic fruit production are discussed

    Bridging the GAPP

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    The German American Partnership Program (GAPP) is a short-term high school student exchange program that provides students from both countries to gain perspectives from alternative culture exchanges. The GAPP program is not a school sponsored club or organization. This service-learning project involves assisting coordinators by creating resources to educate individuals regarding cultural and language opportunities and provides support to an already overburdened education staff. Communicating expectations and cultural information allows students to travel safely and remain open to new perspectives

    Adoption of green technology : Do temporary electricity price shocks affect the adoption of heat pumps?

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    In this thesis, we aim to explore if temporary electricity price shocks affect adoption of heat pumps. In order to do this we construct panel data by combining sources from Enova and NordPool on number of subsidized heat pump installations and electricity spot prices for the different price areas in Norway. We then estimate a least square dummy variable regression with price area, yearly and monthly fixed effects to see whether fluctuations in average lagged electricity prices spur adoption of heat pumps. In addition, we use data from the Norwegian center for research data (NSD) to have a closer look at which household characteristics that correlate with the prevalence of heat pumps. In the interpretation of our results we rely on the theoretical underpinnings of bounded rational consumer behavior, with focus on myopic expectations and inattention. Despite the temporary nature of the increases in the electricity price in our observations, we find that an average increase in the electricity price of one percent over the last four months leads to a significant increase in installations of 1.12 percent. Thus, we argue that temporary electricity price shocks indeed do affect households adoption of heat pumps. One explanation for our results is that consumers are myopic to the electricity price, adjusting their future price expectations as a result of the increase in the current electricity price. Another explanation is that temporary price shocks increases households attention, inducing information acquisition on energy efficient technology to dampen the costs of the next price increase. Our results from NSD suggest that larger households living in an owner-occupied detached house are most frequent to have a heat pump installed. Even though these characteristics are likely to prevail for the Norwegian population as a whole, it might not be valid for the data provided by Enova due to the high up-front cost of subsidized heat pumps.nhhma

    Management of strawberry blossom weevil and European tarnished plant bug in organic strawberry and raspberry using semiochemical traps

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    The strawberry blossom weevil (Anthonomus rubi) and the European tarnished plant bug (Lygus rugulipennis) cause large (10 - >80%) losses in yield and quality in organically grown berries. A consortium with 6 European countries has been created to work on the management of those pests. The pheromones of A. rubi and L. rugulipennis have been characterized in England by NRI/EMR. For the attraction of A. rubi the importance of host plant volatiles in combination with the pheromones has also been documented. The natural semiochemical mechanisms of sexual attraction and host plant finding of A. rubi and L. rugulipennis will be further studied and exploited to develop effective semiochemical traps for their management through mass trapping. Attractive lures for these two species will then be combined into a single multitrap with the aim of managing two pests simultaneously in each crop. This will be one of the first approaches to pest management of non-lepidopteran insect pests of horticultural crops using semiochemicals in the EU, and probably the first to target multiple species from different insect orders. The project will be organized in the following work packages; 1) Chemical analysis of plant volatiles, 2) Pest insects in strawberry, 3) Pest insects in raspberry and 4) Trap design and lure development. The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support for this project provided by the CORE Organic II Funding Bodies, being partners of the FP7 ERA-Net project, CORE Organic II (Coordination of European Transnational Research in Organic Food and Farming systems, project no. 249667)

    Control methods against bugs (Hemiptera; Heteroptera) in organic apple and pear production

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    True bugs (Hemiptera; Heteroptera) are important pests in fruit production in Norway. In organic fruit pro-duction they may damage up to 40% of the crop. Several of the Heteropteran species attacking apple and pear are polyphagous, with many other hostplants than pome fruit. In organic production few control meth-ods are available against bugs. In this study we have tried a cultural control method (mowing of ground-cover) as well as spray applications of various biological insecticides against bugs. Spray application of azadirachtin (NeemAzal), rape oil and garlic extract (Ecoguard) were tested. Results indicate that the effect of mowing groundcover inside the orchard is variable and small. Applying NeemAzal reduced the number of bugs and damage. Oil and Ecoguard showed little effect in this study, however further testing is needed. Results from the first two years of the study will be discussed in relation to both cultural and direct control methods against bugs

    Distribution and Prolonged Diapause of the Rowan Seed Predators Argyresthia conjugella (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae) and Megastigmus brevicaudis (Hymenoptera: Torymidae) and their Parasitoids in Norway

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    The seed predator Argyresthia conjugella Zeller has rowan as its preferred host plant. In years of poor fruiting in rowan, it oviposits on apples. To improve the knowledge of this apple pest, rowanberries were collected from localities all over Norway from 1971 to 1985, and seed predators and their parasitoids were allowed to emerge for up to five years. Two species of seed predators, A. conjugella and Megastimus brevicaudis Ratzeburg, and seven species of parasitic Hymenoptera were common. The distribution of these species is shown on EIS (European Invertebrate Survey) maps of Norway. The biology of the parasitoids is summarized based on the published literature and their behavior during emergence. The tendency for delayed emergence, which is an indication of prolonged diapause, was more pronounced in M. brevicaudis than in A. conjugella, the former appearing in all five years. Five of the parasitoids also delayed their emergence, and three of them to a high degree, up to five years. Prolonged diapause must be taken into account in studies of rowanberry insect guilds.publishedVersio

    The physician's unique role in preventing violence: a neglected opportunity?

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    BACKGROUND: Episodes of explosive rage and violence comprise a symptom complex which can have a devastating effect on a person's life. In the community this behavior is seen as workplace violence, domestic abuse and road rage, while in the clinical setting, this behavior is rarely mentioned by patients, despite evidence that it can signify an important biological disorder that may afflict more than three percent of the population. DISCUSSION: Patients are often reluctant to seek help for episodic attacks of rage, especially attacks which are accompanied by physical violence. Although, in the past, clinicians have had few treatment options to offer, recent neuroscience advances have created new possibilities to understand and help patients with this neglected problem. No formal medical guidelines for treating violence exist; however, many patients can be helped by diagnosis, referral and treatment. Treatment can include pharmaceuticals and nutrients, as well as referral for anger management or behavioral therapy. SUMMARY: The astute clinician has an opportunity to positively impact an important problem through the diagnosis and treatment of patients with symptoms of intermittent explosive disorder

    Utforskende arbeidsmåter i barnehagen : Barnehagepersonalets rolle

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    Kysten som læringsarena - en mulighetsstudie på Skøyen

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    Verdens havområder, Oslofjorden inkludert, er under stort press på grunn av klimaendringer, miljøforandringer og utbygging i strandlinjen. Til nå har fokuset innen byutvikling og landskapsarkitektur ligget på arealene på land, og sjøområdene har i mer eller mindre grad blitt glemt. I Indre Oslofjord er 70% av strandsonen nedbygd og tilknytningen som barn og unge har til marin natur reduseres. For at fremtidens generasjoner skal få kunnskap om havet og et ønske om å ivareta det, må endringer skje. Som landskapsarkitekt sitter man på en stor mulighet til å tilrettelegge for dette. Bestumkilen i Indre Oslofjord er i dag preget av harde flater, redusert marint liv og ensformig bruk med båtmarina som hovedfunksjon. Det er et komplekst område hvor det foreligger planer om utbygging i en større, pågående områderegulering for Skøyen. Gjennom en mulighetsstudie presenterer denne oppgaven et alternativt forslag til områdereguleringen. Forslaget vårt har høyere fokus på biologisk mangfold over og under vann. Det tilrettelegger samtidig for erfaringsbasert læring for barn i en utforskende alder. Kunnskapsinnhenting, registreringer og analyser har resultert i 24 prinsipper for utforming av Deltaparken med hensyn på økologi, barn og læring og stedet Bestumkilen. Mulighetsstudiet presenterer hvordan en urban tomt kan gjennomgå en transformasjon som ikke bare gir bedre livsvilkår for mennesker og dyr, men også engasjerer fremtidige generasjoner til å ta vare på naturen.The world’s oceans are facing a huge amount of pressure due to climate change, environmental changes and development of coastal areas. This also includes Oslofjorden. Until now, the focus in urban development and landscape architecture has mainly been on land areas, rather than ocean landscapes which has been more or less neglected. Today 70% of the costal line in Indre Oslofjord has been developed, and children’s connection to the marine nature is being reduced. In order to ensure knowledge about the ocean for future generations, changes need to happen. Landscape architects possesses a great opportunity to plan for this. Bestumkilen in Indre Oslofjord is today characterized by grey surfaces, reduced marine life, and single purpose uses with the marina as its main function. It is a complex area, where plans for development are being explored in the zoning plan for Skøyen. Through a feasibility study, this assignment presents an alternative proposal for this zoning plan. The alternative proposal focuses more on biological diversity, both above and below water, and is facilitating for experiential learning for children in an exploring age. Gathering of information, registrations and analyses has resulted in 24 principals for design in Deltaparken. These are regarding ecology, children and learning, and Bestumkilen. The feasibility study presents how an urban area can go through a transformation that not only enhances the living conditions for humans and animals, but also engages future generations to preserve nature

    Rognebærmøll - en sulten flyktning i eplehagen

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    Det hender at det er mark i eplene. Som oftest er det larven til rognebærmøll som er på ferde. Rognebærmøll er en liten sommerfugl som har fått navnet sitt fordi den har rogn som vertplante. I enkelte år er det lite bær på rogna og møllet må ta til takke med eple som nødproviant. Bioforsk har siden 1980-tallet beregnet angrepsfare av rognebærmøll for Norges epledyrkere. Disse prognosene har mer enn halvert antall sprøytinger i eple, til kun de årene det meldt om angrep. I tillegg har en temperaturmodell økt presisjonen på varslingen slik at gjentatte sprøytinger er minimert. Prognoser og modeller kan imidlertid melde om angrep uten at det slår til. Vi har utviklet et luktstoff som kan bøte på dette. Lukten lokker rognebærmøllen i feller når de flyr inn i eplehagen. Overvåkning med slike feller kan redusere antall sprøytinger med ytterligere 50 – 80 prosent