24 research outputs found

    Hematological parameters of red tilapia (Oreochromis sp.) fed lemongrass essential oil (Cymbopogon citratus) after challenge with Streptococcus agalactiae

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    The study involved feeding lemongrass essential oil (LEO) supplements to red tilapia (Oreochromis sp.) at concentrations including Control - 0 mg, T1 – 200 mg, T2 – 300 mg, and T3 – 400 mg per kg of feed. The research investigated changes in hematological (HCT, Hb, RBC, WBC & thrombocytes) and erythrocyte’s morphological (major/minor axis; perimeter, and area of erythrocyte) parameters before infection, 5- and 10-days post-infection (DPI). According to analytical findings, a diet containing LEO enhanced the synthesis of both erythrocytes and leukocytes in the peripheral blood of red tilapia after 20 days of being used. Therefore, the indicators of this group of fish showed better performance than those that did not use LEO supplement five days after bacterial infection. Fish fed 200 mg/kg of LEO after being challenged with S. agalactiae for ten days showed an improved effect on red blood cell production. White blood cells decreased at all concentrations because of citral’s immunomodulatory properties

    The transfer and decay of maternal antibody against Shigella sonnei in a longitudinal cohort of Vietnamese infants.

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    BACKGROUND: Shigella sonnei is an emergent and major diarrheal pathogen for which there is currently no vaccine. We aimed to quantify duration of maternal antibody against S. sonnei and investigate transplacental IgG transfer in a birth cohort in southern Vietnam. METHODS AND RESULTS: Over 500-paired maternal/infant plasma samples were evaluated for presence of anti-S. sonnei-O IgG and IgM. Longitudinal plasma samples allowed for the estimation of the median half-life of maternal anti-S. sonnei-O IgG, which was 43 days (95% confidence interval: 41-45 days). Additionally, half of infants lacked a detectable titer by 19 weeks of age. Lower cord titers were associated with greater increases in S. sonnei IgG over the first year of life, and the incidence of S. sonnei seroconversion was estimated to be 4/100 infant years. Maternal IgG titer, the ratio of antibody transfer, the season of birth and gestational age were significantly associated with cord titer. CONCLUSIONS: Maternal anti-S. sonnei-O IgG is efficiently transferred across the placenta and anti-S. sonnei-O maternal IgG declines rapidly after birth and is undetectable after 5 months in the majority of children. Preterm neonates and children born to mothers with low IgG titers have lower cord titers and therefore may be at greater risk of seroconversion in infancy

    Excess body weight and age associated with the carriage of fluoroquinolone and third-generation cephalosporin resistance genes in commensal Escherichia coli from a cohort of urban Vietnamese children.

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    PURPOSE: Antimicrobial-resistant bacterial infections in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) are a well-established global health issue. We aimed to assess the prevalence of and epidemiological factors associated with the carriage of ciprofloxacin- and ceftriaxone-resistant Escherichia coli and associated resistance genes in a cohort of 498 healthy children residing in urban Vietnam. METHODOLOGY: We cultured rectal swabs onto MacConkey agar supplemented with resistant concentrations of ciprofloxacin and ceftriaxone. Additionally, we screened meta-E. coli populations by conventional PCR to detect plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance (PMQR)- and extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-encoding genes. We measured the associations between phenotypic/genotypic resistance and demographic characteristics using logistic regression.Results/Key findings. Ciprofloxacin- and ceftriaxone-resistant E. coli were cultured from the faecal samples of 67.7 % (337/498) and 80.3 % (400/498) of children, respectively. The prevalence of any associated resistance marker in the individual samples was 86.7 % (432/498) for PMQR genes and 90.6 % (451/498) for β-lactamase genes. Overweight children were significantly more likely to carry qnr genes than children with lower weight-for-height z-scores [odds ratios (OR): 1.24; 95 % confidence interval (CI): 10.5-1.48 for each unit increase in weight for height; P=0.01]. Additionally, younger children were significantly more likely to carry ESBL CTX-M genes than older children (OR: 0.97, 95 % CI: 0.94-0.99 for each additional year, P=0.01). CONCLUSION: The carriage of genotypic and phenotypic antimicrobial resistance is highly prevalent among E. coli in healthy children in the community in Vietnam. Future investigations on the carriage of antimicrobial resistant organisms in LMICs should focus on the progression of carriage from birth and structure of the microbiome in obesity

    The Role of Maternally Acquired Antibody in Providing Protective Immunity Against Nontyphoidal Salmonella in Urban Vietnamese Infants: A Birth Cohort Study.

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    BACKGROUND: Nontyphoidal Salmonella (NTS) organisms are a major cause of gastroenteritis and bacteremia, but little is known about maternally acquired immunity and natural exposure in infant populations residing in areas where NTS disease is highly endemic. METHODS: We recruited 503 pregnant mothers and their infants (following delivery) from urban areas in Vietnam and followed infants until they were 1 year old. Exposure to the dominant NTS serovars, Salmonella enterica serovars Typhimurium and Enteritidis, were assessed using lipopolysaccharide (LPS) O antigen-specific antibodies. Antibody dynamics, the role of maternally acquired antibodies, and NTS seroincidence rates were modeled using multivariate linear risk factor models and generalized additive mixed-effect models. RESULTS: Transplacental transfer of NTS LPS-specific maternal antibodies to infants was highly efficient. Waning of transplacentally acquired NTS LPS-specific antibodies at 4 months of age left infants susceptible to Salmonella organisms, after which they began to seroconvert. High seroincidences of S. Typhimurium and S. Enteritidis LPS were observed, and infants born with higher anti-LPS titers had greater plasma bactericidal activity and longer protection from seroconversion. CONCLUSIONS: Although Vietnamese infants have extensive exposure to NTS, maternally acquired antibodies appear to play a protective role against NTS infections during early infancy. These findings suggest that prenatal immunization may be an appropriate strategy to protect vulnerable infants from NTS disease

    Space law in Vietnam: outer space policy, legal development and its future pathway

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    Chociaż Wietnam uczestniczył w licznych operacjach kosmicznych, współpracując z wieloma narodami z całego świata, prawna regulacja sektora kosmicznego jest wciąż w powijakach. W artykule przedstawiono rozwój polityki i prawa kosmicznego, a także współpracy międzynarodowej w zakresie wykorzystania przestrzeni kosmicznej w Wietnamie od 1979 roku do chwili obecnej, z punktem zwrotnym w 2006 roku. Autorzy wskazali także kilka prognoz dotyczących przyszłej ścieżki wietnamskiego prawa kosmicznego w nowej erze, liczonej od 2020 roku.Although Vietnam has participated in numerous outer space operations with many nations worldwide, its legal system in this sector is still in its infancy and consequently has several restrictions. More specifically, this article investigates the establishment and evolution of policies, laws, and international cooperation regarding the utilization of outer space in Vietnam from 1979 to the present, with the turning point in 2006. The authors then give some predictions concerning the future pathway of Vietnamese space law in the new age from 2020

    Sustainable Supplier Selection Process in Edible Oil Production by a Hybrid Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process and Green Data Envelopment Analysis for the SMEs Food Processing Industry

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    Today, business organizations are facing increasing pressure from a variety of sources to operate using sustainable processes. Thus, most companies need to focus on their supply chains to enhance sustainability to meet customer demands and comply with environmental legislation. To achieve these goals, companies must focus on criteria that include CO2 (carbon footprint) and toxic emissions, energy use and efficiency, wastage generations, and worker health and safety. As in other industries, the food processing industry requires large inputs of resources, which results in several negative environmental effects; thus, decision-makers have to evaluate qualitative and quantitative factors. This work identifies the best supplier for edible oil production in the small and medium enterprise (SME) food processing industry in Vietnam. This study also processes a hybrid multicriteria decision-making (MCDM) model using a fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (FAHP) and green data envelopment analysis (GDEA) model to identify the weight of all criteria of a supplier’s selection process based on opinions from company procurement experts. Subsequently, GDEA is applied to rank all potential supplier lists. The primary objective of this work is to present a novel approach which integrates FAHP and DEA for supplier selection and also consider the green issue in edible oil production in uncertain environments. The aim of this research is also to provide a useful guideline for supplier selection based on qualitative and quantitative factors to improve the efficiency of supplier selection in the food industry and other industries. The results reveal that Decision-Making Unit 1 (DMU 1), DMU 3, DMU 7, and DMU 9 are identified as extremely efficient for five DEA models, which are the optimal suppliers for edible oil production. The contributions of this research include a proposed MCDM model using a hybrid FAHP and GDEA model for supplier selection in the SME food processing industry under a fuzzy environment conditions in Vietnam. This research also is part of an evolution of a new hybrid model that is flexible and practical for decision-makers. In addition, the research also provides a useful guideline in supplier selection in the food processing industry and a guideline for supplier selection in other industries

    A cohort study to define the age-specific incidence and risk factors of Shigella diarrhoeal infections in Vietnamese children: a study protocol.

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    BACKGROUND: Shigella spp. are one of the most common causes of paediatric dysentery globally, responsible for a substantial proportion of diarrhoeal disease morbidity and mortality, particularly in industrialising regions. Alarming levels of antimicrobial resistance are now reported in S. flexneri and S. sonnei, hampering treatment options. Little is known, however, about the burden of infection and disease due to Shigella spp. in the community. METHODS/DESIGN: In order to estimate the incidence of this bacterial infection in the community in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam we have designed a longitudinal cohort to follow up approximately 700 children aged 12-60 months for two years with active and passive surveillance for diarrhoeal disease. Children will be seen at 6 month intervals for health checks where blood and stool samples will be collected. Families will also be contacted every two weeks for information on presence of diarrhoea in the child. Upon report of a diarrhoeal disease episode, study nurses will either travel to the family home to perform an evaluation or the family will attend a study hospital at a reduced cost, where a stool sample will also be collected. Case report forms collected at this time will detail information regarding disease history, risk factors and presence of disease in the household.Outcomes will include (i) age-specific incidence of Shigella spp. and other agents of diarrhoeal disease in the community, (ii) risk factors for identified aetiologies, (iii) rates of seroconversion to a host of gastrointestinal pathogens in the first few years of life. Further work regarding the longitudinal immune response to a variety of Shigella antigens, host genetics and candidate vaccine/diagnostic proteins will also be conducted. DISCUSSION: This is the largest longitudinal cohort with active surveillance designed specifically to investigate Shigella infection and disease. The study is strengthened by the active surveillance component, which will likely capture a substantial proportion of episodes not normally identified through passive or hospital-based surveillance. It is hoped that information from this study will aid in the design and implementation of Shigella vaccine trials in the future

    Isolation and selection of nitrifying bacteria with high biofilm formation for treatment of ammonium polluted aquaculture water: Research article

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    A biofilm is any group of microorganisms in which cells stick to each other and adhere to a surface by excreting a matrix of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS). The chemoautotrophic nitrifying bacteria hardly form biofilms due to their extremely low growth rate; however, biofilm formation of nitrifying bacteria trends to attach in carrier by extracellular polysaccharides that facilitate mutual adhesion, the forming biofilm is also beneficial in nitrogen removal in biological filter systems, especially in aquaculture water treatment systems. The microbial activity within bio-carrier is a key factor in the performance of biofilm reactor. Selection the nitrifier bacteria that biofilm formation and immobilization on the carrier for application in ammonium polluted water treatment technologies, especially in aquaculture is our research objective. Therefore, in this study, ten and six strains of ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB) respectively were isolated from six different aquaculture water samples collected from Quang Ninh and Soc Trang. Basing on their high nitrification activity and biofilm forming capacity, six bacterial strains have been selected to take photo by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and carry out in 2 – liter tanks with and without carriers. As the results, the system with carriers (30% of total volume) increased nitrogen compounds elimination efficiency from 1.2 times to 2 times in comparison with the system without carrier. Two representatives of ammonia oxidizing bacterial group (B1.1; G2-1.2) were classification based on characteristics and they were classified as Nitrosomonas sp. and Nitrosococcus sp.Màng sinh học được hình thành từ vi sinh vật nhờ các tế bào tiết ra các chất cao phân tử ngoại bào (EPS) và dính vào nhau đồng thời được gắn lên một bề mặt vật thể lỏng hoặc rắn. Vi khuẩn nitrate hóa tự dưỡng có thể tạo ra màng sinh học nhưng khá khó khăn do tỷ lệ sinh trưởng rất chậm của chúng. Tuy nhiên vi khuẩn nitrate hóa tạo màng sinh học thường có xu thế bám lên giá thể nhờ sự gắn kết của các polisaccarit ngoại bào. Sự hình thành màng sinh học cũng là lợi thế để loại bỏ các hợp chất nitơ trong các hệ thống lọc sinh học, đặc biệt là trong các hệ thống xử lý nước nuôi trồng thủy sản. Hoạt tính vi sinh vật cùng với giá thể sinh học là một yếu tố quan trọng để thực hiện trong các bể phản ứng màng sinh học. Trong nghiên cứu này, mục tiêu của chúng tôi là lựa chọn được các vi khuẩn nitrate hóa có khả năng tạo màng sinh học và cố định chúng lên giá thể để ứng dụng trong các công nghệ xử lý nước bị ô nhiễm ammonia đặc biệt là trong nuôi trồng thủy sản. Kết quả cho thấy, từ sáu mẫu nước nuôi trồng thủy sản khác nhau từ Quảng Ninh và Sóc Trăng, 10 chủng vi khuẩn oxy hóa ammonia (AOB) và 6 chủng vi khuẩn oxy hóa nitrite (NOB) đã được phân lập. Dựa vào hoạt tính nitrate hóa và khả năng tạo màng sinh học của các chủng vi khuẩn phân lập được 6 chủng điển hình đã được lựa chọn để chụp ảnh kính hiển vi điện tử quét và được ứng dụng trong hai bể sinh học với dung tích 2 lít có chứa và không chứa chất mang (giá thể). Sau 7 ngày, hệ thống sinh học chứa giá thể (chiếm 30% thể tích) có hiệu suất loại bỏ các hợp chất nitơ tăng hơn từ 1,2 đến 2 lần so với bể sinh học không chứa chất mang. Hai đại diện của nhóm vi khuẩn oxy hóa ammonia (B-1.1 và G2-1.2) đã được phân loại sơ bộ dựa vào một số đặc điểm sinh học và chúng đã được xác định thuộc chi Nitrosomonas và chi Nitrosococcus

    Isolation and selection of nitrifying bacteria with high biofilm formation for treatment of ammonium polluted aquaculture water: Research article

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    A biofilm is any group of microorganisms in which cells stick to each other and adhere to a surface by excreting a matrix of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS). The chemoautotrophic nitrifying bacteria hardly form biofilms due to their extremely low growth rate; however, biofilm formation of nitrifying bacteria trends to attach in carrier by extracellular polysaccharides that facilitate mutual adhesion, the forming biofilm is also beneficial in nitrogen removal in biological filter systems, especially in aquaculture water treatment systems. The microbial activity within bio-carrier is a key factor in the performance of biofilm reactor. Selection the nitrifier bacteria that biofilm formation and immobilization on the carrier for application in ammonium polluted water treatment technologies, especially in aquaculture is our research objective. Therefore, in this study, ten and six strains of ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB) respectively were isolated from six different aquaculture water samples collected from Quang Ninh and Soc Trang. Basing on their high nitrification activity and biofilm forming capacity, six bacterial strains have been selected to take photo by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and carry out in 2 – liter tanks with and without carriers. As the results, the system with carriers (30% of total volume) increased nitrogen compounds elimination efficiency from 1.2 times to 2 times in comparison with the system without carrier. Two representatives of ammonia oxidizing bacterial group (B1.1; G2-1.2) were classification based on characteristics and they were classified as Nitrosomonas sp. and Nitrosococcus sp.Màng sinh học được hình thành từ vi sinh vật nhờ các tế bào tiết ra các chất cao phân tử ngoại bào (EPS) và dính vào nhau đồng thời được gắn lên một bề mặt vật thể lỏng hoặc rắn. Vi khuẩn nitrate hóa tự dưỡng có thể tạo ra màng sinh học nhưng khá khó khăn do tỷ lệ sinh trưởng rất chậm của chúng. Tuy nhiên vi khuẩn nitrate hóa tạo màng sinh học thường có xu thế bám lên giá thể nhờ sự gắn kết của các polisaccarit ngoại bào. Sự hình thành màng sinh học cũng là lợi thế để loại bỏ các hợp chất nitơ trong các hệ thống lọc sinh học, đặc biệt là trong các hệ thống xử lý nước nuôi trồng thủy sản. Hoạt tính vi sinh vật cùng với giá thể sinh học là một yếu tố quan trọng để thực hiện trong các bể phản ứng màng sinh học. Trong nghiên cứu này, mục tiêu của chúng tôi là lựa chọn được các vi khuẩn nitrate hóa có khả năng tạo màng sinh học và cố định chúng lên giá thể để ứng dụng trong các công nghệ xử lý nước bị ô nhiễm ammonia đặc biệt là trong nuôi trồng thủy sản. Kết quả cho thấy, từ sáu mẫu nước nuôi trồng thủy sản khác nhau từ Quảng Ninh và Sóc Trăng, 10 chủng vi khuẩn oxy hóa ammonia (AOB) và 6 chủng vi khuẩn oxy hóa nitrite (NOB) đã được phân lập. Dựa vào hoạt tính nitrate hóa và khả năng tạo màng sinh học của các chủng vi khuẩn phân lập được 6 chủng điển hình đã được lựa chọn để chụp ảnh kính hiển vi điện tử quét và được ứng dụng trong hai bể sinh học với dung tích 2 lít có chứa và không chứa chất mang (giá thể). Sau 7 ngày, hệ thống sinh học chứa giá thể (chiếm 30% thể tích) có hiệu suất loại bỏ các hợp chất nitơ tăng hơn từ 1,2 đến 2 lần so với bể sinh học không chứa chất mang. Hai đại diện của nhóm vi khuẩn oxy hóa ammonia (B-1.1 và G2-1.2) đã được phân loại sơ bộ dựa vào một số đặc điểm sinh học và chúng đã được xác định thuộc chi Nitrosomonas và chi Nitrosococcus