20 research outputs found

    Regional and labour market development in candidate countries: a literature survey

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    There has been substantial convergence of candidate countries to Western European institutions and labour market outcomes. Despite this, the labour markets in the candidate countries have their individual features: long and persistent reductions in employment rates as well as a higher incidence of long-term unemployment; more severe mass redundancy regulations and weaker trade unions and social partnership organisations; low turnover in and out of unemployment; and declining internal migration. Accession will trigger institutional changes by the social acquis, environmental and competition policy as well as – at a later stage – accession to EMU, the impact of the EU's structural policy on the candidate countries, and changes in trade, foreign direct investment and migration. In assessing the consequences of these changes, literature is far from unanimous, but some hypotheses can be developed: 1. Integration will have important structural and distributional effects and positive aggregate effects. 2. The capability of labour markets to adjust to such shocks will determine the labour market outcomes of integration. 3. Extrapolating purely from the current labour market dynamics to a time after enlargement may lead to misinterpretations, since "adjustment mechanisms" are endogenous. 4. National policy decisions and use of structural funds are a key in triggering regional convergence. Regional issues should be given attention when analysing integration effects. Experience from previous enlargements suggests that convergence is far from automatic after accession. Policy takes a decisive role in determining the outcomes. Regional development in candidate countries suggests some potential for further divergence

    Plastilina conductora

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    Hemos elegido la plastilina como la base de nuestro material debido a su fácil utilización y obtención.Pensamos que podría ser útil en el ámbito electrónico, además de que teníamos experiencia con trabajos en electrónica. Los materiales que hemos utilizado han resultado tener un buen desempeño a pesar de ser materiales baratos y comunes, los cual nos ha sorprendido bastante. Aunque hemos tenido complicaciones en cuanto a la obtención de resultados, debido a que no tuvimos en cuenta la naturaleza del material, los datos obtenidos son satisfactorios. Creemos que nuestro material podría llegar a cumplir con la funcióndeseada refinando la receta de elaboración

    Regional growth and national development: transition in Central and Eastern Europe and the regional Kuznets curve in the East and the West

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    Regional disparities in Central and Eastern Europe rose substantially since 1990. Still, prima facie evidence of beta-convergence is often found in the CEE data. To reconcile this seeming paradox, we sketch out and test empirically a hybrid model of regional growth that draws on the regional Kuznets curve and incorporates aspects of cumulative causation and neoclassical convergence. In both CEE and the ‘old’ EU15, regional convergence is strongly linked to the level of national development, non-linearly. But while in the EU15 convergence speeds-up at intermediate/high levels of development, in CEE we find divergence at intermediate levels of national development and no significant return to convergence thereafter. Although this may show that overall development levels are not sufficient yet to mobilise regional convergence, it is also possible that non-convergence is attributable to centripetal forces instigated by the process of transition

    Quantity adjustments in the regional labour markets of EU candidate countries

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    The article comprises an analysis of the adjustment of regional labour markets of former (and present) EU candidate countries to asymmetric shocks. As in EU member states, a substantial part of the adjustment to changes in employment in candidate countries is carried by participation decisions, and migration plays a small role. Candidate countries, however, have experienced larger region-specific shocks to labour demand than member states, and these shocks lead to higher long-run changes in employment. Furthermore, adjustment mechanisms partly explain high regional unemployment. High unemployment regions exhibit a lower capability to absorb region-specific shocks through mechanisms other than higher unemployment. Copyright RSAI 2005.

    Regional convergence and growth in Europe: understanding patterns and determinants

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    The paper examines the pattern of regional convergence and the determinants of regional growth in Europe, providing a discussion of the issues that are of relevance to the theoretical conceptions and the subsequent design of regional development policy, supported by an illustrative empirical analysis. The analysis covers 249 NUTS II regions of the European Union in the period 1990-2003. Using as its basis the standard framework of (absolute) beta-convergence, the paper detects a mirror-image J-shaped relationship between regional growth and regional development levels. This type of relationship indicates that regional divergence factors are getting stronger, and, eventually, dominate, at more advanced levels of development. On the basis of a regional growth model, factors such as agglomeration economies, geography, economic integration and economic structure seem to create an overall unfavourable economic environment for lagging (and, possibly, less favoured) regions. Such an environment generates dilemmas and questions concerning the mix of policies that may promote growth and at the same time reduce regional inequalities in the European Union

    The transmission of business cycles

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    We show that countries characterized by large bilateral trade and financial flows tend to have more correlated business cycles. However, we also find that countries with divergent fiscal policies and highly regulated labour markets are subject to idiosyncratic cycles. Applying these results to the new member states of the EU weakens the optimistic view towards the monetary integration of these countries into the euro area, which is frequently found in the literature. Although our results suggest that extensive trade and financial linkages are likely to result in further increases in business cycle correlation, an increase in labour market regulation and the pursuit of national fiscal policies may result in a counteracting effect. Copyright (c) 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation (c) 2008 The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

    Space versus networks in the geography of innovation: A European analysis

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    This paper provides an original framework for the interpretation of innovative activity among European regions according to traditional 'geographical' spillovers and 'relational' spillovers. The focus is on two knowledge-based relational phenomena: participation in the same research networks (within the EU Fifth Framework Programme) and EPO co-patent applications. Using two econometric techniques, we investigate the factors that determine patenting activity, distinguishing structural features, geographical and relational spillovers. In this way, we are able to test whether hierarchical relationships based on a-spatial networks between geographically distant excellence centres prevail over diffusive patterns based on spatial contiguity. Copyright (c) 2007 the author(s). Journal compilation (c) 2007 RSAI.