88 research outputs found

    On Minimizing Hardware Overhead for Exhaustive Circuit Testability

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    Exhaustive built-in self testing is given much attention as a viable technique in the context of VLSI technology. In this paper, we present heuristic in order to make exhaustive testing of combinational circuits practical. The goal is to place a small number of register cells on the nets of the input circuit so that the input dependency of combinational elements in the circuit is less than a small given integer k. Our heuristic guarantees that each output can be individually tested with 2k test patterns and can be used as a subroutine to generat efficient test patterns to test all the outputs of the circuit simultaneously. For example, we can connect the register cells in a Linear Feedback Shift Register(LFSR). Minimizing the number of the inserted register cells reduces the hardware overhead as well as the upper bound on the number of test patterns generated. A heuristic approach has been proposed only for the case when an element in the circuit schematic denotes a boolean gate. An element may, however, also be used to represent a combinatorial circuit model. Our heuristic applies to this case as well. Extensive experimentation indicates that the proposed technique is very efficient

    A Minimum Cut Based Re-synthesis Approach

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    A new re-synthesis approach that benefits from min-cut based partitioning is proposed. This divide and conquer approach is shown to improve the performance of existing synthesis tools on a variety of benchmarks

    Designing Multi-Commodity Flow Trees

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    The traditional multi-commodity flow problem assumes a given flow network in which multiple commodities are to be maximally routed in response to given demands. This paper considers the multi-commodity flow network-design problem: given a set of multi-commodity flow demands, find a network subject to certain constraints such that the commodities can be maximally routed. This paper focuses on the case when the network is required to be a tree. The main result is an approximation algorithm for the case when the tree is required to be of constant degree. The algorithm reduces the problem to the minimum-weight balanced-separator problem; the performance guarantee of the algorithm is within a factor of 4 of the performance guarantee of the balanced-separator procedure. If Leighton and Rao's balanced-separator procedure is used, the performance guarantee is O(log n). This improves the O(log^2 n) approximation factor that is trivial to obtain by a direct application of the balanced-separator method.Comment: Conference version in WADS'9

    Design Techniques for Direct Digital Synthesis Circuits with Improved Frequency Accuracy over Wide Frequency Ranges

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    Recently, there are increasing interests in impedance sensors for various applications. Direct digital synthesis (DDS) circuits are commonly used in such sensor circuits for generating stimulus signals, due to the advantages of accurate frequency control, drift-free performance, etc. Previously reported DDS circuits for sensor applications typically maintain superb frequency accuracy within relatively small frequency ranges. This paper investigates techniques to improve frequency accuracy over wide frequency ranges. In addition, it presents an analytical framework to estimate the signal to noise ratio (SNR) of the generated signal and derives guidelines for optimizing DDS circuit configurations. Both simulation and hardware measurement results are presented to validate the derived SNR estimation equation as well as the developed frequency accuracy enhancement technique

    Minimizing FPGA Reconfiguration Data at Logic Level

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    A framework that relates the size of FPGA reconfiguration data to the number of minterms of a specially constructed function is presented. Three techniques, variable mapping optimization, circuit don\u27t-care modification, and look-up table input permutation, are developed to minimize minterms of the special function. The method to integrate the proposed techniques into FPGA design automation flow is discussed and experimental results are presented

    Hypergraph Partitioning Algorithms

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    We present the first polynomial time approximation algorithms for the balanced hypergraph partitioning problem. The approximations are within polylogarithmic factors of the optimal solutions. The choice of algorithm involves a time complexity/approximation bound tradeoff. We employ a two step methodology. First we approximate the flux of the input hypergraph. This involves an approximate solution to a concurrent flow problem on the hypergraph. In the second step we use the approximate flux to obtain approximations for the balanced bipartitioning problem. Our results extend the approximation algorithms by Leighton-Rao on graphs to hypergraphs. We also give the first polylogarithmic times optimal approximation algorithms for multiway (graph and hypergraph) partitioning problems into bounded size sets. A better approximation algorithm for the latter problem is finally presented for the special case of bounded sets of size at most O(log n) on planar graphs and hypergraphs, where n is the number of nodes of the input instance

    On-line Testing Field Programmable Analog Array Circuits

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    This work presents an efficient methodology to on-line test field programmable analog array (FPAA) circuits. It proposes to partition the FPAA circuit under test into sub circuits. Each sub circuit is tested by replicating the sub circuit with programmable resources on FPAAs, and comparing the outputs of the original partitioned sub circuit and its replication. The advantages of this approach includes: low implementation cost, enhanced testability, and flexible testing schedules. This work also presents circuit techniques to address stability problems which are often encountered in the proposed on-line testing approach. In addition, the impact of performing circuit partition on testability is investigated in this work. It shows that testability is generally improved in partitioned circuits. Finally, experimental results are presented to demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed techniques

    A Metric Towards Efficient Exhaustive Test Pattern Generation

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    A viable technique [7] in built-in self-test (BIST)[2] is to generate test patterns pseudo-exhaustively by using linear feedback shift registers (LFSR\u27s). The goal is to find an appropriate primitive polynomial of degree d that will generat 2d test patterns in order to exercise all circuit outputs simultaneously. In an attempt to reduce the degree d of the polynomial the following strategy was proposed in [6,5]. In the first phase, partition the circuit into segments by inserting a small number of register cells, so that the input dependency of any circuit element in the segments is no more than d. Then, obain an appropriate primitive polynomial of degree d by inserting additional register cells. In [12] we have proposed a heuristic for phase one that does not necessarily partition the circuit. Extensive experimentation has shown that this results in a considerably smaller cell overhead. In this paper we extend our heuristic in [12], so that the minimization of the number of register cells is done in conjunction with a quantity that naturally reflects the difficulty of deriving an appropriate primitive polynomial of degree d. Experimentation shows that the proposed heuristic results again in an overall smaller number of register cells than a partition based approach and in an efficient framework for test pattern generation