176 research outputs found

    Minimal generation of transitive permutation groups

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    It is proved in [21] that there is a constant cc such that each transitive permutation group of degree d2d\ge 2 can be generated by cd/logd\lfloor cd/\sqrt{\log{d}}\rfloor elements. In this paper, we explicitly estimate cc

    Finite groups with large Chebotarev invariant

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    A subset {g1,,gd}\{g_1, \ldots , g_d\} of a finite group GG is said to invariably generate GG if the set {g1x1,,gdxd}\{g_1^{x_1}, \ldots, g_d^{x_d}\} generates GG for every choice of xiGx_i \in G. The Chebotarev invariant C(G)C(G) of GG is the expected value of the random variable nn that is minimal subject to the requirement that nn randomly chosen elements of GG invariably generate GG. The authors recently showed that for each ϵ>0\epsilon>0, there exists a constant cϵc_{\epsilon} such that C(G)(1+ϵ)G+cϵC(G)\le (1+\epsilon)\sqrt{|G|}+c_{\epsilon}. This bound is asymptotically best possible. In this paper we prove a partial converse: namely, for each α>0\alpha>0 there exists an absolute constant δα\delta_{\alpha} such that if GG is a finite group and C(G)>αGC(G)>\alpha\sqrt{|G|}, then GG has a section X/YX/Y such that X/YδαG|X/Y|\geq \delta_{\alpha}\sqrt{|G|}, and X/YFqHX/Y\cong \mathbb{F}_q\rtimes H for some prime power qq, with HFq×H\le \mathbb{F}_q^{\times}

    Invariable generation of permutation and linear groups

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    A subset {x 1,x 2,…,x d} of a group G invariably generates G if {x 1 g 1 ,x 2 g 2 ,…,x d g d } generates G for every d-tuple (g 1,g 2…,g d)∈G d. We prove that a finite completely reducible linear group of dimension n can be invariably generated by ⌊[Formula presented]⌋ elements. We also prove tighter bounds when the field in question has order 2 or 3. Finally, we prove that a transitive [respectively primitive] permutation group of degree n≥2 [resp. n≥3] can be invariably generated by O([Formula presented]) [resp. O([Formula presented])] elements. </p