5,653 research outputs found

    Restoration of The Bedesten in Trabzon

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    Trabzon kenti, Asya’ya uzanan üçüncü kervan yolunun başlangıcında bulunması nedeniyle önemli ticaret yapılarına sahiptir. Trabzon Bedesteni de bu yapılardan biridir. Değerli ticaret mallarının alınıp satıldığı, yangın ve yağmalardan korunduğu Trabzon Bedesteni’nin, 15. yüzyıl sonlarında Osmanlılar tarafından yapıldığı görüşü ağırlık kazanmaktadır. Zamanla özgün işlevini kaybeden bedesten kullanım dışı kalmasıyla birlikte yapısal bozulmalara uğramış ve yıkılmaya yüz tutmuştur. Doksanlı yılların sonlarına gelindiğinde Trabzon’un önemli kültür varlığı olarak korunması gereken yapının farklı bir işlevle yeniden kullanılması gündeme gelmiştir. Bu amaçla Trabzon İl Özel İdare Müdürlüğü mülkiyetindeki yapı için, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi ve Valilik işbirliği ile makalenin yazarlarının da içinde bulunduğu bir çalışma grubu tarafından hazırlanan restorasyon projesi, Trabzon Kültür ve Tabiat Varlıklarını Koruma Kurulu tarafından 29.01.1999 gün 3373 sayılı karar ile onaylanmıştır. Restorasyon projesinin uygulanmasıyla bedesten, Trabzon’un sosyal ve ticari yaşamına yeniden kazandırılmıştır. Yapılan çalışma, Trabzon Bedesteni’nin tarihsel geçmişini ve yapısal özelliklerini tanıtarak, rölöve çalışmaları ile restorasyon aşamasında gerçekleştirilen yeniden yapım ve iyileştirme uygulamalarını içermektedir.Trabzon has had important commercial buildings since it has taken place at the beginning of the third caravan route through Asia. The Bedesten in Trabzon is one of these constructions. It is commonly thought that the Bedesten as the central building of the commercial part of the town was built by Ottomans in late 15th century in Trabzon. The Bedesten, which lost its original function over time, had structural distortions as being out of use and it tended to collapse. At the end of the 90s the idea of re-use of this structure with a different function which has to be protected as a major cultural asset of the city has been come up. For this purpose, in collaboration with the Governorship of Trabzon and Karadeniz Technical University, it was regained to the social and trading life of Trabzon by carrying out a restoration project prepared by a working group that includes the authors of this article. This study comprises surveying practices, reconstruction and rehabilitation applications carried out in restoration phase by introducing historical background and structural properties of the Bedesten in Trabzon

    Tarih Boyunca Trabzon Havalisinde Kütüphaneler

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    Having served as an imperial capital, the city of Trabzon has also established itself as an important location, famous for libraries in the course of history. This study is an attempt to introduce the libraries of Trabzon throughout the history

    Erzincan 14

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    [This is a long document, so consult excel documentation for full summary] List containing the recitation of the suspects, the witnesses and their crimes in the Erzincan prosecutions. Recording and sending the statement of Mehmet Necati Efendi from Erzurum, who lives in the village of Kamarik in Kayseri and is an official with the Special Organization of Erzurum and who knew about the illegalities that occurred during the deportation. // Statement of witness Mehmet Necati. List of escaped [AWOL] soldiers. How the Mobile Gendarmerie Regiment of the Third Battalion of Trabzon had joined with the army and that in order to send the gang leaders to the Military Tribunal of Erzurum, the province had been contacted in writing and that Faik Efendi had been arrested in Erzincan. Gangs have not been deployed From Trabzon and its branches; there hasn\u27t been any looting. The summaries of the statements of Gayzak Arapian from Trabzon, Nevarat Mahuhian and Dikranush Mahuhian. The statement of Deputy Officer Faik of the Mobile Gendarmerie Regiment First Battalion Second Company of Trabzon. The statement of Eyup [Eyüp] Sabri registered with the Trabzon Mobile Gendarmerie Regiment First Battalion Second Company. The statement of Osman, son Rusen [Ruşen], from the Imaret borough of Trabzon, who is suspected of wrongful seizure. (Continued...) [This is a long document, so consult excel documentation for full summary]https://commons.clarku.edu/erzincan/1013/thumbnail.jp

    Handgun Accuracy Problem

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    A laboratory test, aimed to check the compliance of the model with demand, indicates that consecutive fires of about 10 centers around a circular region with a radius of 10cm. The fact that the fires, though performed at the same conditions, do not target at the same point is called focusing uncertainty of the handgun. Furthermore, it is observed, that bullet velocity measured 10 meters from gun varies up to about 7m/s (around 340m/s) among the firing set of 10. There are about ten different models and each model seems to display a different magnitude of uncertainty and velocity deviation from the expected average. The company, being willing to produce more data at request, asks to see if the focusing uncertainty and variation in bullet velocities can somehow be correlated. And with some help from other disciplines, the fact behind such uncertainties? Experiment apparatus or manufacturing process. If latter, which manufacturing unit contributes more

    08 Confiscation - Zeytun - Urfa

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    [This is a long document. Please consult the index for full information]A book manuscript about the laws passed in 1914-1923 regarding the ArmeniansThe list and financial value of the damages done in ZeytunWitness testimonies regarding the deportation and massacres at the Trabzon TrialThe telegraph written by the Trabzon US Consul Oscar S. Heizer to Henry Morgenthau on 28 June 1915 Document number 867/4016/122 from the US ArchiveThe telegraph written by the Trabzon US Consul Oscar S. Heizer to Henry Morgenthau on 28 June 1915 [This is a long document. Please consult the index for full information]https://commons.clarku.edu/adana_court_martial/1007/thumbnail.jp

    Trabzon Gülbahar Hatun and Emir Mehmet Tombs

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    Trabzon il merkezinde dört türbe bulunmaktadır; Hamza Paşa, Ahi Evren, Gülbahar Hatun ve Emir Mehmet türbeleri. Bunlardan Gülbahar Hatun ve Emir Mehmet Türbeleri Osmanlı mimarisinde oldukça yaygın bir türbe çeşidi olan sekizgen planlı yapılardır. Trabzon’daki tüm Osmanlı yapılarının iyi korunmuş yapıtları arasında ilk sırada Gülbahar Hatun Camii ile Gülbahar Hatun Türbesi gelir. 1505/1506 tarihinde yapılan Gülbahar Hatun Türbesi Yavuz Sultan Selim tarafından annesi adına yaptırılmıştır. Emir Mehmet Türbesi ise kitabesinden anlaşıldığı üzere 1523-1524 yılları arasında Trabzon valiliği yapmış olan Emir Mehmet adına inşa edilmiştir. Bu çalışmada; Trabzon ilindeki sekizgen planlı türbelere örnek olarak Gülbahar Hatun ve Emir Mehmet Türbeleri literatüre girmiş bilgileri, eski ve yeni fotoğrafl arı ve rölöve çalışmalarıyla birlikte mimari ve süsleme özellikleri açısından tanıtılacaktır

    Erzincan 07

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    [This is a long document, so consult excel documentation for full summary] The statement of Faik Efendi, the deputy officer of the Second Company of the First Battalion of the Mobile Gendarmerie Regiment of Trabzon. The statement of Mehmet Kuddusi, the teacher of mathematics in the civil preparatory school of Erzincan and the Censorship Official of Armenian letters. The statement of Seyfettin of the Karakullukcu [Karakullukçu [?]] sons, soldier of the Second company of the First Battalion of the Mobile Gendarmerie Regiment of Trabzon. Statement of Eyup, son of Husain [Husain [Hüseyin]], from the second company of the First Battalion of the Mobile Gendarmerie Regiment of Trabzon. The statement of Osman, son of Rusen [Ruşen] of the Kundakçıoğullar. The statement of Carullah Kemal, corporal of the Permanent Gendarmerie Company of Erzincan. Faik Efendi\u27s second statement. Faik Efendi\u27s statement. The statement of Agah Efendi, commander of the Second Company of the First Battalion of the Mobile Gendarmerie of Trabzon. A quote from one section of the statement of Mehmet, son of Dursun. (Continued...) [This is a long document, so consult excel documentation for full summary]https://commons.clarku.edu/erzincan/1006/thumbnail.jp

    Erzincan 07

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    [This is a long document, so consult excel documentation for full summary] The statement of Faik Efendi, the deputy officer of the Second Company of the First Battalion of the Mobile Gendarmerie Regiment of Trabzon. The statement of Mehmet Kuddusi, the teacher of mathematics in the civil preparatory school of Erzincan and the Censorship Official of Armenian letters. The statement of Seyfettin of the Karakullukcu [Karakullukçu [?]] sons, soldier of the Second company of the First Battalion of the Mobile Gendarmerie Regiment of Trabzon. Statement of Eyup, son of Husain [Husain [Hüseyin]], from the second company of the First Battalion of the Mobile Gendarmerie Regiment of Trabzon. The statement of Osman, son of Rusen [Ruşen] of the Kundakçıoğullar. The statement of Carullah Kemal, corporal of the Permanent Gendarmerie Company of Erzincan. Faik Efendi\u27s second statement. Faik Efendi\u27s statement. The statement of Agah Efendi, commander of the Second Company of the First Battalion of the Mobile Gendarmerie of Trabzon. A quote from one section of the statement of Mehmet, son of Dursun. (Continued...) [This is a long document, so consult excel documentation for full summary]https://commons.clarku.edu/erzincan/1006/thumbnail.jp

    21 Deportation - Trabzon

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    For this document, please refer to the Ottoman section of this Archive.https://commons.clarku.edu/armenian_telegrams/1014/thumbnail.jp