189 research outputs found

    Characterization of an emergent clone of enteroinvasive Escherichia coli circulating in Europe

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    Enteroinvasive Escherichia coli (EIEC) cause intestinal illness indistinguishable from that caused by Shigella, mainly in developing countries. Recently an upsurge of cases of EIEC infections has been observed in Europe, with two large outbreaks occurring in Italy and in the United Kingdom. We have characterized phenotypically and genotypically the strains responsible for these epidemics together with an additional isolate from a sporadic case isolated in Spain. The three isolates belonged to the same rare serotype O96:H19 and were of sequence type ST-99, never reported before in EIEC or Shigella. The EIEC strains investigated possessed all the virulence genes harboured on the large plasmid conferring the invasive phenotype to EIEC and Shigella while showing only some of the known chromosomal virulence genes and none of the described pathoadaptative mutations. At the same time, they displayed motility abilities and biochemical requirements resembling more closely those of the non-pathogenic E. coli rather than the EIEC and Shigella strains used as reference. Our observations suggested that the O96:H19 strains belong to an emerging EIEC clone, which could be the result of a recent event of acquisition of the invasion plasmid by commensal E. coli

    Diagnostic accuracy of a new fluoroenzyme immunoassay for the detection of TSH receptor autoantibodies in Graves' disease

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    Purpose: Thyrotropin receptor (TSHR) autoantibodies (TRAbs) are a hallmark of Graves’ disease (GD). The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of a new third generation automatic fluorescence enzyme immunoassay for TRAb measurement in GD, in comparison with two current IMAs. Methods: Sera of 439 subjects (57 patients with untreated GD, 34 with treated GD, 15 with GD and Graves’ orbitopathy, 52 with multinodular non-toxic goiter, 86 with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, 20 with toxic adenoma or toxic multinodular goiter, 55 with non-thyroid autoimmune diseases and 120 normal controls) were tested for TRAbs with the ELiA™ anti-TSH-R assay (ThermoFischer Scientific, Uppsala, Sweden), the TRAK™ RIA, Brahms (Thermo Scientific, Hennigsdorf, Germany) and the Immulite™ TSI assay (Siemens Healthcare, Llanberis, UK). Results: Sensitivity and specificity of the ELiA™ anti-TSH-R assay, TRAK™ RIA and Immulite™ TSI assay were 94.7% and 99.6, 100 and 98.2%, 100 and 98.2%, respectively. Spearman’s coefficient and Passing-Bablok regression showed a satisfactory correlation between EliA™ and TRAK™ [rho: 0.925; 95% CI: 0.883-0-953. Intercept: − 0.875 (95% CI: − 2.411 to 0.194); slope: 1.086 (95% CI: 0.941 to 1.248)], and between ELiA™ and TSI™ [rho: 0.947; 95% CI: 0.912 0.969. intercept: 1.085 (95% CI: 0.665 to 2.116); slope 1.315 (95% CI:1.116 to 1.700)]. Conclusions: The diagnostic performance of ELiA™-TSH-R assay is comparable to that of some current TRAb assays. It may be adopted into clinical practice for the differential diagnosis of hyperthyroidism, to screen for transient hyperthyroidism, and to monitor disease activity and treatment effects. © 2018, The Author(s)

    Detection of serum anti-B/B' UsnRNP antibodies in patients with connective tissue diseases by immunoblotting

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    Objective: To investigate the reliability of the immunoblot method in the detection of serum immunoreactivity towards the B/B' polypeptides of U small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (UsnRNP) and to assess the significance of these antibodies in connective tissue disease (CTD) patients. Methods: We tested the sera of 348 patients with CTD (101 SLE, 51 systemic sclerosis, 53 primary Sjogren's syndrome, 27 poly/dermatomyositis, 15 rheumatoid arthritis and 101 overlap CTD), of 31 matched healthy subjects and 13 patients with primary Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection with high titre IgG anti-EBV antibodies. IgG anti-UsnRNP antibodies were determined by immunoblotting on nuclear extract from Raji cells (an EBV-immortalised human B lymphoid cell line) and Jurkat cells (a human T lymphoid cell line). Anti-dsDNA antibodies were detected by indirect immunofluorescence on Crithidia luciliae and anti-ENA by counterimmunoelectrophoresis. Anti-dsDNA activity and avidity were measured in SLE sera by ELISA with Scatchard analysis. Results were statistically analysed by chi-square and Mann-Whitney tests. Results: A high frequency of anti-B/B' antibodies was found in the sera of CTD patients, confined to SLE (54.4%) and overlap CTD with SLE features (55,2%). Anti-B/B' immune reactivity was closely associated with other anti-UsnRNP specificities, gel precipitating anti-nRNP and anti-P antibodies. Nine out of 15 (60%) anti-B/B' positive/anti-ENA negative lupus sera on Raji blots were confirmed to be positive also on Jurkat blots. The sera from patients with EBV infection provided, on Raji blots, completely different band patterns from those obtained with auto-immune sera. Conclusions. The Sm B/B' proteins are the predominant or, at least, the most frequently targeted antigens of the UsnRNP auto-immune response in SLE and "lupus-like" overlap CTD. Moreover, anti-B/B' is diagnostically specific for CTD with SLE features. Immunoblotting on human B lymphoid cells is a reliable method, in terms of sensitivity and specificity, for the detection of anti-Sm B/B' antibodies

    A new pathogenicity island carrying an allelic variant of the Subtilase cytotoxin is common among Shiga toxin producing Escherichia coli of human and ovine origin

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    AbstractSubtilase (SubAB) is a cytotoxin elaborated by some Shiga Toxin (Stx)-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) strains usually lacking the locus of enterocyte effacement (LEE). Two variants of SubAB coding genes have been described: subAB1, located on the plasmid of the STEC O113 98NK2 strain, and subAB2, located on a pathogenicity island (PAI) together with the tia gene, encoding an invasion determinant described in enterotoxigenic E. coli. In the present study, we determined the entire nucleotide sequence of the PAI containing the subAB2 operon, termed Subtilase-Encoding PAI (SE-PAI), and identified its integration site in the pheV tRNA locus. In addition, a PCR strategy for discriminating the two subAB allelic variants was developed and used to investigate their presence in E. coli strains belonging to different pathotypes and in a large collection of LEE-negative STEC of human and ovine origin. The results confirmed that subAB genes are carried predominantly by STEC and showed their presence in 72% and 86% of the LEE-negative strains from human cases of diarrhoea and from healthy sheep respectively. Most of the subAB-positive strains (98%) identified possessed the subAB2 allelic variant and were also positive for tia, suggesting the presence of SE-PAI. Altogether, our observations indicate that subAB2 is the prevalent SubAB-coding operon in LEE-negative STEC circulating in European countries, and that sheep may represent an important reservoir for human infections with these strains. Further studies are needed to assess the role of tia and/or other genes carried by SE-PAI in the colonization of the host intestinal mucosa

    Evidence-based decision support for pediatric rheumatology reduces diagnostic errors.

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    BACKGROUND: The number of trained specialists world-wide is insufficient to serve all children with pediatric rheumatologic disorders, even in the countries with robust medical resources. We evaluated the potential of diagnostic decision support software (DDSS) to alleviate this shortage by assessing the ability of such software to improve the diagnostic accuracy of non-specialists. METHODS: Using vignettes of actual clinical cases, clinician testers generated a differential diagnosis before and after using diagnostic decision support software. The evaluation used the SimulConsult® DDSS tool, based on Bayesian pattern matching with temporal onset of each finding in each disease. The tool covered 5405 diseases (averaging 22 findings per disease). Rheumatology content in the database was developed using both primary references and textbooks. The frequency, timing, age of onset and age of disappearance of findings, as well as their incidence, treatability, and heritability were taken into account in order to guide diagnostic decision making. These capabilities allowed key information such as pertinent negatives and evolution over time to be used in the computations. Efficacy was measured by comparing whether the correct condition was included in the differential diagnosis generated by clinicians before using the software ( unaided ), versus after use of the DDSS ( aided ). RESULTS: The 26 clinicians demonstrated a significant reduction in diagnostic errors following introduction of the software, from 28% errors while unaided to 15% using decision support (p \u3c 0.0001). Improvement was greatest for emergency medicine physicians (p = 0.013) and clinicians in practice for less than 10 years (p = 0.012). This error reduction occurred despite the fact that testers employed an open book approach to generate their initial lists of potential diagnoses, spending an average of 8.6 min using printed and electronic sources of medical information before using the diagnostic software. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that decision support can reduce diagnostic errors and improve use of relevant information by generalists. Such assistance could potentially help relieve the shortage of experts in pediatric rheumatology and similarly underserved specialties by improving generalists\u27 ability to evaluate and diagnose patients presenting with musculoskeletal complaints. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov ID: NCT02205086
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