63 research outputs found

    +21dBm erbium power amplifier pumped by a diode-pumped Nd:YAG laser

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    Efficient energy transfer has been demonstrated in an Er/Yb co-doped phosphorus doped silica fiber for the first time. This has indirectly allowed the use of reliable, high-power AlGaAs diode laser arrays as the semiconductor pump source through the use of a diode-pumped Nd:YAG (DPL) laser operating at 1064 nm. Small signal gains of 42 dB and output powers of 71 mW (+18.5 dBm) have been observed with a single DPL. Bidirectional pumping with two DPLs has yielded an output power of 130 mW (+21 dBm)

    Valor nutritivo de pastagens de capim-elefante manejadas sob sistema convencional e agroecológico.

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    O capim-elefante é utilizado, na sua grande maioria, em sistemas convencionais de produção animal. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar o valor nutritivo do capimelefante em sistemas de manejo agroecológico e convencional, quanto a proteína bruta (PB), fibra em detergente neutro (FDN) e digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca (DIVMS). Foram usados quatro piquetes, com 0,12ha cada um. No sistema convencional, o capim-elefante foi estabelecido singularmente. No sistema agroecológico, o plantio foi feito em linhas afastadas de 3m. Nas entrelinhas, estabeleceu-se a aveia e o azevém no período hibernal, enquanto que no período estival permitiu-se o desenvolvimento de espécies espontâneas. A adubação foi feita com fertilizantes orgânicos (150kg ha-1 de N). No sistema agroecológico, foram conduzidos sete pastejos, de 24/04/2004 a 05/05/2005. Na pastagem convencional, usouse a mesma quantidade de N (uréia), sendo conduzidos quatro ciclos de pastejo, de 06/10/2004 a 05/05/2005. Para ambos os sistemas foram utilizadas vacas da raça Holandês, recebendo complementação alimentar de 3,5kg dia-1 de concentrado com 20% de proteína bruta, constituindo-se nos animais experimentais. Nas avaliações, considerou-se a massa de forragem inicial com base na matéria seca (MS), os componentes botânicos da pastagem e estruturais do capimelefante. As análises de qualidade foram feitas em amostras de pastejo simulado. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado com dois tratamentos, convencional e agroecológico, duas repetições (piquetes) e em parcelas incompletas subdivididas no tempo (pastejos). Houve interação (P<0,05) entre tratamentos e pastejos em todas as variáveis. Na pastagem agroecológica, o modelo que melhor se ajustou foi o cúbico para todas as variáveis, em função do tempo de pastejo. Na pastagem convencional, a PB e a DIVMS ajustaram-se melhor ao modelo linear, com taxa positiva de crescimento, sendo observado comportamento inverso para FDN, com o decorrer dos pastejos. Tanto na pastagem convencional quanto na agroecológica encontraram-se associações negativas entre lâmina foliar do capim-elefante com PB e DIVMS e positiva com FDN. Ambos os sistemas apresentaram teores qualitativos elevados das pastagens, considerando-se a adubação, o manejo e o tempo de utilização

    Diving into the vertical dimension of elasmobranch movement ecology

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    Knowledge of the three-dimensional movement patterns of elasmobranchs is vital to understand their ecological roles and exposure to anthropogenic pressures. To date, comparative studies among species at global scales have mostly focused on horizontal movements. Our study addresses the knowledge gap of vertical movements by compiling the first global synthesis of vertical habitat use by elasmobranchs from data obtained by deployment of 989 biotelemetry tags on 38 elasmobranch species. Elasmobranchs displayed high intra- and interspecific variability in vertical movement patterns. Substantial vertical overlap was observed for many epipelagic elasmobranchs, indicating an increased likelihood to display spatial overlap, biologically interact, and share similar risk to anthropogenic threats that vary on a vertical gradient. We highlight the critical next steps toward incorporating vertical movement into global management and monitoring strategies for elasmobranchs, emphasizing the need to address geographic and taxonomic biases in deployments and to concurrently consider both horizontal and vertical movements

    Thermoluminescence of Calcium-Fluoride Doped with Neodymium

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    Thermoluminescence (TL) and radioluminescence (RL) spectra have been recorded from a set of calcium flouride samples doped with Neodymium. The dopant levels used were 1.0, 0.1 and 0.0130 and 400-degrees-C, with spectra being taken both prior to heat treatments, and after heating to 500-degrees-C for one hour and cooling at different rates. For the RL, each sample gave a UV/blue emission band near 300 nm which decreased with increasing Nd concentration. During thermoluminescence the Nd is the main recombination centre and shows characteristic line emission. However the spectra vary with concentration and thermal treatments. Models for the changes involve Nd defect clustering with non-radiative decay paths. At high temperature the TL spectra include other emission bands attributed to relaxed excition decay

    Spiral small-scale structures in compressible turbulent flows

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    +20dBm erbium power amplifier pumped by a diode-pumped Nd:YAG laser

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    Efficient energy transfer has been demonstrated in an Er/Yb co-doped phosphorus doped silica fiber for the first time. This has indirectly allowed the use of reliabIe, high power AlGaAs diode laser arrays as the semiconductor pump source through the use of a diode-pumped Nd:YAG (DPL) laser operating at 1064 nm. Small signal gains of 40 dB and output powers of 69 mW (+18.4 dBm) have been observed with a single DPL Bi-directional pumping with two DPL's has yielded an output power of 145 mW (+21.5dBm)