239 research outputs found

    Domain Walls on the Brane

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    We show that all branes admit worldvolume domain wall solutions. We find one class of solutions for which the tension of the brane changes discontinuously along the domain wall. These solutions are not supersymmetric. We argue that there is another class of domain wall solutions which is supersymmetric. A particular case concerns supersymmetric domain wall solutions on IIB D-5- and NS-5-branes.Comment: 18 pages, Tex, uses phyzz

    A Brane Teaser

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    In this note we study the puzzle posed by two M5-branes intersecting on a string (or equivalently, a single M5-brane wrapping a holomorphic four-cycle in C^4). It has been known for a while that this system is different from all other configurations built using self-intersecting M-branes; in particular the corresponding supergravity solution exhibits various curious features which have remained unexplained. We propose that the resolution to these puzzles lies in the existence of a non-zero two-form on the M5-brane world-volume.Comment: 21 pages. References adde

    M2-branes wrapped on holomorphic curves

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    The generalised calibration for a wrapped membrane is gauge equivalent to the supergravity three-form under which the membrane is electrically charged. Given the relevant calibration, one can go a long way towards constructing the supergravity solution for the wrapped brane. Applications of this method have been restricted since generalised calibrations have not yet been completely classified in spacetimes with non-vanishing flux. In this paper, we take a first step towards such a classification by studying membranes wrapping holomorphic curves. Supersymmetry preservation imposes a constraint on the Hermitean metric in the embedding space and it is found that this can be expressed as a restriction on possible generalised calibrations. Allowed calibrations in a particular spacetime are simply those which satisfy the constraint equation relevant to that background; in particular, we see that the previously considered Kahler calibrations are just a subclass of possible solutions.Comment: Discussion clarified, typos corrected, references updated. Results remain unchanged. 12 page

    That's a wrap!

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    Calibration technology provides us with a fast and elegant way to find the supergravity solutions for BPS wrapped M-branes. Its true potential had however remained untapped due to the absence of a classification of calibrations in spacetimes with non-trivial flux. The applications of this method were thus limited in practise to M-branes wrapping Kahler calibrated cycles. In this paper, we catagorize a type of generalised calibrations which exist in supergravity backgrounds and contain Kahler calibrations as a sub-class. This broadens the arena of brane configurations whose supergravity solutions are accessible through the calibration 'short-cut' method.Comment: 19 pages, typos correcte

    D-brane Solitons in Supersymmetric Sigma-Models

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    Massive D=4 N=2 supersymmetric sigma models typically admit domain wall (Q-kink) solutions and string (Q-lump) solutions, both preserving 1/2 supersymmetry. We exhibit a new static 1/4 supersymmetric `kink-lump' solution in which a string ends on a wall, and show that it has an effective realization as a BIon of the D=4 super DBI-action. It is also shown to have a time-dependent Q-kink-lump generalization which reduces to the Q-lump in a limit corresponding to infinite BI magnetic field. All these 1/4 supersymmetric sigma-model solitons are shown to be realized in M-theory as calibrated, or `Q-calibrated', M5-branes in an M-monopole background.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, Late

    The holonomy of the supercovariant connection and Killing spinors

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    We show that the holonomy of the supercovariant connection for M-theory backgrounds with NN Killing spinors reduces to a subgroup of SL(32-N,\bR)\st (\oplus^N \bR^{32-N}). We use this to give the necessary and sufficient conditions for a background to admit NN Killing spinors. We show that there is no topological obstruction for the existence of up to 22 Killing spinors in eleven-dimensional spacetime. We investigate the symmetry superalgebras of supersymmetric backgrounds and find that their structure constants are determined by an antisymmetric matrix. The Lie subalgebra of bosonic generators is related to a real form of a symplectic group. We show that there is a one-one correspondence between certain bases of the Cartan subalgebra of sl(32, \bR) and supersymmetric planar probe M-brane configurations. A supersymmetric probe configuration can involve up to 31 linearly independent planar branes and preserves one supersymmetry. The space of supersymmetric planar probe M-brane configurations is preserved by an SO(32,\bR) subgroup of SL(32, \bR).Comment: 27 pages, a key reference was added. v3: minor change

    1.2dB/cm gain in an erbium:lutecium co-doped Al/P silica fibre

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    We report a peak gain of 1.2dB/cm at 1535nm in an Erbium:Lutecium codoped Al/P/Si fibre fabricated using a standard MCVD and solution doping technique. This is the highest gain per unit length yet reported in an erbium doped fiber amplifier. The incorporation of lutetium into the glass is shown to reduce the erbium ion clustering within the fiber

    Branes on Generalized Calibrated Submanifolds

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    We extend previous results on generalized calibrations to describe supersymmetric branes in supergravity backgrounds with diverse fields turned on, and provide several new classes of examples. As an important application, we show that supersymmetric D-branes in compactifications with field strength fluxes, and on SU(3)-structure spaces, wrap generalized calibrated submanifolds, defined by simple conditions in terms of the underlying globally defined, but non-closed, 2- and 3-forms. We provide examples where the geometric moduli of D-branes (for instance D7-branes in 3-form flux configurations) are lifted by the generalized calibration condition. In addition, we describe supersymmetric D6-branes on generalized calibrated 3-submanifolds of half-flat manifolds, which provide the mirror of B-type D-branes in IIB CY compactifications with 3-form fluxes. Supersymmetric sets of such D-branes carrying no homology charges are mirror to supersymmetric sets of D-branes which are homologically non-trivial, but trivial in K-theory. As an additional application, we describe models with chiral gauge sectors, realized in terms of generalized calibrated brane box configurations of NS- and D5-branes, which are supersymmetric but carry no charges, so that no orientifold planes are required in the compactification.Comment: 40 pages, 3 figures, references adde

    Multiple Intersections of D-branes and M-branes

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    We give a classification of all multiple intersections of D-branes in ten dimensions and M-branes in eleven dimensions that corresponds to threshold BPS bound states. The residual supersymmetry of these composite branes is determined. By dimensional reduction composite p-branes in lower dimensions can be constructed. We emphasize in dimensions D greater or equal than two, those solutions which involve a single scalar and depend on a single harmonic function. For these extremal branes we obtain the strength of the coupling between the scalar and the gauge field. In particular we give a D-brane and M-brane interpretation of extreme p-branes in two, three and four dimensions.Comment: 28 pages, LaTeX, 4 figures, corrections in table 1 and figure

    BPS preons and the AdS-M-algebra

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    We present here the AdS generalization of BPS preons, which were introduced as the hypothetical constituents of M-theory preserving all but one supersymmetries. Our construction, suggested by the relation of `lower dimensional preons' with higher spin theories, can be considered as a deformation of the M-algebraic description of the single supersymmetry broken by a preon, and provides another reason to identify the AdS generalization of the M-algebra, which we call the AdS-M-algebra, with osp(1|32).Comment: Plain latex, no figures, 19 pages minor corrections, one ref. added, as published in JHEP 04 (2008) 06
