45 research outputs found

    PIP<sub>3</sub> and Rac biosensors are locally recruited in response to local blue light stimulation.

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    A single latrunculin-treated (10 μM) cell is shown using TIRF microscopy. The outline of the cell is shown in red, and the outlines of the blue light–stimulated regions are shown in blue. This video corresponds with the data shown in S1 Fig. (MP4)</p

    Local PIP<sub>3</sub> dynamics in single migrating cells during reversal assay.

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    Differences in the estimated initial rates of PIP3 reporter (PHAkt-Halo) accumulation on the left and right sides of cells during the reversal assay (Fig 5). As expected, the majority of cells show similar PIP3 dynamics on their left and right sides prestimulation (phase I). However, cells show higher rates of PIP3 increase on the left side during the local stimulation phase of the assay (phase II) and higher rates of PIP3 increase on their right sides during the subsequent global stimulation phase of the assay (phase III). The underlying data for this figure can be found in S1 Data. (TIFF)</p

    Computer-guided, spatially controlled optogenetic stimulation of PI3K signaling controls cell directionality.

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    (A) Schematic depicting spatial control of PI3K recruitment using the iLID optogenetic system. A membrane-bound, light-responsive “anchor” (AsLov2-SsrA-BFP-CAAX) exposes the SsrA peptide upon blue light (470 nm) illumination. This exposed peptide can then recruit SspB. By attaching signaling “cargo” to SspB, localization of the cargo from the cytoplasm to the plasma membrane is placed under blue light control. We used the iSH2 domain of P85 beta (which binds endogenous PI3K) as our signaling cargo. (B) Schematic depicting the computer vision–guided, closed-loop feedback control of optogenetic stimulation. This automation enabled us to dynamically reposition optogenetic inputs for moving cells, enabling improved throughput and reproducibility for a given stimulation assay compared to manual inputs. Cells expressed fluorescent translocation-based biosensors for PIP3 (PHAkt-Halo labeled with JF646) and Rac activity (mCherry-Pak-PBD). Since these biosensors were imaged with 640 nm and 561 nm light, respectively, they could be imaged without activating the blue light–sensitive optogenetic system. (C) Cells expressing the opto-PI3K constructs (shown in 1A) and biosensors for PIP3 and Rac activity were allowed to migrate freely for 6 minutes. The cells generally maintained their existing directionality during this time. The Rac biosensor is shown in the Single Cell Assay subpanel. In both the Single Cell Assay and the Migration Paths subpanels, the spatial data have been rotated and translated such that the average directionality in the first minute of imaging is toward the top of the figure, and the location of the cell at the 1-minute mark is at the intersection of the gray, dashed lines. Scale bars: 50 μm (D) When cells are stimulated at one side with blue light starting at the 1-minute mark, they reorient their fronts in the direction of the stimulus. The Rac biosensor is shown in the Single Cell Assay subpanel. Scale bars: 50 μm (E) In the absence of blue light stimulation, migrating cells maintain their current axis of polarized signaling. These kymographs represent an average of the radial distribution of reflected blue light (Average Light Input, arbitrary units) or normalized fluorescence intensities (Average Normalized PIP3 Response, Average Normalized Rac Response) over time across all measured no-stimulation control cells (as shown in C, upper-right). Peripheries are aligned so that the initial direction of the cell is 0°. (F) In the local stimulation condition, cells reorient both their directionality (as shown in 1D) as well as their biosensor distributions. Like 1E, these kymographs show the averaged radial distribution of measured quantities around the peripheries of migrating cells. There is a local increase in PIP3 at the −90° location, corresponding to the site of optogenetic stimulation. The underlying data for this figure can be found in S1 Data. iLID, improved light-induced dimer; iSH2, inter-SH2; PIP3, phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-triphosphate; PI3K, phosphoinositide 3-kinase.</p

    Characterization of cellular directional responses to automated patterns of optogenetic PI3K stimulation.

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    In each subpanel, the spatial data have been rotated and translated such that the cell displacement in the first minute of imaging (prestimulus) is toward the top of the figure, and the location of the cell at the zero second mark (moment of stimulation) is at the intersection of the gray, dashed lines. In each panel, Pak-PBD-mCherry (Rac biosensor) TIRF signal is shown in the Single Cell Assay subpanels. Scale bars in all subpanels: 50 μm (A) Migrating, opto-PI3K–expressing HL-60 cells were exposed to local blue light exposure at their fronts. The stimulus was centered at the cell edge at 0° relative to the displacement of the cell during the first minute of observation. The paths of 45 cells are shown (right). This pattern of stimulation causes hyperpersistent movement in the direction of stimulation. (B) Migrating, opto-PI3K–expressing HL-60 cells were exposed to uniform blue light exposure along their bottom surfaces. The paths of 39 cells are shown (right). This pattern tends to cause cells to deviate slightly to the right or left relative to their initial direction (see Fig 2E). (C) Migrating, opto-PI3K–expressing HL-60 cells were exposed to local blue light exposure at their backs. The paths of 17 cells are shown (right). This pattern of stimulation tended to cause cells to perform “u-turns.” (D) The angles of displacement for each cell were calculated, and cosine of the difference between these angles and the angle of stimulus were then calculated for each assay type as an indicator of stimulus alignment dynamics. Interestingly, back-stimulated cell alignment dynamics do not appear to match side-stimulated dynamics, even when they are spatially identical (i.e., when the green curve passes 0 on the y-axis). This is likely due to the spatial insensitivity at the cell back and the resulting slow local accumulation of PIP3 in this assay. Mean responses are shown with 95% CI shaded. The underlying data for this figure can be found in S1 Data. (TIFF)</p

    Excel file with values used to make plots in all figures.

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    Exact numerical values generated from the analysis pipelines hosted on Zenodo (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8217762) using the raw microscopy data hosted on Zenodo (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8208724). Numerical data are listed in individual spreadsheets for Figs 1C–1F, 2A–2D, 2E (top), 2E (bottom), 3C, 3D, 4A, 4B, 5C, 5E (top, raw averages), 5E (top, fit values), 5E (bottom), S1D, S2A–S2C, S2D, S3A, S3B, S3C, S3D, S4A, S4B, S5B, S6B, S7, S8B (top), S8B (bottom), S8C, S9B, S9C, S9D, S10A, S10B, S10C, and S11. Data are typically presented in long-form format. Error bar “width” in these spreadsheets refers to the value symmetrically added to or subtracted from the mean values to obtain the error bars shown in the figures. (XLSX)</p

    Using opto-PI3K to reveal locally acting inhibition of Rac activation.

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    (A) Cell polarity depends on a combination of positive and negative feedback loops with different spatial ranges of action. Locally acting positive feedback (green shaded portion, mediated through phospholipids, GTPases, and actin polymerization) locally amplifies the signals that drive cell protrusion. Actin-based protrusions increase the tension in the plasma membrane to globally inhibit secondary sites of protrusion (purple-shaded region). These two feedback loops (short-range positive, long-range negative) are thought to form the core of a polarity circuit in many cellular contexts but cannot explain the flexibility of cell polarity unless other feedback circuits are also included. An additional locally inhibitory feedback loop has been proposed (blue-shaded region) to avoid the tendency of this core circuit to lock on a given direction of polarity and ignore new stimuli. Direct evidence of this local inhibitor in neutrophil polarity is lacking. (B) Because both local positive feedback and global negative feedback are thought to operate through actin-dependent processes, we hypothesized that treating cells with latrunculin B to block actin polymerization would enable us to observe evidence of local inhibition without the confounding effects of these feedback loops. (C) To demonstrate the absence of global inhibition in latrunculin-treated cells, we exposed them to either one or two spots of opto-PI3K activation and compared the resulting dynamics on both sides. In the absence of a global inhibitor, the responses for a single opto-PI3K stimulus should be the same whether or not there is a secondary site of opto-PI3K activation (in contrast to competition between these sites in the presence of the global inhibitor, as in Fig 2A–2C). When the right sides of cells are compared in each type of stimulation, the presence or absence of the local right stimulus makes a large difference in the observed signaling dynamics. However, the dynamics on the left sides of cells do not differ based on the presence or absence of a distant site of stimulation. Thus, there is no inhibitory action-at-distance, which would be expected from a global inhibitor. The p-values above each graph indicate the probability of observing an absolute difference greater than or equal to that observed by a permutation test. Mean local responses are shown with 95% CI shaded. (D) To demonstrate the presence of local inhibition, we first exposed single cells to a local opto-PI3K stimulus on their left sides, then allowed cells to recover briefly, and then exposed them to a global opto-PI3K stimulus. We reasoned that if the decline in signaling on the left side were due to a local inhibitor, the impact of that inhibition should be observable via a weaker response on the prestimulated side. We observed this evidence of local inhibition at the level of Rac activation (green: Rac is biased toward the right side in phase IV) but not at the level of the opto-PI3K input (orange: no bias of PIP3 to the right side in phase IV). Mean local responses are shown with 95% CI shaded. The underlying data for this figure can be found in S1 Data. PIP3, phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-triphosphate; PI3K, phosphoinositide 3-kinase.</p

    Timescale of reversibility of Rac inhibition following opto-PI3K stimulation.

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    (A) Experimental schematic: Latrunculin-treated (10 μM) cells were exposed to two pulses of opto-PI3K activation separated by a variable amount of recovery time. We then calculated the ratio of the peaks heights for the first and second Rac responses. (B) Two example curves show the response of the PIP3 and Rac biosensors to two pulses of blue light activation, with recovery times of 60 seconds (top) and 240 seconds (bottom). Sample averages ± 95% CI are shown. (C) Degree of recovery as a function of recovery time. The Rac response has a recovery half-time of 89 seconds following opto-PI3K stimulation. The underlying data for this figure can be found in S1 Data. (TIFF)</p