134 research outputs found

    Dynamic finite element analysis and moving particle simulation of human enamel on a microscale

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    Background: The study of biomechanics of deformation and fracture of hard biological tissues involving organic matrix remains a challenge as variations in mechanical properties and fracture mode may have time-dependency. Finite element analysis (FEA) has been widely used but the shortcomings of FEA such as the long computation time owing to re-meshing in simulating fracture mechanics have warranted the development of alternative computational methods with higher throughput. The aim of this study was to compare dynamic two-dimensional FEA and moving particle simulation (MPS) when assuming a plane strain condition in the modeling of human enamel on a reduced scale. Methods: Two-dimensional models with the same geometry were developed for MPS and FEA and tested in tension generated with a single step of displacement. The displacement, velocity, pressure, and stress levels were compared and Spearman[U+05F3]s rank-correlation coefficients R were calculated (p<0.001). Results: The MPS and FEA were significantly correlated for displacement, velocity, pressure, and Y-stress. Conclusions: The MPS may be further developed as an alternative approach without mesh generation to simulate deformation and fracture phenomena of dental and potentially other hard tissues with complex microstructure.Yamaguchi S., Coelho P.G., Thompson V.P., et al. Dynamic finite element analysis and moving particle simulation of human enamel on a microscale. Computers in Biology and Medicine 55, 53 (2014); https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compbiomed.2014.10.005

    Effect of implant placement depth on the peri-implant bone defect configurations in ligature-induced peri-implantitis : an experimental study in dogs

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    The subcrestal placement of implant platform has been considered a key factor in the preservation of crestal bone, but the influence of implant placement depth on bone remodeling combined with peri-implantitis is not fully understood. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of the crestal or subcrestal placement of implants on peri-implant bone defects of ligature-induced peri-implantitis in dogs. Eight weeks after tooth extraction in six beagle dogs, two different types of implants (A: OsseoSpeed?, Astra, Mölndal, Sweden; B: Integra-CP?, Bicon, Boston, USA) were placed at either crestal or subcrestal (-1.5 mm) positions on one side of the mandible. Ligature-induced peri-implantitis was initiated four weeks after the installation of the healing abutment connections. After 12 weeks, tissue biopsies were processed for histological analyses. Supra-alveolar bone loss combined with a shallow infrabony defect was observed in crestal level implants while deep and wide infrabony defects were present in subcrestal level groups. Subcrestal groups showed significantly greater ridge loss, depths and widths of infrabony defects when compared to crestal groups (P<0.001). Within the limitations of the animal study, it can be stated that the implants at subcrestal position displayed greater infra-osseous defect than implants at crestal position under an experimental ligature-induced peri-implantitis

    Assessing osseointegration of metallic implants with boronized surface treatment

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    Modification of endosteal implants through surface treatments have been investigated to improve osseointegration. Boronization has demonstrated favorable mechanical properties, but limited studies have assessed translational, in vivo outcomes. This study investigated the effect of implant surface boronization on bone healing. Two implant surface roughness profiles (acid etched, machined) in CP titanium (type II) alloy implants were boronized by solid-state diffusion until 10-15µm boron coating was achieved. The surface-treated implants were placed bilaterally into 5 adult sheep ilia for three and six weeks. Four implant groups were tested: boronized machined (BM), boronized acid-etched (BAA), control machined (CM), and control acid-etched (CAA). Osseointegration was quantified by calculating bone to implant contact (BIC) and bone area fraction occupancy (BAFO). Both implant types treated with boronization had BIC values not statistically different from machined control implants at t=3 weeks, and significantly less than acid-etched control (p<0.02). BAFO values were not statistically different for all 3-week groups except machined control (significantly less at p<0.02). BAFO had a significant downward trend from 3 to 6 weeks in both boronized implant types (p<0.03) while both control implant types had significant increases in BIC and BAFO from 3 to 6 weeks. Non-decalcified histology depicted intramembranous-like healing/remodeling in bone for controls, but an absence of this dynamic process in bone for boronized implants. These findings are inconsistent with in vitro work describing bone regenerative properties of elemental Boron and suggests that effects of boron on in vivo bone healing warrant further investigation

    In Silico Analysis of the Biomechanical Stability of Commercially Pure Ti and Ti-15Mo Plates for the Treatment of Mandibular Angle Fracture

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    Purpose To investigate the influence of different materials and fixation methods on maximum principal stress (MPS) and displacement in reconstruction plates using in silico 3-dimensional finite element analysis (3D-FEA). Materials and Methods Computer-assisted designed (CAD) models of the mandible and teeth were constructed. Champy and AO/ASIF plates and fixation screws were designed with CAD software. 3D-FEA was performed by image-based CAE software. Maximum and minimum values of biomechanical stability, MPS, and displacement distribution were compared in Champy and AO/ASIF plates made from commercially pure titanium grade 2 (cp-Ti) and a titanium-and-molybdenum (14.47% wt) alloy (Ti-15Mo). Results For plates fixed on a model of a fractured left angle of the mandible, the maximum and minimum values of MPS in the cp-Ti–constructed Champy plate, upper AO/ASIF plate, and lower AO/ASIF plate were 19.5 and 20.3%, 15.2 and 25.3%, and 21.4 and 4.6% lower, respectively, than those for plates made from Ti-15Mo. In the same model, the maximum and minimum values of displacement in the cp-Ti–constructed Champy plate, upper AO/ASIF plate, and lower AO/ASIF plate were 1.6 and 3.8%, 3.1 and 2.7%, and 5.4 and 10.4% higher, respectively, than those for plates made from Ti-15Mo. Conclusions This in silico 3D-FEA shows that Ti-15Mo plates have greater load-bearing capability.Yamaguchi S., Anchieta R., Guastaldi F., et al. In Silico Analysis of the Biomechanical Stability of Commercially Pure Ti and Ti-15Mo Plates for the Treatment of Mandibular Angle Fracture. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 75, 1004.e1 (2017); https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joms.2016.12.043

    The influence of 1α.25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 coating on implant osseointegration in the rabbit tibia

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    Objectives: This study aims to evaluate bone response to an implant surface modified by 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1.25-(OH)2D3] in vivo and the potential link between 1.25-(OH) 2D3 surface concentration and bone response. Material and Methods: Twenty-eight implants were divided into 4 groups (1 uncoated control, 3 groups coated with 1.25-(OH)2D3 in concentrations of 10-8, 10-7 and 10-6 M respectively), placed in the rabbit tibia for 6 weeks. Topographical analyses were carried out on coated and uncoated discs using interferometer and atomic-force-microscope (AFM). Twenty-eight implants were histologically observed (bone-to-implant-contact [BIC] and new-bone-area [NBA]). Results: The results showed that the 1.25-(OH)2D3 coated implants presented a tendency to osseointegrate better than the non-coated surfaces, the differences were not significant (P > 0.05). Conclusions: The effect of 1.25-(OH)2D3 coating to implants suggested possible dose dependent effects, however no statistical differences could be found. It is thought that the base substrate topography (turned) could not sustain sufficient amount of 1.25-(OH)2D3 enough to present significant biologic responses. Thus, development a base substrate that can sustain 1.25-(OH)2D3 for a long period is necessary in future studies

    Osteogenic parameters surrounding trabecular tantalum metal implants in osteotomies prepared via osseodensification drilling

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    Surgical fixation of implants into bone for the correction of bone deformities or defects is a traditional approach for skeletal stabilization. Important measures of efficacy of implants include implant stability and osseointegration?the direct interaction between living bone and an implant. Osseointegration depends on successful implant placement and subsequent bone remodeling. This study utilized osseodensification drilling (OD) in a low bone density model using trabecular metal (TM) implants. Three osteotomy sites, Regular, OD-CW (clockwise), and OD-CCW (counterclockwise), were prepared in each ilium of three female sheep. Drilling was performed at 1100rpm with saline irrigation. Trabecular metal (TM) (Zimmer®, Parsippany, NJ, USA) implants measuring 3.7mm in diameter x 10mm length were placed into respective osteotomies. A three-week period post-surgery was given to allow for healing to take place after which all three sheep were euthanized and the ilia were collected. Samples were prepared, qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed using histology micrographs and image analysis software (ImageJ, NIH, Bethesda, MD). Bone-to-implant contact (BIC) and bone area fraction occupancy (BAFO) were quantified to evaluate the osseointegration parameters. All implants exhibit successful bone formation in the peri-implant environment as well as within the open spaces of the trabecular network. Osseointegration within the TM (quantified by %BIC) as a function of drilling technique was more pronounced in OD samples(p>0.05). The %BAFO however shows a significant difference (p=0.036) between the CCW and R samples. Greater bone volume and frequency of bone chips are observed in OD samples. The utilization of OD as a design for improved fixation of hardware was supported by increased levels of stability, both primary and secondary. Histological data with OD provided notably different results from those of the regular drilling method

    Microtomographic reconstruction of mandibular defects treated with xenografts and collagen-based membranes:a pre-clinical minipig model

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    The goal of this study was to evaluate hard tissue response following guided bone regeneration using commercially available bovine bone grafts and collagen membranes; bilayer collagen membrane and porcine pericardium-based membrane, by means of a non-destructive three-dimensional (3D) computerized volumetric analysis following microtomography reconstruction. Bone regenerative properties of various bovine bone graft materials were evaluated in the Göttingen minipig model. Two standardized intraosseous defects (15mm x 8mm x 8mm) were created bilaterally of the mandible of eighteen animals (n=72 defects). Groups were nested within the same subject and randomly distributed among the sites: (i) negative control (no graft and membrane), (ii) bovine bone graft/bilayer collagen membrane (BOB) (iii) Bio-Oss® bone graft/porcine pericardium-based membrane (BOJ) and (iv) cerabone® bone graft/porcine pericardium-based membrane (CJ). Samples were harvested at 4, 8, and 12-week time points (n=6 animal/time point). Segments were scanned using computerized microtomography (?CT) and three dimensionally reconstructed utilizing volumetric reconstruction software. Statistical analyses were performed using IBM SPSS with a significance level of 5%. From a temporal perspective, tridimensional evaluation revealed gradual bone ingrowth with the presence of particulate bone grafts bridging the defect walls, and mandibular architecture preservation over time. Volumetric analysis demonstrated no significant difference between all groups at 4 weeks (p>0.127). At 8 and 12 weeks there was a higher percentage of new bone formation for control and CJ groups when compared to BOB and BOJ groups (p<0.039). The natural bovine bone graft group showed more potential for graft resorption over time relative to bovine bone graft, significantly different between 4 and 8 weeks (p<0.003). Volumetric analysis yielded a favorable mandible shape with respect to time through the beneficial balance between graft resorption/bone regenerative capacity for the natural bovine bone graft

    In vitro fatigue tests and in silico finite element analysis of dental implants with different fixture/abutment joint types using computer-aided design models

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    Purpose The aim of this study was to evaluate fatigue resistance of dental fixtures with two different fixture-abutment connections by in vitro fatigue testing and in silico three-dimensional finite element analysis (3D FEA) using original computer-aided design (CAD) models. Methods Dental implant fixtures with external connection (EX) or internal connection (IN) abutments were fabricated from original CAD models using grade IV titanium and step-stress accelerated life testing was performed. Fatigue cycles and loads were assessed by Weibull analysis, and fatigue cracking was observed by micro-computed tomography and a stereomicroscope with high dynamic range software. Using the same CAD models, displacement vectors of implant components were also analyzed by 3D FEA. Angles of the fractured line occurring at fixture platforms in vitro and of displacement vectors corresponding to the fractured line in silico were compared by two-way ANOVA. Results Fatigue testing showed significantly greater reliability for IN than EX (p < 0.001). Fatigue crack initiation was primarily observed at implant fixture platforms. FEA demonstrated that crack lines of both implant systems in vitro were observed in the same direction as displacement vectors of the implant fixtures in silico. Conclusions In silico displacement vectors in the implant fixture are insightful for geometric development of dental implants to reduce complex interactions leading to fatigue failure.Yamaguchi S., Yamanishi Y., Machado L.S., et al. In vitro fatigue tests and in silico finite element analysis of dental implants with different fixture/abutment joint types using computer-aided design models. Journal of Prosthodontic Research 62, 24 (2018); https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpor.2017.03.006

    Surface characterization and in vivo evaluation of laser sintered and machined implants followed by resorbable-blasting media process: a study in sheep

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    Background: This study aimed to compare the histomorphometric and histological bone response to laser-sintered implants followed by resorbable-blasting media (RBM) process relative to standard machined/RBM surface treated implants. Material and Methods: Six male sheep (n=6) received 2 Ti-6Al-4V implants (1 per surface) in each side of the mandible for 6 weeks in vivo. The histomorphometric parameters bone-implant contact (BIC) and bone area fraction occupancy (BAFO) were evaluated. Results: Optical interferometry revealed higher Sa and Sq values for the laser-sintered/RBM surface in relation to standard/RBM implants. No significant differences in BIC were observed between the two groups (p>0.2), but significantly higher BAFO was observed for standard/RBM implants (p<0.01). Conclusions: The present study demonstrated that both surfaces were biocompatible and osseoconductive, and the combination of laser sintering and RBM has no advantage over the standard machined implants with subsequent RBM