470 research outputs found

    An approach for the modeling of interface-body coupled nonlocal damage

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    Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) can be used for strengthening concrete or masonry constructions.One of the main problem in the use of FRP is the possible detachment of the reinforcement from the supportmaterial. This paper deals with the modeling of the FRP-concrete or masonry damage interface, accounting forthe coupling occurring between the degradation of the cohesive material and the FRP detachment. To this end,a damage model is considered for the quasi-brittle material. In order to prevent strain localization and strongmesh sensitivity of the solution, an integral-type of nonlocal model based on the weighted spatial averaging of astrain-like quantity is developed. Regarding the interface, the damage is governed by the relative displacementoccurring at bond. A suitable interface model which accounts for the mode I, mode II and mixed mode ofdamage is developed. The coupling between the body damage and the interface damage is performedcomputing the body damage on the bond surface. Numerical examples are presented

    A coupled interface-body nonlocal damage model for the analysis of FRP strengthening detachment from cohesive material

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    In the present work, a new model of the FRP-concrete or masonry interface, which accounts for the coupling occurring between the degradation of the cohesive material and the FRP detachment, is presented; in particular, a coupled interface-body nonlocal damage model is proposed. A nonlocal damage and plasticity model is developed for the quasi-brittle material. For the interface, a model which accounts for the mode I, mode II and mixed mode of damage and for the unilateral contact and friction effects is developed. Two different ways of performing the coupling between the body damage and the interface damage are proposed and compared. Some numerical applications are carried out in order to assess the performances of the proposed model in reproducing the mechanical behavior of the masonry elements strengthened with external FRP reinforcements

    An approach for the modeling of interface-body coupled nonlocal damage

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    Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) can be used for strengthening concrete or masonry constructions. One of the main problem in the use of FRP is the possible detachment of the reinforcement from the support material. This paper deals with the modeling of the FRP-concrete or masonry damage interface, accounting for the coupling occurring between the degradation of the cohesive material and the FRP detachment. To this end, a damage model is considered for the quasi-brittle material. In order to prevent strain localization and strong mesh sensitivity of the solution, an integral-type of nonlocal model based on the weighted spatial averaging of a strain-like quantity is developed. Regarding the interface, the damage is governed by the relative displacement occurring at bond. A suitable interface model which accounts for the mode I, mode II and mixed mode of damage is developed. The coupling between the body damage and the interface damage is performed computing the body damage on the bond surface. Numerical examples are presented

    Prospek Pengembangan Wisata Danau Bandar Kayangan Lembah Sari Kota Pekanbaru

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    The purpose of this study is to know the prospects of tourism development Kayangan Lake Bandar Lembah Sari Pekanbaru city, and to identify and analyze the factors driving and inhibiting the development of Bandar Kayangan Lake travel Lembah Sari Pekanbaru. The population in this study are all the visitors who come to Lake City Kayangan Lembah Sari Pekanbaru City in 2015. The sampling technique used is non-probability sampling is a sampling technique that does not give an opportunity or equal opportunity for each element or member of the population to be elected sample. Data is collected when visitors are in Lake City Kayangan Lembah Sari Pekanbaru. Determination of a minimum number of samples for the study was calculated based on a decent sample size between 30 - 500 in this study using a sample of 100 respondents. The results showed that the SWOT analysis in prospect in the development of Lake City Kayangan Lembah Sari is known that as a strength that is: Develop attractions clearly, Pendidikandan training in order to reduce costs in the operations of attraction, USAge attractions computerized, cooperation with those who need Attraction , As a drawback, namely: Snag a job based on experience, A review of the potential attractions, There are no emergency procedures about tourist attractions, audit results on the attraction was not followed up. As Opportunity namely: The policy change agency to attractions, budget constraints for operational attractions, existence of the latest technology of attractions, attractions obtaining licensing requirement

    Peran PT.Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) dalam Penyaluran Kredit Umum Pedesaan terhadap Pengembangan Usaha Mikro di Kota Pekanbaru

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengamati peran Kredit Umum Pedesaan BRI UnitSimpang Baru dalam mengembangkan usaha mikro di Kota Pekanbaru.Data primer diperoleh melalui kuisioner dengan sampel sebanyak 65 orang. Datasekunder diperoleh dari lembagayang terkaityaitu BRI Unit Simpang Baru.Analisadata yang digunakan adalah deskriptif yaitu penganalisaan data denganmenggambarkan seluruh peristiwa dari objek penelitian dan mengaitkannya denganteoriyang ada dan ditabulasikan ke dalam tabel-tabel kemudian dipqparkan.Hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa peningkatan modal usaha sebelum menerimaKUPEDES secara umum pada tahun 2003 sebesar Rp. 18.515.385,- menjadi Rp.35.438.462,- pada tahun 2009 dengan rata-rata peningkatan sebesar 87,31% untukomset secara umum pada tahun 2003 dari Rp. 8.520.000,- menjadi Rp. 23.564.615,-atau sebesar 170,95% dan untuk pendapatan mengalami peningkatan sebesar85,91% yaitu secara umum pada tahun 2003 dari Rp. 3.569.538,- menjadi Rp.6.636.154, - pada tahun 2009

    Analisis Nilai Ekonomi Taman Dharma Wanita Kota Pekanbaru (Metode Contingent Valuation)

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    The purpose of this research is to determine the overall assessment of visitors to the Dharma Wanita garden of Pekanbaru City and also to find out, as well as to determine the demand for economical value or level visits with Contingent Valuation method. Total population used as samples in this study were 100 people. The method used in this study is accidental sampling. The analytical method used in this research is descriptive method using Valuatian Contingent approach. From the results of this study concluded that the general assessment visitors against Dharma Wanita garden of Pekanbaru City is pretty good. It can be found that most of the visitor answers by 37%. Majority of visitors came from the city of Pekanbaru. Economical value and the level of demand or visitation level of Dharma Wanita garden of Pekanbaru city with Contingent Valuation Method, that can be found from total income of WTPs visitors to the City of Rp.383.750 per day and the amount will increase on holidays.Keywords: Economic Values and Contingent Valuation Method

    Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Perempuan pada Perusahaan Retail (Study Kasus Alfamart)di Kota Pekanbaru

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    This research was conducted in the city of Pekanbaru in July to August 2014.The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of educational level, age structure and the level of wages of women working in a retail establishment (Alfamart case study). This study used primary data and analyzes are used the descriptive analysis. Sample population of this study was all female workers Alfamart in Pekanbaru. The sample in this study using Cochran formula as many as 60 people Alfamart female workers in the city of Pekanbaru, while sampling technique using simple random sampling. The results of the study come to the conclusion that the educational level and age negative effect on womens work in a retail establishment (Alfamart) in Pekanbaru, meaning that the higher the level of education and age of the respondent the less women working in a retail establishment (Alfamart) in the city of Pekanbaru and vice versa. And positive effect on the wage rate of women working in a retail establishment (Alfamart) means that the higher the wage rate, the more women working in a retail establishment (Alfamart) in the city of Pekanbaru and vice versa.Keywords: Level of Education, Age, Wage Rates, and Labor Alfamart Women

    SYBR Green Real-Time PCR for Salmonella detection in meat products

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    The objective of this study was to develop a SYBR Green Real-Time PCR method for detecting salmonellae in meat samples. The study was conducted both on S. Typhimurium experimentally and naturally contaminated meat samples analyzed in parallel with the standard cultural method (ISO 6579/2001). After the pre-enrichment phase, a boiling DNA extraction procedure combined wity SYBR-Green I Real Time PCR, using primers Styinva-JHO-2, was developed
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