11 research outputs found

    Morphological changes in the digestive system of 322 necropsies of patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome: comparison of findings pre- and post-HAART (Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy)

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    Involvement of the digestive system in AIDS pathologies or injuries is frequent. Aiming at comparing the frequency, the importance that these lesions have for death and the survival time in patients using or not using HAART, we studied 322 necropsies classified as follows: Group A - without antiretroviral drugs (185 cases); B - one or two antiretroviral drugs or HAART for less than six months (83 cases); C - HAART for six months or longer (54 cases). In the overall analysis of the digestive system, changes were present in 73.6% of cases. The most frequent was Candida infection (22.7%), followed by cytomegalovirus (19.2%), Histoplasma capsulatum (6.5%), mycobacteria (5.6%), and Toxoplasma gondii (4.3%). T. gondii infection was more frequent in group A compared with group C, and cytomegalovirus (CMV) was more frequent in group A compared with groups B and C (p < 0.05); 2.2% of the deaths were due to gastrointestinal bleeding. Regarding the segments, only in the large intestine, and only cytomegalovirus, were more frequent in group A compared with group C. We conclude that digestive system infections are still frequent, even with the use of HAART. However, the average survival time in group C was more than three times greater than the one in group A and nearly double that of group B, demonstrating the clear benefit of this therapy

    Morte súbita por ruptura espontânea do ventrículo direito em mulher chagásica crônica

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    Mulher chagásica de 49 anos teve morte súbita devido a hemopericárdio conseqüente à ruptura espontânea do ventrículo direito. Em nosso conhecimento este é o terceiro relato de rotura cardíaca espontânea da cardiopatia chagásica humana. Neste caso os fatores que determinaram a ruptura foram o adelgaçamento, o grande raio de curvatura da parede anterior do ventrículo direito e, possivelmente, o aumento de pressão no interior desta câmara. Não havia infarto e o adelgaçamento da região rota foi causado pela miocardite crônica chagásica

    Mecanismos pouco comuns de morte súbita no chagásico crônico: relato de três casos

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    Relatam-se três casos de morte súbita, de chagásicos crônicos, por mecanismos de óbito pouco freqüentes. Em dois casos, foi inesperada, sendo o primeiro, por infarto encefálico e o segundo, por broncopneumonia consecutiva a infarto intestinal sem oclusões vasculares ( enfarte não oclusivo"). No terceiro caso, o paciente era cardiopata e teve morte súbita esperada por tamponamento cardíaco consecutivo à ruptura espontânea do ventrículo direito

    Xenodiagnóstico artificial "post-mortem" em chagásicos crônicos

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    A fim de obter metodologias que permitam estabelecer, com segurança, o diagnóstico "post-mortem " da infecção chagásica, adaptou-se o xenodiagnóstico artificial a necropsiados com diferentes tempos de óbito. O testefoi positivo em três (30%) de dez chagásicos autopsiados. O tempo decorrido entre o êxito letal e o início do repasto pelos triatomineos destes chagásicos foi de duas horas, duas horas e quinze minutos e sete horas, respectivamente. Discutem-se os fatores que podem explicara sobrevivência do Trypanosoma cruzi no hospedeiro morto bem como as aplicações práticas do achado

    Hemoglobinopathies in newborns in the southern region of the Triângulo Mineiro, Brazil. Cross-sectional study

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    ABSTRACT CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Hemoglobinopathies are among the commonest and most widespread genetic disorders worldwide. Their prevalence varies according to ethnic composition and/or geographical region. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of hemoglobinopathies and their association with ethnicity among 1,004 newborns, to confirm the guideline of the Brazilian National Neonatal Screening Program. DESIGN AND SETTING: Cross-sectional study conducted in a public referral hospital in the Triângulo Mineiro region, Minas Gerais, Brazil. METHODS: Qualitative assessment of hemoglobin was performed through electrophoresis on cellulose acetate: at alkaline pH to identify the hemoglobin (Hb) profile and at acid pH to differentiate Hb S from Hb D and Hb C from Hb E and others that migrate to similar positions at alkaline pH. Neutral pH was used to detect Hb Bart's identified in alpha thalassemia (α-thal). The elution method after electrophoresis was used to quantitatively assess hemoglobins. RESULTS: There was predominance of α-thal, with 105 cases (10.46%), followed by Hb S with 61 cases (6.08%, comprising 46 Hb AS, 2 Hb SS and 13 Hb S/α-thal), 9 cases (0.9%) of Hb AC and 6 cases (0.6%) suggestive of beta thalassemia (β-thal). The frequency of hemoglobinopathies was significantly higher among Afro-descendants. CONCLUSIONS: These findings corroborated of the National Neonatal Screening Program for diagnosing sickle cell disease and Hb C, Hb D, Hb E and β-thal hemoglobinopathies