945 research outputs found

    (Editorial) Special Issue: "Canine Genetics 2".

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    Wolves were the first animal species to become domesticated by humans, approximately 30,000-50,000 years ago. Human-directed dog breeding over thousands of generations has generated more than 350 recognized breeds displaying surprisingly different phenotypes with respect to morphology, behavior and disease predispositions. The domestication of wolves and the subsequent breeding of dogs can be viewed as one of humankind's oldest and largest genetic experiments and provides us with unique opportunities for research. Dogs have not only become human's best friend but were also described as geneticists' best friend in a past issue of Science. In recognition of the importance of canine genetics, this Special Issue, entitled "Canine Genetics 2", was compiled. It represents a sequel to the former Special Issue "Canine Genetics", which was published in 2019. During the last 15 years, the canine community has heavily relied on a reference genome derived from the female Boxer Tasha. "Canine Genetics 2" includes an article describing a greatly improved version of this important community resource. This Special Issue further contains several reports related to monogenic or complex inherited diseases in dogs. Finally, important aspects of wild canid research, genetic diversity in different populations and canine morphology were investigated

    Animal models of ectodermal dysplasia

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    Development of a Personal Visioning Guidance System

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    The primary intent of this project was to formulate a novel guidance system to help individuals gain clarity and understanding of their inner vision of a desired future state. My secondary goal was to enrich the palette of resources and tools available for coaching individuals in their discovery and crafting of personal and/or professional visions. Initially, I conducted an extensive literature review that inspired my approach. Then, I followed a process for assessing existing visioning tools and then imagining new opportunities to create, conceptualize, and craft at least five novel visioning tools. The project outcome includes a Personal Visioning Guidance Model to navigate through the visioning process. In it, I described the key five stages and the Torrance Incubation Model (TIM) as micro-stage in each main stage. I ideated a palette of approaches to offer a broad spectrum of possibilities for visioning tools, and I conducted front-end development of seven of them. I also presented specific learning about every stage of the model as well as those from trialing five visioning tools with two subjects. Finally, I analyzed how this project adds value and a number of actions to progress further

    Diferencias en los niveles de homofobia del futuro profesorado hacia los gays y las lesbianas.

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    La presente investigación pretendía valorar, entre otras cuestiones, si existían diferencias entre los niveles de homofobia cognitiva y afectiva del futuro profesorado de Educación Secundaria (ES) hacia las parejas de hombres gays frente a las parejas de mujeres lesbianas. Esta era la primera investigación que con este propósito se realizaba en España y se desconocían los resultados que se iban a encontrar. La muestra estuvo constituida por 214 estudiantes (n= 214) que estaban realizando el Máster Universitario en Formación de Profesorado de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanzas de Idiomas (MFPS). Para la evaluación se elaboró un cuestionario validado mediante comisión de expertos y estudio piloto. Los resultados encontrados permiten afirmar que el futuro profesorado muestra actitudes homófobas cognitivas y afectivas diferentes hacia las mujeres lesbianas y los hombres gays

    A curricular approach to develop autonomies from the mathematics and scientific education

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    The purpose of this work is to highlight how the current Spanish education system supports the development of both scientific and mathematic competences. We understand these competences as the set of skills and capabilities needed to use mathematics or science when the situation requires. For that purpose, we have carried out a curricular didactic analysis of the current regulations in Andalusia. This analysis intends to reveal how the new educational systems emphasize the development of the formative character of teaching-learning processes, which has been overshadowed by the functional and the instrumental characters in Science and Mathematics Education. The findings of the research show that the objectives set out in the law are aimed at developing in students a number of attributes such as personal autonomy, creativity, tolerance, empathy, critical spirit, etc. From our point of view, all of these attributes contribute to developing the students' formative character. Besides, the analysis shows that course contents are not presented as an end in itself, but as a means for students to acquire these attributes and be whole human beings. Finally, it can be inferred from the analysis that both the methodological guidance and the evaluation criteria highlight the need to educate citizens to be capable of adapting to the environment and positively transforming it. Ultimately, promoting teaching-learning processes where scientific and mathematic competences are developed, educating students to be intellectually, socially and morally autonomous.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech.“Criterios e instrumentos de evaluación de unidades de enseñanza y aprendizaje” (PPIT.UMA.B1.2017/16) financiado por la Universidad de Málaga en la convocatoria de 2017-2018

    cDNA cloning and sequencing of the human ryanodine receptor type 3 (RYR3) reveals a novel alternative splice site in the RYR3 gene

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    AbstractThe human ryanodine receptor type 3 (RYR3) was cloned from a fetal brain cDNA library and its complete sequence was determined (EMBL accession number AJ001515). The sequenced cDNA spanned 15 564 bp and contained an open reading frame of 14 613 bp. The corresponding protein consisted of 4870 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 552 kDa. Amino acid sequence identities to the RYR3 proteins from rabbit, mink, and chicken were 96%, 95%, and 83% respectively. A previously unidentified alternative splice site was detected generating a transcript that lacked bases 11 569–11 650 and encoded a truncated protein

    Los niveles de homofobia de los futuros docentes: una cuestión de derechos, salud mental y educación

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    La homofobia es una de las principales causas de discriminación dentro de los centros de enseñanza. El alumnado lésbico, gay, bisexual y transexual (en adelante LGBT) sufre un tipo de acoso específico que se traduce, entre otras cuestiones, en mayores porcentajes de suicidios y trastornos mentales. Esta situación, conocida por la comunidad científica, ha derivado en varios países –como Ecuador– en políticas educativas para la erradicación de la homofobia mediante legislaciones y planes de estudios que así lo establecen. Desde esta perspectiva, resultar lícito plantearse si estas nuevas políticas educativas están logrando formar a las nuevas generaciones de docentes para que puedan atender la diversidad afectivo sexual existente en las escuelas e institutos. Con la intención de dar respuesta a esta pregunta, se presentan los resultados de una investigación que valoró los niveles de homofobia del profesorado ecuatoriano. La muestra estuvo constituida por 465 futuros docentes (n= 465) que estaban realizando el último curso del grado de Magisterio. Para la evalua- ción se diseñó un cuestionario que posteriormente fue validado mediante una comisión de expertos y un estudio piloto. En el presente artículo se exponen los resultados obtenidos, así como las posibles discusiones que de ellos se pudieran extraen

    X-linked anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (ED1) in men, mice, and cattle

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    Ectodermal dysplasias are a large group of rare genetic disorders characterized by impaired development of hair, teeth, and eccrine glands in humans, mice, and cattle. Here, we review the cloning, mutation analyses, and functional studies of the known causative genes for the X-chromosomal anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (ED1) in these species. Mutations in the ectodysplasin 1 (ED1) gene are responsible for X-linked anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia. The ED1 gene encodes a signaling molecule of the tumor necrosis factor family that is involved in development of ectodermal appendages. The bovine disorder may serve as an animal model for human ED1

    Evaluación de la homofobia en los futuros docentes de Educación Secundaria

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    El presente artículo pretendía valorar, entre otras cuestiones, el nivel de homofobia de los futuros docentes de Educación Secundaria (ES). La muestra estuvo constituida por 214 estu- diantes (n= 214) que estaban realizando el Máster Universitario en Formación de Profesorado de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanzas de Idiomas (MFPS). Para la evaluación se elaboró un cuestionario validado mediante comisión de expertos y estudio piloto. Los resultados encontrados permitieron afirmar que una quinta parte del futuro profesorado manifestaba actitudes homófobas principalmente de tipo cognitivo y afectivo