89 research outputs found

    Slow dynamics perspectives on the Embodied-Brain Systems Science

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    AbstractRecent researches point out the importance of the fast-slow cognitive process and learning process of self-body. Bayesian perspectives on the cognitive system also attract research attentions. The view of fast-slow dynamical system has long attracted wide range of attentions from physics to the neurobiology. In many research fields, there is a vast well-organized and coherent behavior in the multi degrees-of-freedom. This behavior matches the mathematical fact that fast-slow system is essentially described with a few variables. In this paper, we review the mathematical basis for understanding the fast-slow dynamical systems. Additionally, we review the basis of Bayesian statistics and provide a fast-slow perspective on the Bayesian inference


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    Fishery-oceanographic survey of the Gulf of Thailand were jointly carried out by Nagasaki University, Thai and SEAFDEC scientists using T/V Nagasaki-maru from 15 to 28 May, 1980. 1) Geometric and vertical distributions of depth-anomaly of sea water were obtained from records of STD system. High salinity warm water was found in the northern area of the Gulf and rather cool water in the south. Remarkable density gradient was commonly observed in the middle layer throughout the Gulf. 2) Experimental bottom trawl operations were made at 18 stations. The total catch amounted to 592kg, with a catch per hour of 53kg. The catch consisted of more than 60 fish species of 27 families, 9 mollusk species of 3 families and some crustacean, of which most important were carangids, lutjanids and nemipterids of fishes and loliginids of mollusks. Size composition of each major fishes and mollusks seemed to consist of some groups of 2 to 6 normal distributions. The squid, Loligo formosana in the northern waters are bigger by 30mm in the mantle length and 50g in weight than those in the south. 3) Gravity core and Smith-McIntyre samples revealed that the bottom of the most parts of the Gulf was covered by grayish calcareous sandy mud or muddy sand tens of centimeters thick, while the central part was covered with only 1~2cm thick reddish brown mud suspectedly flowed out from the land of Malay Peninsula. The underlying layer throughout the Gulf consisted of grayish calcareous silty clay. 4) The remarkable ruggedness like square waves on the bottom profile were often observed by an echo sounder on the slope around the central basin of the Gulf. The rugged bottom area seems to be unsuitable for trawl net operation.タイ湾の漁業開発についての基礎資料を得るために,1980年5月15~28日に,同湾で日本・タイおよび東南アジア漁業開発センターの研究者が共同で,本学部練習船長崎丸を用いて海洋およびトロール漁業調査を行なった.得られた調査結果は次の通りである. 1)STDの記録から水温,塩分の垂直および水平分布を求めた.これらより,タイ湾北部には,比較的高温で高塩分の水域があり,一方,湾南部には比較的低温で高塩分の水域が認められた.また,湾全般について,中層部に密度躍層がみられた. 2)底曳トロール網の試験操業では,その漁獲物をまず有用種と雑用種とにわけた.次いで,前者を魚類,イカ・タコ類およびエビ・カニ類にわけて,一回の曳網ごとに,それぞれの漁獲量を計測した.全漁獲物については,魚類は27科60種,イカ・タコ類は3科9種,エビ・カニ類は数種であった.有用種については,魚類はアジ類・イトヨリ類・フエダイ類,イカ・タコ類はジンドウイカ類が主であった.全漁獲量は592Kgであり,曳網1時間あたりの漁獲量は53Kgであった.有用種の主なるものについて,その体長組成を調べた結果では,それぞれの種類で2~6の体長の正規分布を示すいくつかの集団よりなることが推察された.なお,ジンドウイカ類の重要種Loligo formosanaでは,北部海域のものは南部海域のものと比べて,外套長の平均で約30mm,体重の平均で約50g大きかった. 3)重力コアとスミスーマッキンタイヤ採泥器で得られた海底堆積物についての分析を行なった.その結果から,当湾の中央部の海底表層には赤茶色の泥が1~2cmの厚さに積っていた.また,その他の湾全般の海底表層には,灰色がかった石灰質の砂泥が約10cmの厚さに堆積しており,その下層には,黒味を帯び,かなり固まった粘土層があった. 4)音響測深機の記録によると,当湾の中央部にある海盆の周辺には,顕著な起伏のある傾斜面がみられる.このような海底の状況を示す水域は,底曳トロール網の操業には適しないと思われる

    Synthesis and Evaluation of 1,3a,6a-triazapentalene (TAP)-bonded system

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    A method of synthesizing a directly connected 1,3a,6a-triazapentalene (TAP) ring system as a linearly bonded aromatic system with a planar form was established. Various TAP-dimers and a 2-alkyl-TAP-trimer were synthesized and their fluorescence properties were evaluated. Although the direct connection of the TAP ring with other TAP rings did not affect the fluorescence properties in diluted solvent, TAP-dimers showed unique fluorescence properties derived from the aggregation state under highly concentrated conditions. In particular, TAP-dimer 5f showed aggregation-induced emission in highly concentrated solution, and 5b showed typical mechanochromic fluorescence in the solid state despite their compact molecular size

    Ly49H signaling through DAP10 is essential for optimal natural killer cell responses to mouse cytomegalovirus infection

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    The activating natural killer (NK) cell receptor Ly49H recognizes the mouse cytomegalovirus (MCMV) m157 glycoprotein expressed on the surface of infected cells and is required for protection against MCMV. Although Ly49H has previously been shown to signal via DAP12, we now show that Ly49H must also associate with and signal via DAP10 for optimal function. In the absence of DAP12, DAP10 enables Ly49H-mediated killing of m157-bearing target cells, proliferation in response to MCMV infection, and partial protection against MCMV. DAP10-deficient Ly49H+ NK cells, expressing only Ly49H–DAP12 receptor complexes, are partially impaired in their ability to proliferate during MCMV infection, display diminished ERK1/2 activation, produce less IFN-γ upon Ly49H engagement, and demonstrate reduced control of MCMV infection. Deletion of both DAP10 and DAP12 completely abrogates Ly49H surface expression and control of MCMV infection. Thus, optimal NK cell–mediated immunity to MCMV depends on Ly49H signaling through both DAP10 and DAP12

    Evaluation of a Short Microelectromechanical System Process Using a Silicon-on-Insulator Diaphragm and Anodic Bonding

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