87 research outputs found

    Driver Behavior Monitoring. Part I. Application to Adaptive Automation Implementation

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    Abstract This paper gives a description on a currently going MEXT supported research project, "Situation and intention recognition for risk finding and avoidance," the aim of which is to develop a human-centered proactive safety technology that (i) detects at an early stage possible transitions of the driver's psychological/physiological state into a risky condition that may lead to a possibly accident-prone driving condition, and (ii) provide the driver with appropriate countermeasure assistance and support in a situation-adaptive manner. Among research issues in the project, this paper discusses the need of an adaptive automation for automotive safety when driver's intention or behavior may be inappropriate for a given traffic condition

    Human’s Overtrust in and Overreliance on Advanced Driver Assistance Systems: A Theoretical Framework

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    This paper gives a theoretical framework to describe, analyze, and evaluate the driver’s overtrust in and overreliance on ADAS. Although “overtrust” and “overreliance” are often used as if they are synonyms, this paper differentiates the two notions rigorously. To this end, two aspects, (1) situation diagnostic aspect and (2) action selection aspect, are introduced. The first aspect is to describe overtrust, and it has three axes: (1-1) dimension of trust, (1-2) target object, and (1-3) chances of observation. The second aspect, (2), is to describe overreliance on the ADAS, and it has other three axes: (2-1) type of action selected, (2-2) benefits expected, and (2-3) time allowance for human intervention. Document type: Articl

    Authority and responsibility in human–machine systems: probability theoretic validation of machine-initiated trading of authority

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    Human-centered automation is an approach to realize a work environment in which humans and machines cooperate. It is usually claimed in the framework that “the human must have final authority over the automation.” However, correctness of the statement is context dependent: we note that humans have limited capabilities and authority is interconnected with responsibility. This paper illustrates the need for a machine-initiated trading of authority from humans to automation in the vehicle driving context and clarifies issues to be solved for implementing useful automation invocation based on the machine’s interpretation of the situation and the human’s behavior

    Sulfonylurea-resistant biotypes of Monochoria vaginalis generate higher ultraweak photon emissions than the susceptible ones

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    All living organisms spontaneously generate ultraweak photon emissions, which originate from biochemical reactions in cells. Current research uses the ultraweak photon emission from organisms as a novel indicator in nondestructive analyses of an organisms living state. This study indicates that ultraweak photon emissions from Monochoria vaginalis are different between resistant biotypes (R) to sulfonylurea (SU) and susceptible biotypes (S). In SU-R biotypes, distinct increases in photon emissions were observed, but there was little increase in SU-S biotypes. In addition, photon emissions from the resistant biotypes of M. vaginalis were suppressed by treatment with P450 inhibitors. This suggests that cytochrome P450 monooxygenase, which plays a crucial role in the metabolic detoxification of SUs, could be associated with the generation of ultraweak photon emissions. Ultraweak photon emissions have a potential use in a novel diagnosis system as an indicator in a nondestructive testing of weeds resistant to SUs

    Application of the Y-method for Two Cases of Intradural Tumor in the Lumbar Region

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    We excised intradural tumors in the lumbar region by en bloc laminectomy using the Y-method. Incisions were made in the dura mater and arachnoid membrane using a T-saw to expose the surgical field. The laminectomy involved repositioning of the resected vertebral arches into their original positions and performing suture fixation with absorbable sutures. Bone fusion was achieved in the vertebral arch and spinous process, with posterior elements of the lumbar vertebra successfully preserved. The first case was a schwannoma and the second was a relatively rare epidermoid cys

    Cloning and Nucleotide Sequenceof the Genes Encoding Restriction-Modification System from Acidophilic Bacterium Acidocella facilis 22M

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    The gene encoding the Afa22MI restriction-modification system recognizing the sequence 5'-CGATCG-3' was cloned from Acidocella facilis 22M and sequenced. The cloned DNA fragment contained three genes encoding the Afa22MI methylase (M.Afa22MI) , the putative restriction endonuclease Afa22MI (R.Afa22MI) and a very short patch repair endonuclease (Afa22MI vsr) . M. Afa22MI gene has the conserved motifs of C5-cytosine methyltransferase. Afa22MI vsr gene was localized upstream of M. Afa22MI gene in opposite orientation, and an open reading frame of R. Afa22MI has about 53% sequence similarity to the amino acid sequence for the variable region of M.XorⅡ. Afa22MI vsr has about 66% sequence similarity to the amino acid sequence of XorII vsr which was associated M. XorII.CGATCGを認識する Afa22MI 制限修飾系遺伝子を好酸性細菌 Acidocella facilis 22M より、クローニングし、塩基配列を決定した。その結果、C5-シトシンメチラーゼに特徴的なモチーフが保存された。M.Afa22MI 遺伝子、その上流に、M.Afa22MI 遺伝子とは逆方向に、 very short patch repair endonuclease 様タンパク質遺伝子(Afa22MI vsr)、制限酵素(R.Afa22MI)遺伝子と推定されるオープンリーディングフレームが見出された。M.Afa22MI の推定アミノ酸配列は、Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae 由来 M.XorII の配列と全体で約63%、veriable region 内で約53%の高い配列類似性を示した。また、Afa22MI usr の推定アミノ酸配列も、M.XorIIに付随する XorII vsr の配列と約66%の高い類似性を示した

    Molecular evolution of gas cavity in [NiFeSe] hydrogenases resurrected in silico

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    Oxygen tolerance of selenium-containing [NiFeSe] hydrogenases (Hases) is attributable to the high reducing power of the selenocysteine residue, which sustains the bimetallic Ni–Fe catalytic center in the large subunit. Genes encoding [NiFeSe] Hases are inherited by few sulphate-reducing δ-proteobacteria globally distributed under various anoxic conditions. Ancestral sequences of [NiFeSe] Hases were elucidated and their three-dimensional structures were recreated in silico using homology modelling and molecular dynamic simulation, which suggested that deep gas channels gradually developed in [NiFeSe] Hases under absolute anaerobic conditions, whereas the enzyme remained as a sealed edifice under environmental conditions of a higher oxygen exposure risk. The development of a gas cavity appears to be driven by non-synonymous mutations, which cause subtle conformational changes locally and distantly, even including highly conserved sequence regions

    Phosphorylation by Aurora B Converts MgcRacGAP to a RhoGAP during Cytokinesis

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    AbstractCell division is finely controlled by various molecules including small G proteins and kinases/phosphatases. Among these, Aurora B, RhoA, and the GAP MgcRacGAP have been implicated in cytokinesis, but their underlying mechanisms of action have remained unclear. Here, we show that MgcRacGAP colocalizes with Aurora B and RhoA, but not Rac1/Cdc42, at the midbody. We also report that Aurora B phosphorylates MgcRacGAP on serine residues and that this modification induces latent GAP activity toward RhoA in vitro. Expression of a kinase-defective mutant of Aurora B disrupts cytokinesis and inhibits phosphorylation of MgcRacGAP at Ser387, but not its localization to the midbody. Overexpression of a phosphorylation-deficient MgcRacGAP-S387A mutant, but not phosphorylation-mimic MgcRacGAP-S387D mutant, arrests cytokinesis at a late stage and induces polyploidy. Together, these findings indicate that during cytokinesis, MgcRacGAP, previously known as a GAP for Rac/Cdc42, is functionally converted to a RhoGAP through phosphorylation by Aurora B

    Surgical Outcomes of Posterior Short Segment Fixation for Thoracolumbar Burst Fractures: A Study of Patients Treated without Vertebroplasty

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    There is no widespread agreement regarding the treatment of thoracolumbar burst fractures. While performing posterior short segment fixation of thoracolumbar burst fractures, we evaluated therapeutic outcomes in patients treated with screw insertion into fractured vertebral bodies without vertebroplasty. We also investigated the limitations associated with the treatment of burst fractures when vertebroplasty is not performed. Twenty-one of 51 patients with thoracolumbar burst fractures who were treated surgically in Ohta Nishinouchi Hospital were evaluated in the present study. These patients underwent posterior short segment fixation with screw insertion into the fractured vertebral bodies (only pedicle screws were inserted one level above and one level below the fractured vertebral bodies) without vertebroplasty. Vertebral angles were measured before surgery, immediately after surgery, and at the final follow-up examination. Changes in vertebral angles were compared and analyzed. The mean vertebral angles before and after surgery and at the final follow-up examination were 15.4°, 6.6°, and 9.1°, respectively. The mean postoperative correction loss was 2.5°. The therapeutic outcomes of posterior short segment fixation with screw insertion into fractured vertebral bodies without vertebroplasty were generally favorable

    A Summary of Trends in Curriculums of Lower Secondary Schools : from the Standpoint of Integrated Study, Elective Study, and Information Study

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    本論文は,カリキュラム開発に先進的な取り組みをしてきた全国の中学校の研究紀要や出版物をデータの中心としつつ,実際の学校訪問も踏まえて,カリキュラムの動向を分析したものである.2002年度から新しい学習指導要領のもとで授業が行われるが,「総合的な学習の時間」の導入,選択履修幅の拡大,情報教育の実施などがキーワードとなり学校教育に抜本的な改革が迫られている.中学校においても各教科の時間数が削減される中,「総合的な学習の時間」は年間70時間から130時間の割合で純増し,選択教科の時数を含めると, 3年生では235時間と実に年間総時数の約24%を占めることになる.教科担任制をとってきた中学校ではこのようなカリキュラムへの対応が非常に難しく,事実,小学校と比べてみてもその改革は遅れているといっても過言ではない.しかしながらこのような状況の中,先進的にカリキュラム開発に取り組む学校が増えはじめ,ある一定の成果を収めるようになってきた.本論文ではこうした中学校をターゲットとし,研究紀要や出版物の分析を通して,広く全国的な動向を把握することを試みた.こうした分析はこれまで数多くされているが,中学校のみを対象としたものは数少ない.この点に本研究における新しさを主張できる.本研究では,全国219校の中学校に研究物の送付を依頼し,そのうち返送されてきたものを中心に55校(国立36校,公立18校,私立1校)を分析の対象とした.分析にあたっては,各自が数校ずつ分担して読み込み,カリキュラムの視点を持って整理したものをグループ内で討議にかけた.以下の5点は全体的な動向としてその結果を事例とともに比較検討しながら整理したものである: 1.総合的学習, 2.選択学習, 3.情報教育, 4.ティームテイーチング, 5.必修教科でねらう学力とその実践.This paper discusses the major findings in lower secondary schools\u27 curriculum development for the national curriculum standards reform, which will start from 2002 in Japan. The Japanese Ministry of Education will revise the course of study for secondary schools as well as for elementary schools by introducing topics such as "Period for Integrated Study (Sogotekina-gakushu no jikan)" and Information Study. It is pointed out, however, that most lower secondary schools have not prepared well for the new course of study compared with elementary schools. Therefore, we did this research to find out what preparations for the new course of study have currently been done in lower secondary schools. The purpose of our research is to summarize the preparations for the new course of study that have been made in lower secondary schools. We asked 55 lower secondary schools throughout Japan to send us their case study reports or publications. We generalized the current trend of preparations for the new course of study in lower secondary schools by examining the following 5 categories: 1. Integrated Study, 2. Elective Subjects, 3. Information Study, 4. Team Teaching, 5. Compulsory Subjects