227 research outputs found

    シゼンフウ ノ ミダレ オ コウリョ シタ フウリョク カンキケイ ガホウ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ

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    Electronic structures of trans- and cis-dichloroethylenes and tetrachloroethylene were studied using symmetry-adapted cluster configuration interaction theory. Basis sets up to the aug-cc-pVTZ of Dunning, Jr., augmented with appropriate Rydberg functions were used for the calculations. The results derived in the present study show good agreement with the available experimental values. In all cases, the main bright excitation was the * transition. The other vertical excitations, *, n*, and n*, which have not been studied before, were also investigated. First Rydberg series involving transitions from the orbitals to one 3s, three 3p, and five 3d orbitals were identified clearly. Several new assignments and reassignments of features in the experimental spectra were suggested. Contrary to earlier prediction, two n-* states, along with a -* state in the dichloroethylenes, were calculated to be located above the main -* state. Accordingly, crossing between both the n-* states with the bright -* state is highly likely, unlike conclusions made in the earlier studies. This indicates that the photodissociation mechanism proposed by the earlier calculations warrants revision. Several low-lying triplet excited states were also studied. Electronic spectra of trans-1-chloro-2-fluoroethylene and cis-1-chloro-2-fluoroethylene were also calculated. The * transitions of these haloethylenes are compared and interpreted in terms of the inductive and resonance effects


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    我が国の自転車事故は交差点で発生する割合が高く,しかも,自動車の挙動によって衝突する自転車の進行方向に偏りが見られ,世界的に希な双方向通行の常態化が安全性の課題と考えられる.歩道での双方向通行が認められていることから,車道部でも左側通行を遵守しない自転車が多く,通行空間が確保された自転車レーンを逆走する自転車も見られる.本研究では,逆走自転車を自転車センサで感知してLED文字表示板を点灯させることにより警告を行う装置を開発し,徳島市内で整備された自転車レーンにおいて社会実験を実施した.パネルによる立会警告に比べると高いとは言えないものの,逆走自転車の低減に一定の効果は見られており,装置改善,安価化により補助的装置として活用が可能と考えられる.The ration of bicycles accidents at junctions is quite high in Japan, and the crash direction of bicycles is biased depends on the vehicles’ behaiviors. The regularization that bicycles run in both direction on most of streets in Japan, which is rare system in the world, should be considered for the reason of this phenomena In Japan, because both way cycling is permitted on sidewalk, wrong way cycling on not only roadways but also bicycle lanes. The aim of study is to develop an on-street warning device that can sense wrong way running bicycle and warn them by flushing character LED display. By employing the experiments on a street with bicycle lane in Tokushima City, the effects of this device is tested comparing with the personal guidance on street using warning panels. As results, certain effects by the device was found so that the developed device has the possibility of auxiliary warning method for the reduction of wrong way cycling

    Nickel-based phosphide superconductor with infinite-layer structure, BaNi2P2

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    Analogous to cuprate high-Tc superconductors, a NiP-based compound system has several crystals in which the Ni-P layers have different stacking structures. Herein, the properties of BaNi2P2 are reported. BaNi2P2 has an infinite-layer structure, and shows a superconducting transition at ~3 K. Moreover, it exhibits metallic conduction and Pauli paramagnetism in the temperature range of 4-300 K. Below 3 K, the resistivity sharply drops to zero, and the magnetic susceptibility becomes negative, while the volume fraction of the superconducting phase estimated from the diamagnetic susceptibility reaches ~100 vol.% at 1.9 K. These observations substantiate that BaNi2P2 is a bulk superconductor.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, Solid State Communications, in press. Received 4 March 2008. Accepted 2 May 2008. Available online 14 May 200

    Improvement Map Analyzer of Kit-Build Concept Map for In-class Analysis by Teacher

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    教授者が学習者に伝えようとした内容に対する学習者の理解状況を把握するための枠組みとして,統一された構成部品を用いて概念マップを作成させるキットビルド概念マップが提案されており,授業実践を通してその有用性が確認されている.本研究ではキットビルド概念マップを用いた授業内での形成的評価を可能にするための概念マップの分析ツール(マップアナライザ)を,教授者が単独で利用できるように改良した.従来も学習者の作成した概念マップを集計・分析するマップアナライザが実装されていたが,教授者による授業内での分析を前提として設計されたものではなかったため,授業での利用のためにはこのマップアナライザを分析専従者が操作する必要があり,教授者単独では用いることができていなかった.本研究では,教授者による授業内での分析目的が(1) 集団分析,と(2) 個人分析,の二つに大別でき,それらが一連の手順で行われることに着目し,この二つの分析目的を想定して機能を集約した二つのモードの実装として従来のマップアナライザの改良を行った.改良されたマップアナライザの評価として,同マップアナライザの実践利用実績,実践利用者に対するアンケート調査,及び改良前のマップアナライザとのユーザビリティの実験的比較についても報告する.なお,現在,キットビルド概念マップを用いた授業実践は全て改良後のマップアナライザを用いて行われている

    Improvement of Glucose Metabolism in Patients with Impaired Glucose Tolerance or Diabetes by Long-Term Administration of a Palatinose-Based Liquid Formula as a Part of Breakfast

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    A palatinose-based liquid formula (palatinose-formula), suppresses postprandial plasma glucose and insulin levels in healthy men. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of long-term palatinose-formula ingestion on glucose metabolism in patients with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) or type 2 diabetes. Two patients with IGT and 7 patients with type 2 diabetes participated in the palatinose-formula and dextrin-based liquid formula (dextrin-formula) loading test and long-term palatinose-formula administration study. After a 3-month control period, palatinose-formula (1046 kJ) was ingested daily by patients as a part of breakfast for 5 months. In the loading test, palatinose-formula suppressed postprandial plasma glucose and insulin levels and areas under the curve compared with those after dextrin-formula ingestion. In the long-term study, glycated hemoglobin levels (after 3 months and 5 months of treatment) and serum 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine levels (after 5 months of treatment) were markedly decreased comparing with those at baseline. Intake of 1046 kJ palatinose-formula as a part of breakfast over a long-term period may be effective for improvement of glucose metabolism in patients with IGT or type 2 diabetes