322 research outputs found

    Capillary Electrophoretic Characterization of Carbon Nanodots Prepared from Glutamic Acid in an Electric Furnace

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    Carbon nanodots (CNDs) prepared from glutamic acid or glutathione in an electric furnace were characterized by capillary electrophoresis. Two major peaks were detected in the electropherograms by capillary zone electrophoresis, corresponding to anionic and less-charged CNDs. The effective electrophoretic mobility of the anionic CND formed from glutamic acid was almost identical over neutral to weakly alkaline pH range, and the CND would not contain significant amount of amino group. On the other hand, the effective electrophoretic mobility tended to decrease with decreasing pH at weakly acidic pH conditions, suggesting the functional groups of carboxylate moiety on the anionic CNDs. Dodecyl sulfate ion was added in the separation buffer to give anionic charge to the less-charged CND by adsorption. However, the anionic charge induced was little, and the dodecyl sulfate ion was not likely adsorbed on the less-charged CND and the CND would be hydrophilic

    Information and communication technology equipment and services for remote monitoring and health management: Survey of services and their classification for use in home care nursing

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    This study aims to improve the quality of home nursing care for the elderly. The report presents web-based information about devices and services for remote monitoring and health management using information and communication technology and about how they can improve home care nursing station efficiency in Japan. The search terms "elderly people," "watch over," and "service," plus "sensor" were used to narrow the search. After repeating the search using a chained search for materials and links extracted from those search results, services for home care stations particularly addressing the remote monitoring of elderly people were selected and extracted. Early detection of abnormalities for support by home health nurse responsibilities for observing the general condition of the patient was chosen as the main evaluation index of usefulness. The contractor and service cost were secondary evaluation axes. Results show 9 information communication devices and services for real-time monitoring of the elderly persons’ vital signs in real time for 24 hr, 2 of which are highly useful for early detection of abnormalities and subsequent response. Results suggest that other services might be more useful, depending on how they are used, and that general-purpose services with minimum functions and low cost of introduction and maintenance can provide more opportunities for utilization. Providing these services on a BtoBtoC model and responding to patients’ medical needs can supplement home care nursing station work, increase human resource and time efficiencies, and give patients "the feeling that a nurse is always at their bedside,” even when far away

    Survival motor neuron (SMN) protein in the spinal anterior horn cells of patients with sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal neurodegenerative disease involving mainly the upper and lower motor neurons of adult humans. With regard to the pathomechanism of spinal anterior horn cell (AHC) degeneration in ALS, copy number abnormalities of the survival motor neuron (SMN) genes have been reported in sporadic (s) ALS. SMN protein is the protein responsible for the pathogenesis of spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), an autosomal recessive disease characterized by lower motor neuron loss and muscle atrophy. The disease is caused by deficiency of SMN protein induced by mutation of one of the SMA-associated genes, SMN1. To clarify the role of SMN protein in the degeneration of spinal AHCs in sALS, we examined the amount of cytoplasmic SMN protein in individual AHCs using cytofluorophotometry in 9 patients with sALS and 10 control subjects. It was found that: 1) SMN protein was present in the cytoplasm, nucleus and nucleolus of AHCs and in the nucleus of glial cells, 2) expression of SMN protein in AHCs was significantly associated with cell size in both sALS patients and controls, 3) expression of SMN protein per unit area in AHCs was similar in sALS patients and controls. These findings suggest that: 1) the amount of SMN protein in the cytoplasm of AHCs is strictly controlled in accordance with cell size, in both sALS patients and controls, 2) the amount of SMN protein in the AHCs of sALS patients may be reduced when the AHCs are atrophic, and 3) decrease of SMN protein in the AHCs of sALS patients may be a secondary, and not primary, phenomenon according to their sizes.ArticleBRAIN RESEARCH. 1372:152-159 (2011)journal articl

    Developing ChaKi.NET lite

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    九州大学総和技研Kyushu UniversitySowa Research現代において,コーパスは言語研究に欠かせない資源となっている。言語学の分野では検索・閲覧・集計インターフェイスを備えたコーパスの利用が多いが,情報学等の分野で作成されたコーパスには必ずしもインターフェイスが提供されるわけではない。類型論研究での活用が期待されるUniversal Dependencies(UD)ツリーバンクもそのようなコーパスの1つである。そこで本研究では,既存の高機能コーパスツールであるChaKi.NETを情報抽出用に特化し,新規ユーザにも利用しやすい軽量版であるChaKi.NET liteを開発した。ChaKi.NETは高機能であるがゆえに利用者にとっての学習コストが高かったが,ChaKi.NET liteではUDに合わせたインターフェイスを提供し,アノテーション機能を省くことで目的の機能を利用しやすくした。本稿ではChaKi.NET lite開発の背景と機能について紹介する。Corpora are indispensable resources for contemporary linguistic research. While corpora used for linguistics research usually have an interface, those developed for informatics research tend to lack one. Universal Dependencies (UD) Treebank, which has proved useful for linguistic typology studies, also lacks an interface. In this study, we developed a lightweight corpus tool named ChaKi.NET lite for new users, specialized from the existing sophisticated ChaKi.NET for information extraction. While one takes a long time to learn to use ChaKi.NET, ChaKi.NET lite reduces the required learning time by omitting the annotation function and providing an interface tailored to UD. This paper introduces the background of the development of ChaKi.NET lite and the new functions that this corpus tool provides.application/pdfdepartmental bulletin pape

    ChaKi.NET liteの開発 : Universal Dependenciesコーパスの利用を見据えたChaKi.NETユーザインターフェイスの改良

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    Kyushu UniversitySowa Research Co., Ltd.会議名: Evidence-based Linguistics Workshop 2022, 開催地: 国立国語研究所, 会期: 2022/09/05-06, 主催: 国立国語研究所、神戸大学人文学研究科ChaKi.NETはコンコーダンサやアノテーションツールを含む多機能なコーパス管理システムである。現行の(ChaKi Legacyでない) ChaKi.NETは2009年(Ver. 1.1, 現在公式サイトで確認できる最古のバージョン)に公開されたものであり、10年以上に渡って機能追加や品質の向上が行われてきた。しかし、可能な処理が増え多機能化が進む一方で、インターフェイスが複雑化しコンコーダンサとしての利用等、簡易な作業にも学習コストが嵩む状態になっている。本研究では、ChaKi.NETの機能のうちコンコーダンサ機能に焦点を絞り、複雑なファイル操作に馴染みのないユーザにも利用しやすいインターフェイスを備えたChaKi.NET liteの開発について述べる。想定するユーザ層としてはCorpus of Contemporary American English(COCA)等のコーパスを使用したことのある言語学者であり、近年自然言語処理分野で開発が盛んである通言語コーパス群Universal Dependencies(UD)コーパスを容易に使用可能にすることを目指している。今回追加した主な機能は、UDコーパス群読み込み操作の簡略化、複数UDコーパスの一括検索機能追加、検索実行および結果表示インターフェイスの改良である

    Single chain distributions at the interface in micro phase separated structures obtained by self consistent field calculations

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