133 research outputs found

    Effects of potassium nutrition on fruit development and yield of substrate grown strawberry

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     Effect of K nutrition on sugar and organic acid concentration in fruit and yield of strawberry cultivars (Fragaria ×ananassa Duch.; Nyoho, Toyonoka, Sachinoka, Asukarubi, Akihime, Tochiotome, and Sagahonoka) was investigated. Nutrient solution (NO3 8, NH4 1, P 1, K 4, Ca 2, Mg 1, SO4 1 ; mM) was modified to contain 0 to 4mM of K by replacing K with Ca and supplied from the beginning of flowering. K in the drainage decreased to a trace level 3 weeks after the beginning of treatment except for 4mM‒K solution. Absorption of NO3 apparently decreased in plants supplied 0mM‒K solution, but little difference was observed among the other 3 solutions. K concentration in petiole decreased linearly with decrease in K concentration in solutions, but there was little difference between the concentrations of leaflet of plants supplied with 4 and 2mM‒K solutions. No difference was observed in concentrations of sugars and organic acids in fruit in primary inflorescence. In the second inflorescence, organic acids and K concentration in fruit linearly decreased with decrease in K in supplied solutions while sugar concentration of fruit decreased significantly only in plants supplied 0mM‒K solution. When 0.5 to 4mM‒K solutions were supplied from 2 weeks after planting, marketable fruit yield was smallest in plants supplied 0.5mM‒K solution followed, by that supplied 1mM‒K solution, and largest in that supplied with 2mM‒K solution. Almost all K supplied with 2mM‒K solution was absorbed by strawberry plants and no difference was observed in quality and K concentration of fruit, yield and plant growth between the plants supplied with 2 and 4mM‒K solutions. It may be suitable to reduce the concentration of K in nutrient solution by half for substrate production of strawberry

    A Comparison of Pancreatectomy and Pancreatic Duct Drainage in Chronic Pancreatitis

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    Surgical therapy was performed in 25 cases of chronic pancreatitis at the Second Department of Surgery, Hiroshima University School of Medicine from January 1973 to October 1984. Thirteen cases were considered related to the excessive intake of alcoholic drinks, 2 cases each to acute pancreatitis and gall stones, and 8 cases to unknown etiology. Complication of pancreatic stone and marked dilatation or partial constriction of the pancreatic duct were observed in 11 of the 25 cases. Pancreaticoduodenectomy was performed in 7 cases, distal pancreatectomy in 8 cases, longitudinal pancreaticojejunostomy in 6 cases, and pancreaticoplasty in 2 cases, and biliary surgery in 2 cases. Out of 21 cases with abdominal pains, pain disappeared in 12 cases, improved in 6 cases and remained uncharged in 3 cases, the effect from surgery being almost satisfactory. No difference was observed in the effect between the surgical procedure as described above. Endocrine function tests with 50 g OGTT revealed improvement in 2 cases and aggravation in another two cases. The function remained unchanged before and after operation in the remaining 21 cases. Pancreatic exocrine function tests with PFD revealed almost no changes before and after operation and no difference between the surgical procedures. Pancreatic exocrine function was found correlated with the advanced conditions of pancreatic fibrosis rather then with the surgical procedures. Cases with less advanced fibrosis maintained the function in a more satisfactory condition both before and after operation. There occurred no cases of death directory related to operation. Four cases of death, no relating to operation itself, were observed in the pancreatectomy group. Twenty cases are now under rehabilitated conditions. Results of our surgical treatment for chronic pancreatitis are almost satisfactory in respect to pain-relieving effect but unsatisfactory in respect to improvement of the endocrine and exocrine function. It may be necessary to consider surgical operation at an early stage before the aggravation of fibrosis, because various types of drainage procedures that aim at preserving the pancreatic tissue and reducing the pancreatic duct pressure are logically capable of improving pancreatic functions

    Public-Private Partnership for Operation of Civil Activities Support Institution: A Case Study of Civil Activities Promotion Center in Nagoya

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    ナンキョク ショウワキチ ダイ10 キョジュウトウ ノ パネル コウセイザイ ノ ケイネン ヘンカ ト タイキュウセイ

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    南極において恒久観測基地として利用された昭和基地第10居住棟(高床式木質パネル構造:1969年1月建設)の一部を復元・解体し、特にその木質パネルの構成材に観点をおいて、約30年間使用された建物の各部位における耐久性を把握することを目的とした。試験は、目視による観察・木材試験・断熱材性能試験を行い、その結果、各部位には壁・床に比べて屋根パネルの構成材の劣化が最も激しく、また極地という厳しい条件下では、パネル構成材の耐久性は特にパネル間の接合部に大きく起因すること、また室内部やパネル内部は30年間使用してもほとんど劣化しないことが明らかになった。The purpose of this study is to determine the durability of the old living hut built in 1969 at Syowa Station, Japan\u27s permanent Antarctic observation facility, especially of its wooden panels. The hut, of high floor type wooden panel construction, was built in January 1969. To determine the durability, part of the hut, which was brought back to Japan after 30 years, was rebuilt, then taken apart again under controlled test conditions. Tests included visual observation, testing of the wooden material, and testing of the performance of the thermal insulation material. The results showed that the material in the roof panels deteriorated considerably more than that in the walls and floors. In the severe polar conditions, the strength of the overall structure depends heavily on the joints between panels. It is clear that material on the indoor sides, and in the interiors of the panels, hardly deteriorated at all after 30 years