306 research outputs found

    Super-Eddington accretion rates in Narrow Line Seyfert 1 galaxies

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    Using the BH masses deduced from the empirical relation of Kaspi et al. (2000) and assuming that the optical luminosity is provided by the accretion disc, we show that Narrow Line Seyfert Galaxies 1 (NLS1s) accrete at super-Eddington rates, while their luminosity stays of the order of the Eddington limit. We take into account the possibility of a non-viscous energy release in the gravitationally unstable region of the disc. It leads to a smaller accretion rate and to a redder continuum than a standard disc, which agrees better with the observations. The observed bolometric luminosities appear to saturate at a few times the Eddington luminosity for super-Eddington accretion rates, as predicted by slim disc models. The accretion rate stays always of the order of a few M⊙_{\odot}/yr, indicating that the growing of the BH is mass supply limited . Since the masses of the BH increases by one order of magnitude in a few 107^7 years, it could explain why NLS1s appear to not follow the same BH - bulge relation as other galaxies. NLS1s should thus play an important role in shaping the mass function of local BHs. We discuss the possibility that the masses could be systematically underestimated due to an inclination effect, and we conclude that the accretion rates could thus be strongly overestimated, but only in a small proportion of objects.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, accepted in A &

    A Stellar-mass Black Hole in the Ultra-luminous X-ray Source M82 X-1?

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    We have analyzed the archival XMM-Newton data of the bright Ultra-Luminous X-ray Source (ULX) M82 X-1 with an 105 ksec exposure when the source was in the steady state. Thanks to the high photon statistics from the large effective area and long exposure, we were able to discriminate different X-ray continuum spectral models. Neither the standard accretion disk model (where the radial dependency of the disk effective temperature is T(r) \propto r^-3/4) nor a power-law model gives a satisfactory fit. In fact, observed curvature of the M82 X-1 spectrum was just between those of the two models. When the exponent of the radial dependence (p in T(r) \propto r^-p) of the disk temperature is allowed to be free, we obtained p =0.61^+0.03_-0.02. Such a reduction of p from the standard value 3/4 under extremely high mass accretion rates is predicted from the accretion disk theory as a consequence of the radial energy advection. Thus, the accretion disk in M82 X-1 is considered to be in the Slim disk state, where an optically thick Advection Dominant Accretion Flow (ADAF) is taking place. We have applied a theoretical slim disk spectral model to M82 X-1, and estimated the black hole mass ~ 19-32 M_odot. We propose that M82 X-1 is a relatively massive stellar black hole which has been produced through evolution of an extremely massive star, shining at a super-Eddington luminosity by several times the Eddington limit.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, Accepted for ApJ

    Slim Disk Model for Soft X-Ray Excess and Variability of Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies

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    Narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies (NLS1s) exhibit extreme soft X-ray excess and large variability. We argue that both features can be basically accounted for by the slim disk model. We assume that a central black-hole mass in NLS1 is relatively small, M∼105−7M⊙M \sim 10^{5-7}M_\odot, and that a disk shines nearly at the Eddington luminosity, LEL_{\rm E}. Then, the disk becomes a slim disk and exhibits the following distinctive signatures: (1) The disk luminosity (particularly of X-rays) is insensitive to mass-flow rates, MË™\dot M, since the generated energy is partly carried away to the black hole by trapped photons in accretion flow. (2) The spectra are multi-color blackbody. The maximum blackbody temperature is Tbb≃0.2(M/105M⊙)−1/4T_{\rm bb} \simeq 0.2(M/10^5 M_\odot)^{-1/4} keV, and the size of the blackbody emitting region is small, r_{\rm bb} \lsim 3 r_{\rm S} (with rSr_{\rm S} being Schwarzschild radius) even for a Schwarzschild black hole. (3) All the ASCA observation data of NLS1s fall onto the region of MË™/(LE/c2)>10\dot M/(L_{\rm E}/c^2)>10 (with LEL_{\rm E} being the Eddington luminosity) on the (rbb,Tbbr_{\rm bb},T_{\rm bb}) plane, supporting our view that a slim disk emits soft X-rays at ∼LE\sim L_{\rm E} in NLS1s. (4) Magnetic energy can be amplified, at most, up to the equipartition value with the trapped radiation energy which greatly exceeds radiation energy emitted from the disk. Hence, energy release by consecutive magnetic reconnection will give rise to substantial variability in soft X-ray emission.Comment: 9 pages LaTeX including 4 figures, accepted to PASJ. e-mail to [email protected]

    Slim Disk Model for Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies

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    We argue that both the extreme soft X-ray excess and the large-amplitude variability of Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 galaxies (NLS1s) can be explained in the framework of the slim disk model. When the disk luminosity approaches the Eddington luminosity, the disk becomes a slim disk, exhibiting a multi-color blackbody spectrum with a maximum temperature, T(bb), of about 0.2 (M/1e5 solar masses)e(-1/4) keV, and size of the X-ray emitting region, r(bb), of about R(S) (the Schwarzschild radius). Furthermore, magnetic energy can be amplified up to a level exceeding radiation energy emitted from the disk, causing substantial variability in X-rays by consecutive magnetic flares.Comment: Contributed talk presented at the Joint MPE,AIP,ESO workshop on NLS1s, Bad Honnef, Dec. 1999, to appear in New Astronomy Reviews; also available at http://wave.xray.mpe.mpg.de/conferences/nls1-worksho
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