817 research outputs found

    Light effective hole mass in undoped Ge/SiGe quantum wells

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    We report density-dependent effective hole mass measurements in undoped germanium quantum wells. We are able to span a large range of densities (2.011×10112.0-11\times10^{11} cm2^{-2}) in top-gated field effect transistors by positioning the strained buried Ge channel at different depths of 12 and 44 nm from the surface. From the thermal damping of the amplitude of Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations, we measure a light mass of 0.061me0.061m_e at a density of 2.2×10112.2\times10^{11} cm2^{-2}. We confirm the theoretically predicted dependence of increasing mass with density and by extrapolation we find an effective mass of 0.05me\sim0.05m_e at zero density, the lightest effective mass for a planar platform that demonstrated spin qubits in quantum dots

    Development of energy system model of the Caspian region

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    The main objective of the project is to develop and to use the model of energy system of Central Asia and Caspian region (CAC): Azerbaijan (AZJ), Kazakhstan (KZK), Turkmenistan (TKM) and Uzbekistan (UZB) - TIMES-CAC-4R and to assess quantitatively the direct economic benefits of cooperation in export of hydrocarbons among CAC countries

    Low disordered, stable, and shallow germanium quantum wells: a playground for spin and hybrid quantum technology

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    Buried-channel semiconductor heterostructures are an archetype material platform to fabricate gated semiconductor quantum devices. Sharp confinement potential is obtained by positioning the channel near the surface, however nearby surface states degrade the electrical properties of the starting material. In this paper we demonstrate a two-dimensional hole gas of high mobility (5×1055\times 10^{5} cm2^2/Vs) in a very shallow strained germanium channel, which is located only 22 nm below the surface. This high mobility leads to mean free paths 6μm\approx6 \mu m, setting new benchmarks for holes in shallow FET devices. Carriers are confined in an undoped Ge/SiGe heterostructure with reduced background contamination, sharp interfaces, and high uniformity. The top-gate of a dopant-less field effect transistor controls the carrier density in the channel. The high mobility, along with a percolation density of 1.2×1011 cm21.2\times 10^{11}\text{ cm}^{-2}, light effective mass (0.09 me_e), and high g-factor (up to 77) highlight the potential of undoped Ge/SiGe as a low-disorder material platform for hybrid quantum technologies

    The Grueneberg ganglion controls odor-driven food choices in mice under threat.

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    The ability to efficiently search for food is fundamental for animal survival. Olfactory messages are used to find food while being aware of the impending risk of predation. How these different olfactory clues are combined to optimize decision-making concerning food selection remains elusive. Here, we find that chemical danger cues drive the food selection in mice via the activation of a specific olfactory subsystem, the Grueneberg ganglion (GG). We show that a functional GG is required to decipher the threatening quality of an unfamiliar food. We also find that the increase in corticosterone, which is GG-dependent, enhances safe food preference acquired during social transmission. Moreover, we demonstrate that memory retrieval for food preference can be extinguished by activation of the GG circuitry. Our findings reveal a key function played by the GG in controlling contextual food responses and illustrate how mammalian organisms integrate environmental chemical stress to optimize decision-making

    Impaired Recruitment of Grk6 and β-Arrestin2 Causes Delayed Internalization and Desensitization of a WHIM Syndrome-Associated CXCR4 Mutant Receptor

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    WHIM (warts, hypogammaglobulinemia, infections, and myelokatexis) syndrome is a rare immunodeficiency syndrome linked to heterozygous mutations of the chemokine receptor CXCR4 resulting in truncations of its cytoplasmic tail. Leukocytes from patients with WHIM syndrome display impaired CXCR4 internalization and enhanced chemotaxis in response to its unique ligand SDF-1/CXCL12, which likely contribute to the clinical manifestations. Here, we investigated the biochemical mechanisms underlying CXCR4 deficiency in WHIM syndrome. We report that after ligand activation, WHIM-associated mutant CXCR4 receptors lacking the carboxy-terminal 19 residues internalize and activate Erk 1/2 slower than wild-type (WT) receptors, while utilizing the same trafficking endocytic pathway. Recruitment of β-Arrestin 2, but not β-Arrestin 1, to the active WHIM-mutant receptor is delayed compared to the WT CXCR4 receptor. In addition, while both kinases Grk3 and Grk6 bind to WT CXCR4 and are critical to its trafficking to the lysosomes, Grk6 fails to associate with the WHIM-mutant receptor whereas Grk3 associates normally. Since β-Arrestins and Grks play critical roles in phosphorylation and internalization of agonist-activated G protein-coupled receptors, these results provide a molecular basis for CXCR4 dysfunction in WHIM syndrome

    Lightly-strained germanium quantum wells with hole mobility exceeding one million

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    We demonstrate that a lightly-strained germanium channel (ε//\varepsilon_{//} = -0.41%) in an undoped Ge/Si0.1_{0.1}Ge0.9_{0.9} heterostructure field effect transistor supports a 2D hole gas with mobility in excess of 1×\times106^{6} cm2^{2}/Vs and percolation density less than 5×\times1010^{10} cm2^{-2}. This low disorder 2D hole system shows tunable fractional quantum Hall effect at low density and low magnetic field. The low-disorder and small effective mass (0.068mem_e) defines lightly-strained germanium as a basis to tune the strength of the spin-orbit coupling for fast and coherent quantum hardware

    Food preference acquired by social transmission is altered by the absence of the olfactory marker protein in mice.

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    Food preference is conserved from the most primitive organisms to social animals including humans. A continuous integration of olfactory cues present both in food and in the different environmental and physiological contexts favors the intake of a given source of food or its avoidance. Remarkably, in mice, food preference can also be acquired by olfactory communication in-between conspecifics, a behavior known as the social transmission of food preference (STFP). STFP occurs when a mouse sniffs the breath of a conspecific who has previously eaten a novel food emitting specific odorants and will then develop a preference for this never encountered food. The efficient discrimination of odorants is performed by olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs). It is essential and supports many of the decision-making processes. Here, we found that the olfactory marker protein (OMP), an enigmatic protein ubiquitously expressed in all mature olfactory neurons, is involved in the fine regulation of OSNs basal activity that directly impacts the odorant discrimination ability. Using a previously described Omp null mouse model, we noticed that although odorants and their hedonic-associated values were still perceived by these mice, compensatory behaviors such as a higher number of sniffing events were displayed both in the discrimination of complex odorant signatures and in social-related contexts. As a consequence, we found that the ability to differentiate the olfactory messages carried by individuals such as those implicated in the social transmission of food preference were significantly compromised in Omp null mice. Thus, our results not only give new insights into the role of OMP in the fine discrimination of odorants but also reinforce the fundamental implication of a functional olfactory system for food decision-making

    Germanium wafers for strained quantum wells with low disorder

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    We grow strained Ge/SiGe heterostructures by reduced-pressure chemical vapor deposition on 100 mm Ge wafers. The use of Ge wafers as substrates for epitaxy enables high-quality Ge-rich SiGe strain-relaxed buffers with a threading dislocation density of (6±\pm1)×\times105^5 cm2^{-2}, nearly an order of magnitude improvement compared to control strain-relaxed buffers on Si wafers. The associated reduction in short-range scattering allows for a drastic improvement of the disorder properties of the two-dimensional hole gas, measured in several Ge/SiGe heterostructure field-effect transistors. We measure an average low percolation density of (1.22±\pm0.03)×\times1010^{10} cm2^{-2}, and an average maximum mobility of (3.4±\pm0.1)×\times106^{6} cm2^2/Vs and quantum mobility of (8.4±\pm0.5)×\times104^{4} cm2^2/Vs when the hole density in the quantum well is saturated to (1.65±\pm0.02)×\times1011^{11} cm2^{-2}. We anticipate immediate application of these heterostructures for next-generation, higher-performance Ge spin-qubits and their integration into larger quantum processors

    Identification of hydrodynamic changes in rivers by means of freshwater mussels' behavioural response: An experimental investigation

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    The present work concerns the interaction between hydraulic processes and biological communities in rivers. In particular, the aim of this study is to investigate the interactions between flow dynamics and the freshwater mussels (FMs) to verify if the mussels' behavioural response to the hydrodynamic stress could be used to monitor natural extreme events in rivers. Although the influence of mussels on the kinematic characteristics of flow at the water–sediment interface was investigated by a certain number of studies, their behavioural response to flow, both in static and dynamic conditions, remains understudied. Laboratory experiments were performed in an artificial flume exposing Unio elongatulus to different values of flow discharge, both in steady and in unsteady conditions either with or without sediment transport. Mussels' behavioural responses were detected by using Hall sensor technology to measure gaping frequency, amplitude and duration, both in static conditions and under the effect of hydrodynamic stresses. Five categories of behavioural response were identified: Normal Activity (NA), Resting (Re), Transition (Tr), Adaptation (Ad) and Avoidance (Av). During NA (standard feeding and moving), FMs presented valve gaping, while during Re valves were kept constantly opened for water filtration. After a variation of flow discharge (ΔQ), FMs promptly reacted showing a transition from their normal behaviour, with constant gaping frequency (below 0.01 Hz), to higher valve gaping frequencies. The mean valves' gaping frequency increased as a function of ΔQ, and the highest values were reached in the presence of sediment transport. The mean valve opening amplitude was less sensitive to ΔQ. Its range of variation was very narrow with the highest values corresponding to the protrusion/retraction of the animals' foot to move or anchor to the substrate. The percentage of mussels responding to the discharge variation (Transition behaviour) increases with ΔQ confirming that mussels' behavioural response represents a promising tool for monitoring the occurrence of hydrodynamic stressors in fluvial systems

    Intravenous thrombolysis in the emergency department for the treatment of acute ischaemic stroke

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Thrombolytic therapy with intravenous recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rt-PA) improves outcome in patients with ischaemic stroke treated within 3 h of symptom onset, but its extended implementation is limited. A pilot study was designed to verify whether evaluation of patients with acute ischaemic stroke and their treatment with intravenous rt-PA in the emergency department (ED), followed by transportation to a semi-intensive stroke care unit, offers a safe and effective organisational solution to provide intravenous thrombolysis to acute stroke patients when a stroke unit (SU) is not available. METHODS: After checking for inclusion and exclusion criteria, ED doctors contacted the stroke team with a single page, located family members and urgently obtained computed tomography scan and laboratory tests. A stroke team investigator clinically assessed the patient, obtained written informed consent and supervised intravenous rt-PA in the ED. After treatment, the patient was transferred to the SU for rehabilitation and treatment of complications, under supervision of the same stroke team investigator. RESULTS: 52 patients were treated with intravenous rt-PA within 3 h of symptom onset. 20 patients (38%) improved neurologically after 24 h, the number increased to 30 (58%) after one week. At 3 months 22 patients had a favourable outcome (43%). The 3-month mortality rate was 12%. Symptomatic cerebral haemorrhage was observed in two patients (4%). CONCLUSIONS: Intravenous rt-PA administration in the ED is an effective organisational solution for acute ischaemic stroke when an SU is not established