581 research outputs found

    Emplacement Mechanism of the Older Ryoke Granites in the Yanai District, Southwest Japan, with Special Reference to Extensional Deformation in the Ryoke Metamorphic Belt

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    The Ryoke metamorphic rocks in the Yanai district, southwest Japan show geological and rock structures produced by three different phases of ductile deformation. During the first phase (D1), a distinct foliation parallel to lithologic layering was formed under the thermal peak conditions during the low-pressure facies series Ryoke metamorphism, which is ascribed to the sheet-like intrusion of the older Ryoke granites. The second phase deformation (D2) led to the formation of mylonitic shear zones and nappes. The deformation of the third phase (D3) was responsible for the formation of the upright folds with E-W trending axes. In the metamorphic rocks of the Tsuzu area, which is placed in the northern part of the Yanai district, are often found melt-filled fractures of minor scales, which cut across their foliation. The deformation related to the formation of these melt-filled fractures resulted commonly from the foliation parallel extension. The overall movement picture inferred from the melt-filled fractures appears to be of the shear sense for the top to the north. The formation of the melt-filled fractures was responsible for the intrusion of the older Ryoke granites. Asymmetric textures such as extensional crenulation cleavage (ECC) and rotation of porphyroblasts, which grew under the thermal peak of the low-pressure facies series metamorphism, are also formed in the metapelites. The shear sense read from the asymmetric textures is the top to the north, though fairly dispersed. This is harmonic with the overall movement picture inferred from the melt-filled fractures. Therefore it can be said that the overall movement picture of the D1. deformation of the metamorphic rocks in the Tsuzu area during and immediately before the intrusion of the older Ryoke granites appears to have been of the same style of extension tectonics. Consequently, the D1 deformation occurred under extensional stress regime and the older Ryoke granites intruded in extensional fracture zones at intermediate crustal depths. The nappes of the metamorphic rocks and older granites were formed during the D2 deformation probably under compressional stress regime

    Development of innovative lithium metal-free lithium-ion sulfur battery for renewable energy, electric transport and electronics

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    Lithium/sulfur (Li/S) battery is a promising candidate for the next generation rechargeable battery since the negative electrode, lithium, and the cathode, sulfur, have the highest theoretical capacities of 3862 and of 1672 mAh/g, respectively, among any other active materials, e.g., graphite (372 mAh/g) or LiCoO2 (274 mAh/g, only about 50% is practically available). However, there are several challenging issues in order to realize the use of this type of next generation battery. First, the lithium metal anode has an intrinsic safety issue, dendrite growth that can result in internal short circuit failure. Second, the sulfur cathode is a very insulating material; therefore, sulfur-based cathodes need a large amount of conducting additives, resulting in the decrease in the practically available gravimetric capacity per the unit mass of cathode composite. Third, lithium polysulfides, reduced (discharged) forms of sulfur, dissolve into an electrolyte solution, resulting in capacity fading. For realistic battery applications, these issues from both the anode and the cathode need to be solved or mitigated. To this end, we integrate three practically possible solutions: (1) manufacture-friendly pre-lithiation of anode or cathode materials, (2) practically optimal choice of conducting agent and of the method for S/conductive-agent integration, and (3) stabilization of discharged forms of the cathode

    Development of innovative lithium metal-free lithium-ion sulfur battery for renewable energy, electric transport and electronics

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    Lithium/sulfur (Li/S) battery is a promising candidate for the next generation rechargeable battery since the negative electrode, lithium, and the cathode, sulfur, have the highest theoretical capacities of 3862 and of 1672 mAh/g, respectively, among any other active materials, e.g., graphite (372 mAh/g) or LiCoO2 (274 mAh/g, only about 50% is practically available). However, there are several challenging issues in order to realize the use of this type of next generation battery. First, the lithium metal anode has an intrinsic safety issue, dendrite growth that can result in internal short circuit failure. Second, the sulfur cathode is a very insulating material; therefore, sulfur-based cathodes need a large amount of conducting additives, resulting in the decrease in the practically available gravimetric capacity per the unit mass of cathode composite. Third, lithium polysulfides, reduced (discharged) forms of sulfur, dissolve into an electrolyte solution, resulting in capacity fading. For realistic battery applications, these issues from both the anode and the cathode need to be solved or mitigated. To this end, we integrate three practically possible solutions: (1) manufacture-friendly pre-lithiation of anode or cathode materials, (2) practically optimal choice of conducting agent and of the method for S/conductive-agent integration, and (3) stabilization of discharged forms of the cathode

    High mass-loading of sulfur-based cathode composites and polysulfides stabilization for rechargeable lithium/sulfur batteries

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    Although sulfur has a high theoretical gravimetric capacity, 1672 mAh/g, its insulating nature requires a large amount of conducting additives: this tends to result in a low massloading of active material (sulfur), and thereby, a lower capacity than expected. Therefore, an optimal choice of conducting agents and of the method for sulfur/conductingagent integration is critically important. In this paper, we report that the areal capacity of 4.9 mAh/cm2 was achieved at sulfur mass loading of 4.1 mg/cm2 by casting sulfur/ polyacrylonitrile/ketjenblack (S/PAN/KB) cathode composite into carbon fiber paper. This is the highest value among published/reported ones even though it does not contain expensive nanosized carbon materials such as carbon nanotubes, graphene, or graphene derivatives, and competitive enough with the conventional LiCoO2-based cathodes (e.g., LiCoO2, <20 mg/cm2 corresponding to <2.8 mAh/cm2). Furthermore, the combination of sulfur/PAN-based composite and PAN-based carbon fiber paper enabled the sulfurbased composite to be used even in carbonate-based electrolyte solution that many lithium/sulfur battery researchers avoid the use of it because of severer irreversible active material loss than in electrolyte solutions without carbonate-based solutions, and even at the highest mass-loading ever reported (the more sulfur is loaded, the more decomposed sulfides deposit at an anode surface)

    Analytical modelling of planar potential and current distributions in electrodes of lithium-Ion batteries

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    Mathematical modelling can play an important role in the design of a lithium-ion cell in that many design iterations can be performed at relatively little cost. • Electrochemical models are useful for cell design and optimization but can be typically high-order and complex and hence computationally expensive, and, are therefore not suitable for real-time applications. • Much reduced order electrochemical models for lithium-ion cells have been developed, with these type of models more suitable for use with real-time on-board electronic control units. • However, a difficulty with these methods is that the current-voltage behavior for different operating conditions cannot be predicted


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    Jumlah lansia di Kelurahan Mauliru sebanyak 50 orang di Kelurahan Mauliru dan mengalami keluhan-keluhan pada tubuhnya. Edukasi dan pemeriksaan kesehatan tekanan darah, gula darah, kolestrol dan asam urat pada lansia merupakan tindakan preventif dan dapat mendeteksi sedini mungkin penyakit dan komplikasi pada lansia. Kebaruan artikel pengabdian ini karena melakukan pemantauan dan pemeliharaan kesehatan pada lansia. Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah melakukan pemantauan dan pemeliharaan kesehatan pada lansia. Metode pelaksanaan yang dilakukan berupa skema program kemitraan masyarakat, pendidikan kesehatan pada lansia dengan cara ceramah, diskusi dan demonstrasi, setelah itu diikuti dengan pemeriksaan tanda – tanda vital seperti tekanan darah, nadi, suhu dan respirasi rate, selanjutnya melakukan ananese sesuai keluhan dilakukan pengambilan dan pemeriksaan darah untuk mengetahui keadaan kolesterol, gula darah sewaktu, asam urat diakhiri dengan senam lansia. Sasarannya adalah lansia umur ≥60 tahun  sebanyak 50 orang di Gereja Kristen Sumba Kelurahan Mauliru, Kabupaten Sumba Timur. Tahap pengabmas terdiri dari 5 kegiatan yaitu tahap pendidikan kesehatan, senam lansia, pemeriksaan tekanan darah, gula darah, dan asam urat, pendampingan serta monitoring dan evaluasi. Hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan adanya peningkatan pengetahuan lansia sebesar 8,99 (p 0.001) setelah mendapat pendidikan kesehatan tentang Hipertensi, Asam Urat, Kolestrol dan Diabetes Melitus, rata-rata umur lansia yaitu 68 tahun, dengan hasil pemeriksaan GDP 102 mg/dL, GDS 110 mg/dL, Kolestrol 200 mg/dL dan Asam urat 6,4 mg/dL. Rata-rata TTV 150/90 mmHg (Kategori Hipertensi Sedang) dan sebagian besar keluhan lansia yaitu sakit pinggang 42%, batuk 26% dan sakit kepala/pusing 22%. Kesimpulan kegiatan ini bahwa pemeriksaan kesehatan lansia berjalan dengan baik, 90% lansia melakukan pemeriksaan dan mendapatkan pemeriksaan. Lansia yang mengalami keluhan sebanyak 10% dirujuk ke Puskesmas untuk mendapatkan terapi.Kata kunci: Lansia; Pengabdian masyarakat; Pelayanan kesehatan


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    Data dari Kementerian Kesehatan Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) di Indonesia mencapai 13.683 orang, di NTT yang menderita DBD sebanyak 1.337. Angka tersebut terus meningkat menjadi 1.563 orang. Kebaruan dalam penelitian ini karena menganalisis hubungan pengetahuan dan sikap pelajar dengan tindakan pencegahan DBD pada siswa SMA Kristen. Tujuan penelitian menganalisis hubungan pengetahuan dan sikap pelajar dengan tindakan pencegahan DBD pada siswa SMA Kristen. Metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan rancangan analitik observasional. Teknik Analisa data analisis univariat, bivariat, dan multivariat. Uji dua variabel menggunakan chi-square untuk mengetahui hubungan di antara variabel. Uji banyak variabel menggunakan regresi logistik biner mendapatkan nilai rasio odds (OR), 95% CI, dan nilai p, di mana setiap variabel dengan nilai p 0,25 diikutsertakan dalam uji banyak variabel menggunakan metode ENTER. Hasil analisis univariat menunjukkan sebagian besar mempunyai pengetahuan yang kurang baik yaitu 70%, sikap yang kurang baik yaitu 60%. Analisis bivariat menunjukkan adanya hubungan signifikan (P-value 0,001) antara pengetahuan, sikap dengan tindakan pencegahan DBD pada siswa SMA. Analisis multivariat menunjukkan variabel pengetahuan dan sikap secara statistik berhubungan dengan tindakan pencegahan DBD. Secara berturut-turut variabel yang paling berpengaruh adalah pengetahuan terdiri dari pendidikan yang baik berhubungan 6 kali dengan tindakan yang baik dalam pencegahan DBD (PR: 6,008;95%CI: 2,127-16,967; P-value 0,001),  variabel sikap yaitu baik berhubungan 5 kali dengan tindakan yang baik dalam pencegahan DBD (PR: 4,682; 95%CI: 1,784-12,286; P-value 0,002). Kesimpulan terdapat korelasi antara pengetahuan, sikap, dan perilaku dalam mencegah penyakit DBD pada siswa SMA Kristen

    Altered expression of testis-specific genes, piRNAs, and transposons in the silkworm ovary masculinized by a W chromosome mutation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In the silkworm, <it>Bombyx mori</it>, femaleness is strongly controlled by the female-specific W chromosome. Originally, it was presumed that the W chromosome encodes female-determining gene(s), accordingly called <it>Fem</it>. However, to date, neither <it>Fem </it>nor any protein-coding gene has been identified from the W chromosome. Instead, the W chromosome is occupied with numerous transposon-related sequences. Interestingly, the silkworm W chromosome is a source of female-enriched PIWI-interacting RNAs (piRNAs). piRNAs are small RNAs of 23-30 nucleotides in length, which are required for controlling transposon activity in animal gonads. A recent study has identified a novel mutant silkworm line called KG, whose mutation in the W chromosome causes severe female masculinization. However, the molecular nature of KG line has not been well characterized yet.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here we molecularly characterize the KG line. Genomic PCR analyses using currently available W chromosome-specific PCR markers indicated that no large deletion existed in the KG W chromosome. Genetic analyses demonstrated that sib-crosses within the KG line suppressed masculinization. Masculinization reactivated when crossing KG females with wild type males. Importantly, the KG ovaries exhibited a significantly abnormal transcriptome. First, the KG ovaries misexpressed testis-specific genes. Second, a set of female-enriched piRNAs was downregulated in the KG ovaries. Third, several transposons were overexpressed in the KG ovaries.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Collectively, the mutation in the KG W chromosome causes broadly altered expression of testis-specific genes, piRNAs, and transposons. To our knowledge, this is the first study that describes a W chromosome mutant with such an intriguing phenotype.</p