24 research outputs found

    Improving the perfomance of elevator systems using exact reoptimization algorithms

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    The task of an elevator control is to schedule the elevators of a group such that small average and maximal waiting and travel times for the passengers are obtained. We present a novel exact reoptimization algorithm for this problem. A reoptimization algorithm computes a new optimal schedule for the elevator group each time a new passenger arrives. Our algorithm uses column generation techniques and is, to the best of our knowledge, the first exact reoptimization algorithm for a group of elevators. We use our algorithm to compare the potential performance that can be achieved for conventional (ie up/down buttons) and two variants of destination call systems, where a passenger enters his destination floor when calling an elevator. This research is part of an ongoing project with our industry partner Kollmorgen Steuerungstechnik

    Does Laziness Pay Off? - A Lazy-Constraint Approach to Timetabling

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    Timetabling is a classical and complex task for public transport operators as well as for railway undertakings. The general question is: Which vehicle is taking which route through the transportation network in which order? In this paper, we consider the special setting to find optimal timetables for railway systems under a moving block regime. We directly set up on our work of [T. Schlechte et al., 2022], i.e., we consider the same model formulation and real-world instances of a moving block headway system. In this paper, we present a repair heuristic and a lazy-constraint approach utilizing the callback features of Gurobi, see [Gurobi Optimization, 2022]. We provide an experimental study of the different algorithmic approaches for a railway network with 100 and up to 300 train requests. The computational results show that the lazy-constraint approach together with the repair heuristic significantly improves our previous approaches

    A large new Middle Jurassic ichthyosaur shows the importance of body size evolution in the origin of the Ophthalmosauria

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    The Middle Jurassic is an important time period for the evolutionary history of marine reptiles as it represented a transitional phase for many clades. Notably, in ichthyosaurs, many early parvipelvian taxa went extinct. The Middle Jurassic saw the emergence of the derived Ophthalmosauria, ultimately becoming the dominant ichthyosaurian clade by the end of the epoch. Even though this is an important period in the evolutionary history of Ophthalmosauria, our understanding remains limited in terms of morphology and taxonomy due to the scarcity of vertebrate-bearing strata. Here we present a large new ichthyosaur from the Bajocian of Switzerland, represented by an almost complete skull with 3D-preserved bones, the (inter)clavicles and a large portion of the postcranial skeleton. After CT- and surface scanning, we reconstructed the 3D in vivo morphology. Our morphological observations and phylogenetic analyses show that the new taxon named Argovisaurus martafernandezi is nested at the base of the Ophthalmosauria. The holotype and only known specimen of Argovisaurus likely represents an adult individual. Bajocian members of the Ophthalmosauria (Mollesaurus and Argovisaurus) were large-bodied animals, a trait typically associated with the more derived Platypterygiinae. This hints at the importance of a large body size early in ophthalmosaurian evolution. LSID: urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:C3312628-1544-4B87-BBE3-B12346A30BE3LSID: urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:23C2BD71-8CF0-4D99-848A-0D631518415

    Oldest record of Machimosaurini (Thalattosuchia, Teleosauroidea): teeth and scavenging traces from the Middle Jurassic (Bajocian) of Switzerland

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    The Jurassic period was a time of major diversification for Mesozoic marine reptiles, including Ichthyosauria, Plesiosauria and thalattosuchian Crocodylomorpha. The latter originated in the Early Jurassic and thrived during the Late Jurassic. Unfortunately, the Middle Jurassic, a crucial time in their evolution, has a poor fossil record. Here, we document the first evidence of macrophagous/durophagous Machimosaurini-tribe teleosauroid thalattosuchians from the late Bajocian (ca 169 Ma) in the form of three robust tooth crowns with conical blunt shapes and anastomosed pattern of thick enamel ridges towards the apex, associated with the skeleton of a large ichthyosaur lacking preserved tooth crowns. The tooth crowns were found on the posterior section of the lower jaw (left angular), a lacrimal and the axis neural arch of the ichthyosaur. In addition, some of the distal sections of the posterior dorsal ribs of the ichthyosaur skeleton exhibit rounded bite marks and some elongated furrows that fit in size and shape with the Machimosaurini teeth. These marks, together with the absence of healing in the rib bone are interpreted here as the indicators of peri- to post-mortem scavenging by a Machimosaurini teleosauroid after the large ichthyosaur carcass settled on the floor of a shallow ocean

    The extinct marine megafauna of the Phanerozoic

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    The modern marine megafauna is known to play important ecological roles and includes many charismatic species that have drawn the attention of both the scientific community and the public. However, the extinct marine megafauna has never been assessed as a whole, nor has it been defined in deep time. Here, we review the literature to define and list the species that constitute the extinct marine megafauna, and to explore biological and ecological patterns throughout the Phanerozoic. We propose a size cut-off of 1 m of length to define the extinct marine megafauna. Based on this definition, we list 706 taxa belonging to eight main groups. We found that the extinct marine megafauna was conspicuous over the Phanerozoic and ubiquitous across all geological eras and periods, with the Mesozoic, especially the Cretaceous, having the greatest number of taxa. Marine reptiles include the largest size recorded (21 m; Shonisaurus sikanniensis) and contain the highest number of extinct marine megafaunal taxa. This contrasts with today’s assemblage, where marine animals achieve sizes of >30 m. The extinct marine megafaunal taxa were found to be well-represented in the Paleobiology Database, but not better sampled than their smaller counterparts. Among the extinct marine megafauna, there appears to be an overall increase in body size through time. Most extinct megafaunal taxa were inferred to be macropredators preferentially living in coastal environments. Across the Phanerozoic, megafaunal species had similar extinction risks as smaller species, in stark contrast to modern oceans where the large species are most affected by human perturbations. Our work represents a first step towards a better understanding of the marine megafauna that lived in the geological past. However, more work is required to expand our list of taxa and their traits so that we can obtain a more complete picture of their ecology and evolution

    Improving the performance of elevator systems using exact reoptimization algorithms

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    Abstract. The task of an elevator control is to schedule the elevators of a group such that small average and maximal waiting and travel times for the passengers are obtained. We present a novel exact reoptimization algorithm for this problem. A reoptimization algorithm computes a new optimal schedule for the elevator group each time a new passenger arrives. Our algorithm uses column generation techniques and is, to the best of our knowledge, the first exact reoptimization algorithm for a group of elevators. We use our algorithm to compare the potential performance that can be achieved for conventional (i. e., up/down buttons) and two variants of destination call systems, where a passenger enters his destination floor when calling an elevator. This research is part of an ongoing project with our industry partner Kollmorgen Steuerungstechnik

    The marine conservation deposits of Monte San Giorgio (Switzerland, Italy): the prototype of Triassic black shale LagerstÀtten

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    Marine conservation deposits (‘Konservat-LagerstĂ€tten’) are characterized by their mode of fossil preservation, faunal composition and sedimentary facies. Here, we review these characteristics with respect to the famous conservation deposit of the Besano Formation (formerly Grenzbitumenzone; including the Anisian–Ladinian boundary), and the successively younger fossil-bearing units Cava inferiore, Cava superiore, Cassina beds and the Kalkschieferzone of Monte San Giorgio (Switzerland and Italy). We compare these units to a selection of important black shale-type LagerstĂ€tten of the global Phanerozoic plus the Ediacaran in order to detect commonalities in their facies, genesis, and fossil content using principal component and hierarchical cluster analyses. Further, we put the Monte San Giorgio type FossillagerstĂ€tten into the context of other comparable Triassic deposits worldwide based on their fossil content. The results of the principal component and cluster analyses allow a subdivision of the 45 analysed LagerstĂ€tten into four groups, for which we suggest the use of the corresponding pioneering localities: Burgess type for the early Palaeozoic black shales, Monte San Giorgio type for the Triassic black shales, Holzmaden type for the pyrite-rich black shales and Solnhofen type for platy limestones


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    Recent success stories on integrated optimization of railway systems

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    Planning and operating railway transportation systems is an extremely hard task due to the combinatorial complexity of the underlying discrete optimization problems, the technical intricacies, and the immense size of the problem instances. Because of that, however, mathematical models and optimization techniques can result in large gains for both railway customers and operators, e.g., in terms of cost reductions or service quality improvements. In the last years a large and growing group of researchers in the OR community have devoted their attention to this domain developing mathematical models and optimization approaches to tackle many of the relevant problems in the railway planning process. However, there is still a gap to bridge between theory and practice (e.g. Cacchiani et al., 2014; Borndörfer et al., 2010), with a few notable exceptions. In this paper we address three individual success stories, namely, long-term freight train routing (part I), mid-term rolling stock rotation planning (part II), and real-time train dispatching (part III). In each case, we describe real-life, successful implementations. We will discuss the individual problem setting, survey the optimization literature, and focus on particular aspects addressed by the mathematical models. We demonstrate on concrete applications how mathematical optimization can support railway planning and operations. This gives proof that mathematical optimization can support the planning of railway resources. Thus, mathematical models and optimization can lead to a greater efficiency of railway operations and will serve as a powerful and innovative tool to meet recent challenges of the railway industry