214 research outputs found

    Microwave-induced thermal escape in Josephson junctions

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    We investigate, by experiments and numerical simulations, thermal activation processes of Josephson tunnel junctions in the presence of microwave radiation. When the applied signal resonates with the Josephson plasma frequency oscillations, the switching current may become multi-valued in a temperature range far exceeding the classical to quantum crossover temperature. Plots of the switching currents traced as a function of the applied signal frequency show very good agreement with the functional forms expected from Josephson plasma frequency dependencies on the bias current. Throughout, numerical simulations of the corresponding thermally driven classical Josephson junction model show very good agreement with the experimental data.Comment: 10 pages and 4 figure

    Resonant effects in a SQUID qubit subjected to non adiabatic changes

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    By quickly modifying the shape of the effective potential of a double SQUID flux qubit from a single-well to a double-well condition, we experimentally observe an anomalous behavior, namely an alternance of resonance peaks, in the probability to find the qubit in a given flux state. The occurrence of Landau-Zener transitions as well as resonant tunneling between degenerate levels in the two wells may be invoked to partially justify the experimental results. A quantum simulation of the time evolution of the system indeed suggests that the observed anomalous behavior can be imputable to quantum coherence effects. The interplay among all these mechanisms has a practical implication for quantum computing purposes, giving a direct measurement of the limits on the sweeping rates possible for a correct manipulation of the qubit state by means of fast flux pulses, avoiding transitions to non-computational states.Comment: 6 pages and 6 figures. The paper, as it is, has been accepted for publication on PRB on March 201

    Superconducting tunable flux qubit with direct readout scheme

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    We describe a simple and efficient scheme for the readout of a tunable flux qubit, and present preliminary experimental tests for the preparation, manipulation and final readout of the qubit state, performed in incoherent regime at liquid Helium temperature. The tunable flux qubit is realized by a double SQUID with an extra Josephson junction inserted in the large superconducting loop, and the readout is performed by applying a current ramp to the junction and recording the value for which there is a voltage response, depending on the qubit state. This preliminary work indicates the feasibility and efficiency of the scheme.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Return current in hysteretic Josephson junctions: Experimental distribution in the thermal activation regime

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    We present an experimental study on the retrapping process of a hysteretic, high-quality Josephson junction; namely, we have measured the distribution of the values at which the junction switches back from the voltage state to the zero-voltage state, as a function of the applied magnetic field. While the opposite process (escape from the zero-voltage state) has been extensively studied in the past, both from the theoretical and the experimental point of view, little is found in the literature on the retrapping process. In terms of the tilted washboard potential, the process corresponds to the retrapping from the running state to a locked state in a potential well. The interest of the measurements is in the fact that the value of the return current can be directly related to the dissipation in the junction. While the deterministic behavior, experimentally measured through the I–V curve, appears to be in agreement with the theoretical predictions, even in minor details, the statistical behavior is strongly different from what is expected. The disagreement is found even in zero-applied magnetic field and it cannot be attributed to external noise in the system. From the experimental statistical properties, we find values for the effective dissipation much lower than those obtained from the deterministic curves, a result which could be of interest in experiments on the observation of macroscopic quantum phenomena

    The effective dissipation in Nb/AlOx/Nb Josephson tunnel junctions by return current measurements

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    Measurements of temperature dependence of the return current in high quality Nb/AlOx/Nb Josephson junctions are presented. From the experimental data, we obtain the effective resistance, i.e., the effective dissipation, for the retrapping process, according to the generalized resistively shunted junction model proposed by Chen, Fisher, and Leggett. We present a careful analysis, based on a comparison between the measured temperature dependencies of both the return and the quasiparticle tunneling current. We find that the junction subgap conductance, which includes the quasiparticle and the quasiparticle-pair interference terms, is responsible for the return process. The measurements have been performed on various samples, in a wide range of critical current densities from 50 to 2250 A/cm2, covering different damping regimes and spanning over the high and low temperature limits. Junctions with low critical current density show ideal dissipation which makes the return current scale with temperature according to the BCS exponential behavior without flattening out effects. This result may be relevant for the possible use of Nb/AlOx/Nb junctions in macroscopic quantum coherence experiments, which strongly require a very low dissipation

    Deep-well ultrafast manipulation of a SQUID flux qubit

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    Superconducting devices based on the Josephson effect are effectively used for the implementation of qubits and quantum gates. The manipulation of superconducting qubits is generally performed by using microwave pulses with frequencies from 5 to 15 GHz, obtaining a typical operating clock from 100MHz to 1GHz. A manipulation based on simple pulses in the absence of microwaves is also possible. In our system a magnetic flux pulse modifies the potential of a double SQUID qubit from a symmetric double well to a single deep well condition. By using this scheme with a Nb/AlOx/Nb system we obtained coherent oscillations with sub-nanosecond period (tunable from 50ps to 200ps), very fast with respect to other manipulating procedures, and with a coherence time up to 10ns, of the order of what obtained with similar devices and technologies but using microwave manipulation. We introduce the ultrafast manipulation presenting experimental results, new issues related to this approach (such as the use of a feedback procedure for cancelling the effect of "slow" fluctuations), and open perspectives, such as the possible use of RSFQ logic for the qubit control.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Static flux bias of a flux qubit using persistent current trapping

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    Qubits based on the magnetic flux degree of freedom require a flux bias, whose stability and precision strongly affect the qubit performance, up to a point of forbidding the qubit operation. Moreover, in the perspective of multiqubit systems, it must be possible to flux-bias each qubit independently, hence avoiding the traditional use of externally generated magnetic fields in favour of on-chip techniques that minimize cross-couplings. The solution discussed in this paper exploits a persistent current, trapped in a superconducting circuit integrated on chip that can be inductively coupled with an individual qubit. The circuit does not make use of resistive elements that can be detrimental for the qubit coherence. The trapping procedure allows to control and change stepwise the amount of stored current; after that, the circuit can be completely disconnected from the external sources. We show in a practical case how this works and how to drive the bias circuit at the required value.Comment: 5 figures submitted to Superconductor Science and Technolog
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