1,524 research outputs found

    Profilaxis antibiótica en cirugía

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    Existe una abundantísima documentación en la literatura acerca de la eficacia de los antibióticos utilizados profilácticamente en cirugía (1-10). Probablemente lo más útil para el trabajo diario de un hospital sea la adopción de pautas concretas que permitan ser evaluadas periódicamente a través de la colaboración, entre otros, de anestesistas, cirujanos y microbiólogos (11,12). En esta línea hemos revisado, de una manera intencionadamente esquemática, diversas facetas relativas a la profilaxis antibiótica en cirugía. Para ello comentaremos algunos aspectos generales de profilaxis de la infección postquirúrgica, unas breves normas para la utilización profiláctica de antibióticos y resumiremos determinadas indicaciones en función del tipo de intervención

    Induction of TIMP-1 expression in rat hepatic stellate cells and hepatocytes: a new role for homocysteine in liver fibrosis

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    Elevated plasma levels of homocysteine have been shown to interfere with normal cell function in a variety of tissues and organs, such as the vascular wall and the liver. However, the molecular mechanisms behind homocysteine effects are not completely understood. In order to better characterize the cellular effects of homocysteine, we have searched for changes in gene expression induced by this amino acid. Our results show that homocysteine is able to induce the expression and synthesis of the tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1 (TIMP-1) in a variety of cell types ranging from vascular smooth muscle cells to hepatocytes, HepG2 cells and hepatic stellate cells. In this latter cell type, homocysteine also stimulated alpha 1(I) procollagen mRNA expression. TIMP-1 induction by homocysteine appears to be mediated by its thiol group. Additionally, we demonstrate that homocysteine is able to promote activating protein-1 (AP-1) binding activity, which has been shown to be critical for TIMP-1 induction. Our findings suggest that homocysteine may alter extracellular matrix homeostasis on diverse tissular backgrounds besides the vascular wall. The liver could be considered as another target for such action of homocysteine. Consequently, the elevated plasma levels of this amino acid found in different pathological or nutritional circumstances may cooperate with other agents, such as ethanol, in the onset of liver fibrosis

    DNA methylation and histone acetylation of rat methionine adenosyltransferase 1A and 2A genes is tissue-specific

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    Methionine adenosyltransferase (MAT) catalyzes the biosynthesis of S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet). In mammals MAT activity derives from two separate genes which display a tissue-specific pattern of expression. While MAT1A is expressed only in the adult liver, MAT2A is expressed in non-hepatic tissues. The mechanisms behind the selective expression of these two genes are not fully understood. In the present report we have evaluated MAT1A and MAT2A methylation in liver and in other tissues, such as kidney, by methylation-sensitive restriction enzyme digestion of genomic DNA. Our data indicate that MAT1A is hypomethylated in liver and hypermethylated in non-expressing tissues. The opposite situation is found for MAT2A. Additionally, histones associated to MAT1A and MAT2A genes showed enhanced levels of acetylation in expressing tissues (two-fold for MAT1A and 3.5-fold for MAT2A liver and kidney respectively). These observations support a role for chromatin structure and its modification in the tissue-specific expression of both MAT genes

    Knowledge, attitudes and preventive practices of primary health care professionals towards alcohol use: A national, cross-sectional study

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    Introduction Primary care (PC) professionals' knowledge about alcohol use has been identified as one of the barriers PC providers face in their clinic. Both PC professionals' level of training and attitude are crucial in the clinical practice regarding alcohol use. Objective To evaluate the knowledge, attitude, and preventive practices of Spanish PC physicians and nurses towards alcohol use. Design An observational, descriptive, cross-sectional, multi-center study. Methodology Location: PC centers of the Spanish National Health System (NHS). Participants: PC physicians and nurses selected randomly from health care centers, and by sending an e-mail to semFYC and SEMERGEN members. Healthcare providers completed an online survey on knowledge, attitude, and follow-up recommendations for reducing alcohol intake. A descriptive, bivariate, and multivariate statistical analysis was conducted (p<0.05). Results Participants: 1, 760 healthcare providers completed the survey (75.6% [95% CI 73.5-77.6] family physicians; 11.4% [95% CI 9.9-12.9] medical residents; and 12.5% [95% CI 10.9-14.1] nurses), with a mean age of 44.7 (SD 11.24, range: 26-64, 95% CI: 47.2-48.2). Knowledge was higher in family physicians (p<0.001), older professionals (Spearman's r = 0.11, p<0.001), and resident trainers (p<0.001). The PC professional most likely to provide advice for reducing alcohol use was: a nurse (p<0.001), female (p = 0.010), between 46 and 55 years old (p <0.001). Conclusions PC providers' knowledge and preventive practices regarding alcohol use are scarce, hence specific training strategies to increase their knowledge and improve their attitude and skills with regard to this health problem should be considered a healthcare policy priority

    Evaluación de imágenes satelitales para el estudio de la distribución térmica en una parcela comercial de olivar en seto

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    CComunicación presentada al XXXVII Congreso Nacional de Riegos, celebrado en Don Benito del 4 al 6 de Junio de 2019 y organizada por la Asociación Española de Riegos y Drenajes y la Universidad de ExtremaduraEl conocimiento por parte del técnico de las zonas de la parcela que están en mejor y peor estado hídrico, resulta fundamental a la hora de establecer correcciones en relación a las programaciones de riego. El uso de imágenes aéreas con cámaras térmicas permite determinar la temperatura de cultivo y determinar que zonas están en mejor y peor estado hídrico. En los últimos años las imágenes satelitales han provocado un salto importante en el manejo de cultivos. El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar la información obtenida de los satélites Landsat 8 y Sentinel 2 para identificación de zonas con diferentes temperaturas de cultivo en olivar en seto y poder ser utilizados para identificar zonas con diferente estado hídrico. El ensayo se desarrolló en 2017 en una explotación comercial de olivar en seto (superintensivo) de la variedad Arbequina. Para el estudio se seleccionaron dos parcelas cada una de ellas en un sector diferente de riego; Parcela 1 con una superficie de 10 ha, con una estrategia de riego deficitario controlado sin pérdida de producción y Parcela 2 con una superficie de 5 ha, con una gestión de riego realizada por el técnico de la finca. Las imágenes satelitales permitieron identificar zonas con mayor y menor temperatura de cultivo de manera similar a la que se obtuvieron con las imágenes aéreas, aunque estas últimas permitieron identifica las zonas con mayor precisión. Los datos indican que la utilización de las imágenes satelitales pueden ser un buen indicador inicial de las diferencias de estado hídrico dentro de los diferentes sectores de la parcela, sin embargo, la baja resolución de los satélites que proporcionan imágenes térmicas, obliga a la utilización de bandas del infrarrojo lejano relacionadas con el contenido de agua en el cultivo y tamaño de cultivo y no con el térmico.Junta de Extremadura: Ayuda a grupos de investigación (AGA001 proyecto GR18196), INIA (RTA 2013-00045-C04-02), Proyecto FERTINNOWA financiado por EU H2020 y proyecto CCESAGROS, todos ellos cofinanciados con fondos FEDER

    Id2 leaves the chromatin of the E2F4-p130-controlled c-myc promoter during hepatocyte priming for liver regeneration

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    The Id (inhibitor of DNA binding or inhibitor of differentiation) helix-loop-helix proteins are involved in the regulation of cell growth, differentiation and cancer. The fact that the molecular mechanisms of liver regeneration are not completely understood prompted us to study the fate of Id2 in proliferating liver. Id2 increases in liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy, following the early induction of its gene. Co-immunoprecipitation shows that Id2 forms a complex with E2F4, p130 and mSin3A in quiescent liver and all these components are present at the c-myc promoter as shown using ChIP (chromatin immunoprecipitation). Activation of c-myc during hepatocyte priming (G0-G1 transition) correlates with the dissociation of Id2 and HDAC (histone deacetylase), albeit p130 remains bound at least until 6 h. Moreover, as the G0-G1 transition progresses, Id2 and HDAC again bind the c-myc promoter concomitantly with the repression of this gene. The time course of c-myc binding to the Id2 promoter, as determined by ChIP assays is compatible with a role of the oncoprotein as a transcriptional inducer of Id2 in liver regeneration. Immunohistochemical analysis shows that Id2 also increases in proliferating hepatocytes after bile duct ligation. In this case, the pattern of Id2 presence in the c-myc promoter parallels that found in regenerating liver. Our results may suggest a control role for Id2 in hepatocyte priming, through a p130 dissociation-independent regulation of c-my

    Monte Carlo characterization of PETALO, a full-body liquid xenon-based PET detector

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    [EN] New detector approaches in Positron Emission Tomography imaging will play an important role in reducing costs, lowering administered radiation doses, and improving overall performance. PETALO employs liquid xenon as the active scintillating medium and UV-sensitive silicon photomultipliers for scintillation readout. The scintillation time in liquid xenon is fast enough to register time-of-flight information for each detected coincidence, and sufficient scintillation is produced with low enough fluctuations to obtain good energy resolution. The present simulation study examines a full-body-sized PETALO detector and evaluates its potential performance in PET image reconstruction.This work was supported by the European Research Council under grant ID 757829 and by Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad for grant FPA2016-78595-C3-1-R.Renner, J.; Romo-Luque, C.; Aliaga, RJ.; Álvarez-Puerta, V.; Ballester Merelo, FJ.; Benlloch-Rodríguez, J.; Carrión, J.... (2022). Monte Carlo characterization of PETALO, a full-body liquid xenon-based PET detector. Journal of Instrumentation. 17(5):1-14. https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/17/05/P0504411417

    Swift/XRT follow-up observation on IGR J17177-3656 at soft X-rays

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    Following the discovery of IGR J17177-3656 (Frankowski et al. 2011, ATel #3223) on 2011-03-15, we requested a Swift ToO, which was executed on 2011-03-16 from 18:39:24 to 20:41:01 UT with a total exposure of ~3.9 ks. 2266 photons have been extracted from the source region between 0.2 and 10 keV, corresponding to a net count rate of ~0.59 cts/s. Using the online Swift tool we find an enhanced position of RA = 259.428 (17h17m43s), Dec = -36.934 deg (-36:56:03s) (J2000), with a 90% confidence level error of 2.1 arcsec, consistent with the position measurements made by IBIS/ISGRI and JEM-X (ATel #3223)

    Mortality prediction in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease comparing the GOLD 2015 and GOLD 2019 staging: a pooled analysis of individual patient data

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    In 2019, The Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) modified the grading system for patients with COPD, creating 16 subgroups (1A-4D). As part of the COPD Cohorts Collaborative International Assessment (3CIA) initiative, we aim to compare the mortality prediction of the 2015 and 2019 COPD GOLD staging systems. We studied 17 139 COPD patients from the 3CIA study, selecting those with complete data. Patients were classified by the 2015 and 2019 GOLD ABCD systems, and we compared the predictive ability for 5-year mortality of both classifications. In total, 17139 patients with COPD were enrolled in 22 cohorts from 11 countries between 2003 and 2017; 8823 of them had complete data and were analysed. Mean +/- SD age was 63.9 +/- 9.8 years and 62.9% were male. GOLD 2019 classified the patients in milder degrees of COPD. For both classifications, group D had higher mortality. 5-year mortality did not differ between groups B and C in GOLD 2015; in GOLD 2019, mortality was greater for group B than C. Patients classified as group A and B had better sensitivity and positive predictive value with the GOLD 2019 classification than GOLD 2015. GOLD 2015 had better sensitivity for group C and D than GOLD 2019. The area under the curve values for 5-year mortality were only 0.67 (95% CI 0.66-0.68) for GOLD 2015 and 0.65 (95% CI 0.63-0.66) for GOLD 2019. The new GOLD 2019 classification does not predict mortality better than the previous GOLD 2015 system