5 research outputs found

    Estudio del Ciclo Crediticio

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    En economías fuertemente bancarizadas como la nuestra, la evolución del crédito concedido por las entidades a las empresas y familias desempeña un papel importante en el desarrollo económico del país. Los criterios de aprobación de nuevas operaciones han tendido a endurecerse desde el inicio de la crisis, al mismo tiempo que las condiciones se han vuelto más onerosas. El negocio crediticio se lleva a cabo invirtiendo en operaciones activas los fondos captados por depositantes mediante operaciones pasivas, de este modo las entidades cumplen con su función de intermediación financiera. Reciben dinero porque ofrecen seguridad y conceden créditos y préstamos a quienes merecen dicha confianza. Pero confianza no es seguridad. Cuando se concede un crédito se incurre siempre en un riesgo: perder el dinero prestado y los intereses esperados. La gestión de la cartera de riesgos de una entidad consiste en aceptar o denegar nuevas solicitudes y controlar los riesgos vigentes; y abarca todas las etapas del ciclo crediticio desde la solicitud hasta la cancelación; y debe atender a los criterios de seguridad, rentabilidad y liquidez. El trabajo profundiza y analiza todo el proceso de concesión del crédito y cómo la acción personal de los responsables de cada oficina influye decisivamente en la brillantez, mediocridad o fracaso de la gestión crediticia

    El desafío de aprender a enseñar

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    El Máster en Profesorado de la Universidad de Zaragoza ayuda a adquirir los conocimientos, actitudes y habilidades necesarios para ejercer como docente. La consecución de competencias personales, profesionales y sociales se va realizando a través de las distintas asignaturas que se cursan en el Máster y de las prácticas que se realizan en los centros educativos. El presente Trabajo Fin de Máster hace un recorrido a través de dos trabajos que han resultado muy significativos y que se han revelado complementarios para la obtención de las competencias específicas y transversales objeto del Máster. Los trabajos seleccionados implican por un lado, la elaboración de un proyecto de investigación docente e innovación en el aula donde mediante la implementación de metodologías activas con Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC), se analizó la incidencia de estos nuevos métodos sobre la motivación del alumnado; y por otro lado, un proyecto centrado en las habilidades comunicativas del docente, que permitía aunar y estudiar las formas de transmisión de conocimientos, la gestión emocional y la interacción con los estudiantes en el aula. Para ello, se realiza en primer lugar un estudio del concepto de competencia, luego se sintetizan y justifican teóricamente ambos proyectos, para a continuación presentar una reflexión crítica de lo vivido en el Máster, que abre paso a unas conclusiones y unas propuestas de futuro como docente. <br /

    Neuroinflammatory signals in alzheimer disease and app/psS1 transgenic mice: correlations with plaques, tangles, and oligomeric species

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    To understand neuroinflammation-related gene regulation during normal aging and in sporadic Alzheimer disease (sAD), we performed functional genomics analysis and analyzed messenger RNA (mRNA) expression by quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction of 22 genes involved in neuroinflammation-like responses in the cerebral cortex of wild-type and APP/PS1 transgenic mice. For direct comparisons, mRNA expression of 18 of the same genes was then analyzed in the entorhinal cortex, orbitofrontal cortex, and frontal cortex area 8 of middle-aged human subjects lacking Alzheimer disease-related pathology and in older subjects with sAD pathology covering Stages I-II/0(A), III-IV/A-B, and V-VI/C of Braak and Braak classification. Modifications of cytokine and immune mediator mRNA expression were found with normal aging in wild-type mice and in middle-aged individuals and patients with early stages of sAD-related pathology; these were accompanied by increased protein expression of certain mediators in ramified microglia. In APP/PS1 mice, inflammatory changes coincided with β-amyloid (Aβ) deposition; increased levels of soluble oligomers paralleled the modified mRNA expression of cytokines and mediators in wild-type mice. In patients with sAD, regulation was stage- and region-dependent and not merely acceleration and exacerbation of mRNA regulation with aging. Gene regulation at first stages of AD was not related to hyperphosphorylated tau deposition in neurofibrillary tangles, Aβ plaque burden, concentration of Aβ1-40 (Aβ40) and Aβ1-42 (Aβ42), or fibrillar Aβ linked to membranes but rather to increased levels of soluble oligomers. Thus, species differences and region- and stage-dependent inflammatory responses in sAD, particularly at the initial stages, indicate the need to identify new anti-inflammatory compounds with specific molecular therapeutic targets

    Neuroinflammatory signals in alzheimer disease and app/psS1 transgenic mice: correlations with plaques, tangles, and oligomeric species

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    To understand neuroinflammation-related gene regulation during normal aging and in sporadic Alzheimer disease (sAD), we performed functional genomics analysis and analyzed messenger RNA (mRNA) expression by quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction of 22 genes involved in neuroinflammation-like responses in the cerebral cortex of wild-type and APP/PS1 transgenic mice. For direct comparisons, mRNA expression of 18 of the same genes was then analyzed in the entorhinal cortex, orbitofrontal cortex, and frontal cortex area 8 of middle-aged human subjects lacking Alzheimer disease-related pathology and in older subjects with sAD pathology covering Stages I-II/0(A), III-IV/A-B, and V-VI/C of Braak and Braak classification. Modifications of cytokine and immune mediator mRNA expression were found with normal aging in wild-type mice and in middle-aged individuals and patients with early stages of sAD-related pathology; these were accompanied by increased protein expression of certain mediators in ramified microglia. In APP/PS1 mice, inflammatory changes coincided with β-amyloid (Aβ) deposition; increased levels of soluble oligomers paralleled the modified mRNA expression of cytokines and mediators in wild-type mice. In patients with sAD, regulation was stage- and region-dependent and not merely acceleration and exacerbation of mRNA regulation with aging. Gene regulation at first stages of AD was not related to hyperphosphorylated tau deposition in neurofibrillary tangles, Aβ plaque burden, concentration of Aβ1-40 (Aβ40) and Aβ1-42 (Aβ42), or fibrillar Aβ linked to membranes but rather to increased levels of soluble oligomers. Thus, species differences and region- and stage-dependent inflammatory responses in sAD, particularly at the initial stages, indicate the need to identify new anti-inflammatory compounds with specific molecular therapeutic targets

    Neuroinflammatory signals in alzheimer disease and app/psS1 transgenic mice: correlations with plaques, tangles, and oligomeric species

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    To understand neuroinflammation-related gene regulation during normal aging and in sporadic Alzheimer disease (sAD), we performed functional genomics analysis and analyzed messenger RNA (mRNA) expression by quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction of 22 genes involved in neuroinflammation-like responses in the cerebral cortex of wild-type and APP/PS1 transgenic mice. For direct comparisons, mRNA expression of 18 of the same genes was then analyzed in the entorhinal cortex, orbitofrontal cortex, and frontal cortex area 8 of middle-aged human subjects lacking Alzheimer disease-related pathology and in older subjects with sAD pathology covering Stages I-II/0(A), III-IV/A-B, and V-VI/C of Braak and Braak classification. Modifications of cytokine and immune mediator mRNA expression were found with normal aging in wild-type mice and in middle-aged individuals and patients with early stages of sAD-related pathology; these were accompanied by increased protein expression of certain mediators in ramified microglia. In APP/PS1 mice, inflammatory changes coincided with β-amyloid (Aβ) deposition; increased levels of soluble oligomers paralleled the modified mRNA expression of cytokines and mediators in wild-type mice. In patients with sAD, regulation was stage- and region-dependent and not merely acceleration and exacerbation of mRNA regulation with aging. Gene regulation at first stages of AD was not related to hyperphosphorylated tau deposition in neurofibrillary tangles, Aβ plaque burden, concentration of Aβ1-40 (Aβ40) and Aβ1-42 (Aβ42), or fibrillar Aβ linked to membranes but rather to increased levels of soluble oligomers. Thus, species differences and region- and stage-dependent inflammatory responses in sAD, particularly at the initial stages, indicate the need to identify new anti-inflammatory compounds with specific molecular therapeutic targets