791 research outputs found

    La fotografía en el noreste de México

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    Este artículo expone el camino que permitió la llegada de la fotografía al noreste de México, de la cámara oscura al daguerrotipo; de la primer fotografía tomada en México en 1839 apenas desembarcó el daguerrotipo en el puerto de Veracruz, a Eduard Wilder primer fotógrafo que llegó a Monterrey en 1842; los fotógrafos que vinieron con la invasión norteamericana de 1846 a 1848, primero a Matamoros, después a Monterrey y Saltillo; otros retratistas errantes tocarían el noreste como Cayetano Yzquierdo que se pensó era el primer fotógrafo norteño, pero Ricardo Elizondo descubre que arribó de Cuba, quedando Sabás Treviño como el primer fotógrafo local con las reservas de descubrir después que su apellido tan común en la región tenga otro origen; Nicolás Mauro Rendón, Desiderio Lagrange y Jesús R. Sandoval serían los fotógrafos establecidos en Monterrey con más prestigio entre finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX

    Exhortación del Obispo de Astorga al clero y pueblo de su diócesi [sic], a que lean ... las Santas Escrituras...

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-201

    Histoires et mémoires de l’entreprise

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    Cet article propose une nouvelle approche de la dimension historique de l’entreprise, en distinguant historiographie et usages du passé, d’une part, mémoire de l’entreprise d’autre part. Loin d’être une découverte récente, les premiers remontent au XIXe siècle et leur parcours, sur plus d’un siècle et demi, traduit le passage d’un régime d’historicité à un autre, de l’histoire patrimoniale à l’histoire mémorielle, après l’époque de discontinuité des années 1960-70. La mémoire de l’entreprise recouvre pour sa part diverses notions – mémoire écrite et archivistique, mémoires individuelles et mémoires collectives, mémoire structurelle –, dont la dernière fonde l’entreprise comme organisation et comme mémoire au sens large, mémoire en acte plutôt que mémoire historique.This article proposes a new approach to the historic dimension of a company, by distinguishing between a hagiography and practices in the past on one hand, and the memory of the firm on the other hand. Far from being a recent discovery the former go back to the XIXth c and over a century and a half show the transition from one form of historicity to another, from the history of patrimony to the history of memory, after a period of discontinuity from 1960 to 1970. As for the memory of a company, it rediscovers several notions – the written memory and archives, individual and collective memory and structural memory. This last one bases the firm as an organisation and as memory in the widest meaning – memory as an act rather than just historic memory

    La Fusion BNP-Paribas

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    Je commencerai sur les traces de Maurice Hamon à partir d’une remarque qu’il m’a faite à propos de la communication de Tristan de la Broise. Le parcours de Saint-Gobain, comme ceux de Rhône Poulenc et de Schneider, est un parcours multiforme où l’on cède des activités entières, tandis que d’autres sont acquises par croissance externe. Ainsi le périmètre de l’histoire d’un groupe industriel change, et de ce périmètre qui change, et parfois même peut aller jusqu’au changement d’activité, que re..

    Advanced control of renewable energy microgrids with hybrid energy storage system

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    Renewable energy will play an important role in the transition to a new energetic model which, along with other developments of the digital age, will probably bring about the Third Industrial Revolution. However, the change to this new energetic model is subject to overcoming technological barriers, namely the sporadic nature of renewable sources. Which in turn affects both, power quality and economic competitiveness. The imbalance of active and reactive power that renewable energies introduce in the grid causes variation in the voltage supply, grid frequency, harmonics, as well as producing other power quality issues. Energy storage systems appear to be a key factor in compensating generation and demand. The lack of controllability and the penalty for deviations in the regulation market hinder the economic competitiveness of renewable energy. Energy storage systems will be the technological solution enabling controllability in renewable energies, allowing their introduction in the spot energy market. Redesigning the grid into smaller, more manageable units based on microgrids appears as a solution to the outlined problems. In these microgrids, stored energy compensates both the intermittent nature of renewable generation and the randomness of the consumer's behaviour. Traditionally, energy storage has been developed by large hydropower-regulation plants, however, these kinds of plants are subject to natural emplacements and their implementation is subject to environmental impact grades. The high energy density of hydrogen as an energy carrier will play an important role in this new energetic paradigm. However, robust performance and the transient response are the main barriers for its technological implantation and, usually, hydrogen-based systems have a useful life that is sometimes too limited to buffer the associated cost. Batteries and supercapacitors have a better transient response, however, their low energy density does not provide enough autonomy to the system. The design of a hybrid energy storage system, having advanced control systems in charge of taking advantage of each storage system and avoiding the causes of degradation and/or limitations of them, emerges as a technological solution to the problems commented. The high number of constraints and variables to be optimized increases the complexity of the associated control problem, making it necessary to deploy advanced control algorithms. In this thesis, the development of optimal controllers for renewable energy microgrids with hybrid energy storage systems is explored using Model Predictive Control (MPC). The control system is introduction on different time scales resulting in an optimal control solution for the economic dispatch and the power quality of the microgrid. Meanwhile, degradation issues of energy storage systems are analyzed and minimized, improving the longevity of the whole energy storage system

    Implementació de Tecnologia IoT en municipi rural

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    Es tracta de analitzar quines serien les variables que mitjantçant Internet de les Coses es podria donar a coneixer a la poblacio per tal de augmentar el grau de transparencia i millorar la gestio per part del ajuntament. S haura de fer una petita descripcio tecnica de cada cas aixi com valorar el cos

    Projecte executiu per a la construcció de la biblioteca de l'Almeda a Cornellà (Barcelona)

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    Aquest treball és un estudi descriptiu de la construcció de la biblioteca de l’Almeda a Cornellà de Llobregat. Es fa un seguiment cronològic de la execució de l’estructura comprès entre febrer i juny de 2019. Es tracta d’una estructura de formigó armat amb forjat sanitari, primera planta, coberta plana i coberta inclinada. La fonamentació és de tipus superficial amb sabates aïllades i arriostrades. L’estructura disposa d’elastòmers que aïllen la fonamentació de la resta de l’edifici per a absorbir-ne les vibracions produïdes pel pas del ferrocarril. A més, es fa una descripció del funcionament del sector de la construcció. S’aprofundeix en dues metodologies innovadores en al construcció: BIM i Lean Construction i com s’han implantat a l’obra

    Spindle-independent condensation-mediated segregation of yeast ribosomal DNA in late anaphase

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    Mitotic cell division involves the equal segregation of all chromosomes during anaphase. The presence of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) repeats on the right arm of chromosome XII makes it the longest in the budding yeast genome. Previously, we identified a stage during yeast anaphase when rDNA is stretched across the mother and daughter cells. Here, we show that resolution of sister rDNAs is achieved by unzipping of the locus from its centromere-proximal to centromere-distal regions. We then demonstrate that during this stretched stage sister rDNA arrays are neither compacted nor segregated despite being largely resolved from each other. Surprisingly, we find that rDNA segregation after this period no longer requires spindles but instead involves Cdc14-dependent rDNA axial compaction. These results demonstrate that chromosome resolution is not simply a consequence of compacting chromosome arms and that overall rDNA compaction is necessary to mediate the segregation of the long arm of chromosome XII