1,618 research outputs found

    Investigation of multilayer magnetic domain lattice file

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    A theoretical and experimental investigation determined that current accessed self structured bubble memory devices have the potential of meeting projected data density and speed requirements. Device concepts analyzed include multilayer ferrimagnetic devices where the top layer contains a domain structure which defines the data location and the second contains the data. Current aperture and permalloy assisted current propagation devices were evaluated. Based on the result of this work more detailed device research was initiated. Detailed theoretical and experimental studies indicate that the difference in strip and threshold between a single bubble in the control layer and a double bubble which would exist in both the control layer and data layer is adequate to allow for detection of data. Detailed detector designs were investigated

    Investigation of multilayer magnetic domain lattice file

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    The feasibility of the self structured multilayered bubble domain memory as a mass memory medium for satellite applications is examined. Theoretical considerations of multilayer bubble supporting materials are presented, in addition to the experimental evaluation of current accessed circuitry for various memory functions. The design, fabrication, and test of four device designs is described, and a recommended memory storage area configuration is presented. Memory functions which were demonstrated include the current accessed propagation of bubble domains and stripe domains, pinning of stripe domain ends, generation of single and double bubbles, generation of arrays of coexisting strip and bubble domains in a single garnet layer, and demonstration of different values of the strip out field for single and double bubbles indicating adequate margins for data detection. All functions necessary to develop a multilayer self structured bubble memory device were demonstrated in individual experiments

    Manipulation of Light with Magneto-optic Stripe Domain Films

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    Magnetic diffraction grating materials, being developed to provide a simple means of deflecting light in a two dimensional, solid state fashion are discussed. The most promising material, for several applications, appears to be bismuth substituted iron garnet films in epitaxial form. Calculations indicate that deflection efficiency greater than 60% is possible in the near infrared region of the spectrum. Within the field of view of the deflector, measurements predict that 105 resolvable spots can be expected. Applications include: (1) general purpose deflection of free laser light, (2) image processing of extended sources such as transparencies, (3) programmable lensing, and (4) fiber optic matrix switching

    Observations and modeling of the early acceleration phase of erupting filaments involved in coronal mass ejections

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    We examine the early phases of two near-limb filament destabilization involved in coronal mass ejections on 16 June and 27 July 2005, using high-resolution, high-cadence observations made with the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE), complemented by coronagraphic observations by Mauna Loa and the SOlar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). The filaments' heights above the solar limb in their rapid-acceleration phases are best characterized by a height dependence h(t) ~ t^m with m near, or slightly above, 3 for both events. Such profiles are incompatible with published results for breakout, MHD-instability, and catastrophe models. We show numerical simulations of the torus instability that approximate this height evolution in case a substantial initial velocity perturbation is applied to the developing instability. We argue that the sensitivity of magnetic instabilities to initial and boundary conditions requires higher fidelity modeling of all proposed mechanisms if observations of rise profiles are to be used to differentiate between them. The observations show no significant delays between the motions of the filament and of overlying loops: the filaments seem to move as part of the overall coronal field until several minutes after the onset of the rapid-acceleration phase.Comment: ApJ (2007, in press

    Inhibition of Insulin Amyloid Formation by Small Organofluorine Molecules

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    Many human diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and diabetes mellitus type II (DM) have been connected to protein misfolding and the formation of highly ordered fibrillar protein aggregates called amyloids. DM is characterized by an overproduction of insulin to the point of insulin resistance in the body. The protein deposits in the AD-affected brain is related to the aggregation of tau protein and amyloid β (Aβ) peptide. Amyloid fibrils and their oligomeric precursors are known to be cytotoxic inducing neurological cell death. Recent clinical studies have suggested a link between Alzheimer’s disease and DM based on the fact that DM patients have double the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. It is believed that the increased risk of heart disease and stroke linked to DM causes further damage to blood vessels that eventually target the brain. Due to the continued rise of both diseases among aging adults, there is considerable interest in eluciditating the similarities and differences in the mechanism of amyloid formation of insulin and Aβ and understanding how the oligomeric state of the two peptides affect each other’s aggregation and role. Our group has already designed and experimentally tested a broad variety of small molecules, including organofluorines that effectively inhibit the self-assembly of Aβ. As an extension of these earlier studies the same group of organofluorine molecules are being tested for their inhibitory activity in the formation of insulin fibrils. The aggregation of insulin with/without these potential inhibitors at 37°C and pH=7.4 are followed by a kinetic Thioflavin T (ThT) fluorescence assay and visualized by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). The small molecule-insulin interactions are also investigated by electrospray mass spectrometry (HR-ESI-MS)

    Multi-Pion Systems in Lattice QCD and the Three-Pion Interaction

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    The ground-state energies of 2, 3, 4 and 5 \pi^+'s in a spatial volume V (2.5 fm)^3 are computed with lattice QCD. By eliminating the leading contribution from three-\pi^+ interactions, particular combinations of these n-\pi^+ ground-state energies provide precise extractions of the \pi^+\pi^+ scattering length in agreement with that obtained from calculations involving only two \pi^+'s. The three-\pi^+ interaction can be isolated by forming other combinations of the n-\pi^+ ground-state energies. We find a result that is consistent with a repulsive three-\pi^+ interaction for m_\pi < 352 MeV.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Response to combination therapy with interferon alfa-2a and ribavirin in chronic hepatitis C according to a TNF-alpha promoter polymorphism

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    Background. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) is involved in the pathogenesis of chronic active hepatitis C. Polymorphisms in the promoter region of the TNF-alpha gene can alter the TNF-alpha expression and modify the host immune response. The present study aimed at the correlation of the G308A TNF-alpha polymorphism with the response to antiviral combination therapy in chronic hepatitis C. Patients and Methods: 62 patients with HCV and 119 healthy unrelated controls were genotyped for the G308A TNF-alpha promoter polymorphism. The patients received 3 x 3 million units of interferon alfa-2a and 1,0001,200 mg ribavirin daily according to their body weight. A response was defined as absence of HCV-RNA and normalization of S-ALT after 6 months of combination therapy. Results:With respect to the allele and genotype frequency, a significant difference was not observed between controls and patients with chronic hepatitis C. Furthermore, such a difference was also not observed if responders and non-responders to antiviral therapy were compared. Conclusions: The promoter polymorphism of the TNF-alpha gene investigated herein is equally distributed in healthy individuals and patients with hepatitis C and does not seem to predict the response to therapy with interferon alfa-2a and ribavirin. Copyright (C) 2003 S. Karger AG, Basel