52 research outputs found

    Emission of Toxic HCN During NOx Removal by Ammonia SCR in the Exhaust of Lean-Burn Natural Gas Engines

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    Reducing greenhouse gas and pollutant emissions is one of the most stringent priorities of our society to minimize their dramatic effects on health and environment. Natural gas (NG) engines, in particular at lean conditions, emit less CO2_{2} in comparison to combustion engines operated with liquid fuels but NG engines still require emission control devices for NOx_{x} removal. Using state‐of‐the‐art technologies for selective catalytic reduction (SCR) of NOx_{x} with NH3_{3}, we evaluated the interplay of the reducing agent NH3_{3} and formaldehyde, which is always present in the exhaust of NG engines. Our results show that a significant amount of highly toxic hydrogen cyanide (HCN) is formed. All catalysts tested partially convert formaldehyde to HCOOH and CO. Additionally, they form secondary emissions of HCN due to catalytic reactions of formaldehyde and its oxidation intermediates with NH3_{3}. With the present components of the exhaust gas aftertreatment system the HCN emissions are not efficiently converted to non‐polluting gases. The development of more advanced catalyst formulations with improved oxidation activity is mandatory to solve this novel critical issue

    Airborne particulate matter in Tehran�s ambient air

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    In recent decades, particulate matter (PM) concentrations in Tehran have exceeded the World Health Organization�s (WHO) guideline on most days. In this study, a search protocol was defined by identifying the keywords, to carry out a systematic review of the concentrations and composition of PM in Tehran�s ambient air. For this purpose, searches were done in Scopus, PubMed, and Web of Science in 2019. Among the founded articles (197 in Scopus, 61 in PubMed, and 153 in Web of Science). The results show that in Tehran, the annual average PM10 exceeded the WHO guidelines and for more than 50.0 of the days, the PM2.5 concentration was more than WHO 24-h guidance value. The PM concentration in Tehran has two seasonal peaks due to poorer dispersion and suspension from dry land, respectively. Tehran has two daily PM peaks due to traffic and changes in boundary-layer heights; one just after midnight and the other during morning rush hour. Indoor concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5 in Tehran were 10.6 and 21.8 times higher than the corresponding values in ambient air. Tehran represents a unique case of problems of controlling PM because of its geographical setting, emission sources, and land use. This review provided a comprehensive assessment for decision makers to assist them in making appropriate policy decisions to improve the air quality. Considering factors such as diversity of resources, temporal and spatial variations, and urban location is essential in developing control plans. Also future studies should focus more on PM reduction plans. © 2021, Springer Nature Switzerland AG

    Digital Mapping of Surface and Subsurface Soil Organic Carbon and Soil Salinity Variation in a Part of Qazvin Plain (Case Study: Abyek and Nazarabad Regions)

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    IntroductionKnowledge of the spatial distribution of soil salinity and soil organic carbon (SOC) leads to obtaining valuable information that is effective in decision-making for agricultural activities. More than a third of the world's land is affected by salt, which threatens the growth and production of crops, and prevents the development of sustainable agriculture. The high electrical conductivity (EC) content in soils poses significant challenges in arid and semi-arid regions, greatly impacting agricultural production. Saline and sodic soils often exhibit high levels of sodium which is a key characteristic. The presence of sodium ions leads to the destabilization of soil aggregates and the dispersion of soil particles resulting in the closure of soil pores. Consequently, unfavorable changes occur in the soil physical, chemical, and biological properties increasing its susceptibility to water and wind erosion. Additionally, high sodium levels can lead to the decomposition of soil organic carbon (SOC). SOC is crucial for water retention, cation exchange, and nutrient availability, making its reduction in agricultural soils a significant threat to sustainable soil management. Therefore, the investigation of soils in terms of EC and SOC contents and their spatial distribution is of great importance to support decision-makers in agricultural development planning to reduce challenges related to food security in arid and semi-arid regions.Materials and MethodsThis study was conducted with the aim of investigating the EC and SOC in topsoil (0-30 cm) and subsoil (30-60 cm) layers using four machine learning (ML) algorithms namely, random forest (RF), decision tree (DTr), support vector regression (SVR) and artificial neural network (ANN) performed in Qazvin Plain. The study area includes a part of agricultural lands and natural areas of Alborz and Qazvin provinces, between the Nazarabad and Abyek cities in Iran. This region with an area of 60,000 hectares is located at latitude 35° 54´ to 36° 54´ to the north and 50° 15´ to 50° 39´ to the east. This research was carried out in four stages including (i) soil sampling and measuring the physical and chemical properties of the soil and preparation of environmental covariates from a digital elevation model (DEM) with spatial resolution 12.5 m and Landsat 8 satellite imagery with spatial resolution 30 m by SAGA GIS and ENVI software, (ii) spatial modeling of soil EC and SOC in the topsoil and subsoil layers by the RF, SVR, ANN, and DTr ML algorithms, (iii) evaluating the efficiency of the ML algorithms and determining the relative importance of environmental covariates, and (iv) preparation of spatial prediction maps of EC and SOC in the topsoil (0-30 cm) and subsoil (30-60 cm) layers in the study area.Results and Discussion         The result of the spatial prediction maps of EC showed that the studied area has non-saline to very saline soils up to a depth of 60 cm. It is also possible that the EC equivalent shows a decreasing trend in soil salinity with a depth from 6.05 to 5.55 ds/m from the topsoil to the subsoil layer. The highest amount of SOC was observed in the surface layer equal to 3.3%. Globally SOC content decreased from the surface (average of 0.84%) to depth (average of 0.4%). The high spatial variability of SOC showed that the soils of the study area are affected by management activity. Environmental covariates were extracted as a proxy of topography and remote sensing indices including elevation, diffuse Insolation (Diffuse), Multi-Resolution Index of Valley Bottom Flatness (MrVBF), Normalized Differences Vegetation Index (NDVI), SAGA wetness index (SWI) and wind Effect (WE) were used as representatives of soil formation factors. The topography parameters, including the elevation, diffuse insolation, and Multi-Resolution Index of Valley Bottom Flatness, were most closely related to EC and SOC variations in each topsoil and subsoil layer. Elevation can be justified around 50% and 35% of EC and 28.56% and 29.47% of SOC variations in the topsoil and subsoil layers, respectively, followed by the diffuse variable can succeed to justified 19.7% and 25.1% of EC and 27.28% and 27.67% of SOC spatial variations in the topsoil and subsoil layers, respectively.The results confirmed that the RF was recognized as outperforming the ML model for predicting EC in the topsoil (R2 =0.74, RMSE =0.36, and nRMSE= 0.07), as well as predicting SOC in topsoil and subsoil layers (R2= 90 and R2=0.80), followed by the DTr for predicting EC (R2 0.77, RMSE/0.9, and nRMSE 0.17) in the subsoil layer in comparison other models. Conclusion       The RF (Random Forest) and DTr (Decision Tree) models incorporating topographic parameters demonstrated satisfactory accuracy in predicting the variation of topsoil and subsoil electrical conductivity (EC) and soil organic carbon (SOC) in the study area. Topography plays a crucial role in soil formation, and elevation-based topographic attributes are commonly used as key predictors in digital soil mapping projects. The variability in topography influences water flow and sedimentation processes which, in turn, affects soil development and the spatial distribution of soil properties. The resulting soil maps can be valuable tools for decision-making programs related to soil management in the region

    Municipal solid waste management during COVID-19 pandemic: a comparison between the current activities and guidelines

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has affected everyone�s lifestyle and this has resulted in a change in the quantity and composition of municipal solid wastes. Moreover, the post-pandemic waste management is very important as a bad management may lead to the more spread of the disease. The objective of this study was to evaluate the application of guidelines presented for the era of the COVID-19 pandemic in proper solid waste management. To this end, the data were collected by using interviews and field researches and then the obtained data were compared with the international guidelines presented by international organizations. By investigating the municipal waste management during this pandemic and its changes compared to pre-COVID-19, coordination of the plans with the guidelines was investigated. The activities of storage, collection, transportation, recycling, final landfill, as well as the observation of the health instructions by staff and informal sections were assessed in the current research. Although the results showed that the situation was satisfactory in the sections like health and safety of waste management operators due to the existence of protocols and general educations, the waste management plans have not been changed much from before the epidemic of the Coronavirus. The absence of a national policy and plan for waste management in the era of a pandemic and ignoring the guidelines developed by other countries and organizations were observable. Therefore, the codification of new policies for municipal waste management during an epidemic is necessary. © 2021, Springer Nature Switzerland AG

    Study of littered wastes in different urban land-uses: An 6 environmental status assessment

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    Littered waste is a severe environmental problem. Although there have been many studies on wastes littered in the environments like beaches and seas, there is insufficient information on littered wastes in the urban settings. In this research, employing visual survey by the field litter counts method, littered wastes in six urban land uses in Qazvin, Iran were studied. The results showed that administrative and recreational land uses, by an average of 5.22 and 9.59 items per 100 m, respectively, had the lowest pollution, while low-density commercial land use had the maximum pollution by 185.96 items per 100 m. Urban littered waste ratios were not the same in various land uses: cigarette waste and paper and cardboard accounted for higher than 80 of the whole littered wastes in most studied land uses. The cigarette butt was also the most frequently litter in the city. In terms of environmental status, administrative and recreational areas can be defined as places with good conditions, while low-density commercial land use had bad conditions. Consequently, urban land use was acknowledged as a significant factor in the density of littered waste. More attention to cleaning the commercial land use to reduce the density of littered waste, and also finding methods to decrease littering waste by citizens, is a need in urban environment. © 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG

    Municipal solid waste management during COVID-19 pandemic: effects and repercussions

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has an adverse effect on the environment. This epidemic�s effect on the waste composition and management and the impacts of municipal solid waste management (MSWM) on disease transmission or controlling are considered a compelling experience of living in the COVID-19 pandemic that can effectively control the process. This systematic review research was conducted to determine the effects of COVID-19 on the quantity of waste and MSWM. Searches were conducted in three databases (using keywords covid 19, coronaviruses, and waste), and among the published articles from 2019 to 2021, 56 ones were selected containing information on the quantity and waste management during the COVID-19 pandemic. The results showed that COVID-19 caused the quantity variation and composition change of MSW. COVID-19 also has significant effects on waste recycling, medical waste management, quantity, and littered waste composition. On the other hand, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed waste compounds� management activities and waste generation sources. Recognizing these issues can help plan MSWM more efficiently and reduce virus transmission risk through waste. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature

    Effect of COVID-19 pandemic on medical waste management: a case study

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    Covid-19 Pandemic leads to medical services for the society all over the world. The Covid-19 pandemic influence the waste management and specially medical waste management. In this study, the effect of the Covid-19 outbreak on medical waste was evaluated via assessing the solid waste generation, composition, and management status in five hospitals in Iran. The results indicated that the epidemic Covid-19 leads to increased waste generation on average 102.2 in both private and public hospitals. In addition, the ratio of infectious waste in the studied hospitals increased by an average of 9 in medical waste composition and 121 compared with before COVID-19 pandemic. Changes in plans and management measurement such as increasing the frequency of waste collection per week leads to lower the risk of infection transmission from medical waste in the studied hospitals. The results obtained from the present research clearly show the changes in medical waste generation and waste composition within pandemic Covid-19. In addition, established new ward, Covid-19 ward with high-infected waste led to new challenges which should be managed properly by change in routine activities. © 2021, The Author(s)

    C-Terminal Domain Deletion Enhances the Protective Activity of cpa/cpb Loaded Solid Lipid Nanoparticles against Leishmania major in BALB/c Mice

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    Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is the most common form of leishmaniasis with an annual incidence of approximately 2 million cases and is endemic in 88 countries, including Iran. CL's continued spread, along with rather ineffectual treatments and drug-resistant variants emergence has increased the need for advanced preventive strategies. We studied Type II cysteine proteinase (CPA) and Type I (CPB) with its C-terminal extension (CTE) as cocktail DNA vaccine against murine and canine leishmaniasis. However, adjuvants' success in enhancing immune responses to selected antigens led us to refocus our vaccine development programs. Herein, we discuss cationic solid lipid nanoparticles' (cSLN) ability to improve vaccine-induced protective efficacy against CL and subsequent lesion size and parasite load reduction in BALB/c mice. For this work, we evaluated five different conventional as well as novel parasite detection techniques, i.e., footpad imaging, footpad flowcytometry and lymph node flowcytometry for disease progression assessments. Vaccination with cSLN-cpa/cpb-CTE formulation showed highest parasite inhibition at 3-month post vaccination. Immunized mice showed reduced IL-5 level and significant IFN-ã increase, compared to control groups. We think our study represents a potential future and a major step forward in vaccine development against leishmaniasis

    A systematic review on cigarette butt management as a hazardous waste and prevalent litter: control and recycling

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    Annually, over 5.5 trillion cigarettes are produced worldwide, and it is estimated that 4.5 trillion cigarette butts (CBs) are still being littered in the world. The dispersal of the CBs has caused this hazardous waste to be considered as one of the most important litters and environmental risks all over the world. This systematic study with the search protocol definition and keyword identification was developed to find the CBs control and recycling methods by searching in five scientific databases. Founded articles were monitored and finally, 35 related articles were selected and studied by the authors. The results of this study showed that CBs recycling methods have been tested in 10 specific categories all over the world. The CBs have been applied without any pre-processing methods in the bricks and asphalt production. However, other applications of the CBs such as the absorbent material production, vector control, and use as a biofilm carrier in wastewater treatment need various processing methods. The researchers also presented models and suggestions such as taxes, penalties, and public education for the control of CBs littering. Despite the innovative methods applied for the CBs recycling in previous studies, CBs have not received much attention in terms of pollutant control and environmental issues in recycling processes. © 2019, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature