16 research outputs found

    The influence of sleep apnea syndrome and intermittent hypoxia in carotid adventitial vasa vasorum

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    Subjects with sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (SAHS) show an increased carotid intima-media thickness. However, no data exist about earlier markers of atheromatous disease, such as the proliferation and expansion of the adventitial vasa vasorum (VV) to the avascular intima in this setting. Our aim was to assess carotid VV density and its relationship with sleep parameters in a cohort of obese patients without prior vascular events. A total of 55 subjects evaluated for bariatric surgery were prospectively recruited. A non-attended respiratory polygraphy was performed. The apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) and the cumulative percentage of time spent with oxygen saturation below 90% (CT90) were assessed. Serum concentrations of soluble intercellular adhesion molecule 1, P-selectin, lipocalin-2 and soluble vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (sVCAM-1) were measured. Contrast-enhanced carotid ultrasound was used to assess the VV density. Patients with SAHS (80%) showed a higher adventitial VV density (0.801±0.125 vs. 0.697±0.082, p = 0.005) and higher levels of sVCAM-1 (745.2±137.8 vs. 643.3±122.7 ng/ml, p = 0.035) than subjects with an AHI lower than 10 events/hour. In addition, a positive association exist between mean VV density and AHI (r = 0.445, p = 0.001) and CT90 (r = 0.399, p = 0.005). Finally, in the multiple linear regression analysis, female sex, fasting plasma glucose and AHI (but not CT90) were the only variables independently associated with the mean adventitial VV density (R2 = 0.327). In conclusion, a high VV density is present in obese subjects with SAHS, and chronic intermittent hypoxia is pointed as an independent risk factor for the development of this early step of atheromatous diseaseThis study was supported by grants from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria PI15/00260), European Union (European Regional Development Fund, Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, “Una manera de hacer Europa”), Fundación Sociedad Española Endocrinología y Nutrición (FSEEN) and Laboratorios Almirall (“Beca FSEEN de ayuda a la investigación sobre factores de riesgo cardiovascular”, Laboratorio ESTEVE and Menarini Spain S.A. CIBER de Diabetes y Enfermedades Metabólicas Asociadas and CIBER de Enfermedades Respiratorias are initiatives of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. The authors would like to thank Virtudes Maria and Mª del Valle Peña (from the Unit for the Detection and Treatment of Atherothrombotic Diseases), Olga Mínguez and Lidia Pascual (from the Sleep Unit) for their help in the study

    Effects of Mediterranean Diet and Physical Activity on Pulmonary Function: A Cross-Sectional Analysis in the ILERVAS Project

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    A few studies showed that both adherence to Mediterranean diet (MedDiet) and physical activity practice have a positive impact on pulmonary function in subjects with lung disease. These associations are not well studied in subjects free from lung disease. In a cross-sectional study conducted in 3020 middle-aged subjects free of lung disease, adherence to the MedDiet using the Mediterranean Diet Adherence Screener, and physical activity practice using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire short form were recorded. Respiratory function was assessed using forced spirometry and the results were evaluated according to the Global initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease. Logistic regression models were used to analyze the associations between adherence to the MedDiet and physical activity practice with the presence of ventilatory defects. Participants with a high adherence to MedDiet, in comparison to those with low adherence, had both higher forced vital capacity (FVC; 100 (87–109) vs. 94 (82–105) % of predicted, p = 0.003) and forced expired volume in the first second (FEV1; 100 (89–112) vs. 93 (80–107) % of predicted, p < 0.001). According to their degree of physical activity, those subjects with a high adherence also had both higher FVC (100 (88–107) vs. 94 (83–105) % of predicted, p = 0.027) and FEV1 (100 (89–110) vs. 95 (84–108) % of predicted, p = 0.047) in comparison with those with low adherence. The multivariable logistic regression models showed a significant and independent association between both low adherence to MedDiet and low physical activity practice, and the presence of altered pulmonary patterns, with differences between men and women. However, no joint effect between adherence to MedDiet and physical activity practice on respiratory function values was observed. Low adherence to MedDiet and low physical activity practice were independently associated with pulmonary impairment. Therefore, the lung mechanics seem to benefit from heart-healthy lifestyle behaviors.This study was supported by grants from the Diputació de Lleida, Generalitat de Catalunya (2017SGR696 and SLT0021600250), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria PI12/00803 and PI15/00260), and European Union (European Regional Development Fund, Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, “Una manera de hacer Europa”). CIBER de Diabetes y Enfermedades Metabólicas Asociadas, CIBER de Nutrición y Obesidad, and CIBER de Enfermedades Respiratorias are initiatives of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III

    Randomised intervention study to assess the prevalence of subclinical vascular disease and hidden kidney disease and its impact on morbidity and mortality: The ILERVAS project

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    Antecedentes y objetivos: La enfermedad renal crónica (ERC) y la ateromatosis son 2 enfermedades interrelacionadas que aumentan el riesgo de morbimortalidad cardiovascular. Los objetivos del proyecto ILERVAS son: 1) conocer la prevalencia de enfermedad ateromatosa subclínica y de enfermedad renal oculta; 2) valorar el impacto de su diagnóstico precoz sobre la morbimortalidad cardiovascular y la progresión de la ERC; 3) disponer de una plataforma de datos y muestras biológicas. Métodos: Estudio de intervención aleatorizado. Entre 2015 y 2017 se incluirá a 19.800 personas (9.900 en el grupo de intervención y 9.900 en el grupo control) entre 45 y 70 años, sin antecedentes de enfermedad cardiovascular y que presenten al menos un factor de riesgo cardiovascular, seleccionadas aleatoriamente de los centros de atención primaria (AP) de la provincia de Lérida. Un equipo técnico experto se desplazará con una unidad móvil para realizar las exploraciones basales al grupo de intervención: ecografía arterial (carótida, femoral,transcraneal y aorta abdominal), medición del índice tobillo-brazo, espirometría, detección de los productos de glicación avanzada y analítica seca de sangre y orina. Adicionalmente, se recogerán muestras de sangre y orina que serán almacenadas en el biobanco para identificar nuevos biomarcadores con biología de sistemas. Los participantes serán seguidos hasta 2025 para la identificación de eventos cardiovasculares, cambios de tratamiento y modificación de estilos de vida. Conclusiones: El proyecto ILERVAS permitirá conocer la prevalencia de enfermedad vascular y de enfermedad renal subclínicas, evaluar si su diagnóstico precoz tiene un beneficio en la salud e investigar factores de riesgo emergentes.Background and objectives: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) and atherosclerosis are 2 interrelated diseases that increase the risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. The objectives of the ILERVAS project are: 1) to determine the prevalence of subclinical arterial disease and hidden kidney disease; 2) to assess the impact of early diagnosis of both diseases on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality and also on the progression of CKD; 3) to have a platform of data and biological samples. Methods: Randomized intervention study. From 2015 to 2017, 19,800 people (9,900 in the intervention group and 9,900 in the control group) aged between 45 and 70 years without previous history of cardiovascular disease and with at least one cardiovascular risk factor will be randomly selected from the primary health care centres across the province of Lérida. A team of experts will travel around in a mobile unit to carry out the following baseline tests on the intervention group: Artery ultrasound; (carotid, femoral, transcranial and abdominal aorta); ankle-brachial index; spirometry; determination of advanced glycation end products; dried blood spot and urine spot tests. Additionally, blood and urine samples will be collected and stored in the biobank to identify new biomarkers using omics studies. Participants will be followed up until 2025 for identification of cardiovascular events, treatment changes and changes in lifestyle. Conclusions: The ILERVAS project will reveal the prevalence of subclinical vascular disease and hidden kidney disease, determine whether or not their early diagnosis brings health benefits and will also allow investigation of new risk factors


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    En la guardería municipal Marrecs de Sant Just Desvern ya es tradición trabajar con símbolos en el grupo de 2 a 3 años. A lo largo del tiempo en la escuela se han ido elaborando y ampliando una programación alrededor de este tema, y se han dado cuenta de lo importante que para los niños y niñas es su símbolo. De esto es lo que trata el presente artículo, de la manera en cómo trabajan el símbolo en la guardería Marrecs.CataluñaES