22 research outputs found

    Laser Tracker - a handy device that verify proprioception of neck and head

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    Introduction:Cervical spine has the greatest mobility of the remaining part thereof. High mobility and relatively low load which is subject neck (own weight, the weight of the head, tension arising from the work of the shoulder girdle) make, it becomes vulnerable to injuries and overload resulting from adverse external conditions. Neck pain are a common problem of modern society, the sources of their formation can be many. According to many researchers, long-lasting neck pain interferes with afferent nerve conduction perpetuating abnormal muscle tension within the back of the head, neck and shoulder girdle, which adversely affects the feeling of proprioceptive cervical spine. Stability disorders may appear years before the onset of clinical symptoms, such as wypukliny or radiologically confirmed signs of degeneration of the intervertebral disc, significantly hindering the functioning of the patient and potentially reducing the maximum capabilities of the athlete. Aim: The aim of this paper is to present the possibility of using Laser Tracker, a simple, compact device intended for research and training in the deep sensation of the head and neck.Summary:In the light of the role that fully cervical posture for the entire body, and the fact that proper proprioception is the main pillar of prevention of injuries and overload control determines the correct neuromuscular therapy should help with visual feedback, which gives the opportunity to the Laser Tracker. In practice, the office seems to have a therapeutic effect on the invaluable role and unlimited possibilities of further use

    The role of disordered angiogenesis tissue markers (sflt-1, Plgf) in present day diagnosis of preeclampsia

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    Preeclampsia and conditions associated with impaired placental perfusion develop in almost 10% of all pregnancies. Patho- logic angiogenesis is one of the processes observed in preeclampsia. sFlt-1, PlGF and the sFlt-1/PlGF ratio are new and promising angiogenesis-related biomarkers. Our paper describes the present status of, and clinical practice opportunities for, these factors.  According to present data, sFlt-1, PlGF and the sFlt-1/PlGF ratio are very useful tools in assessing placental angiogenesis abnormalities associated with preeclampsia and can be use in clinical practice.

    Urinary incontinence - a problem of modern society

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    Abstract Urinary incontinence is the involuntary leakage of urine through the urethra. The World Health Organization indicates that incontinence is a very important social problem. In addition to a significant deterioration of the quality of life, this ailment significantly affects the social, professional and family life of people suffering from it. Statistics indicate that this problem affects about 5 million people in the Poland, both women and men. There are a number of risk factors, of which the most common are: postpartum period, menopausal period in women, prostatic hypertrophy in men and obesity, severe physical work and smoking in both groups. Physiotherapy is an important element of conservative treatment. The most common therapies are: biofeedback, pelvic floor training and electrostimulatio

    Edema in pregnant women - possibility of physiotherapeutic treatment

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    Lymphedema is excessive, pathologic accumulation of lymph. During pregnancy, especially in the third trimester of the body women collect water supply. In addition, the increased amount of blood circulating and difficult is the outflow of the lower limbs as a result of oppression growing uterus on the iliac veins are the reason for the formation of edema.Emerging swellings do not always bear witness to the pathology of pregnancy. Slight swelling localized around: ankles and fingers and toes, if not accompanied by an increase in blood pressure, there are disturbing. As a rule, they disappear after a rest. There are many physiotherapeutic methods that reduce edema. They are intended primarily to drain the edema fluid from the tissues. Applied physiotherapy also prevents functional effects of edema and abolishes pain, which significantly improves patient quality of life. The International Lymphatic Association (Lymphatic Association) is the primary treatment for edema, which is a comprehensive treatment for the treatment of edema. This includes: manual lymphatic drainage, lymph drainage exercises, multilayer bandaging, skin care, and patient education

    Rapid assessment of the IL-6 cervico-vaginal fluid level in threatening preterm labor

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    Summary Objectives: The aim of the study was to check the cervico-vaginal fluid IL-6 levels using rapid, quantitive test in patients with threatening preterm labor, before and after tocolytic treatment. Material and methods: Sixty seven singular pregnant women, between 24 and 36 weeks of gestation, were included into the clinical trial. 35 women who were admitted to the Department due to clinical symptoms of threatened preterm labor formed the study group. 32 women between 24 and 36 gestational week, with uncomplicated pregnancy, formed the control group. Levels of IL-6 were measured just after material collection, using fast, quantitative spectrofotometric test. Results: The cervico-vaginal IL-6 level was higher in the study group (458pg/mL vs 123pg/mL;

    The crown-rump length measurement — ISUOG criteria and clinical practice

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    Objectives: Significance of the crown-rump length (CRL) measurement criteria in the assessments of gestational age andactual precision in daily clinical practice.Material and methods: We recruited 806 pregnant women with singleton pregnancy and history of regular menstrualperiods.We analysed retrospectively CRL measurements obtained during routine first trimester scan performed between11 + 0 and 13 + 6 weeks gestation. Gestational age was calculated using both the last menstrual period (LMP) and the CRL.The images of the CRL measurements were assessed by the expert. The visual analysis of the images in terms of meeting thefive criteria recommended by the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (ISUOG) was performed.Statistical analysis were used to assess how the above-mentioned criteria influenced calculation of the gestational age.Results: The study showed 323 out of 806 of the CRL measurements (40.1%) were qualified by a specialist as accurate,279 (34.6%) as inaccurate, and 204 (25.3%) as inaccurate, but not changing the duration of a pregnancy. With the applicationin the assessment of the five criteria of the ISOUG 217 (26.9%), the following results of qualification were obtained: accurate— fulfilled ≥ 4, inaccurate 341 (42.3%) — fulfilled ≤ 2, whereas inaccurate, but not changing the duration of a pregnancy248 (30.8%) — 3 criteria fulfilled. We found that only the neutralof the fetus demonstrated a significant corellation withthe assessment of the duration of a gestation.Conclusions: a) the accurate audit of the CRL measurements is recommended; b) neutral position of the fetus is the mostimportant criterion out of 5

    The influence of patient-controlled epidural analgesia on labor progress and neonatal outcome

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    Abstract Aim: The aim of the study was to check the influence of patient control epidural analgesia on labor progress and neonatal outcome. Material and methods: 144 parturients were included into the clinical trial. In 73 cases patient control epidural analgesia was used and in 71 cases pethidine (meperidine) solution was given intravenously. Apgar score, umbilical artery pH, pain intensity, the time of the first, second and third stage of labor, the rate of episiotomy and uterine postpartum abrasions and the rate of caesarean sections and vaginal operative delivery were compared. Results: The time of the second stage of labor was significantly longer in the study group (40.99 vs 26.49min, p

    Physiotherapy after episiotomy for vaginal birth

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    Episiotomy is one of the most frequently performed procedures in obstetrics. Since the 21st Century it became a standard procedure performed on the delivery ward. The latest recommendations of the Polish Gynecological Society Expert Committee recommend abandoning the routine groin incision, while in justified cases it indicates the use of mid-lateral incision. Crotch incision increases the risk of many labor problems both early and late. In order to reduce the risk of complications after episiotomy, early improvement is recommended. Physiotheraphy helps to reduce pain, it has anti-edema effect and improves the overall functional status of the woman in labor

    Evaluation of indications for amniocentesis in cases of normal fetal ultrasound results

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    Objectives: The objective of this study was to analyze indications for amniocentesis in cases of patients with normal fetalultrasound results between 11+0 and 13+6 weeks of gestation.Material and methods: The results of first-trimester screening tests performed between 2014 and 2018 on 6,863 patientsof the Prenatal Testing Outpatient Clinic at the Clinical Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pomeranian MedicalUniversity, Szczecin, Poland, were analyzed. The inclusion criteria were a singleton pregnancy and normal results of fetalultrasound between 11+0- and 13+6-weeks’ gestation. Depending on the calculated risk of fetal trisomy 21, the patientswere divided into three groups (group A = RS > 1:300, group B = RS 1:300 – 1:999, group C = RS ≤ 1:1000). Subsequently,values such as PAPP-A and fβ-hCG protein levels and maternal age were analyzed for each of the groups.Results: The patients, 6,310 (91.94%) met the inclusion criteria. A high risk of fetal trisomy 21 was identified for 514 women(8.15%). Group B had 733 (11.62%) and group C 5,063 (80.23%) patients. In group A, an fβ-hCG level of ≥ 2.000 MoM wasshown for 50.97% of the women. A PAPP-A level ranging from 0.001 to 0.499 MoM was observed for 38.72% of groupA patients. The mean maternal age in groups A, B and C was 36.45, 36.08 and 31.64 years, respectively.Conclusions: In the first-trimester, patients with normal ultrasound results obtained during prenatal screening tests, the maincause of an increased risk of trisomy 21 was elevated PAPP-A and fβ-hCG concentrations. According to this paper’s authors,in these cases extension of diagnosis to include other gestational complications, e.g. preeclampsia, should be considered

    Pregnancy, delivery and puerperium in a patient with lysinuric protein intolerance – a case report

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    The paper presents the course of pregnancy, delivery and early postpartum period in a 23-year-old woman with lysinuric protein intolerance (LPI). The pregnancy was uneventful and resulted in a caesarean birth to a healthy baby at 37 weeks gestation. Nevertheless, the course of pregnancy in women with LPI is associated with a significantly increased risk of serious complications, including acute hyperammonemia, preeclampsia and postpartum bleeding, as well as fetus intrauterine growth retardation. In many cases, intensive metabolic monitoring and a proper diet with protein limitation and appropriate amino acids supplementation may significantly reduce the risk for both the mother and the newborn