15 research outputs found

    Estimation of Ligament Loading and Anterior Tibial Translation in Healthy and ACL-Deficient Knees During Gait and the Influence of Increasing Tibial Slope Using EMG-Driven Approach

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    The purpose of this study was to develop a biomechanical model to estimate anterior tibial translation (ATT), anterior shear forces, and ligament loading in the healthy and anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)-deficient knee joint during gait. This model used electromyography (EMG), joint position, and force plate data as inputs to calculate ligament loading during stance phase. First, an EMG-driven model was used to calculate forces for the major muscles crossing the knee joint. The calculated muscle forces were used as inputs to a knee model that incorporated a kneeā€“ligament model in order to solve for ATT and ligament forces. The model took advantage of using EMGs as inputs, and could account for the abnormal muscle activation patterns of ACL-deficient gait. We validated our model by comparing the calculated results with previous in vitro, in vivo, and numerical studies of healthy and ACL-deficient knees, and this gave us confidence on the accuracy of our model calculations. Our model predicted that ATT increased throughout stance phase for the ACL-deficient knee compared with the healthy knee. The medial collateral ligament functioned as the main passive restraint to anterior shear force in the ACL-deficient knee. Although strong co-contraction of knee flexors was found to help restrain ATT in the ACL-deficient knee, it did not counteract the effect of ACL rupture. Posterior inclination angle of the tibial plateau was found to be a crucial parameter in determining knee mechanics, and increasing the tibial slope inclination in our model would increase the resulting ATT and ligament forces in both healthy and ACL-deficient knees

    Neuromuscular coordination impairments: The effect of ACL injury and reconstruction

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    The purpose of this series of studies was to (1) establish a standing and weight-bearing target-matching task to characterize neuromuscular control and (2) characterize the altered neuromuscular control and morphology resulting from ACL injury and surgical reconstruction using a quadruple-bundle hamstring autograft and allograft. First, a standing target-matching neuromuscular control task was developed and the neuromuscular control strategies used by uninjured athletes was established using electromyography and a weight-bearing protocol to examine the effect of limb task. Visual feedback was given of the forces and moments of the "mobilizer" limb, while the "stabilizer" limb produced nearly identical forces and moments was given no visual feedback. The biarticulate muscles were the primary directional activators in this task, and the uniarticulate vasti muscles acted synergistically to brace the knee in both hip flexion and extension force postures, while subjects produced bidirectional controlled static isometric forces by pushing on two force-platforms. The lateral hamstring was recruited with more refined control while acting as a mobilizer, and the medial hamstring was used with more refined control while performing the stabilizer task. While the medial gastrocnemius was activated in a principally forwards direction for both tasks, the lateral gastrocnemius was principally activated in a backwards direction when subjects performed the stabilizer task. This suggests that neuromuscular control is specific to limb task, even though the external forces are nearly identical. Second, the neuromuscular control of the ACL deficient individuals was compared to uninjured individuals using the standing target-matching task. ACL deficient individuals demonstrated reduced neuromuscular control of the muscles about the knee for both limb tasks in comparison to uninjured individuals matched for age, sex, and activity level. ACL deficient individuals activated their lateral hamstrings primarily while pushing their foot in the forwards direction while performing the stabilizer task, which was the opposite direction of control subjects or when the ACL deficient individuals performed the mobilizer task. Voluntary neuromuscular control was significantly affected in the ACL deficient subjects, and the lateral hamstrings muscle may be activated to brace the knee when subjects are not paying attention to their limb (acting as the stabilizer). Thirdly, the muscle morphology and neuromuscular control of a sample of ACL deficient individuals who were predicted to compensate well after ACL injury ( potential coper) was compared to individuals that were predicted to not compensate well after ACL injury (non-copers). Both groups demonstrated quadriceps atrophy, but the non-copers used reduced neuromuscular control of the muscles about the knee while the potential copers used symmetrical neuromuscular control. Findings suggest that the potential to compensate following ACL injury is dependent more on how the individual uses their muscle rather than the amount of quadriceps atrophy. Fourthly, the effect of graft harvest on muscle morphology was made using a pre-post ACL reconstruction comparison between a semitendinosus-gracilis (STG) tendon autograft group and a cadaveric allograft group. The autograft group demonstrated synergistic muscle hypertrophy, while the autograft group remained symmetrical morphologically following surgery. Muscle morphology changes in the autograft group indicate that the muscles remaining following graft harvest hypertrophy to compensate for the functional loss of the STG. Finally, a long-term follow-up of morphology was performed on individuals that underwent STG graft harvest 6 years prior in comparison to both pre-operatively and at the time of return-to-sports. STG tendon regeneration occurred in two out of three participants; however the third had fatty inclusions within both STG muscles indicating that this muscle was no longer functional. Graft harvest technique may have played a role in the amount of regeneration of the STG muscles. In summary, this series of studies establishes a new tool to examine standing and weight-bearing neuromuscular control and examines the neuromuscular and morphological response to ACL injury and reconstruction in both the short and long term

    Higher Knee Flexion Moment During the Second Half of the Stance Phase of Gait Is Associated With the Progression of Osteoarthritis of the Patellofemoral Joint on Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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    STUDY DESIGN: Controlled laboratory study, longitudinal design. OBJECTIVE: To examine whether baseline knee flexion moment or impulse during walking is associated with the progression of osteoarthritis (OA) with magnetic resonance imaging of the patellofemoral joint (PFJ) at 1 year. BACKGROUND: Patellofemoral joint OA is highly prevalent and a major source of pain and dysfunction. The biomechanical factors associated with the progression of PFJ OA remain unclear. METHODS: Three-dimensional gait analyses were performed at baseline. Magnetic resonance imaging of the knee (high-resolution, 3-D, fast spin-echo sequence) was used to identify PFJ cartilage and bone marrow edemaā€“like lesions at baseline and a 1-year follow-up. The severity of PFJ OA progression was defined using the modified Whole-Organ Magnetic Resonance Imaging Score when new or increased cartilage or bone marrow edemaā€“like lesions were observed at 1 year. Peak external knee flexion moment and flexion moment impulse during the first and second halves of the stance phase of gait were compared between progressors and nonprogressors, and used to predict progression after adjusting for age, sex, body mass index, and presence of baseline PFJ OA. RESULTS: Sixty-one participants with no knee OA or isolated PFJ OA were included. Patellofemoral joint OA progressors (n = 10) demonstrated significantly higher peak knee flexion moment (P = .01) and flexion moment impulse (P = .04) during the second half of stance at baseline compared to nonprogressors. Logistic regression showed that higher peak knee flexion moment during the second half of the stance phase was significantly associated with progression at 1 year (adjusted odds ratio = 3.3, P = .01). CONCLUSION: Peak knee flexion moment and flexion moment impulse during the second half of stance are related to the progression of PFJ OA and may need to be considered when treating individuals who are at risk of or who have PFJ OA

    Effects of and Response to Mechanical Loading on the Knee

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    Mechanical loading to the knee joint results in a differential response based on the local capacity of the tissues (ligament, tendon, meniscus, cartilage, and bone) and how those tissues subsequently adapt to that load at the molecular and cellular level. Participation in cutting, pivoting, and jumping sports predisposes the knee to the risk of injury. In this narrative review, we describe different mechanisms of loading that can result in excessive loads to the knee, leading to ligamentous, musculotendinous, meniscal, and chondral injuries or maladaptations. Following injury (or surgery) to structures around the knee, the primary goal of rehabilitation is to maximize the patientā€™s response to exercise at the current level of function, while minimizing the risk of re-injury to the healing tissue. Clinicians should have a clear understanding of the specific injured tissue(s), and rehabilitation should be driven by knowledge of tissue-healing constraints, knee complex and lower extremity biomechanics, neuromuscular physiology, task-specific activities involving weight-bearing and non-weight-bearing conditions, and training principles. We provide a practical application for prescribing loading progressions of exercises, functional activities, and mobility tasks based on their mechanical load profile to knee-specific structures during the rehabilitation process. Various loading interventions can be used by clinicians to produce physical stress to address body function, physical impairments, activity limitations, and participation restrictions. By modifying the mechanical load elements, clinicians can alter the tissue adaptations, facilitate motor learning, and resolve corresponding physical impairments. Providing different loads that create variable tensile, compressive, and shear deformation on the tissue through mechanotransduction and specificity can promote the appropriate stress adaptations to increase tissue capacity and injury tolerance. Tools for monitoring rehabilitation training loads to the knee are proposed to assess the reactivity of the knee joint to mechanical loading to monitor excessive mechanical loads and facilitate optimal rehabilitation

    Are There Sex Differences in Knee Cartilage Composition and Walking Mechanics in Healthy and Osteoarthritis Populations?

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    BackgroundWomen are at a greater risk for knee osteoarthritis (OA), but reasons for this greater risk in women are not well understood. It may be possible that differences in cartilage composition and walking mechanics are related to greater OA risk in women.Questions/purposes(1) Do women have higher knee cartilage and meniscus T1Ļ than men in young healthy, middle-aged non-OA and OA populations? (2) Do women exhibit greater static and dynamic (during walking) knee loading than men in young healthy, middle-aged non-OA and OA populations?MethodsData were collected from three cohorts: (1) young active (<35 years) (20 men, 13 women); (2) middle-aged (ā‰„35 years) without OA (Kellgren-Lawrence [KL] grade < 2) (43 men, 65 women); and (3) middle-aged with OA (KL>1) (18 men, 25 women). T1Ļ and T2 relaxation times for cartilage in the medial knee, lateral knee, and patellofemoral compartments and medial and lateral menisci were quantified with 3.0-T MRI. A subset of the participants underwent three-dimensional motion capture during walking for calculation of peak knee flexion and adduction moments, flexion and adduction impulses, and peak adduction angle. Differences in MR, radiograph, and gait parameters between men and women were compared in the three groups separately using multivariate analysis of variance.ResultsWomen had higher lateral articular cartilage T1Ļ (men=40.5 [95% confidence interval {CI}, 38.8-42.3] ms; women=43.3 [95% CI, 41.9-44.7] ms; p=0.017) and patellofemoral T1Ļ (men=44.4 [95% CI, 42.6-46.3] ms; women=48.4 [95% CI, 46.9-50.0] ms; p=0.002) in the OA group; and higher lateral meniscus T1Ļ in the young group (men=15.3 [95% CI, 14.7-16.0] ms; women=16.4 [95% CI, 15.6-17.2] ms; p=0.045). The peak adduction moment in the second half of stance was lower in women in the middle-aged (men=2.05 [95% CI, 1.76-2.34] %BW*Ht; women=1.66 [95% CI, 1.44-1.89] %BW*Ht; p=0.037) and OA (men=2.34 [95% CI, 1.76-2.91] %BW*Ht; women=1.42 [95% CI, 0.89-1.94] %BW*Ht; p=0.022) groups. Static varus from radiographs was lower in women in the middle-aged (men=178Ā° [95% CI, 177Ā°-179Ā°]; women=180Ā° [95% CI, 179Ā°-181Ā°]; p=0.002) and OA (men=176Ā° [95% CI, 175Ā°-178Ā°]; women=180Ā° [95% CI, 179Ā°-181Ā°]; p<0.001) groups. Women had lower varus during walking in all three groups (young: men=4Ā° [95% CI, 3Ā°-6Ā°]; women=2Ā° [95% CI, 0Ā°-3Ā°]; p=0.013; middle-aged: men=2Ā° [95% CI, 1Ā°-3Ā°]; women=0Ā° [95% CI, -1Ā° to 1Ā°]; p=0.015; OA: men=4Ā° [95% CI, 2Ā°-6Ā°]; women=0Ā° [95% CI, -2Ā° to 2Ā°]; p=0.011). Women had a higher knee flexion moment (men=4.24 [95% CI, 3.58-4.91] %BW*Ht; women 5.40 [95% CI, 4.58-6.21] %BW*Ht; p=0.032) in the young group.ConclusionsThese data demonstrate differences in cartilage composition and gait mechanics between men and women in young healthy, middle-aged healthy, and OA cohorts. Considering the cross-sectional nature of the study, longitudinal research is needed to investigate if these differences in cartilage composition and walking mechanics are associated with a greater risk of lateral tibiofemoral or patellofemoral OA in women. Future studies should also investigate the relative risk of lateral versus medial patellofemoral cartilage degeneration risk in women compared with men.Level of evidenceLevel III, retrospective study