559 research outputs found

    Statistical and Dynamic Models of Charge Balance Functions

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    Charge balance functions, which identify balancing particle-antiparticle pairs on a statistical basis, have been shown to be sensitive to whether hadronization is delayed by several fm/c in relativistic heavy ion collisions. Results from two classes of models are presented here, microscopic hadronic models and thermal models. The microscopic models give results which are contrary to recently published pi+pi- balance functions from the STAR collaboration, whereas the thermal model roughly reproduce the experimental results. This suggests that charge conservation is local at breakup, which is in line with expectations for a delayed hadronization. Predictions are also presented for balance functions binned as a function of Q_inv.Comment: 12 pages 6 figure

    Biliopancreatic complex in functional aspect

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    Department of Topographic Anatomy and Operative Surgery, Nicolae Testemitsanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, the Republic of MoldovaBackground: For centuries the public health services as well as private institutions service everywhere have had the purpose of solving of biliopancreatic pathologies problems, particularly those that require operator intervention. At the same time, has been accumulated a number of interpretations, working hypotheses which elucidate different, even more, controvesial structural-functional peculiarities of the constituents of duodenobilio-pancreatic complex. Thus, obtaining information as ample and perfect about coledoco-duodenal junction presents an imperative in fundamental aspect, as well as clinical. It gives to the interested reader a dynamic vision in knowing the installation mechanisms of pathologies in the very area, to improve the methods of diagnosis and treatment of the concerned anatomical formation diseases. So it would be incorrect to claim that up to present insufficient attention was paid to the morphology, function and clinical significance of constituent in anatomical formations of the coledoco-duodenal junction. Yet, for the moment, some structural-function and topographic aspects including those with the reference to duodenal papilla, hide some enigmas. In such cases involving morphologies clarifying some controversial moments is more than necessary, especially when solving problems and they are a true support in terms of quantity – a sufficient number of investigated cases to make authentic conclusions and quality - a meticulous analysis, complex, multi-planned of the obtained results, confronted the information on the already known topic. Conclusions: Thus, carrying out a comprehensive study had as an impulse the frequency in continuous growing of coledoco-pancreatico-duodenal area pathologies, especially at the ends of common bile duct and pancreatic duct. Moreover, the bilio-pancreatico-duodenal intersection is a vital part of hepatology and pancreatology

    Modern anatomo–clinical argumentation of the a acupuncture as a method for analgesia

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    Catedra de anatomie topografică şi chirurgie operatorie, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie ”Nicolae Testemițanu”, Chișinău, Republica Moldova, Conferința Ştiinţifică Internaţională ”Probleme actuale ale morfologiei” dedicată celor 70 de ani de la fondarea Universității de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, 15-16 octombrie 2015Abstract Background: Acupuncture is a therapeutic method that comes from China and is based on the meridian’s theory. Many analgesic drugs used for postoperative pain have a number of side effects. Acupuncture claims to develop a maximum therapeutic effect with reduced side effects. Material and methods: Individualized set of acupuncture needles; visual analogical-scale; tonometer; thermometer; questionnaire for evaluation of postoperative pain management; questionnaire for assessing the patient satisfaction about acute postoperative pain management; informed consent of the patient included in the study. The study included 14 patients who underwent a microsurgical intervention on the hand (amputation of two fingers). They were divided into two. Patients of the first group received 3 sessions of acupuncture and Baralgin. Those in the second group followed only promedol. Patients were evaluated according to objective and subjective criteria: visual-analogical scale (VAS), personal convenience, blood pressure, temperature, respiratory rate, heart rate. 136 Results: Patients who received acupuncture showed normalization of objective and subjective indicators and the absence of any adverse effects. Conclusions: 1. Acupuncture is a method of therapy based on stimulation of acupoints that frequently correspond to nerve formations; 2. The analgesic effect of acupuncture allow the exclusion of opioid analgesics and use of minor analgesics for postoperative pain management; 3. Acupuncture in combination with minor analgesics provides postoperative pain soothing and early improving of objective indicators

    The modified epaulet flap in reconstruction of oropharyngostomas

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    IMSP Institutul Oncologic, USMF «N.Testemițanu», Al XI-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova și cea de-a XXXIII-a Reuniune a Chirurgilor din Moldova „Iacomi-Răzeșu” 27-30 septembrie 2011Tratamentul chirurgical al cancerului mucoasei cavității bucale şi orofaringelui aduce, frecvent, la formarea unor defecte tisulare masive. Extinderea acestor defecte, cît şi diversitatea țesuturilor afectate (cutanat, osos, muscular, mucoasă) dictează o atitudine etapizată în reabilitarea chirurgicală a pacienților. Scopul lucrării este de a prezenta experienşa departamentului tumori cap şi gît în utilizarea unui lambou cutano-adipos ”epolet” modificat în plastia orofaringostomelor, acumulată pe parcursul anilor 2005 – 2010.În studiu au fost incluşi 19 pacienți cu orofaringostome, care au primit tratament combinat pentru cancer al mucoasei cavității bucale, 5 femei (26%) şi 14 bărbați (74%). Plastia defectului s-a efectuat utilizînd un lambou epolet, extins pînă în regiunea deltoidiană. Lamboul se ridică în două etape, cu interval de 7-10 zile, migrarea lui în defect şi plastia acestuia se efectuiază în etapa a III-a, cu un interval de 14 -16 zile. Această tehnică de prelevare a lamboului permite obținerea unei cantități mari de material plastic – lungimea medie a lamboului de 26 -28 cm, cu o lățime de 9-10 cm, cu o morbiditate minimă a zonei donatoare – plaga donatoare s-a închis per primam în toate cazurile. Lamboul migrat s-a vindecat în integritate în 13 cazuri (68,4%), în 4 cazuri (21,1%) a avut loc necroză marginală, iar în 2 cazuri (10,5%) necroză parțială a lamboului, cu formarea unei fistule orofaringiene, care a fost închisă într-o etapă secundă, folosind şesuturile aceluiaşi lambou. Experiența acumulată permite recomandarea utilizării lamboului epolet, în modificarea noastră, pentru reconstrucția chirurgicală a defectelor tisulare, în tratamentul combinat al cancerului cavității bucale.Surgical treatment of cancer of the lining of the mouth and oropharynx often leads to massive tissue defects. Extension of these defects, as well as the diversity of affected tissues (skin, bone, muscle, mucosa), dictates a stepped approach in the surgical rehabilitation of patients. The purpose of this paper is to show the experience of the department head and neck tumors in the use of an “epaulet” flap in the reconstruction of oropharyngostomas, gained over the years 2005 to 2010. The study included 19 patients with oropharyngostomas who received multimodal therapy for cancer of the oral mucosa, five women (26%) and 14 men (74%). Defect reconstruction was performed using an epaulet flap, extended up to the deltoid region. The flap is raised in two stages, with an interval of 7-10 days, the migration into the defect and its reconstruction is carried out in stage III, within a 14-16 days range. This technique of raising the flap allows for a large quantity of skin - the average length of the flap is 26-28 cm, and 9-10 cm wide, with a minimal donor site morbidity – donor wound was closed primarily in all cases. The flap healed primarily in 13 cases (68.4%) in 4 cases (21.1%) with marginal necrosis and in two cases (10.5%) partial flap necrosis with fistula formation of which was closed in a second step, using the tissue from the same flap. Our experience allows us to recommend the “epaulet” flap as a good alternative in surgical reconstruction of defects of the mouth

    Do Search for Dibaryonic De - Excitations in Relativistic Nuclear Reactions

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    Some odd characteristics are observed in the single particle distributions obtained from He+Li He + Li interactions at 4.5AGeV/c 4.5 AGeV/c momenta which are explained as the manifestation of a new mechanism of strangeness production via dibaryonic de-excitations. A signature of the formation of hadronic and baryonic clusters is also reported. The di-pionic signals of the dibaryonic orbital de-excitations are analyzed in the frame of the MIT - bag Model and a Monte Carlo simulation.The role played by the dibaryonic resonances in relativistic nuclear collisions could be a significant one. Key words: Relativistic nuclear interactions negative pions, negative kaons, di-pions , streamer chamber, dibaryons, MIT - bag model PACS codes: 25.75.+r,14.40.Aq,14.20.Pt,12.40.AsComment: 17 pages,LATEX, preprint ICTP -243 1993,figures available by reques

    Architectonic variability and morphometric parameters of the uterine artery

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    Catedra de anatomie topografică și chirurgie operatorie, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica Moldova, Conferința Ştiinţifică Internaţională ”Probleme actuale ale morfologiei” dedicată celor 70 de ani de la fondarea Universității de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, 15-16 octombrie 2015Abstract Background: One of the main milestones in the development and integration of human organs is the blood circulatory system. A fair assessment of feminine genital system blood supply can be effective only after knowing the arterial sources, their number and position, and changes caused by the action of the aging factor, especially in the involutive stage of the ontogenesis. Reshuffles that occurred depending on the age group involve, on one hand, the change of architectonics of the vascular system, on the other hand, structural changes in the composition of vascular walls changes that are directly proportional with the caliber of vessels. Architecture, the diameter and the torsion of the uterine artery differs in people of reproductive age compared to people in menopause. The density of blood supply sources is much higher in people of reproductive age, and morphometric parameters are better visualized. We notice that with advanced age uterine artery diameter decreases to obliteration. Conclusions: Female genital complex vascularization is distinguished by a rich arterial and venous system variability. These vessels have a uneven position both along the course and the uterus wall. Nutrient sources, the number of vessels participating in the formation of vascular networks of the organ or its portions and their spatial relationships varies widely

    Anti-Hyperon Enhancement through Baryon Junction Loops

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    The baryon junction exchange mechanism recently proposed to explain valence baryon number transport in nuclear collisions is extended to study midrapidity anti-hyperon production. Baryon junction-anti-junction (J anti-J) loops are shown to enhance anti-Lambda, anti-Xi, anti-Omega yields as well as lead to long range rapidity correlations. Results are compared to recent WA97 Pb + Pb -> Y + anti-Y + X data.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Posttramatic pneumomediastinum

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    Catedra de anatomie topografică și chirurgie operatorie, Laboratorul de chirurgie hepato-bilio-pancreatică, Catedra de chirurgie nr. 1 „N. Anestiadi”, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica Moldova, Conferința Ştiinţifică Internaţională ”Probleme actuale ale morfologiei” dedicată celor 70 de ani de la fondarea Universității de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, 15-16 octombrie 2015Abstract Background: Minor blunt neck injury trauma is a relatively common condition which can be potentially life-threatening in only rare circumstances. Pneumomediastinum may develop in up to 10% patients who have sustained blunt cervical or thoracic trauma and may be a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in affected individuals because of the associated damage to the oesophagus, larynx or trachea. Management of this condition varies from conservative approach with close observation and antibiotherapy to surgical intervention, depending on the extent and severity of aerodigestive injuries. Conclusions: A blunt neck trauma accompanied by subcutaneous emphysema and pneumomediastinum secondary to an accident, its radiologic appearance, clinical presentation, and the options for initial management in the emergency department need a special attention