23 research outputs found

    Effects of seasons on the concentration of selected trace elements in horse hair

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    The studies were conducted on a group of 20 mares of the Hucul breed kept in free range system. The horses made use of pastures in summer periods while being fed with hay or silage during the winter. Mares that bore offspring regularly, in good conditions and healthy were involved in the analysis. Hair samples of about 500 mg were taken from areas around the neck under the mane of each horse four times a year. The concentration of 6 elements, i.e., B, Ni, Si, Mo, I and Cr were measured in each sample. Much higher concentrations of molybdenum and nickel were found in hair samples collected in spring, but more of boron in autumn while those from winter contained more of chromium, silicon and iodine. The concentration of all the analyzed minerals differed significantly in relation to the season. A significant positive relationship between levels of nickel and molybdenum on the one hand as well as between silicon and chromium on the other was demonstrated. A negative correlation was, however, observed between the levels of iodine and molybdenum as well as between iodine and nickel


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    The objective of the research was to determine the relationship between evaluation of conformation and motion indicators and results of the Huculs’ path and also to ascertain the courage (basic and elimination) of Hucul horses with their classification into mare families being taken account of. The scores of 116 horses presented for the evaluation of their exterior (championship breeding) were analyzed. The assessment covered the type, body conformation, movement in walk and trot as well as overall impression and preparedness for the exhibition. Measurements of length of steps, frequency and rate of the walk and trot were performed during the tests for courage. The estimated correlation coefficients exhibited the existence of some interesting trends i.e., there was positive correlation between values for type, body conformation, movement in walk and trot and the length of steps in walk and trot in individuals representing most of mare families. The reverse was the case with horses from the Sroczka and Wyderka families. Amongst the Wrona, however, negative correlations between the grade for walk and frequency of steps in walk was observed while that of between the result of path and utility tests was positive


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    The aim of this study was to assess the reproductive rates among different breeds, mostly used in commodity farm conditions. The studies were obtained at fertility level from 6.27 animals in the Californian breed to 8.49 animals in Popielno White. High rate of failures during rearing was observed in the Californian breed. Litter weight was dependent on the number of births and young rearing, lactation and care of female. Kitten weight at 35 day of age ranged from 603.21g (Alaskan) to 736.10g (Giant Chinchilla). The results indicate the usefulness of a Popielno White breed for the livestock production


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    The aim of the study was assess the relevance and feasibility of the development of equestrian tourism in Podkarpackie province.One way of increasing incomes for farm holdings could be by using the horse both for recreation and tourism. Analyses of the spread of horse population across the province have revealed an intense relationship between horse breeding farms and urban localities, whose inhabitants are key consumers of such services like recreational riding or hippotherapy. However, analysis concerning sizes of herds in Podkarpacie revealed that the largest of them are located in Bieszczady district. Offers of horse-based tourism in form of one-day or several days rallies are abundant in mountain areas. Available resources, including farms and horses, are pointers to potentials in growing this form of tourism all over Podkarpacie and thus serve as a crucial factor in the development of rural areas of Podkarpackie province

    Does Experience Make Hucul Horses More Resistant to Stress? A Pilot Study

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    The aim of the study was to determine whether experience related to horse age and number of starts in championships influences stress level, measured by salivary cortisol concentration. The study involved 18 clinically healthy Hucul mares who participated in the Polish Championships for Hucul Horses. Evaluation of performance value was carried out in accordance with the guidelines specified in the breeding and genetic resources conservation program for this breed. The championship lasted two days, consisting of conformation evaluation, endurance, and Hucul path. Saliva was collected at baseline (T1), after arena assessment (T2), after endurance (T3), and on the second day after the Hucul path (T4). Cortisol levels increased from an average of 2.73 ± 1.18 ng/mL (T1) to 10.46 ± 8.03 ng/mL after T3. Significantly lower levels of free cortisol were detected in the saliva of the younger mares, up to 9 years old, and mares who participated in only one qualifying path after each element of the championship. The highest levels of cortisol (T3) were found in mares competing repeatedly on the qualifying path. No correlation was found between cortisol levels and the championship results. Participation of mares in the championship was associated with stress, which was reflected in the increase in cortisol levels in saliva


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    The aim of the studies was an attempt to define dependences between the scores for horses exterior assessment and indicators of movement in walk and trot as well as results for courage test. Exterior assessment is an obligatory test component for Hucul breeds. The assessment covers type, body conformation, movement in walk and trot as well as overall impression and preparedness for exhibition. 116 horses were entered for the 2010 Hucul’s championships in Hawlowice and Rudawka for which 348 judges’ grades were awarded. The highest grade awarded was for overall impression and preparedness for exhibition while the lowest was for trot movement. Analysis of the various components of conformation showed significant variation between the lines. The tests for courage involved measuring length of steps, their frequency and rate in walk and trot. The length for steps in walk was 15.91m, for frequency was 15.86 steps in 15 seconds, with a rate of 25.08m while for trot it was 22.91m, 24.50 steps and 55.60m respectively. A positive correlation between the scores for components of conformation and length of steps in walk was observed. This tendency was distinctively noticeable in the group of individuals representing the Pietrosu and Hroby stallion lines. Among the group of individuals representing Polan stallion line, however, significant positive correlation was observed between scores for type and rate in trot (0.975; p = 0.025) as well as between scores for conformation and rate in walk (0.993; p = 0.007)

    Forecasting the Utility Value of Hucul Horses by Means of Artificial Intelligence

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    The paper suggests the application of artificial neural networks (ANN) for the analysis of variables that significantly impact on the results of Hucul horses that participate at the National Breeding and Utility Championships for Hucul horses. The study exploits the results obtained during 2009–2015. The research material collected enabled the creation of a set of input data (for the artificial neural network), out of which independent learning and testing sets were isolated. The neural classification system in form of a multi-layered artificial neural network suggested in this paper was implemented in the programming environment Matlab, the version. Each horse was described using features in three models. Experimental simulations were carried out separately for each model, conducting the learning and testing simulation process 10 times. In accepting the division of the evaluated group of horses into 10 classes for the analysis of the issue both the expert and network designated the classes, not without reservations due to imprecision of demarcations. The increase in class numbers would result in increased accuracy of selection (allocation to varied classes) of individuals. The average for 10 network responses which was 77% suggest an identical or a very similar horse class when compared with the expert’s value. Preliminary results of the application of artificial neural networks in predicting the utility value of Hucul horses, relying on a specific set of features seem promising

    Factors limiting development and management in modern farms: case study in south-east Poland

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    Contemporary farms are enterprises that operate according to market principles, the development of which is influenced by a number of factors. The aim of the paper was to identify factors that inhibit the development of farms located in south-eastern Poland. The study made use of findings obtained in research by the Central Office of Statistics (GUS) concerning the structure of agricultural farm holdings in 2016. Factors inhibiting the development of agricultural farms located in south-eastern Poland include, first and foremost, unfavourable agrarian patterns, few farm owners with agricultural training as well as lack of appropriate managerial skills needed for effective management in modern agricultural enterprises. Only about 20% of farm managers were below 40 years of age. About 15% of owners indicated that over 50% of farm incomes were from non-agricultural activities

    Realizacja programu ochrony zasobów genetycznych koni rasy huculskiej w latach 2007-2013 na terenie Podkarpacia i powiatu bieszczadzkiego

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    W pracy podjęto próbę oceny realizacji programu ochrony genetycznych zasobów koni huculskich na terenie Podkarpacia i powiatu bieszczadzkiego, w latach 2007-2013. Materiał badawczy stanowiły dane dotyczące pogłowia zarodowego klaczy huculskich utrzymywanych w Polsce oraz na Podkarpaciu, zgłoszonych do Programu Ochrony Zasobów Genetycznych i skali finansowania. Dane uzyskano z Polskiego Związku Hodowców Koni i Okręgowego Związku Hodowców Koni w Rzeszowie. Na Podkarpaciu liczba klaczy huculskich w 2007 roku wynosiła 226 sztuk (było to 22% w skali kraju), w 2013 roku już 436 sztuk, co stanowiło 30% udział w populacji ogólnopolskiej. W Programie Ochrony Zasobów Genetycznych koni huculskich uczestniczyło od 63% w 2007 roku do 80% w 2012 roku w odniesieniu do populacji klaczy tej rasy utrzymywanej na Podkarpaciu. Na terenie powiatu bieszczadzkiego w analizowanym okresie było 5 gospodarstw, utrzymujących klacze huculskie zgłoszone do programu. Stanowiło to od 38% w 2007 roku do 19,5% w 2013 roku, w stosunku do terenu województwa

    The specific nature of agricultural production in the vicinity of the Czarnorzecko-Strzyżowski Landscape Park / Specyfika produkcji rolniczej na terenach Czarnorzecko-Strzyżowskiego Parku Krajobrazowego

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    Subject and purpose of work: The aim of the study was to evaluate activities of farms located in the Czarnorzecko-Strzyżowski Landscape Park according to the principles of sustainable development. Materials and methods: Survey research was carried out in the Korczyna commune among randomly selected farm owners at the turn of 2014 and 2015. Results and conclusion: Agricultural production is rather versatile and unspecialized in most of the farm-holdings covered by the study in Korczyna Local Government Area (LGA). Cereals dominate the cropping system, while animal husbandry is predominantly by using the Simmental cattle breed. The farmers are aware that they farm in specific conditions, where sustainable land use is crucial for protecting biodiversity and preserving cultural heritage, thus permitting inhabitants to live in an uncontaminated environment. The Korczyna Local Government Area enjoys favourable conditions for the running of ecological farms, but with farmers visibly lacking in motivation as they consider such farming system as unprofitable, besides requiring lots of time and work.Przedmiot i cel pracy: Celem badań była ocena funkcjonowania gospodarstw rolnych położonych na terenach Czarnorzecko-Strzyżowskiego Parku Krajobrazowego zgodnie z zasadami zrównoważonego rozwoju. Materiały i metody: Badania ankietowe zostały przeprowadzone na terenie gminy Korczyna wśród losowo wybranych właścicieli gospodarstw rolnych na przełomie 2014 i 2015 roku. Wyniki i wnioski: W większości badanych gospodarstw w gminie Korczyna produkcja rolna ma charakter wszechstronny oraz niewyspecjalizowany. W uprawach dominują zboża, a w produkcji zwierzęcej użytkowanie bydła rasy simentalskiej. Rolnicy mają świadomość, że gospodarują w specyficznych warunkach, gdzie zrównoważone użytkowanie gruntów jest bardzo ważne dla ochrony różnorodności biologicznej oraz zachowania dziedzictwa kulturowego, a także pozwala mieszkańcom na życie w nieskażonym środowisku. Gmina Korczyna posiada sprzyjające warunki do tworzenia gospodarstw ekologicznych, ale zaobserwowano brak motywacji ze strony rolników, którzy uważają ten typ gospodarowania za nieopłacalny oraz wymagający dużego nakładu pracy i czasu