12 research outputs found

    Monitoring the changes of Lake Uluabat Ramsar site and its surroundings in the 1985-2021 period using RS and GIS methods

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    Ramsar sites are important ecosystems that are protected by international status, have great value in terms of biodiversity, and constitute a resource in terms of economic, cultural, scientific and recreational aspects. In this study, the change of Lake Uluabat Ramsar Site and its surroundings, between the years 1985-2021 has been observed. For this, Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) methods were used. Vegetation change in the lake and its surroundings in 1985, 2000, 2015 and 2021 with Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), and changes in water surfaces with the water indices Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) and Modified Normalized Difference Water Index (mNDWI) were analyzed by using Landsat multi-band satellite images (Landsat 5 TM, Landsat 7 ETM and Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS) as RS data. The resulting changes were monitored and the success of the indices in determining these areas and the relations of the indices with each other were questioned by Accuracy index, Kappa coefficent, and Correlation analyses. The results show 36-year long-term changes and reveal a 13.06% shrinkage of Uluabat Lake wetland and surrounding water areas with the highest kappa coefficients for mNDWI as 0.83, 0.90, 0.93, 0.97, respectively, over the years studied

    Visual Landscape Quality Assessment: Kıyıköy Example

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    Bu çalışmada; özellikle görsel kalite algısının çevre tercihlerinde etkili olduğu öngörüsü ile, Kıyıköy'ün görsel peyzaj açısından çekicilik gösteren alanlarının tanımlanması hedeflenmiştir. Bu amaçla görsel peyzaj analizi ile; uzman ve gözlemci grubundan oluşan katılımcıların Kıyıköy'e ilişkin 12 adet fotoğrafı, 6 ana (doğallık, uyum, okunabilirlik, arazi şekli, rekreasyonel değer, manzara güzelliği) ve 22 alt başlıktan oluşan parametreler açısından çeşitli ölçeklerde değerlendirmeleri sağlanmıştır. Değerlendirmeler sonucunda; her iki grubun tercihlerinde benzerlikler olduğu görülmüştür. Bununla birlikte doğal bitki örtüsü ile deniz ve kıyısının uyumlu bir bütünlük oluşturduğu, algılanabilir, topografik çeşitliliğin gözlemlendiği, doğal ve yapay elemanların uyumlu ve düzenli bir şekilde bulunduğu görüntüler görsel açıdan olumlu olarak değerlendirilmiştirIn this study; especially with the foresight to be effective in environmental preferences of visual quality perception, it has been aimed to identify the areas showing attractiveness in terms of visual landscape. For this purpose, participants, consisting of experts and observer group evaluated 12 photographs regarding to Kıyıköy in various scales and parameters consisting of 6 main titles (naturality, harmony, perceptibility, shape of land, recreational value, landscape beauty) and 22 sub-titles with the visual landscape analysis. According to the results of evaluations; similarities were found for both groups’ preferences. At the same time, images which form a harmonious integrity with natural vegetation, sea and its coast, were perceptible and topographic diversity, compatible and organized natural and artificial elements were evaluated favorabl

    A Study on Ground Permeability of the Urban Landscape Structures: the Case Study of Tekirdağ

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    Doğal değerlerin tahribi, hızlı ve plansız kentleşme, küresel ısınma ve iklim değişiklikleri yaşadığımız çevrenin hızla olumsuz yönde değişmesine neden olmaktadır. Özellikle, su kaynaklarının azalmasıyla ortaya çıkan su sorunu, günümüzde küresel bir çevre sorunu haline gelmiştir. İnsanoğlunun kentsel yaşam adına değiştirdiği ve dönüştürdüğü çevrede yeşil alanlar sürekli azalırken, betonlaşmaya bağlı geçirimsiz zemin oluşumları her geçen gün artmaktadır. Geçirimsiz zeminler nedeniyle, yağış sularının toprağa sızarak yer altı sularının beslenmesi engellenmekte, bu suların yüzey drenajı ile kanalizasyon sistemine ya da akarsulara karışmasına yol açılmaktadır. Diğer taraftan, son yıllarda dünya gündeminde önemli bir yere sahip olan küresel iklim değişikliğini kentleşme daha fazla tetiklemekte, buna bağlı olarak hissedilebilir sıcaklıklar artarak kentsel ısı adası etkisi ortaya çıkmaktadır. Buradan yola çıkılarak, bu çalışma, kent dokusunda zemin geçirimliliği durumunu ortaya koymak amacıyla Tekirdağ örneğinde yapılmıştır. Çalışmada, Tekirdağ kenti içinde, farklı peyzaj yapılarını içinde barındıran bir alan seçilerek zeminlerin geçirimlilik açısından mevcut durumları irdelenmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda elde edilen %57.5oranındaki geçirimsiz zeminin, uluslararası kriterlerin oldukça üzerinde olduğu saptanmıştır. Bu da, Tekirdağ kent dokusunda mikro ölçekli bir alan örneğinde, geçirimli yüzeylerin yeterli olmadığını, bu nedenle kentsel ısı adası etkisinin bertaraf edilmesi, hidrolojik su döngüsünün sağlanması, canlı yaşam mekanı oluşturma gibi çevresel katkıların yeterince sağlanamadığını ortaya koymaktadır. Bu hususta, mevcut durumun iyileştirilmesine yönelik öneriler sunulmuşturThe destruction of natural environments, rapid and unplanned urbanization, global warming and climate change have caused to change the environment where we live in negatively. In particular the water problem that is occurred by the reduction of water resource has become a global environmental problem. While green areas are decreasing continuously by the effect of human beings' interchange and transformation on the behalf of urban life, impermeable ground formation bound up with concretion is increasing day by day. Due to the impermeable floors, feeding of groundwater is prevented by rain water infiltrating into the soil and cause to be mixed into the rivers or sewage system by surface drainage of water. On the other hand, global climate change which has an important place on world agenda has triggered by urbanization, therefore temperatures increase to make urban heat island effect occur. Starting from this point, this study was conducted in the case study of Tekirdağ to reveal the situation of the ground permeability in the urban fabric. In the study, current situation in terms of permeability of the ground was scrutinized by selecting a field hosting the different landscape structures in Tekirdağ city. The results obtained in the impervious ground in the ratio of 57.5 % were found to be considerably above the international criteria. This situation reveals that permeable grounds are not enough, thus providing not enough environmental contribution such as disposal of the urban heat island effect, providing hydrological watercycle, creating living space in the example of a micro-scale area in Tekirdağ urban fabric. In this matter, it has presented suggestions for improving the current situatio

    Ecology-based planning approach for urban development areas: Tekirdağ example

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    Tez çalışmasında Tekirdağ örneğinde kent-kır etkileşiminin halen gözlendiği bir kentsel gelişim alanı için alan kullanım kararlarının verilmesinde, ekolojik verilerin dikkate alındığı, ekoloji temelli bir alan kullanım planlamasının yapılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu kapsamda çalışmanın hipotezini; "Kentsel gelişme alanlarında planlanacak arazi kullanımları sürdürülebilir ve ekolojik açıdan çevreye duyarlı olabilir" ve "Kentlerde gün be gün artan çevre sorunları ancak ekolojik kaygıların güdüldüğü planlama yaklaşımları ile çözülebilir" ifadeleri oluşturmaktadır. Çalışmanın yöntemi 4 ana basamaktan oluşmaktadır: Birinci basamakta araştırmaya ilişkin sorunlar ile çalışma alanı belirlenmiş, potansiyel alan kullanım türleri ve bunlara yönelik ekolojik ölçütler ortaya konulmuştur. Çalışmada, belirlenen kullanım türlerine yönelik en uygun alan kullanım kararlarının verilmesi için "Uygunluk Analizi" yöntemi kullanılmıştır. İkinci basamakta koruma, tarım, çayır ve mera, orman, rekreasyon, yerleşim ve sanayi alanları olarak belirlenen kullanım türlerine yönelik ölçütler ve alt ölçütlerin aldıkları uygunluk değerleri ve katsayıları belirlenmiştir. Bu doğrultuda 27 literatürden yararlanılmış ve araştırma alanı özelinde 17 ölçüt ve 84 farklı alt ölçüt belirlenmiştir. Ölçütlere ilişkin uygunluk değerleri ve uygunluk katsayıları değerlendirilerek hazırlanan haritalar, McHarg (1969)'ın "Çeşitli Kullanımlara Göre Peyzaj Değerlendirme-Overlay" (haritaların üst üste çakıştırılması yöntemi) olarak adlandırılan ekolojik planlama yöntemi ile çakıştırılmıştır. Böylece, her bir kullanım türüne yönelik potansiyel alan kullanım haritaları elde edilmiştir. Üçüncü basamakta, potansiyel alan kullanım haritalarının çakıştırılıp, birlikte analiz edilmesi ve mevcut alan kullanımlarının değerlendirilmesi ile ekoloji temelli bir sentez plan oluşturulmuştur. Sonuçlar, kent için hazırlanan imar planı ve kentsel dönüşüm master planı ve Büyük Ova Koruma Alanı kararları ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Sonuçta; imar planında ve master planda yerleşim kararı verilen alanların uygun olmadığı, büyük ova ilan edilerek koruma altına alınan tarım alanı sınırları kapsamının yetersiz olduğu görülmüştür. Son basamakta da, doğru alan kullanım kararlarının verilmesi için ekolojik peyzaj planlarının gerekliliğine dikkat çekilmiş ve planlamaya yönelik öneriler sunulmuştur.In this thesis, in making land use decisions for an urban development area where urban-rural interaction is still observed in the example of Tekirdağ, it is aimed to make an ecology-based land use planning that takes ecological data into consideration. In this context, the hypothesis of the study are these "Land uses to be planned in urban development areas can be sustainable and ecologically environmentally sensitive" and "Environmental problems that increase day by day in cities can only be solved by planning approaches based on ecological concerns.". The method of the study consists of 4 main steps: In the first step, issues relating to research and the study area were determined, potential land use types and ecological criteria for them were presented. In the study, "Suitability Analysis" method was used to make the most appropriate land use decisions for the determined usage types. In the second step, criteria for usage types identified as protection, agriculture, meadow and pasture, forest, recreation, settlement and industrial areas; suitability values and coefficients obtained by sub-criteria were determined. In this direction, 27 literature was used and 17 criteria and 84 different sub-criteria were determined in the field of research. The maps prepared by evaluating the suitability values and suitability coefficients of the criteria are overlaid with the ecological planning method of McHarg (1969) named as "Landscape Evaluation for Various Uses-Overlay" (method of overlaying maps). Thus, potential area usage maps for each type of use have been obtained. In the third step, an ecology-based synthesis plan was created by overlaying potential area usage maps, analyzing together and evaluating the existing land uses. The results were compared with the zoning plan and urban transformation master plan prepared for the city and the decisions of the Great Plains Protection Area. After all; it has been observed that the areas for which the settlement decision has been made in the zoning plan and the master plan are not suitable, and the scope of the agricultural area borders taken under protection by declaring the Great Plain is insufficient. In the last step, it was pointed out that ecological landscape plans are necessary in order to make correct land use decisions and suggestions for planning were presented


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    uzun, osman/0000-0002-7588-9524WOS: 000392555800063In this study; new tracks were created, alternative to the existing walking routes within Kiyikoy Region, with the foresight of "Tourism routes are both an important element of economic growth and a natural and cultural heritage value". This process was carried out by analysing natural and cultural values ecologically, with a participatory approach. The research area, located in the Thrace region of Turkey; facilitates the emergence of different tourist routes and corridors with its historical and cultural identity, natural values, local capabilities, history and product focused route traces (Sultan Road, Dionysus Wine Road), and natural identity. The working area is recommended as ecotourism centre in the upper scale planning decisions with its potential. In this study, it was aimed to create ecotourism development corridors, which are passing through the rural areas, forest roads, historical route traces, cultural axes and agricultural axes, by connecting the natural and cultural resources integrally within thematic routes, instead of point-scale ecotourism planning. For this reason the area was divided into micro watersheds, determined by the natural watershed boundaries. Each micro-watershed was evaluated according to six basic factors, including; natural landscape attractiveness, accessibility, tourist infrastructure facilities, tourist superstructure facilities, socio-cultural landscape attractiveness and the impact of visitors on ecotourism resources and their perspectives. The ecotourism value of each micro watershed was determined in line with ecological examination. 11 different designated thematic routes, which are distinguished with their natural, cultural and historical source values, were created for nature walking in the aforementioned area. As a result, it is ensured to create a strong tourism route and destination regarding ecotourism, and to develop proposals for a sustainable rural improvement of the weak areas of the region. The created lines where ecotourism routes are identified will provide a fundamental base for decision-makers and practitioners in the fields of tourism and rural development. Besides, the method developed can be used on different areas and in different countries.TUBITAKTurkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK) [213O298]This study was supported by TUBITAK (Project No:213O298) rapid support

    Implementation of visual landscape analysis regarding ecotourism planning in turkey

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    In this study, visual landscape quality of Kiyikoy was assessed with foresight of ‘Visual landscape analysis applications providing a significant contribution to ecotourism planning’. For this purpose, 12 photographs of individuals consisting of the expert group and observers, are assessed on a Likert scale, according to the parameters consisting of 6 main titles and 22 sub-titles. At the same time, participants evaluated 5 parameters, which consist of opposite adjactive pairs regarding spatial characteristics, by scoring them in the range of –2 to +2. Descriptive statistics and factor analysis were applied to the survey results. As a result, it is identified that parameters which are specified by the landscape components and visual design criteria, are important in determining the choice of space. © 2017, Scibulcom Ltd. All rights reserved.This study has been supported by the Namik Kemal University Scientific Researc

    A method approach for identifying thematic footpaths in ecotourism: Kiyikoy pabucdere and Kazandere basins

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    In this study; new tracks were created, alternative to the existing walking routes within Kiyikoy Region, with the foresight of Tourism routes are both an important element of economic growth and a natural and cultural heritage value. This process was carried out by analysing natural and cultural values ecologically, with a participatory approach. The research area, located in the Thrace region of Turkey; facilitates the emergence of different tourist routes and corridors with its historical and cultural identity, natural values, local capabilities, history and product focused route traces (Sultan Road, Dionysus Wine Road), and natural identity. The working area is recommended as ecotourism centre in the upper scale planning decisions with its potential. In this study, it was aimed to create ecotourism development corridors, which are passing through the rural areas, forest roads, historical route traces, cultural axes and agricultural axes, by connecting the natural and cultural resources integrally within thematic routes, instead of point-scale ecotourism planning. For this reason the area was divided into micro watersheds, determined by the natural watershed boundaries. Each micro-watershed was evaluated according to six basic factors, including; natural landscape attractiveness, accessibility, tourist infrastructure facilities, tourist superstructure facilities, socio-cultural landscape attractiveness and the impact of visitors on ecotourism resources and their perspectives. The ecotourism value of each micro watershed was determined in line with ecological examination. 11 different designated thematic routes, which are distinguished with their natural, cultural and historical source values, were created for nature walking in the aforementioned area. As a result, it is ensured to create a strong tourism route and destination regarding ecotourism, and to develop proposals for a sustainable rural improvement of the weak areas of the region. The created lines where ecotourism routes are identified will provide a fundamental base for decision-makers and practitioners in the fields of tourism and rural development. Besides, the method developed can be used on different areas and in different countries.TUBITAKTurkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK) [213O298]This study was supported by TUBITAK (Project No:213O298) rapid support


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    Bu çalışmada; "görsel peyzaj analizi uygulamaları ekoturizm planlamasına önemli bir katkı sağlar" öngörüsü ile Kıyıköy'ün görsel peyzaj kalitesi değerlendirilmiştir. Bu amaçla; gözlemci ve uzman grubundan oluşan bireylerin 12 adet fotoğrafı, 6 ana (doğallık, uyum, okunabilirlik, arazi şekli, rekreasyonel değer, manzara güzelliği) ve 22 alt (doğal bitki örtüsünün varlığı, su varlığı, diğer doğal öğelerin varlığı, arazi kullanımının doğal unsurlarla uyumu, topografya, bitkisel öğeler ve yapısal öğelerin birbiriyle uyumu, alanın mevcut öğeleriyle kimlik kazanması, peyzajın algılanabilirliği, algıya açık yönlenme, algıya kapalılık, ayırt edici öğelerin varlığı, alanda bulunan özgün öğelerin varlığı, bakımlı temiz alan varlığı, arazi topografyasının değişkenliği, arazide şekilsel çeşitliliği, eşsiz öğelerin varlığı, odak noktası oluşturan unsurların varlığı, kültürel unsurların varlığı, turistik alt ve üst yapının varlığı, görüntünün açıklığı, görülebilen alanın büyüklüğü görüntünün derinliği ve görüntünün netliği) başlıktan oluşan parametreler açısından Likert ölçeğinde değerlendirmeleri sağlanmıştır. Aynı zamanda katılımcılar mekansal karakteristikleri içeren karşılıklı sıfat çiftlerinden oluşan 5 adet parametreyi de -2 ila +2 aralığında puanlandırma yaparak değerlendirmişlerdir. Anket sonuçlarına tanımlayıcı istatistikler ve faktör analizi uygulanmıştır. Sonuçta peyzaj bileşenleri ve görsel tasarım kriterlerine göre belirlenen parametrelerin mekan tercihlerinin belirlenmesinde önemli olduğu saptanmıştır.In this study; visual landscape quality of Kiyikoy was assessed with foresight of "Visual landscape analysis applications provide a significant contribution to ecotourism planning". For this purpose; 12 photographs of individuals consisting of the expert group and observers, are assessed on a Likert scale, according to the parameters consisting of 6 main titles (Naturalness, harmony, legibility, terrain, recreational value, the beauty of landscapes) and 22 sub-titles (presence of natural vegetation, the presence of water, the presence of other natural elements, harmony of natural elements with land use, topography, herbal elements and the harmony of structural elements with each other, the identity achievement of the area with the area's existing assets, the detectability of the landscape, perceptible orientation, imperceptibleness, the presence of distinctive elements, the presence of the original items in the area, the presence of well-maintained adn clean areas, the volatility of the land topography, formal diversity in the field, the presence of unique items, the presence of focal point forming elements , the presence of cultural elements, tourist infrastructure and superstructure, opennes of the view, the size of the visible area , depth and clarity of the view). At the same time, participants evaluated 5 parameters, which consists of opposite adjactive pairs regardingspatial characteristics, by scoring them in the range of -2 to +2 .Descriptive statistics and factor analysis were applied to the survey results. As a result, it is identified that, parameters which are specified by the landscape components and visual design criteria, are important in determining the choice of space

    Evaluation of illuminated city parks by users: Meydan park and Atapark examples

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    With this study, it is aimed to investigate the effects of illumination in urban park areas on the user, inquire about liking and preferences of the users about illumination and examine the aesthetic effect of the current design on users. In this respect, two urban parks were chosen as the study area which have similar characteristics in terms of their usage principles, their location, accessibility and qualities in the city, but with two different approaches: traditional and modern, in terms of lighting types and techniques used. For this purpose, a questionnaire which prepared about lighting design was applied to their own users of both parks. After asking questions to identify users and determine their usage, "Semantic differentiation scale" was used for the semantic assessment of illuminated place components and elements of the two parks (pedestrian paths and ladders, seating areas, etc.) by the users. As a result of the statistical analysis of the data, it was seen that 75% of Meydan Park and 76% of Atapark are safe, place components and elements respectively for both parks, seating areas are reassuring with values of 3.46, 3.21; resting with 3.38, 3.34; moving with 3.25, 3.04; water elements reassuring with 3.68, 3.60; herbal elements were reassuring with 3.13, 3.02, effective with 3.04, 3.12, refreshing with 3.19, 3.09. These results show that although Meydan Park and Atapark differ in terms of lighting types and techniques, this does not cause great differences in terms of contribution from the security, aesthetics and economics, and similarly there is no big difference in users' liking and preferences related to lightin

    A Study on Ground Permeability of the Urban Landscape Structures: The Case Study of Tekirdağ

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    Özet Doğal değerlerin tahribi, hızlı ve plansız kentleşme, küresel ısınma ve iklim değişiklikleri yaşadığımız çevrenin hızla olumsuz yönde değişmesine neden olmaktadır. Özellikle, su kaynaklarının azalmasıyla ortaya çıkan su sorunu, günümüzde küresel bir çevre sorunu haline gelmiştir. İnsanoğlunun kentsel yaşam adına değiştirdiği ve dönüştürdüğü çevrede yeşil alanlar sürekli azalırken, betonlaşmaya bağlı geçirimsiz zemin oluşumları her geçen gün artmaktadır. Geçirimsiz zeminler nedeniyle, yağış sularının toprağa sızarak yer altı sularının beslenmesi engellenmekte, bu suların yüzey drenajı ile kanalizasyon sistemine ya da akarsulara karışmasına yol açılmaktadır. Diğer taraftan, son yıllarda dünya gündeminde önemli bir yere sahip olan küresel iklim değişikliğini kentleşme daha fazla tetiklemekte, buna bağlı olarak hissedilebilir sıcaklıklar artarak kentsel ısı adası etkisi ortaya çıkmaktadır. Buradan yola çıkılarak, bu çalışma, kent dokusunda zemin geçirimliliği durumunu ortaya koymak amacıyla Tekirdağ örneğinde yapılmıştır. Çalışmada, Tekirdağ kenti içinde, farklı peyzaj yapılarını içinde barındıran bir alan seçilerek zeminlerin geçirimlilik açısından mevcut durumları irdelenmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda elde edilen %57.5oranındaki geçirimsiz zeminin, uluslararası kriterlerin oldukça üzerinde olduğu saptanmıştır. Bu da, Tekirdağ kent dokusunda mikro ölçekli bir alan örneğinde, geçirimli yüzeylerin yeterli olmadığını, bu nedenle kentsel ısı adası etkisinin bertaraf edilmesi, hidrolojik su döngüsünün sağlanması, canlı yaşam mekanı oluşturma gibi çevresel katkıların yeterince sağlanamadığını ortaya koymaktadır. Bu hususta, mevcut durumun iyileştirilmesine yönelik öneriler sunulmuştur.Abstract The destruction of natural environments, rapid and unplanned urbanization, global warming and climate change have caused to change the environment where we live in negatively. In particular the water problem that is occurred by the reduction of water resource has become a global environmental problem. While green areas are decreasing continuously by the effect of human beings' interchange and transformation on the behalf of urban life, impermeable ground formation bound up with concretion is increasing day by day. Due to the impermeable floors, feeding of groundwater is prevented by rain water infiltrating into the soil and cause to be mixed into the rivers or sewage system by surface drainage of water. On the other hand, global climate change which has an important place on world agenda has triggered by urbanization, therefore temperatures increase to make urban heat island effect occur. Starting from this point, this study was conducted in the case study of Tekirdağ to reveal the situation of the ground permeability in the urban fabric. In the study, current situation in terms of permeability of the ground was scrutinized by selecting a field hosting the different landscape structures in Tekirdağ city. The results obtained in the impervious ground in the ratio of 57.5 % were found to be considerably above the international criteria. This situation reveals that permeable grounds are not enough, thus providing not enough environmental contribution such as disposal of the urban heat island effect, providing hydrological watercycle, creating living space in the example of a micro-scale area in Tekirdağ urban fabric. In this matter, it has presented suggestions for improving the current situation