807 research outputs found

    The microcirculation of the critically ill pediatric patient

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    textabstractNote: This article is one of eleven reviews selected from the Annual Update in Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine 2011 (Springer Verlag) and co-published as a series in Critical Care. Other articles in the series can be found online at http://ccforum.com/series/annual. Further information about the Annual Update in Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine is available from http://www.springer.com/series/890

    Linear differential equations with finite differential Galois group

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    For a finite irreducible subgroup H⊂PSL(Cn) and an irreducible, H-invariant curve Z⊂P(Cn) such that C(Z)H=C(t), a standard differential operator Lst∈C(t)[d/dt] is constructed. For n=2 this is essentially Klein's work. For n>2 an actual calculation of Lst is done by computing an evaluation of invariants C[X1,…,Xn]H→C(t) and applying a scalar form of a theorem of E. Compoint in a “Procedure”. Also in some cases where Z is unknown evaluations are produced. This new method is tested for n=2 and for three irreducible subgroups of SL3. This supplements [18]. The theory developed here relates to and continues classical work of H.A. Schwarz, G. Fano, F. Klein and A. Hurwitz

    Diffusive propagation of cosmic rays from supernova remnants in the Galaxy. II: anisotropy

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    We investigate the effects of stochasticity in the spatial and temporal distribution of supernova remnants on the anisotropy of cosmic rays observed at Earth. The calculations are carried out for different choices of the diffusion coefficient D(E) for propagation in the Galaxy. The propagation and spallation of nuclei are taken into account. At high energies we assume that D(E)(E/Z)δD(E)\sim(E/Z)^{\delta}, with δ=1/3\delta=1/3 and δ=0.6\delta=0.6 being the reference scenarios. The large scale distribution of supernova remnants in the Galaxy is modeled following the distribution of pulsars with and without accounting for the spiral structure of the Galaxy. Our calculations allow us to determine the contribution to anisotropy resulting from both the large scale distribution of SNRs in the Galaxy and the random distribution of the nearest remnants. The naive expectation that the anisotropy amplitude scales as D(E) is shown to be an oversimplification which does not reflect in the predicted anisotropy for any realistic distribution of the sources. The fluctuations in the anisotropy pattern are dominated by nearby sources, so that predicting or explaining the observed anisotropy amplitude and phase becomes close to impossible. We find however that the very weak energy dependence of the anisotropy amplitude below 10510^{5} GeV and the rise at higher energies, can best be explained if the diffusion coefficient is D(E)E1/3D(E)\sim E^{1/3}. Faster diffusion, for instance with δ=0.6\delta=0.6, leads in general to an exceedingly large anisotropy amplitude. The spiral structure introduces interesting trends in the energy dependence of the anisotropy pattern, which qualitatively reflect the trend seen in the data. For large values of the halo size we find that the anisotropy becomes dominated by the large scale regular structure of the source distribution, leading indeed to a monotonic increase of δA\delta_A with energy.Comment: 21 Pages, to appear in JCA

    Metformin:A Narrative Review of Its Potential Benefits for Cardiovascular Disease, Cancer and Dementia

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    The biguanide metformin has been used as first-line therapy in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) treatment for several decades. In addition to its glucose-lowering properties and its prevention of weight gain, the landmark UK Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS) demonstrated cardioprotective properties in obese T2DM patients. Coupled with a favorable side effect profile and low cost, metformin has become the cornerstone in the treatment of T2DM worldwide. In addition, metformin is increasingly being investigated for its potential anticancer and neuroprotective properties both in T2DM patients and non-diabetic individuals. In the meantime, new drugs with powerful cardioprotective properties have been introduced and compete with metformin for its place in the treatment of T2DM. In this review we will discuss actual insights in the various working mechanisms of metformin and the evidence for its beneficial effects on (the prevention of) cardiovascular disease, cancer and dementia. In addition to observational evidence, emphasis is placed on randomized trials and recent meta-analyses to obtain an up-to-date overview of the use of metformin in clinical practice

    Radiogenic helium in Baffin Bay bottom water

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    3He-4He ratios, dissolved He and Ne, and tritium have been measured in 87 seawater samples collected at 14 stations in Baffin Bay, Davis Strait, and in the sounds through which Arctic water flows into Baffin Bay…