12 research outputs found

    Effect of Relationship Marketing on Word of Mouth in Life Insurance with the Approach of Trust and Commitment: Case Study of Karafarin Insurance Agents in Mashhad

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    Word of mouth is of critical importance for marketers and many scholars believe that word of mouth is one of the most effective and efficient advertising ways. Moreover, relationship marketing causes the costs of attracting new customers through long-term relationships with current customers and in this way increases firm profitability. Indeed, relationship marketing leads to customer satisfaction and loyalty through creating commitment and trust. Loyal customer also influences company’s word of mouth. Thus, this research conducted focused on studying the effect of relationship marketing on life insurance word of mouth. This is an applied research; and is a descriptive, filed study. Research statistical population was life insurance clients of Karafarin Insurance Agents in Mashhad. 384 individuals selected as research sample through simple random sampling method. Data collected through questionnaire. Questionnaire reliability measured through using Cronbach alpha. Research hypotheses also were tested by structural equation modeling (SEM). The results of analyzing research hypotheses indicated that relationship marketing directly influences life insurance word of mouth. In addition, customers’ trust also influences their satisfaction of buying life insurance. Customers’ commitment influences their satisfaction of buying life insurance; furthermore, customers’ satisfaction influences customers’ loyalty to buy life insurance. And finally, customers’ loyalty influences life insurance word of mouth

    The Relationship of Personality Traits and Demographic Characteristics with the Performance of Samsung Mobile Phones Brand

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    Various internal and external factors have influence on the consumers’ behavior among which personality and demographic characteristics fall into the first category. Classification of consumers based on common personality traits is one of the methods used in marketing. The current research aimed to investigate the relationship of personality traits and demographic characteristics with the performance of Samsung mobile phone brand at mobile phone market in Mashhad. To do so, 384 of those customers who were in market were sampled. NEO five-factor inquiry about personality traits will be the technique of information-gathering. In order to analyze the research data using SPSS statistic program, indices and statistic tests in terms of mean, standard deviation and Pierson’s correlation coefficient were used. Findings resulted from the correlation test proved that there is a positive correlation between brand performance and personality traits such as extraversion and conscientiousness and between brand performance and level of income, as well

    The investigation of Lavidge and Steiner model’s capability in measuring the advertising effectiveness of fire insurance (Case study: Insurance company in Mashhad)

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    Lavidge and Steiner model is one of the most fundamental models in the appraisal and analysis of insurance advertising. The present study intends to investigate the advertising effectiveness of fire insurance in an insurance company through Lavidge and Steiner model. The research is consisting of two types of independent variable of effective advertising and dependent variables which are as follows: awareness, knowledge, liking, preference, conviction and attracting the clients. On the basis of main subject of research and different stages of the model, a major hypothesis and six minor hypotheses have been brought up. The first five minor hypotheses have been dedicated to the investigation of the communication impacts of advertising and the sixth hypothesis has devoted to the consumer response. Statistical universe of the research are the insured people of fire insurance services in an insurance company, and 132 people have been chosen through applying a stratified random sampling. Simple linear regression, Friedman analysis and SPSS software have been applied to test the research hypotheses. The findings indicate that advertisements of Persian Insurance Company have been successful from the both perspectives of communication impact and consumer response of advertising. Finally, the advertising effectiveness of fire insurance has been appraised through Lavidge and Steiner model

    The investigation of Lavidge and Steiner model’s capability in measuring the advertising effectiveness of fire insurance (Case study: Insurance company in Mashhad)

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    Lavidge and Steiner model is one of the most fundamental models in the appraisal and analysis of insurance advertising. The present study intends to investigate the advertising effectiveness of fire insurance in an insurance company through Lavidge and Steiner model. The research is consisting of two types of independent variable of effective advertising and dependent variables which are as follows: awareness, knowledge, liking, preference, conviction and attracting the clients. On the basis of main subject of research and different stages of the model, a major hypothesis and six minor hypotheses have been brought up. The first five minor hypotheses have been dedicated to the investigation of the communication impacts of advertising and the sixth hypothesis has devoted to the consumer response. Statistical universe of the research are the insured people of fire insurance services in an insurance company, and 132 people have been chosen through applying a stratified random sampling. Simple linear regression, Friedman analysis and SPSS software have been applied to test the research hypotheses. The findings indicate that advertisements of Persian Insurance Company have been successful from the both perspectives of communication impact and consumer response of advertising. Finally, the advertising effectiveness of fire insurance has been appraised through Lavidge and Steiner model

    Investigating Customer Knowledge Sharing in Online Brand Communities with a Meta-synthesis Approach

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    Today, the customer is considered the most important partner for the value-creation process in organizations. Companies and organizations have also turned to use social media and online communities in order to improve their efficiency, cost-effectiveness, or the quality of their customer operations. The purpose of the present study is to identify the factors affecting the sharing of customer knowledge in online brand communities with the meta-synthesis technique. In this research, using the systematic review and qualitative meta-synthesis approach, the findings and results of studies from 2006 to 2022 are analyzed. To do this, the method of Sandelowski and Barroso (2006) has been used. In this research, after the initial search and refining of resources related to the subject of customer knowledge sharing in online communities, 76 sources were selected as final sources with the critical evaluation method. Then, using the qualitative method of document analysis using ATLAS.ti software, 7 dimensions and 74 components were identified as factors of customer knowledge sharing in online communities. The main dimensions identified are individual factors, social, motivational, technological factors, brand network relationship structure factors, brand-related factors, and knowledge-related factors. Managers and decision-makers of organizations and companies can adapt their company and organization to the competitive environment by understanding different aspects of online knowledge sharing.   Introduction The issue of knowledge sharing in online communities is widely important in various fields of education, human resource management, and marketing. Sharing customer knowledge leads to new product creation, existing product development, facilitating understanding of emerging market opportunities, and improving long-term customer relationships (Salim et al., 2022). In other words, the sharing of customer knowledge is important for both the organization and the customers themselves because in this way the companies will benefit from the business of the customers, and the development and improvement of the companies' activities will be provided (Sari et al., 2019). Therefore, identifying the factors that encourage and facilitate customer knowledge in online communities, especially online brand communities, is very important and the basis for the progress and excellence of companies. In this regard, in the present study, an attempt is made to identify and categorize the factors affecting customer knowledge sharing in online brand communities.   Methodology The current research is qualitative in nature based on practical purposes. The statistical population of the research is all the scientific research related to the research topic, the most relevant of which were selected using a meta-composite approach, which is a kind of systematic review. In order to achieve the coherence and integration of the results of studies related to the effective factors on the sharing of customer knowledge in online communities, in this research, the meta-synthesis method based on the seven-stage model of Sandelowski and Barroso (2006) was used. In this section, reliable sources and studies were reviewed in the field of customer knowledge sharing in online brand communities between 2006 and 2022. Findings In this research, after the initial search and refining of sources related to the subject of customer knowledge sharing in online communities, 76 sources were selected as final sources with the Critical Appraisal Skills Program and then with the qualitative method of document analysis using the ATLAS ti software. Seven main factors (categories) and 74 components were identified as factors of customer knowledge sharing in online communities. The main dimensions identified are individual factors, social, motivational, technological factors, brand network relationship structure factors, brand-related factors, and knowledge-related factors.    Conclusion As mentioned above, seven categories of factors were identified and categorized by using the meta-synthesis method. Individual factors are more focused on the personality aspects of customers and have been discussed in many studies. For example, according to Chang et al. (2013), extrovert people have a greater desire to share knowledge in online communities, or people's desire to help others and altruism have also been proposed in several studies as individual factors affecting knowledge sharing. The second identified factor is social factors. Social factors refer to the indicators based on which customers tend to meet their social needs and maintain their interaction with the society through sharing knowledge in online communities. As an example, indicators such as the feeling of belonging to the community or seeking social support have been confirmed in various studies such as Sari et al. (2019) and Degbey and Pelto (2021). Motivational factors also play an important role in customer participation in knowledge sharing. Among the sub-characteristics of this category of factors, hedonistic, emotional and social benefits, and incentive mechanisms are mentioned more than others in studies such as Munjal et al. (2019). The fourth group of factors affecting customer knowledge sharing is technological factors that mostly refer to technical aspects and platforms that provide access to the company's online space for customers. In this category, factors such as privacy (Arief et al., 2018), ease of use (Baima et al., 2022), and platform design (Li & Cox, 2021) can be seen, which show the importance of choosing a platform and its design for companies. Brand-related factors constitute the fifth group of factors affecting customer knowledge sharing in online communities. These factors are directly related to the characteristics and coordinates of the brand. In other words, if a company is able to act successfully in the way of branding and features such as brand trust (Dessart et al., 2015), brand satisfaction (Salim et al., 2020), and brand loyalty (li et al., 2022) can hope for success in sharing customer knowledge in online communities. Brand network relationship structure factors are the sixth group of factors affecting customer knowledge sharing, which emphasize the important role of communication factors. These factors have been mentioned in the studies of Salim et al. (2022) and Elsharnouby (2021). The last and seventh group of factors affecting the sharing of customers' knowledge in online communities are knowledge-related factors that are more effective from the content aspect.      

    Designing a supplier rating model and allocating the optimal purchase amount

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    AbstractIn today's global competition, choosing suppliers, increasing relationships with suppliers, and developing collaborative and sustainable relationships with them to reduce costs and increase flexibility against market changes is necessary and difficult. The present study aims to design a model for ranking suppliers and allocating the optimal number of purchases of sugar beet from the suppliers. The statistical population of the research is experts and specialists in the field of supplier selection at Torbat-e Heydarieh Sugar Company whose number is about 10 people based on proficiency, authority, and skills. The research method of this study is quantitative based on nature, and applicable based on purpose. In this research, to identify the basic criteria for the selection of suppliers, theoretical literature and experts' opinions have been used, and the method of the Analytic Hierarchy Process has been used to rank suppliers. In addition, to allocate the optimal order amount to each of the suppliers, the integration of the Goal Programming model with the Analytic Hierarchy Process has been used. The results of this research show that how Torbat-e Heydarieh Sugar Company can allocate optimal order amount to any of the suppliers by prioritizing them and also by examining the different parameters, according to the capacity of suppliers, and determine how the studied companies purchase their desired raw materials from suppliers to achieve the desired relative and strategic advantage.ExtendedIntroductionThe issue of supplier evaluation and achieving sustainability in the supply chain is one of the important components of supply chain management because suppliers play an important role in creating sustainability in the supply chain, which means achieving social, environmental, and economic goals and ultimately the success of the company. As much as the selection of suitable suppliers is effective in reducing costs and increasing the competitiveness of companies, the selection of inappropriate suppliers can also degrade the financial and operational position of companies (Baroto et al., 2022; Soheilifar and Falah Lajimi, 2019). The process of selecting suppliers is the most important factor in the effective management of the modern supply chain network because it helps in achieving high-quality products and customer satisfaction. Also, the performance of the supplier plays a key role in price, quality, delivery, and service in achieving the goals of the chain (Mohammed  et al., 2021; Tavakolian et al., 2020).Currently, the way to supply raw materials and evaluate suppliers in the supply chain is one of the challenges that organizations face for more profitability. Because of the ever-increasing number of suppliers due to the creation of competitive conditions, organizations need to develop a suitable methodology for evaluating and selecting suppliers as well as evaluating their performance to successfully reduce costs and increase the quality of services and products (Rashidi Komijan and Masoudifar, 2021).On the other hand; if the supplier cannot deliver the orders on time and with the required quality and reliability, issues and problems will arise in meeting the demand of the seller's customers and ultimately lead to customer dissatisfaction (Ha & Krishnan, 2008). A supplier that fails to deliver a guaranteed and sufficient product to the seller on time will result in customer loss (Gupta & Barua, 2017). Therefore, choosing a supplier is of considerable importance. During the process of choosing a supplier, especially in a competitive environment, it is very important to buy from a supplier who can meet the most criteria such as material quality, on-time delivery, etc. The current research aims to provide a multi-stage and consistent approach for selecting and ranking effective factors and providing a model for the best purchasing situation using the Goal Programming method, which initially identifies the effective criteria for the evaluation and selection of suppliers and the desired criteria using the hierarchical analysis method, then the important suppliers of Tarbat-e Haidarieh Sugar Company have been ranked and finally, the optimal amount of purchase from suppliers has been allocated using the AHP-GP mixed model.Theoretical frameworkRashidi Komijan and Masoudifar (2021) in a research titled "Mathematical model for evaluating suppliers and purchasing spare parts" showed that determining the group for each part according to the two dimensions of supply risk and criticality of the part is a suitable management tool for equipment supply management, and the use of the zero and one planning model is a suitable method for allocating orders in the field of spare parts, and the structure and components of the objective function and restrictions can be changed according to the type of organization.Firouzi & Jadidi (2021), in research entitled "Multi-objective model for supplier selection and order allocation problem through fuzzy parameters", presented a fuzzy multi-objective model for the supplier selection problem and have created a weight additive function to convert the fuzzy multi-objective model into a single objective fuzzy model that can effectively consider the preferences of decision-makers. Then, a separation method was used to solve the single-objective model with fuzzy parameters (Firouzi & Jadidi ,2021).Naqvi & Hassanzadeh Amin (2021) have written an article titled "Supplier selection and order allocation: a literature review." In this research, the articles conducted in the field of supplier selection have been reviewed, and the scope of the problem has been examined in three subcategories, including literature models, deterministic optimization models, and uncertain optimization models.MethodologyThis research is applied based on the purpose, and descriptive-survey based on the nature and method of research. Data collection has been done through interviews and distribution of questionnaires among senior and middle managers and experts involved in the purchase of beet sugar of Torbat-Haidarieh sugar factory. Also, through library studies and the use of references and sources related to the topic, the materials and topics related to the discussion have been extracted and used in the present research. The aim of this study is to provide a multi-stage and consistent approach to select the effective factors, rank them, and then provide a model for the best purchase situation using the Goal Programming method. This methodology can be divided into two main phases: the first phase includes the determination of quantitative and qualitative criteria and the use of an Analytic Hierarchy Process to weigh the criteria and options, and the second phase includes the identification of goal and systemic limitations and combining the results of the first phase with the Goal Programming method to allocate the optimal order amount to each supplier. The softwares used in this research were Expert Choice and Lindo 6.01.Discussion and ResultsThe purpose of this research is to provide a framework for the analysis and selection of suppliers of raw materials for Torbat-Haidaryeh Sugar Joint Stock Company. Therefore, this research provides a framework that determines the optimal combination of suppliers according to multiple quantitative and qualitative goals and takes into account system limitations so that the maximum possible value is achieved according to the opinions of experts and specialists of the company. One of the features of this research and the combined model is the possibility of considering the weight of decision-makers. This is important because the decision-making committee may include different members, each of whom has different positions in the organization. By accepting the assumption that different positions are the result of knowledge, experience, work records, etc., the executive director as the person in charge of the decision-making committee can compare the members of the committee in pairs, and finally, the weight of the decision-makers is obtained by calculating the special vector of the matrix. Then the next calculations will be influenced by the weight of the decision-makers. In this study, the factors influencing the selection of suppliers were first identified using literature and experts' opinions. Then these criteria and sub-criteria were prioritized using the AHP method. After that, each of the suppliers was rated for each criterion and also for all sub-criteria. In the next step, using the Goal Programming method, the optimal amount of order allocation to each supplier was determined, and according to the results of the research, the largest amount of purchase allocation should be made from Razavi Agricultural Company; Islamabad and Khezri Agricultural Company in the second place, and Marghzar Farmers’ Cooperative Company were ranked third according to the number of orders. Among the other advantages of this model, it can be mentioned that this model includes multiple criteria (quantitative and qualitative) such as grade, quality, timely delivery, etc. in the evaluation and selection of suppliers so that the optimal value according to the Goal limitations is allocated to selected suppliers.ConclusionAccording to the results of this research, at first, the effective components on the evaluation of suppliers were extracted based on the opinion of experts and theoretical foundations. After that, these components were prioritized. After prioritizing these components, all suppliers were evaluated based on these components. Finally, after prioritizing the suppliers based on these components, the optimal allocation of orders from suppliers was determined for each supplier. Among the evaluation components, shipping cost is one of the factors influencing the order (Gergi̇n et al., 2021; Jiang et al., 2018; Adalı & Işık, 2017) and most companies are formed near raw materials to bear the least excess cost. (Khan et al., 2016). Also, companies are generally looking for suppliers who can be more compatible with these companies in terms of conditions (Hadian et al., 2020; Gergi̇n et al., 2021), but in some situations, such as the lack of primary goods and the presence of strong competitors, the supplier gets a higher bargaining power and in this situation, the company has to adapt reluctantly to the supplier's conditions (Mohammed et al., 2021). In this situation, companies may have financial requests in the implementation of the contract (Öztürk & Paksoy, 2020). The more financially powerful the suppliers are and the more they can supply, the more they can change the conditions in their favor. On the other hand, the fewer competing companies in the market, the more companies can choose their suppliers with better conditions (Taherdoost and Brard, 2019). Governments can push companies to buy more products from suppliers by giving subsidies. However, companies tend to buy from suppliers with higher quality products (Rezaei et al., 2014; Adalı & Işık, 2017).The higher the quality of the products, the more companies look for the products of these suppliers (Fei et al., 2019). On the other hand, one of the most important factors for sugar beet companies is the grade of this product, and the companies have understood very well that products with higher grades lead to more profit for these companies; therefore, they are looking for buying quality products with suitable quality. Reassuring factors are among the factors that are of great importance in the process of supplier evaluation and selection. Suppliers whose delivery is fast and on time are more important for companies (Jain et al., 2018; Arabsheybani et al., 2018); because if the delivery time is inappropriate, it may cause problems for the company's production. In addition, suppliers who have stable delivery guarantee the future of the company's production (Hadian et al., 2020), and these suppliers are considered strategic partners of the company and are generally much easier adapt with the Companies' conditions to conclude a contract (Szmelter-Jarosz, 2020).The company should support its loyal suppliers and not leave them alone in critical situations, and the contract between the two should be designed in such a way that the risk is shared between the supplier and the company to create confidence on both sides of the transaction (kabgani & shahbandarzadeh, 2019; Junior et al., 2014). Due to the fact that in this research, the mentioned cases have been investigated, therefore, this research is in accordance with the research conducted in terms of using the mentioned variables. In this section, according to the results of the research and in line with expanding the scope of the dynamic problem of supplier selection and order amount allocation, it is suggested that from now on, using the results of this research, the selection of suppliers in this company to be done every year by systematically and scientifically collecting the information required by the models, and establish a marketing strategy related to the suppliers who have obtained high ranks in this research. Also, considering that the conclusion of the initial contract is the responsibility of the company's inspectors; a list of factors affecting the selection of suppliers based on the set priorities has been provided to each of the inspectors to identify the suppliers based on it and proceed to the final negotiations. After the ranking, it was found that the sugar beet quality criterion has a very important priority among the factors. Therefore, it is suggested that sugar production companies use the quality determination device (Betalyzer) to determine the quality of beet sugar

    Financial Management in Children: Today Need, Tomorrow Necessity

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    Nearly 80% of young people today will never be able to retire. Why? Because they lack the personal finance training that leads to long-term planning and future security. Connecting the dots between kids and money management skills prepares them for the financial realities the world will face over the next century. Pocket money is one of the first ways for children to learn the basics of managing money – a skill they’ll definitely need for life – and it makes children feel independent. Whether to give pocket money, and at what age, and how much to give are issues that often concern parents. There are many ways to handle this. To a large extent it depends on family values, practices and finances. The main reason for giving children pocket money is to help children learn to be able to manage money while they are still young and parents can guide them. It also may help children to feel that they are important members of the family, because they are given part of the family's spending money