205 research outputs found

    Health informatics domain knowledge analysis: An information technology perspective

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    Health Informatics is an intersection of information technology, several disciplines of medicine and health care. It sits at the common frontiers of health care services including patient centric, processes driven and procedural centric care. From the information technology perspective it can be viewed as computer application in medical and/or health processes for delivering better health care solutions. In spite of the exaggerated hype, this field is having a major impact in health care solutions, in particular health care deliveries, decision making, medical devices and allied health care industries. It also affords enormous research opportunities for new methodological development. Despite the obvious connections between Medical Informatics, Nursing Informatics and Health Informatics, most of the methodologies and approaches used in Health Informatics have so far originated from health system management, care aspects and medical diagnostic. This paper explores reasoning for domain knowledge analysis that would establish Health Informatics as a domain and recognised as an intellectual discipline in its own right

    Identifying and using eHealth phobias to implement communication protocols and change cultural and social behaviours in eHealth

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    Standardisation of validated communication protocols that aid in the adoption of policies, methods and tools in a secure eHealth setting require a significant cultural shift among clinician

    Computer experiment - a case study for modelling and simulation of manufacturing systems

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    Deterministic computer simulation of physical experiments is now a common technique in science and engineering. Often, physical experiments are too time consuming, expensive or impossible to conduct. Complex computer models or codes, rather than physical experiments lead to the study of computer experiments, which are used to investigate many scientific phenomena. A computer experiment consists of a number of runs of the computer code with different input choices. The Design and Analysis of Computer Experiments is a rapidly growing technique in statistical experimental design. This paper aims to discuss some practical issues when designing a computer simulation and/or experiments for manufacturing systems. A case study approach is reviewed and presented

    Barriers to the adoption of health information technology

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    Information Technology (IT) is successfully applied in a diverse range of fields. Though, the field of Medical Informatics is more than three decades old, it shows a very slow progress compared to many other fields in which the application of IT is growing rapidly. The spending on IT in health care is shooting up but the road to successful use of IT in health care has not been easy. This paper discusses about the barriers to the successful adoption of information technology in clinical environments and outlines the different approaches used by various countries and organisations to tackle the issues successfully. Investing financial and other resources to overcome the barriers for successful adoption of HIT is highly important to realise the dream of a future healthcare system with each customer having secure, private Electronic Health Record (EHR) that is available whenever and wherever needed, enabling the highest degree of coordinated medical care based on the latest medical knowledge and evidence. Arguably, the paper reviews barriers to HIT from organisations’ alignment in respect to the leadership; with their stated values when accepting or willingness to consider the HIT as a determinant factor on their decision-making processes. However, the review concludes that there are many aspects of the organisational accountability and readiness to agree to the technology implementation

    Information Accountability Framework for a Trusted Health Care System

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    Trusted health care outcomes are patient centric. Requirements to ensure both the quality and sharing of patients’ health records are a key for better clinical decision making. In the context of maintaining quality health, the sharing of data and information between professionals and patients is paramount. This information sharing is a challenge and costly if patients’ trust and institutional accountability are not established. Establishment of an Information Accountability Framework (IAF) is one of the approaches in this paper. The concept behind the IAF requirements are: transparent responsibilities, relevance of the information being used, and the establishment and evidence of accountability that all lead to the desired outcome of a Trusted Health Care System. Upon completion of this IAF framework the trust component between the public and professionals will be constructed. Preservation of the confidentiality and integrity of patients’ information will lead to trusted health care outcomes

    50 years of isolation

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    The traditional means for isolating applications from each other is via the use of operating system provided “process” abstraction facilities. However, as applications now consist of multiple fine-grained components, the traditional process abstraction model is proving to be insufficient in ensuring this isolation. Statistics indicate that a high percentage of software failure occurs due to propagation of component failures. These observations are further bolstered by the attempts by modern Internet browser application developers, for example, to adopt multi-process architectures in order to increase robustness. Therefore, a fresh look at the available options for isolating program components is necessary and this paper provides an overview of previous and current research on the area

    Evidence based healthcare planning in developing countries: An Informatics perspective

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    Most of the national Health Information Systems (HIS) in resource limited developing countries do not serve the purpose of management support and thus the service is adversely affected. While emphasising the importance of timely and accurate health information in decision making in healthcare planning, this paper explains that Health Management Information System Failure is commonly seen in developing countries as well as the developed countries. It is suggested that the possibility of applying principles of Health Informatics and the technology of Decision Support Systems should be seriously considered to improve the situation. A brief scientific explanation of the evolution of these two disciplines is included

    Designing and implementing usable and useful Accountable-eHealth systems

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    This tutorial primarily focuses on the technical challenges surrounding the design and implementation of Accountable-eHealth (AeH) systems. The potential benefits of shared eHealth records systems are promising for the future of improved healthcare; however, their uptake is hindered by concerns over the privacy and security of patient information. In the current eHealth environment, there are competing requirements between healthcare consumers' (i.e. patients) requirements and healthcare professionals' requirements. While consumers want control over their information, healthcare professionals want access to as much information as required in order to make well informed decisions. This conflict is evident in the review of Australia's PCEHR system. Accountable-eHealth systems aim to balance these concerns by implementing Information Accountability (IA) mechanisms. AeH systems create an eHealth environment where health information is available to the right person at the right time without rigid barriers whilst empowering the consumers with information control and transparency, thus, enabling the creation of shared eHealth records that can be useful to both patients and HCPs. In this half-day tutorial, we will discuss and describe the technical challenges surrounding the implementation of AeH systems and the solutions we have devised. A prototype AeH system will be used to demonstrate the functionality of AeH systems, and illustrate some of the proposed solutions. The topics that will be covered include: designing for usability in AeH systems, the privacy and security of audit mechanisms, providing for diversity of users, the scalability of AeH systems, and finally the challenges of enabling research and Big Data Analytics on shared eHealth Records while ensuring accountability and privacy are maintained

    Queensland University of Technology at TREC 2005

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    The Information Retrieval and Web Intelligence (IR-WI) research group is a research team at the Faculty of Information Technology, QUT, Brisbane, Australia. The IR-WI group participated in the Terabyte and Robust track at TREC 2005, both for the first time. For the Robust track we applied our existing information retrieval system that was originally designed for use with structured (XML) retrieval to the domain of document retrieval. For the Terabyte track we experimented with an open source IR system, Zettair and performed two types of experiments. First, we compared Zettair’s performance on both a high-powered supercomputer and a distributed system across seven midrange personal computers. Second, we compared Zettair’s performance when a standard TREC title is used, compared with a natural language query, and a query expanded with synonyms. We compare the systems both in terms of efficiency and retrieval performance. Our results indicate that the distributed system is faster than the supercomputer, while slightly decreasing retrieval performance, and that natural language queries also slightly decrease retrieval performance, while our query expansion technique significantly decreased performance

    Motivations, expectations and experiences of Australian rural and regional planners

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    Despite playing an extremely important role in shaping communities, the role and contribution of planners is not widely understood or acknowledged. At the same time, there is a shortage of planners in Australia, especially in non-urban areas. Thus, though an online survey of 185 rural and regional planners, this research explores their motivations, expectations and experiences. Most enjoyed and felt confident in their role, explaining that they valued the relaxed family orientated rural lifestyle and the varied nature of the planning work. Although they sometimes felt isolated, the non-urban location provided quicker progression to senior roles, the ability to engage directly with the community and to see the consequences of their decisions. Only half felt their education had prepared them well for their role, citing gaps in terms of computerised modelling, team leadership and conflict resolution skills. Their feedback centred on providing a more practical course, focussing more on regional planning, and encouraging urban and rural experience placements. As the first study to quantifiably explore rural and regional Australian planners perceptions of their role and challenges, the findings illustrate current experiences, key planning challenges, perceived educational gaps and future priorities
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