17 research outputs found


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    In this paper we suggest that modern tourism planning of a destination should include participation from all levels of the community (direct stakeholders, local residents and differing age groups) if the participatory process is to be extensive and universal within the community. We see participatory planning as a critical success factor in seeking to satisfy the requirements of the modern paradigm of sustainability and responsibility in tourism. A community-based approach to tourism development is a prerequisite to sustainability. This focuses on community involvement in the planning and development process and developing the types of tourism, which generate real social and economic benefits to local communities. Representing the interests and fulfilling the needs of various users is one reason for enabling their participation. Interestingly, children & youth are often overlooked in this regard even though adults may not adequately represent their needs. An important outcome of participatory planning is the process of collective learning that takes place through the underlying process of dialogue. We will refer in the paper to parallel research conducted with colleagues in Slovenia focusing in detail on the role of children & youth in the participatory process of developing sustainable tourism at a local level. This includes a view that planning for sustainable tourism development is an effort to shape the future. Among stakeholders and community participants, children & youth have a significant voice in the future and to a strong degree should have the right to engage in development. The paper seeks to assess the role of participatory structures in planning and development and in the role of children & youth as stakeholders in the planning of local destination management.U ovom radu polazimo od pretpostavke, kako u suvremenom planiranju turističkog razvoja destinacije treba težiti da su u participativni proces uključene sve razine lokalne zajednice (direktni dionici u turizmu, lokalno stanovništvo kao i različite starosne skupine). Posljednje navedeno jedino osigurava univerzalni i sveobuhvatni participativni proces planiranja u turističkoj destinaciji. Ocjenjujemo, da je participativnost svih dionika kritičan faktor uspjeha za osiguranje održivog i odgovornog turističkog razvoja u des-tinaciji. Na taj način osiguran je razvoj turizma, koji generira realne socijalne, okolišne i ekonomske koristi za lokalnu zajednicu. Mogućnost za iskaz participacije treba biti omogućena svim dionicima u destinaciji. Interesantno, djeca i mladi često su izostavljeni iz ovog procesa, iako u većini slučajeva odrasla generacija ne može adekvatno izraziti njihov pogled na budući turis-tički razvoj u destinaciji. Značajan rezultat participativnog procesa je i međusobna komunikacija te izmjena iskustva u procesu planiranja razvoja turističke destinacije. U radu se referiramo i na paralelno istraživanje, koje su izveli kolege iz Slovenije, s fokusom na ulogu djece u participativnom procesu planiranja turističke destinacije. Smatramo da je to od važnog značaja za osiguranje elementa održivosti za budući razvoj u turističkoj destinaciji. Između svih dionika u planiranju razvoja destinacije, djeca i mlada generacija trebaju i moraju imati svoju ulogu i svoj glas, kako bi participativni proces bio cjelovit odnosno sveobuhvatan


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    In this paper we seek to identify what we see as a dysfunctional barrier in the development of environmentally and economically sustainable tourism at a local level. Changing shifts in tourism markets have led to the greater importance of sustainable tourism initiatives, which by their very nature will tend to have a locally oriented concept, as opposed to a national or international concept. Our research used four comparative case-studies to consider the potential advantage of locally focused bottom-up tourism models based on coalitions of key local actors over top-down models based on national or international structures.U svom radu nastojimo identificirati ono što smatramo disfunkcionalnim barijerama u razvoju ekološki i ekonomski održivog turizma na lokalnoj razini. Pomaci na turističkom tržištu doveli su do inicijative, da se veća važnost pridaje onim kretanjima koja po svojoj prirodi imaju tendenciju ka lokalnoj orijentaciji, za razliku od nacionalno ili međunarodno usmjerenog koncepta. U našem smo istraživanju komparativno upotrijebili četiri studije slučaja u kojima je izražena prednost lokalno usmjerenih turističkih modela prema metodi „odozdo prema gore“, odnosno participativnog planiranja, u čijem je temelju koalicija ključnih lokalnih aktera posloženih obrnuto od modela „odozgo prema dolje“ utemeljenom na nacionalnim ili međunarodnim strukturama


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    Designing and presenting a destination as a tourist product is a process, which is influenced by different issues. Among them are perceptions of destination and attitudes towards a destination. In this study we have examined how media representation of destination safety and security affects attitudes about tourism destinations. Safety and security are important questions in the field of tourism and therefore we initially present different aspects of this topic. This research question was addressed as an experiment among students of tourism, who are future tourism product designers. The independent variable was the projection of terrorist attack films on observed destinations. The experiment used different questionnaires – among them was a nonverbal semantic differential. The results of these questionnaires showed that the perception of different destinations is lower than before the experiment and therefore that the safety and security issues are important factors when designing a tourist product.Projektiranje i predstavljanje destinacije kao turističkog proizvoda je proces na koji utječu različiti problemi. Među njima su i percepcije destinacije i stavovi prema destinaciji. U ovom smo istraživanju ispitali kako medijska prezentacija sigurnosti destinacije utječe na stavove o turističkim odredištima. Pitanja sigurnosti su važna na području turizma i zato u početku predstavljamo različite aspekte ove teme. Istraživanje je postavljeno kao eksperiment među studentima turizma koji su budući kreatori turističkih proizvoda. Nezavisna varijabla bila je projekcija filmova terorističkih napada na promatranim destinacijama. Eksperiment je koristio različite upitnike - među njima je bio neverbalni semantički diferencijal. Rezultati tih upitnika pokazali su, da je percepcija različitih destinacija niža nego prije eksperimenta i stoga su sigurnosna pitanja itekako važni čimbenici pri projektiranju turističkog proizvoda

    An archive of physics: 130 years of scientific research online

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    Presentation in the ICSTI 2004 Public Conference titled 'Technical and Economic Challenges of Scientific Information: (STM Content Access, Linking and Archiving)'. ICSTI Public Conference was hosted by The IEE at Savoy Place in London on May 17th 2004

    第4回 SPARC Japan 連続セミナー2007(SPARC Japan-ALPSP 特別セミナー)「学術出版と学会 Journal Publishing and Scholarly Societies」学術誌の世界的マーケティング プロモーション、新規顧客、新たな財源確保の機会 発表資料

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    第4回 SPARC Japan 連続セミナー2007(SPARC Japan-ALPSP 特別セミナー) 「学術出版と学会 Journal Publishing and Scholarly Societies」 開催場所:国立情報学研究所 12階会議室 日時:2008年1月17日(木)10:00~17:0

    the 4th SPARC Japan Seminar 2007 (SPARC Japan-ALPSP Seminar) "Journal Publishing and Scholarly Societies" Marketing Journals Globally Promotions, new customers, new revenue opportunities Presentation Material

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    第4回 SPARC Japan 連続セミナー2007(SPARC Japan-ALPSP 特別セミナー) 「学術出版と学会 Journal Publishing and Scholarly Societies」 開催場所:国立情報学研究所 12階会議室 日時:2008年1月17日(木)10:00~17:0

    第4回 SPARC Japan 連続セミナー2007(SPARC Japan-ALPSP 特別セミナー)「学術出版と学会 Journal Publishing and Scholarly Societies」ケース・スタディ:英国物理学会出版局 オープンアクセス構想のレビュー(1998-2007)発表資料

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    第4回 SPARC Japan 連続セミナー2007(SPARC Japan-ALPSP 特別セミナー) 「学術出版と学会 Journal Publishing and Scholarly Societies」 開催場所:国立情報学研究所 12階会議室 日時:2008年1月17日(木)10:00~17:0

    the 4th SPARC Japan Seminar 2007 (SPARC Japan-ALPSP Seminar) "Journal Publishing and Scholarly Societies" Case Study: Institute of Physics Publishing A Review of Open Access Initiatives 1998 – 2007 Presentation Material

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    第4回 SPARC Japan 連続セミナー2007(SPARC Japan-ALPSP 特別セミナー) 「学術出版と学会 Journal Publishing and Scholarly Societies」 開催場所:国立情報学研究所 12階会議室 日時:2008年1月17日(木)10:00~17:0

    Balkan Migration Crisis and its Impact on Tourism

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    This paper attempts to quantify, understand and analyse the effect of the migrant flows upon tourism destinations, considering the funnel theory, as a system, focusing on the beginning (inputs), through (throughput) and at the end of the funnel (outputs). Empirically, the research examines three key questions: 1. Importance of tourism economically to countries in the West Balkan Migrant Corridor; 2. Intensive nature of tourism for these countries; 3. Socio-economic consequences of the migrant flows. The crisis and its effects on tourism looks at a funnel that transmits migrants from the Aegean Sea through the West Balkans to North-West Europe. Importantly, the funnel crisis points are in Greece (beginning) and in Germany (end); the intermediate problem areas (Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia) have been in the throughput of the migrants through the funnel. It must also take account of the security situation in Turkey as well as the difficulty of EU member states in assimilating migrants on the route. Based on the results of the research conducted to date, with the sectional sample data from 2014-2017, it is possible to affirm that the migration crisis in West Balkans countries and countries connected to the migrant corridor has impacted only marginally on tourism. However, This problem is socioeconomic yet deeply humanitarian; whilst unfortunate to reduce a deeply disturbing human issue, such an analysis of “people-flows through the funnel” allows an attempt to quantify, understand and analyse the effect of the migrant flows upon tourism destinations