3,924 research outputs found
Introduction to Sociology 3e
Review of OER Sociology textbook by Tonja R. Conerly, Kathleen Holmes, and Asha Lal Tamang, available at https://openstax.org/details/books/introduction-sociology-3e?Book%20detail
Strategic Judicial Preference Revelation
We examine the revelation of preferences of justices whose true ideologies are not known at the moment of entering the Court but gradually become apparent through their judicial decisions. In the context of a two-period President-Senate-Court game — a generalization of Moraski and Shipan (1999) — we show that, while moderate new justices always vote truthfully, more extreme new justices may vote untruthfully at the beginning of their tenures. By concealing their true ideologies, new justices move the perceived ideology of the overall Court closer to their own, which in turn influences the selection of future members of the Court. New justices will sometimes have an incentive to exaggerate the extremeness of their overall preferences, and at other times they will seek to appear more moderate. The manifestation of the untruthful voting will depend on the characteristics of the cases they face, their initial ideologies and the ideologies of the President and Senate. Additionally, untruthful voting is more likely when the probabilities of retirement of the current justices are large. Finally, we assess judicial incentives to shape their perceived retirement probabilities.Court, judicial preferences, evolution preferences, truthful vote
The Canon, December 1983
Mark, Why are You Barking? by Paul Otto Drought by Laura Apol [photo of country road] by LeRoy Berentschot [drawing of head in hands] by Tonja Veltman Grandfather by Laura Apol Grandma by Lynn De Young Saturday Night Ragtime by Steve Powell Mothers -- Is There Life After Delivery? by Jim Broek [photo of baby] by Lori Dykhouse [drawing of boy with folded hands] by Tonja Veltman Ice Scream Boy by Michael Brands The Dawning and the Dew by Lin Nibbelink April Blues by Lin Nibbelink [drawing of flowers on stem] by Karen Niewenhuis Indian Summer by Laura Apol [drawing of leaves on branch] by Renee Vander Stelt Confessional by Lynn De Young [photo of person in shadow] by LeRoy Berentschot deep inside your darkmoon eyes... by Lin Nibbelink passion to see swaying wheat... by Mark-Philip Venema ENIGMATIC DEATH by Mark-Philip Venema Second Coming by Brian Westra [photo of clothespins on electric wires] by LeRoy Berentschot Dry Pond by Luke Seerveld Prayer Meeting by Luke Seerveld [photo of water under bridge] by LeRoy Berentschot For Want of Something Better To Do by David Sawtelle Gideon Elected by Lori Walburg [drawing of violin] by Renee Vander Stelt Haiku by Ellen De Groot When he says those things... by Lin Nibbelink Here and Now by Mike Dykstra [photo of strawberries in a bowl] by LeRoy Berentschot [photo of a fork] by Tonja Veltman Tan Flat by Steve Powell [photo of dancer\u27s feet] by LeRoy Berentschot Mistake by Mike Dykstrahttps://digitalcollections.dordt.edu/dordt_canon/1027/thumbnail.jp
Competing Models of Judicial Coalition Formation and Case Outcome Determination
Forming a coalition on a multi-judge panel involves an inherent trade-off between coalition maximization and ideological outcome optimization. Much scholarship is premised on assumptions about how judges make that trade-off; these assump-tions have consequences for how we view and measure judicial decision-making. Specifying these assumptions, formally modeling their effects, and basing mea-sures of judicial behavior on these results offer the potential to improve analysis of judicial decision-making. This article formally explores three commonly posited modes of judicial decision-making: a minimum winning coalition model, representing attitudinalist views of judicial decision-making; a maximum winning coalition, capturing the effect of norms of joint opinion writing and collegiality; and a strategic model, incorporating the concept of the credibility of a marginal justice’s threat to de-fect from a majority coalition. Each model yields comprehensive predictions of case outcome positions and coalition sizes under given Court compositions; the Rehnquist Court and Roberts Courts are examined here. The models are then operationalized as measures for empirical use. The different impact of the three measures is illustrated by re-running Baird and Jacobi’s analysis of judicial signal-ing on case outcomes using each measure.
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada siswa Kelas IV di SD Negeri 5 Tonja pada Semester I yang prestasi belajarnya masih rendah. Tujuan dilakukan penelitian tindakan kelas ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kuantum dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar peserta didik. Penelitian tindakan kelas ini yang dilakukan dalam dua siklus melalui tahapan-tahapan perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi/pengamatan dan refleksi. Tes prestasi belajar merupakan alat yang digunakan dalam mengumpulkan data hasil penelitian yang selanjutnya dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya peningkatan kemampuan peserta didik mengikuti proses pembelajaran dari rata-rata awal 63,23 meningkat menjadi 77,50 pada siklus I dan meningkat menjadi 86,27 pada siklus II dengan ketuntasan belajar awal 32% pada siklus I meningkat menjadi 77 % dan pada siklus II meningkat menjadi 100%. Simpulan yang dapat diambil dari hasil tersebut adalah penerapan model pembelajaran kuantum dalam pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran mampu meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa.Kata kunci : Model Pembelajaran Kuantum, Prestasi Belajar Pendidikan Agama Hindu dan Budi Pekert
Follow-up Telephone Contact following Discharge from Long-Term Acute Care Hospitals
Readmissions to acute care hospitals within 30 days post discharge are a burden to healthcare economy. Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (2007) estimated a cost of $12 billion dollars is spent each year on Medicare patients who are readmitted to an acute care hospital within 30 days post discharge. MedPAC (2007) estimated that 75% of those readmissions are avoidable. A review of the literature was conducted. Thirteen studies were reviewed and analyzed and the results of the literature review indicated there is evidence supportive of implementing telephone follow-up contact with patients discharged from the LTACH to assess for additional needs and to intervene early in the event of health deterioration. The purpose of this project was to implement the post discharge telephone follow up contact for patients discharged from an LTACH that is part of a larger health system. One of the interventions in Project RED was used to implement the post discharge telephone contact. Tools used to collect data were those contained in the Project RED toolkit (Boston University Medical School, 2014). Statistical analyses included frequency distribution tables for demographic data and readmission rate outcome data; and independent tests to analyze the differences between the baseline group and the intervention group. Results indicated that there was no difference in the mean age or LOS between the Baseline and Intervention groups. The results indicated a lower readmission rate in the intervention group compared to the baseline group
Representasi Peran Guru Dalam Pembentukan Pendidikan Karakter Bagi Siswa Sekolah Dasar di SDN 3 Tonja Denpasar
Guru merupakan tenaga pendidik yang berperan penting dalam kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara. Pada jenjang pendidikan mulai dari pendidikan formal, pendidikan dasar, dan pendidikan menengah guru memiliki pengaruh bagi siswa siswi yang diajarkan dalam sebuah metode pembelajaran atau dalam hal berperilaku. Falsafah jawa mengatakan bahwa Guru merupakan singakatan dari “Digugu lan Ditiru”, maka dari itu peran guru sangat besar dalam pembentukan pola pikir serta karakter anak didik. Mitra dalam kegiatan ini adalah SD Negeri 3 Tonja. Di era kini, guru dituntut untuk memaksimalkan perannya sebagai tenaga pendidik dalam melakukan proses belajar mengajar. Guru diharapkan memiliki inovasi pada model pembelajaran yang aktif, inovatif dan mampu menanamkan pendidikan karakter dalam proses belajar. Namun hal tersebut masih menjadi kendala bagi guru di SD Negeri 3 Tonja. Guru masih menggunakan metode pembelajaran yang ada dan masih belum mampu untuk mencari ide inovatif sebagai bentuk pendidikan karakter siswa yang aktif. Oleh karena itu, untuk meningkatkan integritas guru sebagai tenaga pendidik serta meningkatkan kepemahaman dan implementasi dari pentingnya pendidikan karakter guru sebagai bekal berkualitas untuk anak didik, maka pada kesempatan ini kami mengusulkan kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat berupa sosialisasi peran guru dalam pembentukan pendidikan karakter siswa di SD N 3 Tonja Denpasar. Kegiatan yang dilakukan berupa materi tentang pendidikan karakter, games dan modul pembelajaran tentang pendidikan karakter untuk guru. Kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat memberikan manfaat bagi Guru dalam memberikan pengajaran berupa sikap, sifat dalam kehidupan yang ada di sekolah dan pelajaran berupa materi agar siswa siswi mengetahui pentingnya penanaman pendidikan melalui karakter untuk kehidupan mereka mendatang. Proses pelatihan berjalan dengan baik. Hasil quisioner evaluasi juga menyatakan bahwa para guru merasa pelatihan tersebut sangat memberikan manfaat bagi mereka tentang ketidakpahaman dan jalan buntu menerapkan peran mereka dalam proses pembentukan karakter anak di era yang serba modern dan berbahaya bagi generasi bangsa jika tidak terfilter dengan baik
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