6 research outputs found

    From patent counting towards the system of IP strategic indicators

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    The strategies of the European Union and its Member States suppose that intellectual property (IP) created as the result of R&D is the engine of economic growth and welfare in society. Studies based on the European Regional Innovation Scoreboard (RIS) have demonstrated that R&D investments, support to the high technology industry and patenting intensity of the public sector differ in high- and low-income European countries. This fact refers to the need for adequate IP strategic indicators’ system facilitating innovation in less developed countries.The paper aims to conceptualize and suggest a strategic indicators’ system of IP for a small efficiency-driven economy.In contrast to the rather modest level of patenting by industry, universities of the Baltic States file approximately 50% of PCT patent applications. Therefore, it is crucial to overcome barriers, hindering universities’ IP commercialization. Academia-Industry collaboration includes two types of IP strategies: Active non-linear and Passive linear behavioural models of universities and public sector. An essential part of the active approach focuses on the “soft measures” for networking with firms in collaborative platforms such as AIMday® at the Uppsala University in Sweden. The proposed IP strategy system involves qualitative and quantitative indicators at the state as well as university and company level. The comparison of academic publishing and patenting by the staffs of Tartu and Uppsala universities testifies to their rather same levels of productivity. Three times wider patent families of the inventions of Uppsala origin characterize actors’ market ambition as well as the strength of University-Industry linkages that are more developed in Uppsala than in Tartu

    The entrepreneurial journey of venture creation: reshaping process and space

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    Abstract The author develops further technology-based entrepreneurial journey and process concepts and models as well as defining the space of opportunity development between of the edges: Discovery & Exploitation, Arbitrage & Innovation and Existing & Created Opportunities. For that, new stage model of the entrepreneurial process will be introduced in the next section followed by a description of the entrepreneurial journey based on that. From the analysis of objectivist and constructivist approaches to opportunities, the ways are deduced how entrepreneurs learn to apply and develop entrepreneurial opportunities. As a result, the framework of the HTSF entrepreneurial journey is presented. The main value of the paper is the development further entrepreneurial journey, the entrepreneurial process and entrepreneurial opportunity (corridor) concepts for technology entrepreneurship (HTSFs) and suggestion a framework for further empirical validation.    Keywords: entrepreneurship; entrepreneurial process; high-tech ventures; new venture creation; technology entrepreneurshipLas oportunidades emprendedoras y el proceso emprendedor se han entendido durante mucho tiempo como la base y el corazón del emprendimiento. En este artículo, utilizando el pensamiento sistémico y un enfoque sistémico, reformamos el modelo dinámico de etapas del proceso emprendedor para crear un método novedoso para la configuración y las métricas de progresión del viaje emprendedor. Con este fin, hemos justificado que la madurez del proyecto se corresponde con la dimensión generalizada que caracteriza el viaje emprendedor en la escala temporal. Hasta el lanzamiento de la empresa, la madurez percibida (por el empresario) de la empresa es la que describe la progresión del viaje emprendedor. Los artefactos generados dentro de las etapas del proceso emprendedor sirven como marcadores de la progresión del viaje. También suponemos la combinación del carácter discreto y continuo de la trayectoria del viaje emprendedor entre los confines que delimitan los corredores del espacio de oportunidad. Este artículo contribuye a los enfoques existentes que facilitan una mejor comprensión del viaje emprendedor y los conceptos de proceso al examinar las interconexiones entre el proceso emprendedor, el viaje, la madurez de la empresa, el tiempo y el espacio